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篇一:harry potter(哈利波特1 英文影评)

中国传媒大学 2014-2015 学年第 1期

题 目

学生姓名 王婷

学 号 班 级 学生所属学院 外国语学院

任课教师 彭展

教师所属学院 外国语学院

成 绩

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first part of the HARRY POTTER FILMS, achieved great success in the global stage in 2002. China just joined the WTO and began to open up bit by bit on films and other entertainment, which is a really good chance for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Furthermore, its vivid

characterization and gripping plot also contributed to its spectacular box office success. But there is another important successful factor which is easy to be

forgotten is the skilled and natural film translation.

The film follows Harry Potter, a young wizard who discovers his magical heritage, as he makes close friends and a few enemies in his first year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With the help of his friends, Harry faces an attempted

comeback by the dark wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents, but failed to kill Harry when he was just one year old.

In the view of film translation, translation of this film has received widely praise and the translator, who is a skilled professor in the Shanghai Film Studio, has translated hundreds of foreign movies such as Shrek and Garfield. He takes in charge of the oral and subtitle translation for public show and there is another version of translation for just subtitles. By comparing these two versions the conclusion is that the subtitle one is a faithful and at times literal adaptation but the culturally-loaded words in English is difficult for foreigners to understand if they are literally translated into Chinese in a simple way, however, the public one used more slang and idioms and some colloquial expressions which is going to upgrade how the movie sound in Chinese language. Here are some examples to illustrate and explain my ideas.

At the beginning of this film Harry Potter went to a zoo with his aunt and his

elder male cousin, the conversation between Harry and the snake has two types of translation. The subtitle one is:”对不起,他不了解你的感觉,像这样一天又一天地躺在这儿,看人们硬把丑脸贴到你面前。”and the public one is:“真对不起,他从没尝过那种滋味,一天一天的躺在那儿,面对那些凑过来看你的丑八怪”which added “他从没尝过那种滋味” to make the translation easier to understand and turn the word “丑脸”to more oral and vivid word“丑八怪”which makes those sentences like what a 10 year old boy would like to say.

在大胡子去哈利波特姨母家寻找哈利并送上礼物时有这样一段翻译,When Ribus Hagrid went to find Harry and invited him to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and gave him a birthday gift here goes a subtitle

translation:“嗯这才对嘛,我这儿有个东西要送你,好像不小心被我压到了。不过味道是不会变的。”and the public one is:“你不是就没人是了。送你个礼物,被我的屁股压坏了一点儿,不过我想味儿还是一样鲜.” To be honest, I really prefer the public one for it shows how rough but cute Ribus Hagrid is and in terms of intercultural respect, the public one uses domesticating translation method and translate the sentences in a more local tone, for example, when Ribus Hagrid went to borrow the key from a elfin he said: “There is the little evil”the public one

translate it into“小鬼难缠”a native Chinese phrase which is really vivid. And when those students play a ball game the players take their positions as Madame Hooch

steps out onto the field to begin the game and said:“ Now I want a nice clean game from all of you .”in the version of subtitle one it is:“我希望这会是场光明正大的比赛”directly and flat while the public one is:“我希望双方能赛出水平赛出风格。”this is also a domesticating translation,”赛出水平赛出风格” is a typical Chinese

opening remarks but this translation seems not unnatural and rigid, on the contrary this translation highlight the characteristics of Madame Hooch,


a frank ,

straightforward lady.

Moreover, language, culture and customs are not separated; It requires

incredible facility to overcome untranslatability. Here are some magic curses to

illustrate this. Subtitle version translate those curses more directly and regardless of the rhyme such as:“阳光雏菊甜奶油,将这只又胖又笨的老鼠变成黄色”while the public one is:“阳光雏菊黄油香香,快快把这笨肥鼠变黄。”which is funny rhyming and impressive; the subtitle version is: “兔子眼,竖琴,快把清水变成酒”while the public one turn this curse into:“兔眼溜溜 竖琴悠悠 把这清水变美酒” a smooth and easy sentence.

Although Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone has met with wide approval,

there are still some faults and mistakes to be considered. Firstly, both of these two versions are lack of real emotion. Secondly, those translations are too literary, but film translation should be more oral and native. For instance, the teacher of Harry Potter said:“there will be no foolish wand-waving , or silly incantations in this class .I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses , I can tell you how to bottle fame brew glory and even put a stopper in death.”both of those two versions fail to give a good translation, the public one is:“在我的课堂上可不许胡乱挥舞魔杖, 没事乱念咒语,我可以教你们如何对心灵施魔法,如何使感官入圈套,我会教你们贮藏名气,酿造辉煌,甚至能教你们如何造成长生不老药。” Those phrases like“贮藏名气”、“酿造辉煌”and“使感官入圈套”is too literary. There are also many curses cannot be translated for cultural diversity so used transliterated words so that the audience cannot understand what the film wants to express. Secondly, many names of main characters use translated words and there are some mistakes in place names. As the first part of the HARRY POTTER FILM, those mistakes might be excused.

From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that film translation in our country has a systematic framework of theory to guide translating activity but there are still many shortcomings to be improved.




