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注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。


No. 1

I went to the Summer Palace on last week. At the gate I happened to meet some

America tourists. I greeted him in English and then we began to chat. I got to know

that they were college students travel in China. They were busy with taking pictures

and were much impressed with the changes had taken place in the past few years. After

which, we went boating on a lake and had a good time. We exchanged our email

address so that we could write to each other on the future. They thanked me again and

again. I was very glad to have a chance to practising my oral English

去掉on tourists→American 3. greeted →travelling 去掉with 6. changes后加that the→in

No. 2

My classmate except me were in high spirits. At the coming party I would have to do

some cleanings, for I wasn’t able to dance and sing. During the party, I tried to keep

the room being clean. After the party I got rid the rubbish. Enjoying my classmates’

smiling faces, I felt their job worthwhile. When told the room will have been a dustbin

without me I thought of a saying, "There must have a use for my talent." You may

have no special talent, so as long as you try to do good in everything useful, you’ll find

everything is beautiful at every corner of your life. 2. some →cleaning 3. sing→or 去掉being 5. rid后加of job→my 7. have→ would 9. as→ but 10. do in→well

No. 3

Recently, we have had a discussing about if we should study by discussing in free class. Views vary from persons to person. Most of the students consider that it is of greatly

help studying by discussing in free class, that, they think, can help to find better ways

to solve problems. What is much, they believe that they learn by discussing can last

longer in their memories. However, there are 35 percents of the students holding the

opposite view it is not good. They insist that discussing mean lacking thinking and the

loud noises is caused by it will disturb others.

2. from 3. greatly→great

4. that→which 5. much→more 7. percents→percent

8. view后加that 9. mean→means 10. 去掉is

No. 4

Our school lies on the foot of a mountain with a small river passes by. It used to be a

quiet, clean and beautiful place for a school. It is a pity which things have changed

after a chemical factory was built near our school one year ago. Every day the factory

produces many waste water and some harmful gases. The terribly pollution is harmful

to our health. What’s bad, the great noise from the factory had a bad effect on our

activities. As a result, our school is no longer what it used to. Our teachers and students

are miserable beyond the description.

1. on→at 2. passes→passing 3. which→that 4. after→since 5. many→much

6. terribly→terrible 7. bad →worse 8. had→has 9.used to后加be 10. 去掉the

No. 5

Now I’d like to tell you something took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon

we are all held together for our 18-years-old birthday. At the first we promised that like

grown-ups we should be responsible for our society. Then we expressed thank to our

parents who experienced hardships to bring us up and our teachers who educated us

heart or soul. And our teachers also gave to us cards expressing our good

congratulations and wishes to us. Finally, we put on wonderfully performances.

1. took 前加that 2. are→were 3. 18-years-old→18-year-old

4. 去掉first前面的the 5. like→as 6.thank→thanks 7. or→and

8. 去掉gave后面的to 10. wonderfully→wonderful

No. 6

In the country now, there are many children do not attend the school. I think one of the

reasons is that their families are very poor to send them to school. They had to stay at

home to make money to support their families. Other reason is that many parents think

it useless of the girls to study and they do not like them to go to school. A third reason

is what some children are not interesting in their lessons. In my opinion, all children,

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:bring,on,the,summer)

included girls, have the chance to receive education. Everybody should pay attention

for the education of the children.

1. children前加who/that 2. 去掉attend后面的the 3. very→too 4.


5. other→another 6. of→for 7. what→that 8. interesting→interested

9. included→including 10. for→to

No. 7

It is known to us, a severe tusnami occurred in the Indian Ocean in December 26, 2004. It’s reported that more than 10 countries were suffered from the disaster. But it caused

more than 200,000 deaths and left million of people homeless. Countless houses and

schools have destroyed. Just imagine how the students here need help. Schools should

be rebuilt so that they could return to classes soon. Here the Student Union calls for

everyone to do something for them. We’ll have a voluntary contribution this week.

Let’s give away our pocket’s money.

1.→As December→on 去掉were 4. But→And

5. million→millions 6. destroyed前加been →on 10. pocket’s→pocket

No. 8

The Guangming Middle School is in west of the city, with the Chengxi River run

nearby. When you enter the school, you can see a big flower bed in the front of you,

and two large buildings on both side: the library on your right and the teach building

on your left. Walk on further, and you will find the sports building. Behind which,

there are two basketball courts. On the north of them is the sports ground. On it’s east

side stand two buildings: the dining hall, or the dormitory. All the buildings of the

school is surrounded by bushes and flowers.

