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一放暑假,我就迷上了英国著名作家J·K·罗琳写作的哈利·波特系列丛书。只要一有空,我就捧起这套书,津津有味的读起来。两个星期,我就读完了全套丛书七本中的五本。 这套书讲述了一位巫师家庭出身的小男孩哈利·波特和他的朋友一起,经历了重重考验,用他们的智慧、勇敢、执着和自身拥有的神秘力量,打败了狂暴、凶残、野心勃勃、魔力高强的伏地魔,并将伏地魔的爪牙走狗--食死徒绳之以法,结束了魔法界几十年以来的动乱,重新统一魔法界的故事,同时还生动地展示了以哈利波特为首的一群孩子逐渐成长、成熟的过程。全书想象奇特,描写精彩,引人入胜,让我爱不释手。









翻看着这套书,不仅仅是享受魔法世界的奇妙,更多的是对人生的感悟。 正视人生

在第一部中,有一面厄里斯魔镜,它令哈利看见了内心最渴望看见的父母,以致他一再沉迷其中。直至邓布利多教授及时劝阻了他:“这面镜子只能令我们虚度时日” “不要沉湎于虚幻的梦想,而忘记现实的生活”









抚顺市东方德才小学校 三年二班



>Many people might start out an "Intro to Harry Potter" by probably giving you a summary about the first book, but not me. Nope. No siree! Not when I've had my coffee and iced apple juice and blinked at the computer screen several ten hundred times! No, I'm giving you the low down about Harry Potter and that's the main fact!

< >Once you have read Harry Potter, you will realize that Harry Potter is a name that will always be with you, for your whole life, no matter where you go, or how you live your life. Harry Potter will always be there, having an impact on your life.

< >You see, Harry Potter is not just a regular, common name, but the name of an amazing person, full of bravery, courage, fear, love, confusion, knowledge, and understanding. Despite being a fictional character, he is the kind of person you can just fall in love with by just reading about his courage, bravery, humor, and everything about him that makes him special and unique.

< >The mystery and magic about Harry is hypnotic and indulging (though, of course not evil and/or satanic). You can't not fall in love with him, as you wait - eagerly anticipating his next adventures, feeling his emotions, laughing along with jokes, and just feeling satisfied when you close the book. That is what a truly classical and historical book is and Harry Potter is truly classical and historical.

< >Harry is this kind of person you know will prevail, yet there are points where you forget that and bite your nails in suspense, wondering if he will survive and if help will come for him and if he will win.

< >This character seems like such a real person that you actually almost feel his own emotions. You can feel his anger, happiness, embarrassment, confusion, pride, and annoyance, his energy is so strong.

< >At the beginning of Sorcerer's Stone, we greet a scrawny, mistreated - if you will - boy who lives with his relatives and seems a little odd, then, we realize that he really is odd, unless, of course, you are an other worlder.

< >Yes, I said "other worlder." I mean that Harry is one. A wizard, to be more precise. We suddenly plunge into a world where there are witches, wizards, sorcerers, sorceresses, goblins, ghosts, ghouls, gnomes (is there a pattern with the beginning letters?), dragons, werewolves, centaurs, unicorns,


phoenixes, three - headed dogs, giants snakes and spiders, and much, much

more and you just can't help falling into it all, gripping the book in waiting suspense.

< >Although Harry is - if you will - violently thrown into the magic world, with a huge background (which I will not explain; you must read the books to find out) that amazes almost everyone, he handles himself quite well.

< >Harry is also quite brave, though he still has fear, which every "hero" - if you will use that word to explain him - needs. We cannot just have a perfect hero that has no fear - that's just not right and it's very ::switches to sarcastic tone:: motivational ::drops sarcastic tone:: for kids. We need a hero we can respect, not buy action figure of. I'm hoping to everything possible we won't see action figures, but I have heard on the run-a-round that we might just see them.

< >Harry is the hero everyone dreams of reading about. Kind, yet hard, brave, yet still fearful. He enchants us with his remarkable story and powers that he takes us to a place beyond the far reaches of our reality, into our wildest fantasies and dreams, and urges kids and adults alike to deal with their problems and have courage.

< >That is Harry Potter. Developed by a wonderful person for how could J. K. Rowling not be if she made this wonderful character, if not putting some of herself into him? - he is a representation of the grandeur that is possible in our lives if we only work toward that goal. A kind, hard, brave, fearful, humorous, smart character we can all relate to in some way or another and, of course, respect, Harry Potter is a symbol of our times and an illustration of the good side in all of us.

