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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 23:25:54 高中作文

篇一:英语作文what is love

what is love

What is love ?A humourous person may say love is photogenic ,it needs darkness to develop . One who is involved with someone happily may hold that love is like a rose ,it can intoxicate the whole world .If some are hurted by love , they may think love is wickedness . And there is a boy who once told me that love is the mist lingering around the mountain peak and it only looks beautiful far away . He said that after a devastating broke-up .

What is love ?Different people hold different opinions based on their own experiences . I dare say you have already thought about it for many times like me . Yeah ,not only have i thought about it ,but also I have asked many friends' opinions .However , one of them who have being talking love for several years only gave me a rough answer .As a youngster ,it is common for us to seek love .But,as far as i am concerned , it's better for us to ask ourselves what is love before we start the journey of love .So ,we'll have a direction to woo the Mr or Miss right and a strong mind to stay with the right person .

What is love ?As for me ,now i guess love never have an exact definition . It is like the great wind ;it blows us hither and thither ;it gives us different experiences and feelings .So ,it's hard to grasp love tightly .But right now ,i think love is a double sword which brings us not only ecstasy but also sadness sometimes . The most important two things for a couple are the compatible personality and strong affection to each other . I may change my mind in the future ,but who knows ? You know ...

篇二:英语演讲文:Love vs Life

Dear judges, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. I'm very glad to be here to tell you about Love vs. Life.

"life is very dear to all. Yet love is better than life." However our teacher is against this saying. She commented that we can never sacrifice our lives, which do not merely belong to us. for very personal matters. I agree! Absolutely! But can that be the reason why this saying does not make sense? I guess not.

The value of love is not only manifested in the way we sacrifice life. We do not mean that only by ending a life can wc realize love. The earthquake which took place in Sichuan, shows us explicitly that life is the most precious of all. Wc arc reminded, warned, to cherish our life, to remember every minute of being with our family and friends. But why are we taught to care about the people even more than before? Is it the sudden catastrophe thai reminds us to see the things wc commonly take for granted? Not exactly. It ?should be love in those things that make us worth cherishing and caringf

Why do we feel sympathetic and sad after getting to know the increasing death toll? Why are so many C hinese struggling to save and rescue every life in Sichuan? Why do wc all care

so much about the latest situation and try our utmost to help those in need* even if it is just with a little money or clothes? It is love in our hearts that inspires us to do so it is love for life, for our citizens, for Chinese, that inspire us to donate our hlood and money to the sufferers; it is love for our eountry that asks us q take on the responsibility and do what we can to help the people in Sichuan.

Without love, life is only an empty body. What makes our life ;i real life and a meaningful one is the experience of spirit. It is not the length that makes a life splendid, but the quality that really counts. Then love, is exactly the element that realizes the value of life.

篇三:英语演讲 love and marriage 小演讲

Love and marriage

kongjy Neil

Good afternoon, everyone. today ,I’m very honored to give you a very short speech about the relationship between the marriage and love.

I have always been hearing the saying that marriage is the tomb of love. Especially from the males. personally, I agree with this opinion to some degree. as everyone knows, bridegroom ,which is called a new mother in Chinese ,literally means another significant woman in your life who take care of you instead of your beloved mother. However, males can’t put up with even are disgusted with a wordy woman who always runs after you and tries to control you .man needs to be free. therefore, more of persons are complaining that It is the marriage that makes love gone. But what I am going to say is that, without marriage, love is nowhere. Marriage is an effective solution for those who lead a solitary独自的 life. From my point of view, once you

enter into the realm of marriage, building and maintaining a successful marriage is actually a big part of personal and financial success. A solid marriage not only results in people sharing resources together, but a marriage also provides a lot of emotional support, cheerleading, and encouragement to succeed.

Is there anyone hearing the story of zhuowenjun and simaxiangru? It’s love that makes them going together.and it’s also the love that makes zhuo sacrifise herself in order for sima to study at a better environment.at the most difficult time, marriage and zhuo’s company do favor to sima.

So ,do everyone present wish for a love of life and death.

Love is selfless and marriage is sacred.to get married or not to ,this is a question.Things base and vice,holding no quality ,and love can switch it to dignity and royal.love looks not with the eyes,but with the minds.

篇四:英语演讲稿 I Love Reading

I Love Reading

1. Yang Hongying, my favorite writer

My favorite writer is Yang Hongying. Yang Hongying is now one of the best-selling writer in China, and also perhaps the most popular writer among Chinese children. Ask any group of children and they will tell you about these characters and their special stories. Ma Xiaotiao in Naughty Boy Ma Xiaotiao, the laughing cat in The Diary of the Laughing Cat Series, the long-tongued girl Lu Manman… These are all well-known characters created by Yang Hongying. Due to her success and popularity among young Chinese readers, Yang Hongying is frequently referred to as China's J.K. Rowling.