1. west前加the 2. run→running 3. front去掉the 4. both →sides building→teaching 6. further→farther →it

8. On the→and

No. 9

One morning, Mrs. Smith’s dog was hunger. She took out a piece of paper, that read,

“Give it half a pound of meat.” Then she gave it to the dog saying “Bring it to the

butcher’s.” The dog ran here and gave the paper to the butcher. He read it and did.

Soon, the dog came again and gave him other piece of paper. Without looking, he did

so once more. Two hours late it came again. He wandered why Mrs. Smith gave it so

much meat. He read the paper and found out there was not a single word on it. What a

clever dog it was!

1.hunger→hungry 2. read→which 3. Bring→Take 4. ran →there

篇二:2014届高三英语查漏补缺效果考核检测:完形填空突破 Word版含解析

完形填空 (建议用时: 40分钟)



I still remember the summer when I was with my aunt at the age of seven. One day, she asked me to go to Miss Bee’s store with a. How could I find anything on theshelves around me?

I walked up to the counter, those. “So? Go to get them. ”Sheexcept you and me and I’m not your servant. a basket and start filling. ”

The store was ait, I was exhausted and it was already sundown.

I visited Miss Bee’s, with my list, twice a week that summer. Sometimes she short-charged me. Other times she overchargedsold me an old newspaper instead of one that was current. Going to the store was more like going intoEvery time I told her that she had overcharged, she just looked at meglasses and fixed the price. The moment I remembered the location of an item, Miss Bee rearranged the shelves and made meit all over again. By summer’s end the shopping trip that hadtaken me an hour was done in 15 minutes.

On my last trip to the store, Miss Bee asked: “What did you

summer? ”I pressed my lips together. To my, Miss Bee laughed. “I know what you think of me. But I amgrow up you’ll be glad our paths until one day my daughter came to me with homework troubles. “If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself? ”I said. Suddenly, I was back at Miss Bee’s store and realized that she had really taught meshare some 1. A. basket 2. A. broken 3. A. holding C. throwing 4. A. looked C. pointed 5. A. Get 6. A. circus

B. purse B. fastened

C. paper-bag C. packed B. showing D. bringing B. led D. directed C. Purchase C. palace

D. list D. locked

B. Prepare B. puzzle B. made

D. Enjoy D. shelter D. chose

7. A. carried 8. A. supported C. attached 9. A. so

C. collected B. convinced D. armed C. for B. bargain D. discussion C. beyond C. head

B. or

D. but

10. A. battle C. match 11. A. in 12. A. pay

B. across B. hunt

D. over D. wait

13. A. at one time C. in no time 14. A. buy

B. in time D. on time C. lose

D. learn

B. find

15. A. amusement C. amazement 16. A. anxious

B. disappointment D. excitement C. serious B. shaped D. returned C. mistake B. nothing D. everything C. life

D. work

D. idea

D. curious

B. willing

17. A. separated C. crossed

18. A. feeling B. reply

19. A. something C. anything

20. A. service 【拓展训练】 仿写句子。

B. family

1. 每次我去那儿, 我都给他买些好看的东西。(every time)

____________________________________________________________________ 2. 他一到这个国家就开始了他的探寻工作。(the moment)

____________________________________________________________________ 3. 我们年轻的日子一去不复返了。(when)

____________________________________________________________________ 4. 人们穿着19世纪的服装在街上走来走去。(现在分词短语作方式状语) ____________________________________________________________________



Overweight has been a great concern for many people. In an attempt to keep normal weight, people havevarious methods. Nevertheless, not all the ways are when it comes to health. For weight loss, many people the high-protein, low-carbohydrate(碳水化合物)diets.

However, such diets might have结肠). The diets can also create certainit can raise theof the risk.

The research haswould not lose theof keeping normal weight. include enough amounts of high protein that might have ill effects on the.

The findings are based on seventeen overweight men whoshort-term different diets. The result of the study proved that they hadlevels of some substances that have beenwhen the men were

the high-protein diet. When they were on the high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, they had lowered amounts of fiber-originatedto be protective against .

