作业帮 > 字数作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 17:10:14 字数作文



1.Look!He ____ the sun on the beach.

A.lies at B.is lying at C.lies in D.is lying in

2.They are buying ____presents at the shop.

A.few B.a few C.little D.a little

3.She usually ____her homework in the evening,but now she ____TV.

A.does;is watching B.does;watches

C.is doing;is watching D.is doing;watches

4.---What are the students doing? ---They are standing ____.

A.in line B.on line C.in a line D.on a line

5.---Please buy some postcards and ____. ---Ok.

A.send me them B.send to me them C.send them me D.send them to me.

6.I ____tea at home at the moment.

A.drink B.to drinkC.drinkingD.am drinking

7.--- ____are they eating dinner? ---At homes or in restaurants

A.Who B.Where C.When D.how

8.In different ____people are doing different ____.

A.place;thing B.places;thing C.place;things D.places;things

9.It’s six o’clock in the morning.They are ____at home.

A.leaving work B.going home C.having dinner D.getting up

10.It’s eight o’clock in the morning, ____ starting the lessons.

A.most student is B.most studet are

C.most students is D.most students are

11.Thank you ____your postcard ____the Great Wall.

A.for;for B.for;from C.from;for D.from;from

12.--- ____enjoying the school trip? ---Yes,we are.

A.Do you B.Are you C.Did you D.Can you

13.Mary is ____a postcard ____her friend.

A.sending;to B.buying;to C.taking;for D.sending;from

14--- ____you ____your room? ---Yes,I am.

A.Do;clean B.Is;clean C.Are;cleaning D.Is;cleaning

15.We are looking at the homes of the ____in Hollywood.

A.movie star B.movie stars C.movies star D.movies stars

16.---What’s your father doing? --- He ____the room.

A.cleaned B.cleans C.has cleaned D.is cleaning

17.Today is Father’s Day.My mother ____a special dinner for my grandpa now.

A.prepare B.prepared C.is preparing D.will prepare

18.---What is he doing? ---He is ____a book in the library.

A.watching B.reading C.look ing at D.seeing

19.Let’s ____our sports shoes and go to play football on the playground.

A.take off B.get up C.put up D.put on

20.Listen!Some people ____in the next room.

A.are singing B.sing C.is singing D.to sing



1.I w _____ to school every day. 2.We w _____for the bus to go to school.

3.---Do you e _____your school trip? ---Yes,very much.

4.Don’t l _____in bed and read books.It’s bad for your eyes.

5.Please t _____some photos of your school.


1.lie in the sun_____________ 6.拍照_____________

2.on sale_____________ 7.列队_____________

3.a few_____________ 8.等公共汽车_____________

4.buy postcards_____________ 9.尽管如此_____________

5. on a school trip_________ 10.回到学校_____________

11.the Greet Wall _____________ 16.通过电子邮件____________

12.stand in line ______________ 17.把·····寄到······_______

13.what about_______________ 18.等候_________________

14.right now______________ 19.给我打电话________________

15.lots of____________________ 20.到了·····的时间_________


1.---Where are you? --- I am __________(stand) on the playground .

2.He is _____(talk)to his mother on the phone.

3.It’s time ____ _______ (go)back home now.

4.My friend is taking lots of _____(photo)now.

5.---What’s Tony doing now? ---He is_____(lie)in the sun and having lunch.


1.你去过长城吗? Have you ever been to _____ _____ _____?


We are on a _____ _____and we’re having a good time.

3.看!他们正在那边拍照。 Look!They are _____ _____over there.

4.你能给我寄一张明信片吗? Can you _____ _____a postcard?

5.---他在干什么? ---他正躺在太阳底下晒太阳呢。

-What is he doing? -He is _____ _____ _____ _____.


1.We are on a school t _____now.

2.She is buying a f _____presents for her friends.

3.I’m buying some books,they are on s _____now.

4.Please _____(打电话)me when you go back to school.

5.---I’d like a _____(明信片). ---I’m buying one and send it to you.


1.They are taking lots of photos. (改为一般疑问句)

___________ they____________ lots of photos?

2.Are the students enjoying the school trip? (给出否定回答)

_________ ,they_________ . (就划线部分提问)

___________ _____________ the old men________________

4.Please send me the photos by email. (改为同义句)

Please send the photos________ __________by email.


____________ ______________ they having a trip?


We are on a school trip now and we are having a god time.

I’(take)some photos.

(lie)in the sun and having lunch.Daming presents at a shop,they are on (send) it to her friend.

1. _________2. ___________3.__________4.__________5. _________

6. ________7. _________8. ___________9. __________10. __________

Unit 2


1.---Can you d ___________a car? ---No,I can’t.

2.People are l ___________work and going home.

3.They are drinking and eating in the r ______________now.

4.At this m ____________,he is waiting for a bus.