>很多人可能开始出一条"以1889年-1968哈利波特"可能给你一个总结第一本书,但不是我。 时不我已经得到了我的咖啡和冰苹果汁和眼睛在电脑屏幕上数十个百倍!不,我给你的低跌约哈利波特这主要事实!

< >当你看过哈利波特,你会认识到,哈利波特是一个名字将永远与你,你的一生,无论身在何处,你去,还是你活你的人生。哈利波特将始终存在,影响你的生活。

< >你看,哈利波特不仅是一个经常性,通用名称,但名称一个了不起的人,充满勇气,勇气,恐惧,爱,混乱,知识和理解。尽管作为一个虚构的性格,他是那种人,你可以仅仅爱上只是读他的勇气,勇敢,幽默,以及有关他的一切,使他的特殊和独特的。

< >神秘和魔幻约哈里是催眠沉溺(不过,当然不是邪恶和/或魔鬼) 。你无法不爱上他,因为你等待-热切期待他的下冒险,感受他的情绪,笑着一起开玩笑,只是感觉满足的时候,你接近这本书。这是一个真正的古典和历史书是哈利波特,是真正的经典和历史。

< >哈里是这种人,你知道会占上风,但有共同点,而你忘记,和你咬钉悬念,不知他会生存和帮助,如果将来到他,如果他赢。

< >性格,这好像这样一个真实的人,其实你几乎感觉自己的情绪。你可以感受到他的愤怒,喜悦,尴尬,迷惘,自豪,并烦扰,他的能量是如此强大。

< >在开始魔法师的石头,我们迎来了一个瘦弱,虐待-如果你愿意-男童的生命与他的亲戚,似乎有点奇怪,那么,我们意识到他真的是奇怪,当然,除非你是其他worlder 。

< >不错,我说: "其他worlder " 。我的意思是哈利是其中之一。向导,将更加准确。我们突然陷入世界里有巫婆,巫师,巫术, sorceresses ,恶鬼,鬼,钟磬,精(有格局初信? ) ,龙了,巫婆,独角兽,凤凰,三-率领狗,巨人毒蛇和蜘蛛,并多得多,你就不能帮助落入这一切,握书暂等待。

< >虽然哈利是-如果你愿意-猛烈地扔进了魔幻世界,一个巨大的背景(我不会解释;你必须阅读的书籍,找出),却令几乎每个人,他处理自己不错。

< >哈利也相当勇敢,但他仍然恐惧,而每一个"英雄" -如果你会使用这个词来解释他-需要。我们不能只是有一个完美的英雄,没有恐惧-这就是不对的,它的很: :交换机嘲讽的语气: :动机: :滴嘲讽的语气: :为孩子。我们需要英雄,我们可以尊重,而不是购买行动的数字。我希望一切可能,我们不会见行动人物,但我所听到的关于开办一回合,我们可能只看到它们。

< >哈里是英雄梦人人读书。样,但硬,勇敢,但还是吓坏了。他冒险,我们出色的故事和权力,他把我们到一个地方以后就到我们的现实,我们大胆的幻想和梦想,并敦促小朋友和成年人,以处理他们的问题和勇气。

< >这是哈利波特。制定一个美妙的人怎么j.的k.罗琳不会,如果她作出这个美好的性格,如果不把一些自己变成他? -他是一个代表性的高贵,有可能是在我们的生活中,如果我们只工作,向着这一目标。一类,硬,勇敢,恐惧,幽默,性格聪明,我们都可以涉及到一些这样或那样的,当然尊重,哈利波特是一个象征,我们时代的一个例子好方在我们所有的人。

You flee in a sea of books between the famous article 12 often have access to my appreciation of masterpiece, but when I touch to which this book, and I'm fascinated by it, for it moved, it looked 10 million times, bear in mind in the hearts. So a read a spell, it will come to mind, a long time can not be dispersed ... ...