Exactly what those changes might mean for a person’s health is. But the findings suggest that people should be aware ofover a long period. , experts recommend that adults get about 28 grams of

fiber per day—though it’s not known whether that’s enough for someone on a high-protein weight-loss. 1. A. successfully C. happily

2. A. helpless C. useless

3. A. make up C. turn to

4. A. harmful 5. A. anxieties C. changes

6. A. treatment C. process 7. A. asked

C. suggested 8. A. courage 9. A. Moreover C. Meanwhile 10. A. brain

11. A. recommended C. followed 12. A. low C. general

B. good

B. ability B. heart

B. painfully D. easily B. cheap D. beneficial B. come across D. get over C. beneficial B. actions D. feelings B. function D. possibility B. shown D. examined C. support B. Therefore D. However C. colon B. offered D. discovered B. high D. average

D. little

D. sight D. waist



英 语 试 卷 2015.6

1.本试卷共12页,共九道大题,66道小题。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。考 2.答题前,考生务必将学校名称、班级、姓名和考试编号填写清楚。

生 3.试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。

须 4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。

知 5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。





21. ------Bill, where’s your father? _________ phone is ringing!

------I don’t know, mom!

A. My B. Your C. His D. Her

22. We had a good time _________ Tianjin last weekend.

A. in B. on C. at D. from

23. It’s getting dark, _________ we’d better leave now.

A. but B. because C. so D. or

24. Anna’s painting is one of _________ in our class.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

25. ------Do you enjoy _________, Ken?

------Yes! What about you?

A. skate B. skates C. skating D. to skate

26. If she _________ come on time tomorrow, she won’t be a member of our team.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t D. won’t

27. I _________ the dishes when Mr. Gao visited my home yesterday.

A. wash B. washed C. am washing D. was washing

28. ------May I play football here, Miss?

------Sorry! You________ play football in the busy street. It’s dangerous?

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t

29. Look at this sign! Photos ________ here.

A. don’t allow B. didn’t allow C. are not allowed D. were not allowed

30. ------Do you know ________?

------Many years ago, I guess.

A. when did they build the hospital

C. when do they build the hospital B. when they built the hospital D. when they build the hospital



The tail

It began as the worst summer of my life. The evening before the first day of summer “Nancy, your father and I decided that you’re old enough now to take on certain responsibilities. You need to look after Jackie for this summer.”

“Not that, Mom! That’s not fair. All summer with Jackie! I won’t be able to play with my friends.”

“Life isn’”

I knew she would say that. Jackie is my seven-year-old brother and has been following me ’d rather be in school rather than minding Jackie all day.

“You’ll still be able to play with your friends,” she continued, “but Jackie comes first. He is ’re a family and we all have to help out.”

Jackie turned up and raised his right hand. “I promise to do whatever Nancy says.” me. When I was riding bike with friends, he was there, too. “Jackie, you’re not going to be in our faces all day.” I shouted at him.


Later on, my friends and I decided to climb the hills which mom had warned me not to do.

and seek(捉迷藏)in the park; But in fact, we went to the hills leaving Jackie behind. When we came back in an hour, Jackie was nowhere to find. We checked everywhere in the park, back at home, all the corners of the street…

“Jackie!” I cried, “You’re my only baby brother. Dear God, please let me find him. I’ll play any game he wants. I’ll never lie to him…

Suddenly, we heard some sound up above a big tree. When we looked up, Jackie was there laughing at us. “”…

“Everything’s OK, Nancy? Nothing happened?” Mom asked me when she came back from work. “No, Mom. Everything is fine. Nothing happened at all.” Jackie shouted.

Well, the summer didn’and my friends won the rope-jumping competition, and I’d play a game with Jackie or read him a story. And Jackie never told my parents that I’tail until you almost lose it.

31. A. bad news B. good news C. long news

C. busy D. big news D. fair

D. box 32. A. exciting B. surprising 33. A. speak B. walk C. button

34. A. necessity

35. A. getting

36. A. watch

37. A. reason

38. A. agreed

39. A. wonderful

40. A. always B. responsibility C. confidence D. expectation B. playing C. practicing D. beginning B. see C. keep D. carry B. truth C. fact D. story B. believed C. failed D. confused B. lucky C. terrible D. dangerous B. usually C. sometimes D. never




Summer Fun Games

41. Capture the Flag will be in the ________.

A. park B. hall C. playground D. classroom

42. Clue needs ________players.

A. 6 B.8 C. 10 D. 20

43. John is taking his notebook and pencil to play in ________.

A. Capture the Flag

C. Clue B. Counselor Hunt D. Gold Rush


1. 细节题。根据第一行右边的文字叙述可知Capture the Flag的地方是操场。


3. 细节题。 根据第三行右边的文字叙述可知需要Notebook 和pencil的是Counselor Hunt.