5.People are doing different t__________ in different places of the world.


6.下车__________ 1.in different places __________

7.做游戏__________ 2.leave work __________

8.喝下午茶__________ 3.drive home __________

9.做不同的事情__________ 4.go to the theatre __________

10在此刻__________ 5.hot dog __________


1.They are _______(have)a drink in the restaurant.

2.Li Lei and I are in the same school but in different ___________(class).

3.It’s ten o’clock in the morning.We ___________(start)an English class.

4.Look!They ____________ (get)off the bus.

5.It’s six o’clock in the afternoon and people ____________(leave)work and _______________(drive)home.

Tom:Are you busy,Jenny?

Jenny:Yes,I am 1. ______ (write)a letter.

I always 2. ______(write)a letter to Aunt Ann on Sunday.

Tom:What are you doing,Mrs Bell?

Mrs Bell:I am3. ______(cut)the tomatoes.

Tome:4. ______(be)Tony here?

Mrs Bell: No,he5. ______ ______(visit)a friend in London this weekend.

Tom:Can Mr Bell6. ______(help) me?

Mrs Bell:Sorry,he7. ______ ______ (wash)the car.He 8. ______ (wash)it every weekend.

Tom:But it 9.____ _____(rain)now.Oh,look,he 10. ______ ______ (watch)TV in the living room.


1.Mary is doing her homework.(改为否定句)


2.They’re talking on the phone.(改为一般疑问句)


3.Is your father reading a newspaper?(作出否定回答)




5.she always swims in the afternoon.(用now来改写句子)


Unit 2


1.---Can you d ___________a car? ---No,I can’t.

2.People are l ___________work and going home.

3.They are drinking and eating in the r ______________now.

4.At this m ____________,he is waiting for a bus.

5.People are doing different t__________ in different places of the world.


6.下车__________ 1.in different places __________

7.做游戏__________ 2.leave work __________

8.喝下午茶__________ 3.drive home __________

9.做不同的事情__________ 4.go to the theatre __________

10在此刻__________ 5.hot dog __________

1.They are _______(have)a drink in the restaurant.

2.Li Lei and I are in the same school but in different ___________(class).

3.It’s ten o’clock in the morning.We ___________(start)an English class.

4.Look!They ____________ (get)off the bus.

5.It’s six o’clock in the afternoon and people ____________(leave)work and _______________(drive)home.


1.In London,it’s five o’clock,and people _______ (leave)work.

2.I _______ (visit)my friends in Hollywood at this moment.

3.Now I _______ (enjoy)the sun near the hill.

4.It’s ten o’c;pcl om yhe morning and she _______ (write)a postcard to her grandparents.

5.We are looking at the homes of the movie stars and I _______ (take)lots of photos.

6.In Beijing,it’s one o’clock at night,people _______ (have)dinner,

they _______ (sleep).

7.It’s six o’clock in the morning and people _______ (get)up.

8.Some people are waiting for the bus and some _______ (get)off the bus

9.I am watching television,but my sister _______ still _______ (do)her homework.

10.People are going home and some _______ (drive)home.


1.The boy is very helpful and he has many friends. (改为同义句)

The boy is very helpful and he has _______ _______ friends.

2.They are watching a ballet in a cinema. (改为否定句)

They _______ _______ a ballet in a cinema. 就划线部分提问)

_______ _______ she _______ it to?

4.They have lunch at home.(用now改写句子)

They _______ _______ lunch at home now.

5.She is enjoying her visit. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ _______ her visit?


1.drink ______ 2.drive ______3.lie ______ 4.shop ______ 5.take ______ 6.get _____

7.buy _____ 8.run _____ 9.leave _____ 10.say ______11.have _______ 12.sit ______ 根据括号内要求完成改写后的句子

1.I’m enjoying school very much.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______enjoying school very much?



证 badge 采购商报到表(即蓝表)Buyer 护照 passport registration form

注册,报到 register 行李寄放处Luggage office 采购代表 purchasing agent 穿梭巴士Shuttle bus

邀请函 invitation 柜台Counter

身份证 ID card 易通卡E-Pass卡

驾照 driving license 易通卡持有者E-Pass holders

办证 make the badge 填写采购商表格 fill the buyer’s 补办证 re-apply a new IC cardregistration form

(re-application) 港澳身份证/回乡证H.K./Macao ID 个人有效证件 personal document Card /Home-Return Permit 台胞个人近照 most recent photo 证 Taiwan Compatriot Travel 电子请帖E-invitation Certificate

重要通知单 Important Notice 有一年以上境外有效工作签证的中国 护照

网上预申请回执 Notice for A Chinese passport with overseas Pre-registered employment visa valid for over one year

名片Business card / name card 由广交会发出的邀请函

Invitation issued by CIEF /sent by 采购商号码Buyer NO. Canton Fair /from Canton Fair





Is this your first time to come here?