Yang Hongying was a teacher and an editor at a children's literary magazine. Her experience with children has given her a lot of inspirations to her writing. In fact, it was her daughter who inspired her to write Girl's Diary, the novel that first brought her fame. Ms. Yang maintains her success with mischievous Ma Xiaotiao series and the Smiling Cat series. Yang Hongying's best-selling children's works are rapidly finding a foreign audience. Now her books are available in Chinese, English, French, German, Korean and Japanese.

2. Yang Hongying, children’s writer

Yang Hongying has always longed to be a creator of child wonderment. She started writing children's stories in 1981 when she was 19 years old, a year after her taking job as a primary school teacher. Young Yang Hongying was very good with children. She knew full well how to catch children's hearts. To get students' attention in her classes, she often told them interesting fairytales that she had made up.

"It seems I was born a good story teller and every kid is fascinated by me. They surrounded me everyday begging for more stories," she recalled. Her stories vividly describe children?s life. The stories are so real that we children readers find they are just happening in our life. I really admire Ms Yang, because she knows us so well and gives us a lot of warmth and pleasure through her stories. More importantly, I can always learn something from her books.

I think Ms Yang is a really talented person. I hope one day I can write wonderful stories as well.

3. Main Characters in The Diary of the Laughing Cat – The Green Dog Villa

The laughing cat: The laughing cat expresses his feeling through all kinds of laughs. He can make smiles, wild laughs, scornful smiles, hypocritical smiles, bitter smiles, and foxy smiles. He is a quite insightful cat. He believes that attitude decides everything. Besides, he often watches people?s expressions and actions, and can understand human language.

The tiger-furred cat: The tiger-furred cat is free from worldly cares, and has her own beliefs and principles. She is not only very beautiful and elegant, but also very tender and considerate. She and the laughing cat have experienced a lot of adventures and hardships together. Finally, they two live happily together and give birth to four baby cats.

The naughty boy Ma Xiaotiao: Ma Xiao(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:what,is,love英语演讲)tiao is typically considered the troublemaker in class. He was born jumping. This

inspired his father, a toy designer, to make a jumping doll that became a sensation all over the world. He is playful, will only do what he likes and is unwilling to study, which gets him into trouble easily with his form teacher (班主任) and the class monitor. He is always slightly out of step with the behavior of others, which is the essence of his appeal. Sometimes he?s right, sometimes he?s wrong, but he?s always interesting. He is generally a very sociable person; he is honest, trustworthy, helpful, and has a avid imagination. Besides, he loves animals very much. He is very afraid of the laughing cat?s sneers. Little White: Little White is an elegant male poodle with attractive black, round eyes, golden long-hair ears, and a black bow tie in his neck. In the wedding of the laughing cat and the tiger-furred cat, Dibaotian, a female dog first met him. Since then, she couldn?t forget him, and has been looking for him.

The sculptor: The sculptor is a selfish artist. In order to finish 100 green dog sculptures and pursue his own artistic personality, he caught 100 dogs and dyed their hair green. What?s more, he gave surgeries to these dogs and put steel wire into their ears so that their ears could stand up. These dogs? freedom and happiness were taken away by this cruel man.

4. The plot of The Diary of the Laughing Cat – The Green Dog Villa

Little White was curiously missing. The Ball-Like Mouse led the Laughing Cat and Dibaotian to a villa, where Little White was said to be kept. In the villa, they saw many dogs whose hair was dyed green. Then, Dibaotian was also missing. The Ball-Like Mouse and the Laughing Cat found a scaring truth: the villa?s owner, a sculptor, was very creepy that he wanted to catch 100 dogs in order to finish 100 green dog sculptures. It was him who dyed the dogs? hair and put steel wire to the dogs? ears to make their ears stand up. All of these gave the dogs unspeakable pains.

By coincidence, the Ball-Like Mouse drank a bottle of wine which gave him magic power. After drinking the wine, he could easily surmount the wall. He went into the villa and saved all the suffering dogs.

5. After reading the book

Ms Yang Hongying is my favorite writer, and The Laughing Cat Series are my favorite books, because the stories in them are very intersing. So one day, when I saw the latest issue of the series, The Green Dog Villa, in a bookstore, I bought it without hesitation.

After reading the book from cover to cover, I have mixed feelings.

When I read the part that the dogs were all saved, I felt very happy and moved. The Laughing Cat, the Ball-Like Mouse, Dibaotian and other friends were very united. They spared no effort to save the dogs. I think they all have beautiful minds. On the contrary, the sculptor was so cruel and selfish. I don?t think he deserves the title of an artist. The harm he has done to the dogs, both physically and spiritually, is incurable. Maybe he is pursuing arts, but he pays no respect to the dogs? life and dignity. He was desperate for fame, but abandoned his conscience.