There was once a little girl named Molly. Her dad was good at gardening. Every day, he worked in a small garden at the back of their house. Molly would quietly watch her dad working in the garden. She wondered how the little seeds(种子)grew into seedlings and those into big plants. The beautiful colors of flowers and fruits made her excited. “When I grow up, I shall work in the garden like dad,” she would think.

Then one day, dad brought her some books, notebooks, pencils, and an eraser because she would go to school soon. Molly had seen her elder brother sharpening(削)his pencil every day. Every time he sharpened the pencil, it looked smaller. And his eraser also became smaller because he used it every day.

Suddenly, she had an idea, Why not plant a pencil and an eraser as dad planted the roses? Molly filled a flowerpot(花盆)with earth. She stuck a pencil in it, with the sharpened end pointing upwards. She fixed the eraser started growing! She hid her pot behind tall plants.

Molly watered her pot daily. Every day she would look carefully for signs of growing. She wondered why her pencil and eraser did not grow.

One day she asked her dad, “Why is my plant not growing, dad?”

“What plant?”



全国卷I、全国卷II、北京卷、天津卷、上海卷、重庆卷、福建卷、湖北卷、湖南卷 山东卷、陕西卷、四川卷、广东卷、江苏卷、辽宁卷、安徽卷、江西卷、浙江卷


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


On a hot summer day in late August, I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront café on a Greek island. Over a hundred degrees in air. Crowded. Tempers(脾气)of both the tourists and waiters had meet the situation, making it a rather quarrelsome environment(环境)

At the table next to mine sat an attractive, couple, waiting for . They held Hands, whispered, kissed, and laughed. Suddenly they stood, picked up their and stepped together the edge of where they were sitting to place the table in the sea water. The man stepped for the two chairs. He politely his lady in the knee-deep water and then sat down himself. All people around laughed and cheered.

appeared. He paused for just a second, walked into the water to the table cheers of the rest of his . Minutes later he returned carrying a bottle of wine and two glasses. Without pausing, he went into the water to the wine. The couple toasted(祝酒)each other, the waiter and the crowd. And the crowd by cheering and throwing flowers to them. Three other tables to have lunch in the water. The place was now filled with laughter.

One doesn?t step into water in one?s best summer clothes. Why not?

Customers are not served . Why not?

Sometimes one should consider the line of convention(常规)and enjoy to the fullest.

36.A.fresh B.cool C.still D.thin

37.A.managed B.expected C.attempted D.risen

38.A.lonely B.curious C.well-dressed D.bad-tempered

39.A.cheers B.service C.attention D.flowers

40.A.metal table B.empty bottle C.chairs D.bags

41.A.on B.off C.around D.along

42.A.outside B.forward C.down D.back

43.A.led B.seated C.watched D.received

44.A.The manager B.A friend C.A waiter D.The servant

45.A.set B.wash C.remove D.check

46.A.menu B.bill C.food D.order

47.A.loud B.anxious C.familiar D.final

48.A.tourists B.customers C.fellows D.assistants

49.A.at last B.in time C.once more D.as well

50.A.change B.drink C.sell D.serve

51.A.replied B.insisted C.agreed D.understood

52.A.prepared B.joined in C.settled up D.continued

53.A.with pleasure B.in the café C.in the sea D.with wine

54.A.following B.keeping C.limiting D.crossing

55.A.life B.wine C.lunch D.time


解析:still作形容词的意思是“不动的,静止的,无声的,寂静的,无风的”,still air表示一点风也没有。从而进一步描述了夏天的炎热。在如此炎热的天气情况下,人们很容易发脾气,争吵,完全符合下文的描述。fresh air意为“新鲜的空气”。cool意为“凉爽的”,与上文中的温度over a hundred degree相矛盾。thin意为“稀薄的”。