Do you lose your IC card/badge?


You need to re-register


Do you have an ID card and copy of your passport?


Please go to the “information desk” and then our colleague will confirm with your hotel about your passport number.


Is it the first time for you to come here?


Do you have invitation?


Has your company registered here before?


May I have your business card?/ can you show me your card?


Did you pre-register on line before?


please make sure that you bring your passport and photo


I’d like to contact the hotel that you stay in and confirm your passport number! 我需要联络您所在的酒店及确认您的护照号码。

It's our pleasure to help you.


We will forward your kind advice to the department concerned, and do our best to improve the service. Thank you for your support to our work.我们会将您的宝贵意见反映给相关部门,并努力改善服务。谢谢您对我们工作的支持。



The Buyer entry badge (IC Card) which surely saves your time with an easy access is valid for future sessions of the Canton Fair. If you forgot to bring it or lost it, the new buyer entry badge (IC Card) will cost you 200RMB/card as service fee.


For getting IC Card, please present the Invitation (Paper Invitation, E-invitation, important notice), your most recent Passport Photo, your personal valid documents (Overseas Passport, or Hong Kong or Macao Identity Card/ Home-return Permit, or Taiwan Compatriot Travel Certificate, or Chinese

passport with an overseas employment visa valid for over one year), and your Business Card.

与会报到时请提供下列材料: 广交会邀请函(如纸质邀请函、电子邀请函、与会通知单、重要通知单)、个人近期证件照一张、个人有效证件(国外护照、港澳永久身份证/回乡证、台胞证或有一年以上境外有效工作签证的中国护照原件)及名片。

With the foreign buyers’ accompany, the interpreter takes the ID card & Copy of it, Business Card, A most recent passport photo (5cm x 4cm), and related Certificates of Diploma to make the entry card at Buyer’s Registration Office, with fee: 300 RMB/person/day. One overseas company can only be accompanied with one Chinese.

在外商的陪同下,翻译请带上个人身份证原件及复印件、名片,相片(5厘米×4厘米的个人彩色近期证件照), 及相关学历证书,到采购商报到处交费办理进馆证(费用为300元/人/天)。一个境外公司只能带一名翻译进馆协助采购。

The Fair provides interpreters of different languages, including English, French, Arabic, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and Indonesian.


you can get the entry badge in the following appointed hotels, such as Garden Hotel,China Hotel,Dong Fang Hotel,White Swan Hotel,Shangri-La Hotel Guangzhou,Hotel Landmark Canton,Best Western GZ Baiyun Hotel,New Mainland Hotel,Guangzhou Hotel,Star Hotel,The Phoenix City Hotel Guangzhou,Ocean Hotel Guangzhou,Rosedale Hotel & Suites Guangzhou,Guangdong Victory Hotel,Ramada Pearl Hotel Guangzhou,Asia International Hotel,Jianguo Hotel Guangzhou,Grand International Hotel,Grand Royal Hotel,Ramada Plaza Guangzhou,Riverside Hotel,Royal Mediterranean Hotel,The Westin Guangzhou,Holiday Inn City Center Guangzhou,The

Ritz-Carlton Hotel Guangzhou,Panyu Hotel,Chateau Star River,Chime Long Hotel,Foshan Crowne Plaza,Regal Palace Hotel.

Please refer to our official website: for detailed addresses and the office hours.



1. Excuse me, /Good morning/Good afternoon,Sir/Madam,what can I do for you?



4. Please fill in the form before your registration. Is it the first time that you come to Canton Fair? Do you have the invitation issued by Chinese Import and Export Fair /?E-invitation/ Notice for Pre-registered?


6. Does your company used to come to Canton Fair? You can go to Information to check/get the buyer number of your company .

7. If all of you are from the same company and it’s your first visit to Canton Fair, you can share the same buy number to register an IC card for free.

8. If you have a business card, you just need to write down your passport number.

9. If you don’t bring your passport with you now,we can dial the hotel where you stay to comfirm your information with your ID Card or driving license,or you can ask your friend to fax the copy of your passport. 10.


If you have no photo now, you can go to the Snapshot to take a photo. I’m afraid that the photo which is scanned is not clear enough..


13. Have you already registered an IC card before? If you forget to bring your last IC card or lose it, it will cost you 200RMB for restration as sevice fee.

14. You should pay 200RMB for your registration because your losing the IC card will add to the management cost of our system.

15. Even though you have the invitation, you still have to pay for your re-application.

16. It says in the invitation that it will cost you 200RMB to re-apply for a new IC card.


18. I do appologize for this, but it’s the regulation here. Please present your personal documents for checking and being stamped before your registration.



21. Every counter is available . Thank you very much for your suggestion. The IC card can be used for many running sessions,and please keep it safe.


(五)确认客商身份流程 Have a nice day.