6. The dignity of animals

After reading the book, I have though a lot about the way human beings treat animals. The sculpture actually represents many people who cruelly treat animals. Some people do everything they want to do to animals. I thought about the horrible stories of people maltreating cats, teasing monkeys and so on. These people pay no attention to the feeling of animals.

Do people really have the right to be superior to animals? I don?t think so. Human beings are animals essentially, ascending from monkeys. Then what?s the difference between human beings and animals? Animals are not the tools or toys of humans, but should be treated as friends.

7. Thinking for others

Ms. Yang?s books can always guide my growth. The Green Dog Villa makes me realize the importance of being considerate to others. I will not be a person like the sculptor, who is so selfish and think little of the dogs? happiness. I think if we care more about others? feelings, a lot of tragedies will not happen. Just as Confucious says, “Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.”

8. The joy of reading

I?m nuts about reading. It?s amazing to lose myself into a whole new world created by the author. Reading has done a lot of good to me.

First, reading helps me learn more knowledge. The other day, when my mother and I were out for a walk, we saw many earthworms in the road of a park. My mother was quite started and scared, but I was not afraid at all and I even comforted my mom. You know what? I have read in a book that after a heavy rain, earthworms will get out of the soil to breathe. At that time, there had been a rain several hours earlier. I am interested in a lot of things, such as history, science, etc. Reading books is just like traveling in a sea of knowledge. Every time when I read a book, I am fascinated by the interesting stories and knowledge in it.

Second, reading fills my spare time and keeps me from being bored. After I finish my homework in the weekend, I often read a book. Reading can always give me pleasure. I forget when I like reading in order to learn as much knowledge as possible.

Third, books can take me to places I never even dreamed about. The world created by books is so amazing. My horizon is greatly widened through reading.

9. Why am I called a bookworm?

Reading book is my biggest hobby. I can?t remember when my classmates began to call me a bookworm. Then this became my nick name, and my mom, my dad and my friends sometimes also call me in this way. I started to read when I was only four years old. Since then, I have had a habit to read books whenever I have spare time. At home, I have two bookshelves full of books. There are also books on my desk and even on the floor. I have to give some of the books to my cousin to make

room for new books. My room won?t be big enough, if I keep all of them. I can say my room is a room of book, and I am a little ?worm? sitting inside it

10. Do you like the nick-name (being called a bookworm)?

I am a ferocious reader. I can get a lot of joy from reading. Reading not only gives me more knowledge, provides me a lot of perspectives, but also opens a window to another beautiful world in the book. People cannot live without food. For me, life will be boring without reading books.

However, there are also some disadvantages. If I spend all my time to read, there will be less time to do exercises. Spending too much time to read will also harm my eyes. As a bookworm, I often read books in the moving cars. This is very harmful to my eyes.

Anyway, despite the disadvantages, I like to be a bookworm.

11. What other kinds of books do you like?

I like detective stories. The detective stories are so intriguing. I try my best to finish the book fast in order to know what has happened until the end. I enjoy a storyline that is full of intrigue and suspense. I feel very excited and intrigued when reading it.

I also like cartoons. I believe cartoons are a special form of art. For example, the Japanese cartoons that are commonly seen in China have excellent illustrations and plots. I really appreciate them.

12. Do you think that e-book will replace traditional book?

I don't think traditional books will ever be completely replaced. In the next couple of decades e-books will probably boom in sales and popularity.

However, schools will probably continue to use traditional books because of the relative cheapness compared to having to buy a device to read the books with as well as the e-books for their students.

Also, many book lovers would probably be reluctant to do a complete switch to e-books since reading a book electronically takes all of the fun out of reading it. Nothing can give you that same feeling when you're under your favorite tree reading a paperback, and you bookmark it, you flip it and have somebody read it with you. It's just not the same holding an electronic device.

篇五:英语演讲 I love english

Teaching English makes me progress And I

love English

I’ve been working at ***Primary school for three years,I love my job,I love English and I enjoy sharing my knowledge to my students.

When I was a child,my older sister always showed off she could speak English,some very easy English words.such like apple,pear,cat and dog…However,after she taught me,I showed off my little friends I can speak English,They were very envy.

Then a dream appeared in my mind slowly.I wanted to be a teacher,an English teacher.to teach others speak English,that must be fun!

With great efforts,I achieved my dream.Now teaching English is my job.I teach my students English,speaking,writing,reading and listening with them every day.We share everything,the dialogues,the words,the English stories,I find that I and my students make progress together everyday.What a pleasure!

Teaching English is a hard work.You have to prepare your lessons well,make your classes enjoyable.You have to learn to get along with your students and to deal with all kinds of trouble.Teaching is also a lot of fun.You always have many students around.It gives me a happy and meaningfull life.I like it! And they drove me progress.

I love English As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most

common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.

But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...

I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.

I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

Thank you!