Pick up the wand, read out the familiar mantra, it will appear, with me in: Mingjiao Ha Lipot a child, an unusual child, a birth and they have a fight with the villain Lord Voldemort symbol of a lightning-shaped scar. It was a death curse remainder marks, because her mother's sacrifice of his death became that Road scar reduction. He was uncle had adopted a very wronged

childhood, the table has always relied on the Gotha power heads big bully him, and if that was for 11 years. In his 11 birthday, took place an extraordinary thing, changed his life. A very soft surface, the real terror guards Hager sent a letter to his magic school admission letters, to prove that he is a wizard born from a fate. He was pleased to have joined the school and knew a right angle Lane, and a series of things in the world of the shaman. Go to school also recognized the two friends, one is silly silly inside the brain Ron, there is a similar to Harry when the child's mother. One is the high academic achievers of the Hermione, there are two ordinary Muggle parents. (Non-magic people) that they work together to save the Philosopher's Stone, and Voldemort fight tenaciously, finally destroyed Voldemort's dream, won the respect of everyone. I am very envious of him, and be able to receive notice, but this book I learned a lot, friendship was inadvertently built up, and also understand it's great, the so-called Many hands make light,

Only together can overcome any difficulty. Also admired Harry, Voldemort in front in the face of terrible fear of not the slightest, even if the parents are not Shence, but he is still alive is very valuable for parents in heaven can be

relieved. This book is written by British writer JK Rowling, I am very grateful to her, and she has shaped our readers have an extraordinary ordinary lives

closer to our live image of a flesh and blood, let us in the traveling magic world the process, enjoy life, Subway, by Harry come round our readers in a dream ... ...

您的书籍在著名的第12条经常会接触到我的杰作表示赞赏,但是当我接触海上逃往本书,我被它着迷,因为它移动,它期待1000万次,紧铭记在心中。因此,读出咒语的时候会想到,长时间不能散去... ...



直角里,以及东西巫师的世界大赛。上学也认识到这两位朋友,一个是愚蠢的大脑内部罗恩愚蠢的,有一个类似哈里当孩子的母亲。一个是赫敏品学兼优,有两个普通的麻瓜父母。 (非魔术人),他们一起拯救魔法石,和伏地魔顽强拼搏,终于摧毁了伏地魔的梦想,赢得了所有人的尊重。


只有一同努力,克服任何困难。前面也佩服哈里伏地魔在没有丝毫的恐惧面对可怕的,即使父母不身侧,但他仍然活着是很宝贵的,在天上的父母可以放心。由英国作家罗琳写这本书,我非常感谢她,她塑造了我们的读者有一个非常普通的生活更接近我们的血肉,活的形象,让魔术在旅游的过程中,我们的世界,享受生活,地铁站,由哈里来轮在梦中我们的读者... ...


Time Waits for No One

Harry Potter has its unique charm, so it has companied me for 10 years. When I brought the last one book of the series of Harry potter from a bookstore in 2007, I knew, from then on, Harry would not grow up with me any longer.

This is a story about a boy escaping from death in a great catastrophe who is named Harry Potter how to defeat Voldemort, and he struggled against himself on this way. This is also a story about the dream, the courage and the growth. To be honest, Harry isn’t strong enough to defeat Voldemort, but as Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore said, what to defeat Voldemort is love. On the way Harry to defeat Voldemort, he lost a lot, not only Sirius, his parents, Remus Lupin, Mpbadora Tonks, Cody, Fred, but also his simple and happy childhood. Because since he arrived at Hogwarts, Harry is destined to fight against Voldemort, or die.

Time waits for no one. In order to live up to what has been lost and hasn’t lost, Harry had to struggle from time to time and never gave up, and what about us? Time is also irreversible for us, so we should have a thought about working hard and living a good life. And we should know how to be grateful for all around us. In ten years, Harry has grown up, and me too. Now I have become a senior high school student from a little child .I was eager for growing up quickly

in my childhood. But imperceptibly, looking at my slightly mature face in the mirror, I have already lost the hunger about growing up. I begin to be afraid of the time lapse,because it makes me reflect myself all the time. I always think about that what would happen if I don’t work hard enough. Maybe I would regret playing day and night, which would lead to my unhappy life. I also think of that what if I ignore the love and care around me. Perhaps I would feel very sad after the one who loves me left the world or left me. To be frank, I totally have no idea about these questions. But I know that it doesn’t influence me to spur myself to work harder to have a better life.

Seven books of Harry Potter have come out in the past ten years and I have grown up with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna, who are the characters of it. Now they have become the eternal memories in people’ mind. But for me, time waits for no one, so I have to grow up with myself, and because of its irreversibility I learn that I must be responsible for myself so I can get my own memories in the future without leaving any regrets!