篇三:betty wang's task

ID: grace.chai; Password: 2047619bw!; Printer: 999999

N:\Common\policy\Finance Policy\Vendor ID and Payment request form

N:\MarCom\Marcom Payment List\2009 Payment

N:\MarCom\2009 Plan and Budget\Run 3


Do remember copy it before submitting to Ralph Guo

Go to Judy for signature under the signing date-> To Vivian (Finance) for seal

N:\MarCom\GC Media List\2009 GC Media List


艾氏国龙-胡梅-62187988/13651189337 摄影师:张可鑫13488805264

N:\MarCom\Business photo

陈述一:13911666271 (北京兴拓科技有限公司)

Email inform content: (secretary list might be changed – pls double check)

To: Qiao, Cindy (Beijing, China); Zhang, Chris (Beijing, China); Guo, Amanda (Beijing, China); Li, Rose (Beijing, China); Zhang, Judy (Beijing, China); Wang, Ying (Beijing, China); Yang, Catherine (Beijing, China); Zhang, Cathy (Beijing, China); Duan, Ivy (Beijing, China); Luo, Sharon (Beijing ,China); Li, Tao (Beijing China); Liu, Anna (Beijng, China); Liu, Xinxin (Beijing,China); Chen, Sammi (Beijing, China); Qin, Sandy (Beijing, China); Qu, Iris (Beijing, China); Zhao, Maggie (Beijing, China); Liu, Maggie (Beijing, China); Liu, Helen (Beijing, China); Whalley, Rhys (Beijing, China); Han, Jie (Beijing, China); Gong, Suzanna (Beijing, China); Wang, Andrew (Beijing, China); Duan, Tracy (Beijing, China)

1. Dear all,

It’s another round of taking business photo now.

Date – Nov. 27th noon (5 minutes per person) 11:00-14:00

Please let me know the number of team members and their names in your team who has not taken the business photo before byth It would be very nice of you to help provide their names and book their time for that. (The sequence for shooting is based on sequence of your reply. ^.^) Business photo will charge your department RMB 70 Yuan per person.

Thanks a lot!

2. Dear all,

Please note: business photo shooting will be arranged at Sept.4th inform your team members and book their time according to the below arrangement and be in the meeting room on time. (The sequence for shooting is based on sequence of your reply.)

Business photo shooting will be arranged at least by quarterly bases so if your team members commit to come – please do try to make it happen on time. Should you have any query please feel free to let me know. Thanks.

Business photo-Sept.4th-Lhasa

Please dress properly; and the information below is FYI:

Suit: Business suit with dark color (dark blue, gray or charcoal)

Shirt: a crisp white shirt

Tie: be conservative

Grooming: All hair, moustaches and beards must be neatly groomed

Suit: Business suit with dark color (dark blue, gray or charcoal)

Jewelry-Ostentatious jewelry, multiple ear rings on each ear, and multiple chain necklaces are prohibited Grooming - All hair must be neatly groomed


Having got the photo, send to HR Annie & team assistants as well.


Each person’s folder should have Chinese CV, English CV and business photo,

Do remember renew the latest version timely

Meeting room booking

Stationary Order/Courier

张艳君小姐 电话:010-59052323-8807或 4008170808-1-8807 手机:13520025678

邮件:zhang.yanjun@staples.bj.cn ?


? ?

Wendy Wu

Tel: 86 10 62130420-0 Fax: 86 10 62132234

Mobile: 13661215417 Finance of translation-Lisa Li

Tel: 86 10 62130420-16 Mobile: 13161695005

宋体/JLL red/9)


Log in: ID: grace.chai password: 2047619bw! Also a guideline of overall page – Stacey has it Look for the form in C:\Documents and Settings\grace.chai\My Documents\Stationery

Save as PDF CC: Stacey & 前台

Name card order: CC: 前台

1 Find template from AP site





? Find one published article Save as word doc Fond: ENG- verdana 9 CHN—宋体 9 JLL red for title Space: multiple: 1.3 Re-collect different column and row from different template into one

2 Pay attentions to the size of the picture, re-size it before upload

3 Between paragraph, use shift+enter instead of only enter

4 Connect with Mag (Singapore): +65 6494 3648 if any problem exist

5 Do remember don’t fill in publish date before it approved by someone

6 Find the ready template in N:\MarCom\connect\template

7 Timely ask Mag to have the most updated template, she is really nice and good at connect

FrontPage-Highlights section-view all-right top button “view all items”->new

? 1.