解析:rise意为“上升”,词义广泛,指具体的或抽象的某物向较高水平或位置移动,这里指人们由于天气炎热,旅游者和服务员的脾气都很糟糕,使得人们处于容易争吵的环境中。manage to do sth表示“能够做某事”,指经过努力成功地做了某事。expect意为“期待”,期待发脾气不符合实际情况。attempt意为“企图”。


解析:well-dressed意为“穿得好的”,根据上文中的attractive可判断出这对夫妇衣着良好。lonely意为“孤独的”。curious意为“好奇心旺盛的;好事的,爱看热闹的”。bad-tempered意为“脾气坏的”。都不符合下文中held hands,whispered,kissed,and laughed两人的行为和心情。


解析:service意为“服务”,从上文中的On a hot summer day in late August, I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront café on a Greek island.可以看出这个故事发生在一个酒吧里,所以这一对夫妇在等待着服务员的服务。cheer意为“款待”,指做客时受到的款待。attention意为“注意,注目”。flower意为“花”。


解析:metal table意为“铁桌子”,根据下文中的to place the table in the sea water可判断出这一对夫妇把桌子移到了海水中。empty bottle意为“空瓶子”。chair意为“椅子”。bag意为“皮包”。都与下文的情景不相符合。


解析:off意为“脱离”,指离开某个地方。表示他们一块离开了他们原来坐的地方。on意为“在……上面”,on the edge of表示“在……的边缘上”。around意为“在周围,围着;绕过”。along意为“沿着”。




解析:seat意为“使……坐下”,主语是人时,宾语往往是反身代词,主语是处所时,指“能坐 (多少人)”。下文中的then sat down himself说明那位男的先让那位妇女坐下。lead意为“领导,引导,带领”,着重指先行引路,引导某人达到某一目标,并要求某人有秩序地跟随或处于被控制之下。watch意为“观望”。receive意为“接到,收到”。




解析:set意为“放;搁,安置;布置;安排”,set the table表示把桌子布置好。wash意为“洗”,把桌子洗一洗,这明显不符合实际情况,因为在饭店吃饭时,服务员常常是把桌子擦干净,放上餐具,而不会把桌子洗一洗。remove意为“移动”,指把桌子移动另外的地方。check意为“检查,检验,校对,核对,对照,比较”。








解析:once more意为“再一次”,根据上下文的内容可判断出服务员再一次到水中去。at last意为“最后”,常指通过主观努力,克服种种困难,经过一番拖延或曲折之后,终于排除障碍,达到目的或取得成功,具有较浓的感情色彩。in time意为“及时地”。as well意为“也,又”,表示某个动作或事物与另一个动作或事物是并列关系。






解析:join in意为“参加”,表示参加某项活动或事项。这里指其他三张桌子也搬进了水里,与这对夫妇的桌子合并到一起。prepare意为“准备”。settle up意为“解决”。continue意为“继续”。


解析:in the sea表示“在海水里”。从上文中的to the place the table in the sea water可知,这一对夫妇把桌子搬进海水里,其他三张桌子也加入进来。由此可判断出这里指的是在海水里。with pleasure意为“高兴地”。in the café意为“在酒吧里”。with wine意为“用酒”。


解析:cross意为“横越,穿过”,cross the line of convention表示“打破常规”,在一般情况下,人们是在酒吧或饭店里就餐,而现在人们在海水里就餐,这不能不说是打破常规。


解析:life意为“生活”。enjoy life意为“享受生活”,作者认为有时候人们应该考虑打破常规来完美地享受生活。wine意为“酒”,指葡萄酒和各种果酒。lunch意为“午餐”。time意为“时间”。


第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


The year I went away to college was a very difficult transition(过渡期)for me. is probably true with many people. I got quite homesick and thought about going home.

Although the time for many students is getting from home, my mailbox was fre-

quently out at me. I sat down to read it, a note from someone back home. I became increasingly puzzled (困惑)as postcards were like this; It was a full news report about a woman named Mabel

and her newborn baby. I took the card back to my room and about it.

Several days later I another postcard, this one news about Maybelline, Mabel?s cousin. Soon after, another card arrived and then another, full of news of different people. I began to look forward to the next one, to see what this author would come up with

Finally, the cards coming, right about the time I had begun to feel about college life. They had been such a happy distraction(调剂)that I have all the postcards and still bring them out to read whenever I need a lift.

