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篇一:对我最重要的人 英语作文

The Influential People of My Life

Hello, everyone. It is my turn now.

Our life was always full of kinship, affection and friendship and they all play the important part in our life. To some extent, I think I am a girl of feeling, for me, my family, my lover and my friends are seem like the pillars of my world, without any one of them, my life would be destroyed little by little. Naturally, many of them have made great influence on me and today I would like to talk about one of them. She named Bunny, who is one of my best friends.

Maybe it was because we have the same family name, and we should have been in a same family five hundred years ago, we are familiar with each other at the first sight, and according to our conversation, I found that we have the same hobby, the same attitude to life, even the same ideality and belief. All of these linked us together and made us closer. Naturally, we began our friendship from that day on.

There are many people regarded me as an optimistic girl, but less people knew my sanguine attitude to life was influenced by Bunny to a great extent. She is an active girl who is always full of energy and endless happiness. Her smile always made us felt warm, no matter what happened, she always tried to keep an optimistic attitude to face it, without any complain or depression. Bunny had told me that the secret she overcame the difficulties in the life is four simple words, they are FACE, ACCEPT, SOLVE and PUT DOWN. She said it is useless for us to be pessimistic or complain the misfortune, the only thing that we can do is face it ,and then solved it, and after we solve the problem, just put it down and let it go. For me , I think these four words not only enable her to go through all the suffering leisurely but also made a great influence on me, they are still working in my life and guided me overcome all the difficulties.

Friendship consolidates in the sincere, develops with criticism. A truly friend is not the one who always only admire you and ignore your faults but the one who would not only celebrate your virtue but also point out your mistake timely. Indeed, Bunny is just this kind of truly friend. There was a time that I always hang out with some naughty students and paid less attention to my school work, so that my performance began to decline, but it still not alert me and make me realize my error. And one day, I received a letter from Bunny, in the letter, she pointed out my mistake and list the bad influence caused by what I had done bluntly, and she also told me that only the good mentor and helpful friends can do good to me and I shouldn’t be obsessive with that kind of life style but be positive to life and study. The letter touched me deeply. I could feel that every word of it is all from the bottom of her heart, and there is few friends would be willing to point out the other’s mistakes due to the fear of losing the friendship. However, Bunny did it. I knew she just thought about me and hoped me have a good life. So thanks to her kindness and honesty, I realized my faults and got my life back on track.

Friendship is like the fog of the morning. So lucky I am to have a truly friend like Bunny who is sincere and always gave me her best suggestions to do me a favor whenever I need her. She is the person who is influential of my life and makes my life more colorful and meaningful.


In our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. To get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.

To begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others.

As long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.





怎样与同学相处(How To Get On With Classmates)

how do you get on with your classmates? i think it's to answer that question. if you meet up with your friends, you can say, "hello!" your friends must be happy, they will that you are a polite girl or a boy!if your friends have some questions, you should help them. they'll thank you for your help my classmates are helpful and polite. if of my classmates has some problems, my classmates will help them solve it. so they are excited.we help each other and take care of each other.

i hope can be a polite and helpful child, and i hope you can get on with all of your classmates.

In our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. To get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words.

To begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough. If we are proud in public, we can hardly win other's respect, not to mention "friendship" Finally, we must not be selfish. We should learn how to show

concern for others.

As long as we abide by what is mentioned above, we will find it easy to get along well with others.

A true friend is sweet, between, should close, have mutual affinity. But to maintain and develop friendship, friends and friends, the key is as follows:

1, trust is a bridge of friendship between friends to trust each other, as the saying goes: "people in heart, 5 in half jins of". "People who believe, the following. Can you with sincerity, took out his sincerity, others will also with the same attitude toward you. You ask others to trust you, will adhere to a "sincerity", to meet, loyalty, honesty and frankness subsistence. This is not only a person, but to friends.

2 and magnanimous cluster friends: irren ist menschlich? Only the broad-minded, delicate features, can make more friends. Your friend may have shortcomings, may also make some mistakes. You should learn to tolerate munificent magnanimous, the faults of others, and to help each other to counsel, enthusiastic truth. Even between good friends and sometimes difficult to have some differences and conflicts, and, if not misunderstanding, should be more principles, addition, laugh. Generosity is able to friends in the criticism, and can realize outspoken criticism of friends, is a true


3, the tribulation of friendship: friend is sincere friendship, like-minded, not by words, or heavy gift. Disgusting, materials, using the exchange, even the people of the

treacherous, is that we should carefully TuQi. True friendship, should withstand the test of time, also can withstand the test environment. At a critical moment, affliction, a simple greeting, a practical support to express feelings between friends.

4 miles, hair, send isn: bosom friends, is spiritual interaction and communication,

often a ShiJian paper, a small souvenir, can make friends to appreciate your

eloquently. Visible, friends, and not in the gift exchanges between the weight of the gift, but lies in choosing good gifts. Thus, even a small gift is not high value, will

make friends heart, deepen the friendship between.