2. Upload the mini pic of the podcast (go to “View all site content”->”Image”->”Expert Insights”->upload the mini picture there->right click and copy shortcut of the pic-link of the news) “Expert Insights” in FrontPage right top corner triangle->modify the shared part->in right

side ”Content editor”, click “rich text editor”

->click the first row and a triangle appear->click it and “insert row above”->click on the left row box and click on the pic button in function line->enter the copied pic link (specify size 94 and maintain the aspect ratio)->click on the mini pic and click the link button above->type in the podcast link

3. In right row box, type in the podcast title & speaker’s name(JLL red title& black name/ can be typed

in the row below to follow the same font and then copied to the front row)->select the typed words and click on link button-> type in the podcast link



? OK for this modification Check out and publish after checking with Stacey for the first time. New-enter the newspaper name, date, news source in link form, news title

(If no direct link but only a picture, go to “View all site content”->”Image”->”In the news”->upload the news clipping picture there->right click and copy shortcut of the pic-link of the news)

? Reminder to nationwide marketing “In the News”-at 9:00-9:30 on Friday morning

To: Hu, Tammy (Shanghai, China); Huang, Nikita (Shenzhen, China); Ho, Diane (Shanghai, China); Xu, Terena(Qingdao, China); Yin, Abby (Tianjin, China); Zhu, Jodie (Shanghai, China); Liu, Jordan (Shanghai, China); Song, Mickey (Taiwan)

Dear all,

Moving forward, please send your “in the news” (two) press clippings to me by next Monday 10 am so we can help upload onto Connect and keep the content fresh. Alternatively, for more flexibility, you may want to upload these clippings yourself in real time as the process is same as other web-parts.

Thanks in advance!


Reimbursement of MarCom members with team summary-team summary to DL-hard copy all to receptionist th or 16th OF THE MONTH

Form: 邮箱:VIP/ team summary

Payment to Ralph Guo (Finance) before Fri 10am





命题教师 汪永来 命题时间 2010.4.29



1. children (单数)_____________ 2. my(反身代词) ____________ 3. bus(复数) _____________ 4. radio(复数) _____________ 5. nine(序数词)_____________ 6. fly(单三) ____________ 7.is (过去式) ____________ 8. cloud(形容词) ___________ 9. get(现在分词)___________ 10. wash(单三) ___________ (2)根据语境和单词的首字母填空(5分)

年级 姓名 学号

1. You must put a s _____________ on the envelop before you send a letter. 2. The Blacks are having f _____________ in Beijing. 3. -----May I borrow your c__________ to take a picture? -----OK, here you are.

4. We are going on a t _____________ to Beijing now.

5. Danny fell off the tree and h_____________ his leg. (3)用所给词的正确形式填空(10分) 1. My apple is ___________(big)than yours. 2. Look! Mary ___________(take)a photo now. 3. We have four ___________(class)4. Who can help___________(I)

8. What did you ___________(

9. There ___________(be) 10. He ___________(get 二、单项选择(每题分) (

send me photo now

A. big C. bigs D. bigging (

B. are playing C. play D. playing ( )3. What can you _______in the classroom?

A. see B. to see C. looking D. looks ( )4. What about ____the old man carry the water?

A. help B. helps C. helping D. is helping ( )5. Don’t ______beside the train.

A. standing B. stand C. stands D. to standing ( )6. -----What are you doing now? -----I’m _______books.

A. watching B. seeing C. reading D. reads ( )7. There are many ______ on the train.

A. people B. peoples C. man D. childs

( )8. -----Is this question easy _______hard? -----It’s hard.

A. and B. or C. but D. with ( )9. I want _______ a snack, what about you?

A. having B. has C. have D. to have ( )10. Lucy _______ a computer, but her sister has.

A. doesn’t have B. has C. have D. doesn’t has

( )11. -----Is this question ________? -----Yes, I can answer it_______.

不 要 在 密 封 线 内 答 题


A. easy; easy B. easily; easily C. easy; easily D. easily; easy ( )12. Please show _______ your pictures.

A. we B. us C. our D. ours

( )13. The weather here is ________in summer.

A. raining B. suny C. sunny D. rains ( )14. We don’t need ______ envelop when we write ______ e-mail.

A. the; an B. an; an C. a; a D. a; an ( )15. The girl is ______young ______ go to school.

A. very; to B. much; too C. too; to D. very much; for ( )16. Do you ________English every day?

A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk ( )17. There are fifty _______in our school.

A. man teachers B. man teacher C. men teacher D. men teachers ( )18. ______the hotel _______ a computer?

A. Is; have B. Does; have C. Do; has D. Are; having ( )19. I would like ______ some pop, I’m thirsty.

A. drink B. to drink C. to drinking D. drinks ( )20. The boys arrive______Beijing _____12:00 ____the morning.

A. in; at; in B. at; at; in C. in; at; on D. at; at; on ( )21. Mr. Wang, let _____ open the door.

A. me B. I C. my D. mine ( )22. Mr. Smith _____ me with my English last year.

A. help B. helps C. helping D. helped ( )23. _____ you _____ to the park last week?

A. Do; went B. Did; go ( )24. This is your new sweater, please ______.

A. put them on B. put on them D. put on it

( )25

A. to go B. to goes D. for go ( )26. Ev

A. am B. is ( A. are listened D. are listen ( )28

A. first B. one D. five (

A. from; to C. to; to D. for; for ( A. to C. from D. by


Mr. Read and Read have a son, Tony. They love 1____ very much. Tony is only four years 2____. He likes 3____ questions.