21.A.If B.So C.As D.What

22.A.often B.carefully C.seldom D.merely

23.A.hard B.last C.busiest D.happiest

24.A.visitors B.letters C.calls D.directions

25.A.empty B.full C.closed D.open

26.A.pouring B.reaching C.staring D.rolling

27.A.describing B.considering C.enjoying D.expecting

28.A.But B.Thus C.Also D.Even

29.A.any B.no C.some D.such

30.A.joked B.talked C.forgot D.cared

31.A.mailed B.accepted C.wrote D.received

32.A.delivering B.demanding C.discovering D.developing

33.A.one B.each C.either D.both

34.A.nearly B.possibly C.usually D.really

35.A.promising B.surprised C.interested D.pretending

36.A.below B.lately C.next D.behind

37.A.frightened B.disappointed C.excited D.pleased

38.A.continued B.stopped C.started D.avoided

39.A.easy B.safe C.tired D.anxious

40.A.lost B.collected C.torn D.saved




解析:often意为“经常”,上文中的I got quite homesick表明作者非常想家。carefully意为“小心地”。seldom意为“不常;很少;难得……”,与上文的内容矛盾。merely意为“单;只;纯粹;全然”。






解析:empty意为“空的”,这是一个让步状语从句,表示两个句子之间是转折对比关系,许多学生把收到家中的来信看作是最高兴的时刻,而作者的信箱里却是空的。full意为“满 的”,与短文内容矛盾。closed意为“关闭的”,不符合实际情况。open意为“开着的”。


解析:stare意为“盯着看,目不转睛地看 (at), 凝视;瞪眼看得…;瞪眼看,张大眼睛看”。这是一种比喻,比喻一封明信片像人人一样盯着作者看。pour意为“注,倒,灌,泻”,指大批的信件从邮箱中流出来。显然不符合实际情况。reach意为“到达”。roll意为“滚动”。






解析:no意为“没有”。表示没有像这样的明信片。any意为“任?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我桓觥薄ome意为“某个”。such意为“这样的”。


解析:forget意为“忘记”。因为Mabel与作者无关,所以他很快就把这封明信片忘记了。joke意为“开玩笑”。talk about意为“谈论”。care about意为“关心”。







Directions: In this section you'll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.


A. She is upset with her daughter's school.

B. She has nothing for her to do where she is.

C. She is starting her own company.

D. She has a new job.


A. He's too lazy.

B. It's summertime.

C. He can't see them.

D. They look good.


A. She didn't want to answer while relaxing.

B. She didn't notice that it was ringing.

C. She didn't want to leave her bath.

D. She was asleep at that time.


A. The man wants to marry the woman.

B. The woman wants to marry the man.

C. The man and woman are married.

D. The man's mother wants the two to marry.


A. The woman is cleaning the home.

B. The man is inviting the woman to stay.

C. The man and woman live together.

D. The man doesn't want the woman to move.


A. On the street.

B. In the woman's home.

C. With his mother.

D. In his own place.


A. The man has a title he fought for.

B. The man only had a couple of days to train.

C. The man is a boxer with an upcoming fight.

D. The man has trouble when he trains for fights.


A. The woman is talking on her mobile phone.

B. The woman wants to bring home some milk.

C. The man has picked up some bread.

D. The man is making too much noise on the bus.

Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. The man's money.

B. The man's marriage.

C. The man's maid.

D. The man's untidy home.


A. $51.

B. $50.

C. $70.

D. $1.


A. Doing something illegal.

B. Cleaning his home himself.

C. Hiring a maid to clean his home.

D. Getting married.


A. She has approved of the man's proposal.

B. She has promised to clean his home.

C. She has agreed to marry the man.

D. She has said that she would hire a maid.

Questions 5 to 9 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Going to the store.

B. Working at a factory.

C. Buying a gift.

D. Going to a birthday party.


A. Work.

B. School.

C. A party.

D. A doctor's office.


A. He wants to give the woman a surprise.

B. He has no money on him.

C. He hates to go to stores.

D. He is tired from a week's work.


A. The man will pay the woman back for sure.

B. The man will suffer a hard week at the factory.

C. The man will buy the birthday present.

D. The man will spend the day relaxing.


A. A factory.

B. A store.

C. A home.

D. A party.

Questions 10 to 13 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. Things the woman is doing in class.