5 and split into enemy: not parents, friends or attitudes.their will happen. No matter what the reason for your friends and don't break, malicious, personalities, and should be good. People say: gentleman handed over the past, not ESheng. If you decide to break off with a friend, also can choose a variety of measures, such as: the

conversation candid - can tell him, why can't you be a friend, he can understand you. Text messaging - if you tear open face face, can send a message that ties. You don't have to take from - direct action, but gradually alienated each other, if a person is a wise man with long, also can understand.








我们每个人的生活和学习中,交往和协作是必不可少的,我们既要学会与社会、与身边的人交往,还要学会协作。 在社会生活中,每个人都想做最具竞争力的人,但他们是否知道,竞争与协作是相辅相成的,最具竞争力的人往往也是最善于协作的人。现代社会提倡在协作基础上的竞争。据我了解,当今一些选拔高科技人才的考试中,除了考基础理论、专业知识、动手实验能力之外,还有几项指标,专门测评应试者与他人的协作能力和协作精神。这就是说,若想成为以后的高科技人才之一,善于协作是非常重要的素质之一。 协作不是协作者之间的简单的组合,而是需要互相配合,互相支持的。不要说在人类的生活当中需要协作,就连在动物的世界里,也是需要互相协作的:大家都知道生活在非洲河流中的鳄鱼,生性凶猛残暴,经常伤害人、畜,令人畏惧。可谁又能想到,它和乖巧的千鸟居然是一对好朋友,从不加以伤害。每当鳄鱼饱餐之后,千鸟总要来替它整理一番,鳄鱼顺从的张开大嘴,让千鸟认真的替它打扫口腔卫生。鳄鱼有时会因为忘记了千鸟而闭上了嘴,千鸟用坚硬的羽毛,轻轻刺一下鳄鱼,它便立即张开嘴,让小鸟继续工作。感觉灵敏的千鸟,只要周围有动静,就一哄而散,叽喳乱叫。鳄鱼就会做好防备或逃跑。除了鳄鱼和千鸟,还有和睦相处的犀

牛和犀牛鸟、相依为命的白蚁和披发虫等动物,都是在互相协作中生存下去的。 从以上几点来说,互相协作对人,对动物,对世界上有生命的任何一种东西都是非常重要的。于人协作固然是非常重要的,但协作是建立在交往之上的,因此我

们更要学会于人交往,这样才能更好的于人协作。我们,在交往中获得知识,在交往中建立友谊,在交往中成长。我们一来到人世,开始了于父母、亲人的交往,我们正是在他们的搂抱、亲吻、逗玩中长大的。我们也正是在老师的教育下,学会唱歌、跳舞、做游戏和各种知识的。如果我们生下来不于人交往,就不能成为一个正常的人了。“狼孩”的悲剧就证明了这一点。 也许大家听过,20年代的时候,有人在印度一座山里的狼窝中,发现了一个男孩。由于长期与狼为伴,他没有一点人的习性,做什么事都像狼。人们做了很大的努力,他才学会了一些人类的习性。这就是说,我们无论是在婴儿时,还是在长大后,不管做什么事,都永远离不开人际交往。每个人都想找一个知心的好友,试问:如果他不去和社会接触,和身边的人交往,又怎么能找到一个知心的朋友呢?人都有个性,有的人认为,只有个性相同的人才能成为好朋友,但他们错了,个性不同的人,照样可以成为朋友,这里面的关键,是在如何相处。只要我们在交往的过程中,理解和尊敬他人,友好的相处,我们就会有很多的朋友。 在日常生活中,人与人之间也许会发生一些误会。如果我们不及时消除误会,就会伤害到双方的友谊,有时还会使朋友断交。我们不仅要消除误会,还要防止误会产生:在交往的过程中,要谨慎的发表意见,对别人的评论、批评,要有根据,不要乱猜测,更不要随便说别人的坏话。当听到别人说自己朋友的坏话时,要弄清楚后再做判断。作为21世纪的中学生,我们更要学会与人交往,与人协作。这将有利于我们立足在未来的社会中,更好的生存和发展。

篇三:最重要的人 The Most Important Person

最重要的人 The Most Important Person

My mother is the most important person for me. Maybe she is very ordinary in others eyes, but she is special for me. She gives me life and a happy life. She takes part in every stage of my life. When I know nothing, she helps me to learn little by little patiently. She helps me to learn stand up, walk, and form the proper value. She cares about me, and put my entire thing before hers. She is such an important person in my life.