(黄瓜) in 5____hand. He likes to eat it while reading. Tony comes in. He 6____ Mr. Read,“Daddy, what’s this?”Mr. Read is interested(感兴趣) in the 7____. He doesn’t 8_____ Tony. Tony shakes(摇) his father’s leg 9_____ asks again,“What’s this? 10____ me!”“Leg!”says Mr. Read. Tony goes out and says to Mrs. Read, “Mommy, I want to eat a leg.” ( )1. A. him B. he C. his D. them ( )2. A. young B. old C. small D. big ( )3. A. to ask B. asking C. asks D. is asking ( )4. A. is sitting B. is siting C. sitts D. sits ( )5. A. her B. him C. his D. hers ( )6. A. asks B. asking C. answer D. answers ( )7. A. son B. cucumber C. newspaper D. book ( )8. A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. hears ( )9. A. and B. or C. but D. with


( )10. A. Talk B. Speak C. Tell D. Excuse 四、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分) A阅读下列短文,选择最佳答案。 Dear Ann,

You are in New York and I’m in Shanghai now. Shanghai is a big city. It’s beautiful and busy. There are many good places to have fun. There is one English boy and two American girls in our class. I have many Chinese friends now. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English. Chinese is not easy, but I like it. In a word(总之), I love China. Please write back soon(不久). Yours, Maria

( )1. Ann is in _________.

A. England B. Shanghai C. New York D. China ( )2. There is ________ in Maria’s class.

A. two American girls B. two English girls C. an English boy D. one American girl ( )3. Maria is studying _______ in shanghai now.

A. English B. Japanese C. French D. Chinese ( )4. Who writes the letter? ________.

A. I don’t know B. Maria C. Ann ( )5. New York is a big city in _________.


级 姓名 学号

A.reading a book B.doing the washing C.going to the cinema D.helping uncle Wang

( )3.From Lucy’s plan, we can know Lucy likes _______ best. A.football B.music C.doing the washing D.basketball ( )4.From their plans we know Lucy and John will both have to_______ A.do the washing B.do the shopping C.do the homework D.go to see a friend ( )5._____ will have lunch with Larry. A.Lucy B.John C.Lucy and John D.we don’t know 五、句型转换:(每空1分,共20分)


_________ _________ you want to buy for your father? 2. These are envelops. (单数句子) _________ is _________ envelop.

3. He went to the Palace Museum last week. (一般疑问句) _________ he ________ to the Palace Museum last week? 4. Sit down beside Denny. (否定句) _________ _________ down beside Denny. 5. It’s (划线提问) _________ the weather _________ today? (划线提问) ________ _______ you have fun every week? 7. There are some apples on the tree. 8. I’d like some coffee to drink. 9. He has a new computer. 在 密 封 线 内 答 题

10分) B. have to D. fly a kite E. No problem F. What about G. worry about H. too much I. playing football J. Be quite


( )1. It’s raining, you _______ take an umbrella with you. ( )2. How beautiful the park is! Would you like to _________? ( )3. ______ having a rest? OK, I’m very tired. ( )4. Don’t _______ them, they’re OK.

( )5. ______,then turn left, you’ll find a bookshop. ( )6. The students are _______ at school now.

( )7. -----Can you ______? -----Yes, it’s easy. Look, run with it like this. ( )8. _______! The baby is sleeping.

( )9. Can you help him close the window? ____ ( )10. You mustn’t eat ______ ice cream every day





( )1. What happened to you yesterday? ( )2. The gifts are for you. ( )3. What did you do last week? ( )4. Time to go to school. ( )5. Don’t play football in the classroom! B

A. Thank you. B. OK, let’s go.

C. I fell off the tree. D. Sorry, I won’t. E. I visited my uncle.

(2)选项补全对话,将序号填在横线上(5分) James: Hello! May I speak to Sam? Sam: Hello! 1____________.

James: Hi, Sam. This is James, 2____________?

Sam: I’m in Beijing. I’m studying in a middle school. James: Oh, good! 3____________?

Sam: It’s OK, everything is fine and everyone in my class is friendlyto me. James: 4____________?

Sam: No, my friends can’t understand(理解;懂得) James: 5____________! I think I will help you with your Chinese. Sam: Thank you very much.

A. Where are you?

B. Do you do well in Chinese? C. Don’t worry.

D. How is your school? E. This is Sam speaking. 八、书面表达(共15分)


Dave, Jim over there Kate and Sally under a tree Linda behind the tree Tim near the tree Tom and Ken swim at a pool Brad listen to the music near the pool






篇五:牛津 7A M1实验


( ) 1.When the red light is_____,you can’t cross the road.