B. Happy people they both know.

C. The woman's feelings of wanting to die.

D. The man's feelings of wanting to die.

11. A. Father and daughter.

B. Mother and son.

C. Teacher and student.

D. Doctor and patient.


A. A classroom.

B. A shop.

C. A home.

D. A bridge.


A. The woman doesn't have any serious problems.

B. The woman is feeling a little bit better now.

C. The man doesn't like ice cream as much as coffee.

D. The man doesn't know where he can buy coffee.

Part 4 Understanding Passages

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog


A. America achieving independence.

B. Americans living independently.

C. The chief virtues of Americans.

D. Centers for the elderly.


A. 18%.

B. 10%

C. 20%.

D. 65%.


A. More people living alone.

B. More people over the age of 65.

C. More old people live by themselves.

D. More two-or-more-job households.


A. Americans of any age don't like to change their habits.

B. Americans of middle age don't want their parents to live alone.

C. Living with others means giving up independence.

D. Americans have doubts about living alone.


A. Independence.

B. Old age.

C. Achievement.

D. Virtue.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. The effects of new technology. B. A funny thing about communications.

C. Telephones connecting people to the absent.D. A setback to communications technology. 7.

A. Telephones. B. Industry.C. Absent people.D. New technology.


A. He communicates by talking to her.

B. He sends instant messages over the Internet.

C. He sends an email to her.

D. He leaves a message on her voice mail machine.


A. It is offering the alienation index.

B. It is being done nearly exclusively by machines.

C. It is offered on the Internet by email.

D. It is providing almost the only conversation.


A. Put people in touch with one another.

B. Do the job of conversation.

C. Facilitate antisocial instincts.

D. Make people lonelier.

Part 5 Compound Dictation

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: In this section you will hear a passage or passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Questions 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Students are often left with a lot of free time. They fill this time by taking part in activities. Group activities and solitary 1. are the two common ways in which college students engage in extracurricular activities. The two kinds of pastimes 2. as a stimulant. They also help in mental

3. . Doing things by yourself or with others gives a 4. escape from the pressure of daily studies.

Group activities 5. students the opportunities to make many new friends. By playing a ball game, going to a dance, or having a holiday outing, students can share with each other. They can give one another knowledge and 6. as well as happiness. Such experiences 7. to a rise in their sociability. This is something that all people need. But the disadvantage is that 8. , and thus freedom is limited.

By contrast, solitary pursuits can take place anytime: 9. , and jog on campus later in the afternoons. Yet here again there is a disadvantage: 10. . Preferably, a balance of both activities can be achieved.

Questions 11 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.

People who go to the emergency room with chest pains in the evening are more likely to be having a heart attack than those who go during the day. This fact is supported by research 11. . You would've heard this if you were here Tuesday at the 12. meeting of the American Heart Association.

Dr. Michael Gibson said people who arrived at the 13. room at night with chest pains had an 11 percent risk of having a heart attack, compared with a 6.5 percent risk for patients who came in during the day.

Gibson and his 14. compared 813 patients who came to the hospital between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. with 433 patients who came in between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

The people who came in at night were younger than those who arrived during the day, and had experienced their 15. for a longer period of time before going to the hospital.

Gibson's recent research has shown an association between people's sleeping and waking 16. and heart attacks. Most heart attacks 17. in the morning.

He has some ideas about this. Gibson thought that one reason that night-time patients were much more likely to be having a heart attack may be that 18. . Patients who came in at night delayed seeking treatment by 30 to 45 minutes. He also thought that 19. .

The doctor had some advice for people who think they might be having a heart attack. He stressed that 20. . The earlier they have proper treatment, the better.

Part 7 Cloze (with four choices provided)

(每小题:1 分)

Directions: Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices given for each blank.

Questions 1 to 20 are based on the following passage.

I am going to break up with my wife, Becky. I am going to join millions of those who are not married. In that group with me are people who are either 1. or widowed. Also, there with me are people who have never 2. . I will simply live a life of 3. within this tiny house in the city where no one can disturb me. There is a 4. in my throat now. And I 5. back tears to keep from crying. 6. I sit feeling sorry for myself, I perform small tasks around my home. I 7. some water to cook some noodles. Then I realize I am too 8. to eat. I then simply lift the kettle to 9. myself some more tea. However, tea is not enough to 10. my sadness and I reach for the pint of wine