妈妈,你不知道的是,在29岁之前,我对你是有很深的抱怨的。对别人来说,“妈妈”这个词,总是意味着抚育、包容、无私的爱和一生不离不弃的牵挂。可妈妈你不是这样,你生了我,却不能养我。在我半岁不到,还不会叫你“妈妈”的时候,你就把我送到山东乡下寄养了。你从来不能像其他的妈妈一样跟我说“你小时候”如何如何,因为你根本不曾看着我成长。我学会说的第一句话是什么,我跌了多少跤才学会走路……你都不知道。你把我接到身边时,我已经10岁,扎着双辫,眼神狂野又无知。我带着高粱味的山东方言被嘲笑,我的身上脏脏的,头上生着虱子,还传给了我的同桌,被当众检查头发并揪出了证据,我羞愤得无以复加,我把这一切全怪在你头上:就是因为你不把我留在身边,我才会得到这样的羞辱! 我跟你不亲,没有天然的母女间的亲密和依恋。我认定你不爱我。虽然我看到你努力爱我,你试图让我适应城市生活,你也帮助我融入我们的家……但是对一个十几岁的孩子来说,这太晚了,也太难了。

妈妈,你是否知道,为什么我上大学以及我参加工作,都离你那么远?这都是因为,我认为你不会在意我,我只有冷暖自知。妈妈,这可能是你必须面对的:对一个人来说,建立依恋关系最关键的那个阶段,你不在我的生命里,你也因此必须接受来自女儿的疏远和抗拒。 直到29岁,我自己要做妈妈了,我才真正地在身体上和精神上跟你有了联结,整整16个小时的宫缩,这是世界上最残酷也最伟大的一种刑,对我来说无比艰难的时刻,妈妈,你的形象在我心底里越来越清晰。我第一次知道了,我是以一种怎样的方式来到这个世界上……妈妈,无论你有多忽视我,单单是为了我来到这个世界上你所经历的怀胎十月和生产之痛,我一下子放下了对你所有的怨恨——是你给了我生命,让我生而为人,有人的尊严;是你给了我“女人”这个性别,让我体验作为女人的爱与丰富。妈妈,你永远不知道,就在我自己成为母亲的这一天,我真正地从内心里跟你和解了。没有任何仪式,可是却非常重要,我生命中最重要的蜕变完成了——我不再有怨,我开始感恩!也是从这一天,我明白了你,明白了我对你的怨恨里其实有深深的爱!







③According to the statistics shown in the first /second graph ,

D. 如何杜绝(如果是问题的话)


When faced with...., quite a few people claim that ...., but other people

think as...

Those who have already benefited from practicing it sing high praise of


6.Like anything else, it has its fats.

4.Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成


1) A good case in point is ...

6. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...

9.However, the same is not applicable to B.

3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

To conclude, 总结看点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表


To this issue, different people come up with various attitudes. 对于这个问题,不同的人持不同的看点


⑥I wod be gratef if you cod / wod …

2) As an illustration, we may take ...


②It is a pleasure for me invite you on behalf of … to accept … 我需要说的是,如果要我抉择,我会____________


3) Some people say ..., but it does not hold water.

As I remember,/ I now still remember that.

从以上原因可以观出,其优势赛过劣势(优点多于缺点) Some people advocate that ....有些人在坚持认为_________ They hold that ... 他们认为_________

Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out the fact that

支持X 的第一个原因励志的文章They also argue that 支持X 的另一个原因

A more essential factor why.... Is that ________ 的更为重要的原因是____________

④Nowadays it is common to hear /see …

3. 社会问题(现象)式


From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that...

There is another factor that deserves some words here. 还有另外一个很重要的原演员汤燕的博客因

22.Call back white and white back. 颠倒黑白

Some people examine this issue from another angle.有的人用另一角度来观这一问题

As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.

9) With the rapid development of ..., ...

另一方面,也有很多反对的人,他们认为_____________ ⑨On the contrary , there are people in favor of …


One of the premier causes is that (注重用词)最重要的原因之一便是______________


10.Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. 无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表

②In my opinion , we shod attack more importance to …


As society develops, people are attaching much importance to.... 随着社会的发展,人们开始关注............

The discussion as to whether the ... is a blessing or a curse arouses most

people's interests.

Taking into consideration both sides of the issue, I tend to favor the latter


Perhaps the primary factor is that …


①From what has been discussed / mentioned above , we may conclude that …

History presented many examples of... In order to see this point clearly, let

us see an example.

With the development of the society, ... is increasingly


4) ...is often cited as an example.

2) The idea is hardly supported by facts.


The reasons are chiefly as follows. 主要原因如下:



I wod have to say that, if I were faced with the decision, I wod follow ....

Many people argue that 错误看点By saying that, they mean 对这个看点的入一步解释An example

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:英语作文我最重要的人)

they have presented is that 一个例子(According to a survey performed by X on a group

of Y, almost 80% of them 赞成这个错误看点或者受到这个错误看点的影响)

①Some people like / prefer …, while others are / feel inclined to …

There is a good side and a bad side to everything, it goes without saying


4)It is beneficial to us.

10. A and B differ in several ways.

As the proverb goes: "every coin has its two sides", ....is no exception.

4) In conclusion, it is imperative that ...

There is no denying that every thing has one more face and ... is no exception.