A. in B. on C. at D. off

( )2. She wants to know what_____ like when she is 25.

A. will she be B. is she C. she will be D.she is

( )3._____ 13 years’ time, she will be______.

A. At, beautiful B. On, much beautiful C. In, more beautiful D. For, beautifuler

( )4. Let’s _____ a photograph now.

A. making B. sent C.to take D.take

( )5.When she heard the news, she was very____.

A.exciting B.excited C. excites D.excite

( )6.You must be ____summer uniforms in September.

A. wear B. dress C. put on D. in

( )7.I see some boys_____ on the playground now.

A.play volleyball B. play the guitar C.playing football D. to play the basketball

( )8.In the past, ____ by train_____ very comfortable.

A.travel, are B. travelling, was C. traveling, is D. to travel, were

( )9.We use the pair of scissors for_____.

A.make lamps B.sticking things together C. to painting the walls D. cutting things

( )10.I won’t go to bed ____I finish my homework.

A.after B.in C.until D. for

( )11.There____ only some milk in the fridge yesterday.

A. is B. are C.were D. was

( )12.Not____ young people like this film.

A. much B. more C. most D. many

( )13.____ of these boxes is full.

A. Some B. Most C.Every C. None

( )14. They_____ a model house three years ago.

A. make B. made C.will make D. makes

( )15.Let me show you how____ the post office.

A. to get to B. get to C. to getting to D. get


1. She is good at__________.(dance, dancing)

2. It gets dark__________ in the evening in summer.(early, late)

3. I have_________ homework every day.( plenty of, many)

4. Nowadays, passengers put the money in a fare-box________ buying the tickets from the bus-conductors.( instead, instead of)

5. They don’t go to school by_________.(ferry, ferries)

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. His pair of trousers ______ green.(be)

2. Everyone must ______ (go) to school on time.

3. Do you want ______________ (take) a photo with the puppy?

4. A _________ __________ bread for people. (bake)

5. Eddie likes ____________ (take) photographs.

6. In 10 years, Tim __________________ (be) strong.

7. When you’re 20, you will be five kilogrammes _______________ (heavy).

8. His little sister is two years _____________ (young) than him.

9. Our hometown Shenyang has had great ________________(change) these years.

10. I’m very ________________ (exciting). Let’s take a photo now!

11. I hope I will be slimmer in 5 _____________ (year) time.

12. What __________ news! I’m very __________ about it! (excite)

13. Bill will ______________ (weight) 60 kilogrammes when he is 18 years old.

14. Do you have to learn _____________ (drive) a car?

15. What will your mother __________ like when she __________ 40? (be)

16. Don’t forget ___________ ( give ) it back tomorrow.

17. Jim’s new English book is nicer than ___________ (Simon).

18. Be quiet! I can hear a girl ___________ (sing) in that room.

19. In our city, it’s hot in June, but it’s much ___________ ( hot ) in August.

20. Doing more exercise ___________ ( be ) good for your health.

21. Students hope there will be ____________ (little) homework than before.

22. These women bus _____________ (drive) are friendly to each other.

23. Now people are living a __________ (comfort) life.

24. Nowadays most buses are ______________ (air-conditioner)

25. _____________ (not open) the door. It’s too cold outside.

26. Look, plenty of butterflies ____________________(fly) in the garden.

27. Last Monday, I ______________(take) my grandma to the hospital.

28. _________it often ________(snow) in Shanghai in winter?

29. Everyone in our class _________(like) ____________(play) computer games.

30. None of them ____________(be) in the classroom last morning.

31. I think they are all_____________ (woman) teachers.

32. ____________ ( travel) by plane is very fast.

33. We need some (brush) to paint the wall.


1. Most of the students like having ice_______(lsoilel) in summer.

2. I have to ______(rpaetisc) maths more.

3. Girls love______(srdesnig) up.

4. Peter will_______(bpsoysil) be a policeman or fireman.

5. Perhas there will be______ (wfere) traffic jams.


1. things, let’s, collecting,


2. English, I’m, sing, at, songs,

poor__________________________________________________ .

3. any, perhas,travel, we, by, won’t, minibus, longer


4. we, do, pieces, use, of, for, cloth, what


5. of, the, most, bus-drivers, men, are


V. 改写句子(5分)

1.She is no longer a child.(同义句) She isn’t a child______ _______.

2.He does well in speaking Japanese. (同义句) He’s ______ _______ speaking Japanese.

3.You can see a lot of flowers in the garden in summer. (同义句)

You can see______ ______ flowers in the garden in summer. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ you use the watchbox for?

5.We have to wear white shirts. The shirts have short sleeves. (同义句) We ______ wear white shirts______short sleeves.