《火焰杯》是个转折点,在这一集电影里“你知道他是谁”第一次出现了若隐若现的形体(说句题外话,我认为挑选拉尔夫·法因斯出演此角是个极为英明的决策,他身上那种与生俱来的英式贵族孤绝气质与角色配合得严丝合缝),然后总悬念便逐渐喧宾夺主了。 从《凤凰社》开始,《哈利·波特》系列影片逐渐有些乏味。跟前面四部比起来,整部影片流于特技展示,虽然截至目前为之这是“你知道他是谁”出场最多的戏分,不过热身赛总归没有总决赛打得好看,而且好段子都得留到最后才使不是?所以观众们只看到整容不成功的“你知道他是谁”跟道骨仙风的邓布利多拿着魔杖飙激光,基本上不碍哈利·波特什么事——反正我们的小正太是人魔共知的“The Chosen One”,死不了,那就绝对死不了。





Alan Havis用“禁忌和僭越”来对邪典电影进行盖棺定论(参阅Cult Films: Taboo and Transgression, University Press of America, 2007),这话一针见血。其实《哈利·波特》正是这么做的。你说他恐怖吧,有那么一点;你说他凶杀吧,当然也不少;你说他暴力吧,还是不少。但是你又不能说这不是一部儿童片——当然也有人这么说,只不过声音未成主流。《哈利·波特》自从“你知道他是谁”逐渐现身后,就愈发阴暗恐怖,随便举一例:《混血王子》里邓布利多带着哈利去取魂器,结果水塘里全是小怪物爬出,一时间爷俩困在孤岛上,那一幕甚至让我有了看山姆·雷米作品的恍惚。




电影开始了,我冷不丁的被伏地魔下了一跳,持续了两秒钟后恢复正常。 看到里面的哈利从孩提时的可爱到长大后的青春活力,看到他的朋友们一起携手并肩作战,当然也少不了他们在魔法学校的欢乐时光。电影讲了哈利、罗恩、赫敏潜入古灵阁,盗取伏地魔的魂器,他们的任务是摧毁魂器。




1年8班 李文峰




我真有点佩服这本书的作者,竟有那么丰富的想象力!然而,我最佩服的就是哈利波特和他的伙伴们(罗恩韦斯莱和赫敏格兰杰),他们面对邪恶和困难永不退缩的精神让我始终难忘。他们始终有一个信念:“我们要战胜一切,战胜邪恶,用我们学到、懂得、知道的魔法和常识来战胜我们的敌人,只要我们齐心协力,就可以战胜邪恶,正义永远战胜邪恶”。多么坚信的信念啊,有了这个信念,他们总会胜利,因为邪恶总是斗不过正义的。 让我感动得流泪的就是《哈利波特与混血王子》这本书。在这本书里才真正表露出了哈利波特与罗恩和赫敏的真实的友情。当他们在一起战胜了一切的难关时,又发生了一些事......最后哈利波特已决定他要去找他的姑妈一家人,接着再去找魂器。罗恩和赫敏知道以后,他们就决定陪同哈利波特一起战斗。从这段中我读出了真正的友谊,那就是“为了朋友、为了拯救这个魔法世界,不惜一切代价。”这才叫真正的友谊。

从《哈利波特与凤凰社》这本书中我还得知了另一件事,那就是“爱”。在《哈利波特与魔法石》这本书中,讲到哈利波特头上的那个“伤疤”。在别人看来这个伤疤是救哈利波特的魔法,其实谁也没有想到这“伤疤”的奥秘。在《哈利波特与凤凰社》一书中讲到了哈利波特“伤疤”的原因。他的伤疤是由“爱”形成的。从而我也知道了“母爱”是伟大的。 我想我应该用“牺牲”这个词来形容这部哈利波特终结篇《哈利波特与死亡圣器》。所有人都为了打败伏地魔而勇敢地献出生命,就连主人公哈利波特也是勇敢地去面对了那可怕的死亡,可是他最终还是没有辜负大家,战胜了死亡也战胜了伏地魔。

总之,这本书给我的感觉只能用一个词来形容--“神奇”。在这个世界的另一个角落里,有一个神奇的国度。在那里,有一个拥有不可思议力量的男孩--哈利波特和他忠实的伙伴们和亲人们。他们齐心协力最终打败了伏地魔,而我再次拿起书阅读时,也随之掉入了一个魔法的时空,与他们共同经历苦难、喜悦、悲伤...... 也不断地使我成长。


1、 Harry Porter and the philosopher's stone.

After watching "Harry Potter and the Philosorcerer's stone", I think, Harry Porter was so brave, kind-hearted, fortitude, face the danger.Hermione Granger is so smart, always cool to use wisdom to save comrades.Ron Weasley is good at chess, is so heavy friendship.Professor Dumbledore, the overall situation......

So, I think, when we or our friends in adversity, be brave and cool with wisdom.

2、Harry Porter and the chamber of Secrets

This movie is Gilderoy Lockhart so speechless, he in order to make money at the other wizards to

stop on my own.In real life, also have such

traders, I judge them only two words: shame on you!I really hope that those unscrupulous traders to forsake heresy and return to the truth, also let consumers more secure.