VI. 完成句子(5 分)

( )1.I think you will possibly be a model.

( )2.What will he be like in 10 years’ time?

( )3.What are you going to do?

( )4.How do you go to work?

( )5.What’s you favorite season?


___1___ the past, many people ___2___ travelling by bus.

All passagers had___3___ tickets. There was a bus-conductor in each bus. He collected money ___4___ the passengers and ___5___ the money in a bag.

Passengers do not buy tickets now. They put their money in a fare-box ___6___. In the past, there were only single-decker buses. None of them ___7___ a double-decker bus.

Most of ___8___ bus drivers are men, but some of them are women. ___9___, in the past, none of the bus-drivers were ___10___. All of them were men.

( )1. A. At B. In C. On D. For

( )2.A. like B. likes C. liked D. liking

( )3.A. buy B. brought C. buys D. to buy

( )4.A. from B. to C. for D. with

( )5.A.puted B.putting C. put D. to put

( )6.A. instead B. / C.instead of D. too

( )7.A. is B.was C. are D. were

( )8.A. the B. a C. an D./

( )9.A. But B.Perhas C.However D.Possibly

( )10.A.man B.woman C.men D. women

VIII. 阅读理解(30分)


Once an old man was walking in a street with his horse. It was

raining hard. The old man was cold because he was walking in the rain. He wanted to go to a restaurant. It was a quarter past three in the afternoon. The old man got to a small restaurant. There were lots of people in it. The old man couldn''''t come near the fire. He thought and thought. At last he said to the waiters, "Take some fish to my horse." The waiter and the people were very surprised. The waiter said, "A horse doesn''''t eat fish." The old man told the waiter, "This horse is very

interesting. It can sing, dance and do all kinds of things. It can eat fish, too," So the waiter brought the horse some fish.

All the people in the restaurant ran out to see the horse eat except the old man. Now the old man sat beside the fire. After a while the waiter came back and said, "Your horse didn''''t eat any fish." The old man said, "All right, take the fish back and put it on the table. I''''ll eat it."

( )1. The old man felt very cold because______.

A. it was a windy day B. it was snowing heavily

C. he had travelled in the heavy rain D. he was hungry ( )2. All the people in the restaurant ran out except the old man because_____.

A. they wanted to see the old man

B. they wanted to see the horse eating fish

C. they had been told there was a horse there.

D. there was no fire over the stove

( )3. Indeed, the horse could neither _____nor ____.

A. walk...eat B. sing...sleep C. sing...eat fish

D. talk...drink

( )4. Why did the old man ask the waiter to take some fish to his horse? Because ______.

A. his horse liked eating fish

B. he was cold

C. he wanted to sit by the fire, but wasn''''t able to do so at first

D. he himself also liked to eat fish

( )5. We can tell from the story that ____.

A. the old man''''s horse can eat fish

B. the old man cheated all the people in the restaurant

C. all the people in the restaurant were fools

D. we shouldn''''t believe strangers


There is a very rich (富裕的) village (村庄). People there are good at business (生意). One day a young man comes to visit. He asks a villager,"You''''re all good businessmen. What is your secret?"

"The secret is this," answers the villager, "We eat a lot of fish. It is good for our brains (大脑). It makes us clever."

"I see." says the young man, "And what is the name of the fish?" "I don''''t know," says the businessman, "but if you give me 10 pounds, I can send you some."

The young man thinks it''''s a good idea. So he gives the villager 10 pounds and leaves his address. Soon the young man receives a box. There are some small fish in it. After a month the young man meets the villager again. "Thank you for sending me the fish," he says, "But listen, 10 pounds is very expensive for just three small fish."

"Ah, you see!" says the villager, "The fish is working now. You are becoming clever!"

( )1. Why does the young man go to the rich village?

A. Because he is very rich, too.

B. Because there is some gold in that village.

C. Because he wants to know the secret of becoming good


( )2. The young man believes that ____ when he heard the villager''''s


A. he couldn''''t be rich or clever

B. the villager is just cheating

C. he could be clever after eating the fish

( )3.The young man spent 10 pounds for ____ small fish.

A. 3 B. 5 C. we don''''t the number

( )4. The story mainly tells us ____.

A. how to be clever

B. not to buy any fish from the rich people

C. the secret of becoming good businessman

( )5.Do you think who is cleverer?

A. The villager B.The young man C. Some fish

( C )

A boy goes to study in Japan. He finds a part-time job in a restaurant. Many Japanese students also work there. Their job is washing dishes (餐具). It''''s an easy job, but the boss (老板) says: "You must wash every dish seven times." At first, the student is careful. The boss is happy with him. After one month, the boy finds that the boss doesn''''t check (检查) very often. He thinks,"There''''s no difference between five times and

seven times." So he just washes five times. He works very fast. The boss is even happier. One day, a Japanese student asks him why he can wash
