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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:27:33 作文素材

篇一:My ideal partner(稿)

My ideal partner

Good morning everyone. my name is Liu Jinjie .My major is Municipal Engineering, from College of civil Engineering .

Umm, In these subjects, I chose the one: My ideal partner. I thought about this question more than one hundred times. About my ideal girlfriend ,I think personality is more important than appearance .It is because appearance will change with the time going by but the personality is eternal.

Firstly ,I have a harmony family .I don't want anyone to break the balance of my family .So I wish my girlfriend is filial and polite to my parents.

Then I wish she is optimistic girl. She loves children and animals. She loves smiling ,and faces every day optimistically.

And I wish she is a good listener .When I get in trouble and need someone to pour out my heart .I wish she can listen to my heart patiently .

What's more ,I hope my girlfriend is understanding. She won't bother about little thing .She is tolerant to my mistakes. I know (that) the requires are too strict .But she is the one.

Her name is snow. She is beautiful, kind and outgoing . She is my classmate. To be honest, I love her very much! We got along with each other as friend for three years. We learned together with other classmates. We traveled together with other classmates. But I want to be with her ,only her.

Finally, in the fourth year, I told her fearfully in a public place of my college. Fortunately ,she answered me, "YES"!

I'm the lucky one. I hope you be the same.

Thank you!

篇二:My ideal partner

Umm,I still think we'er too young to talk about ideal partner,to talk about love.first of all we don't understand what love is. Talk about ideal partner,all of us may think what ourselves can get from him,what he can give me on material and spiritual . We immediately emerge out of a perfect image in our mind.however,the matter of fact is how good of us to attract our ideal partner.

I found that I have nothing to say about this topic and I know you don't mind I talking about my ex boyfriend ,who is most ideal for me up to now. Special may be the common features of our lover,but he is more rational than most of peers,he always tries to do everythings reasonable ,in fact,he did. So rational and considerate he is,most of us respect him.not only that,he love reading books and did it when others surf the Internet or be concerned with love and romance. He cares about current public affair which most of us won't. I appreciated him so much when I gradually know him. In order to creat more common topic with him,I began to read more books and keep up with current affairs. The result is we became good friend and finally we fell in love with each other.

Talk about ideal partner from the love,maybe I can learn that to get our ideal partner,we should try to make ourselves be ideal.

篇三:Partner's character traits

I regarded my partner as my example. He is as broad and liberal as the sea and my partner has a valuable attribute——self-dependence.

The sea not only has the beautiful hues and many intriguing objects hidden deep underneath it, but also is broad and liberal enough to turn the foul into the pure. My partner is as intriguing as the sea and as broad and liberal as the sea. The numerous small rivers that he accommodates may be of a black or yellow color, but once they flow into her bosom, they instantly take on the green color signifying peace and tranquility. A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe , as meek as a lamb after a long stay with him. Likewise, I believe a narrow-minded person will become tolerant and open-hearted if he often keeps company with him.

From my partner I not only learned to be liberal but also learned to lead a life of self-dependence. My partner is self-reliance. I found self-reliant individuals processes confidence in their own abilities, they also tend to be more willing to try new things on their own. For example, my partner teaches himself how to play the guitar, back an apple pie, or grow a flower garden. He told me: “These kinds of do-it-yourself activities can yield a sense of satisfaction and pride, and add excitement to an otherwise mundane life.”

I think good friends drive us towards the right and make our life cheerful. And my partner is the good one.

篇四:My partner and I affirm

My partner and I affirm. Resolved: Increasing US production of energy should take precedence over protecting the environment.

For clarity we offer the following observations: Observation 1: the terms “US energy production” indicates that in today’s debate we will only be looking at energy being created in the US by US owned companies. Observation 2: The pro does not have to prove that all types of energy should be increased but rather, net energy levels increase Observation 3: precedence in today’s resolution is confined only to instances of conflict in which we cannot simultaneously achieve both goals Observation 4: All types of energy production harm the environment to some degree, so while prioritizing energy production over protecting the environment we can still do so in the most environmentally responsible way.

According to Peak Oil News there are seven dangerous side effects from US dependence on Foreign oil: 1. Extreme harm to the environment

2. Ongoing damage to the American Economy

3. Leads to the Decline of the Dollar

4. Caused the housing crisis

5. Increased liquidity

6. Strained foreign relations

7. Leads to Terrorism

There are a multitude of environmentally friendly forms of energy produced here in the United States. If we make US energy production take precedent over the environment, we only have to increase any one, or a combination of the following energies because protecting the environment is a huge factor when producing them. Subpoint A: Solar Energy

The sun’s energy can be captured to generate electricity or heat through a

system of panels or mirrors. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, solar energy is now used in homes, office buildings and warehouses, and even in the form of solar farms covering acres of land. Soon, solar energy could become cheaper than conventional electricity and the continued growth of the industry could create hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

The advantages of Solar Energy Consist of : 1. Sunlight is free and infinitely renewable 2. Unlike conventional fossil fuel, solar power produces no polluting emissions, including those that cause global warming.

3. Solar panels are silent, easy to operate, and rarely need maintenance.

4. Solar panels can help utilities avoid brownouts and blackouts. When demand for electricity is high, utilites can use the panels to generate extra energy rather than fire up expensive and polluting “peak” power plants

that otherwise are dormant. 5. It can slash utility bills for both residential and commercial consumers. By installing solar panels on its enormous roof, Hawaii’s Mauna Lani Bay Hotel began saving enough money

Subpoint B: Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy comes from reservoirs of steam and hot water beneath the earth’s surface. Deep well can tap the high energy content of this water and steam to drive a myriad of energy services, including: electricity, heating, cooling, industrial processes, and even melting snow on roads.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, the advantages of Geothermal Energy consist of: 1.Operation and maintenance costs of geothermal energy are low 2. There are no fuel costs at all, which keeps the price of the energy from fluctuating 3. Geothermal energy is a clean green, renewable resource 4. Geothermal powerplants produce virtually no global warming pollution and emit very little air pollution if any.

5. Geothermal energy is available around the clock 6. According to the Western Governors Association, near-term development of 5,600 megawatts of geothermal energy would result in the creation of almost 100,000 jobs. Subpoint C: Wind Energy

Wind powe is an affordable, effiecien3t and inexhaustible source of

electricity. It’s pollution-free and cost-competitive with energy from new coal and gas fired plants. Today, American wind generates enough electricity ot power more than 10 million homes, creates steady income for investors and landowners, and helps support over 100,000 manufacturing and maintenance jobs.

The advantages of Wind Energy consist of: 1. Wind power is one of the most environmentally benign sources of energy. It produces no polluting emissions of any kind. 2. Wind is free, inexhaustible, and immune from fossil fuel inflation.

3. With careful siting and outreach to the local community, wind farms can be built in a fraction of the time it takes to construct coal or natural gas power plants. 4. It has one of the fastest “energy payback times” of any other energy

technology Subpoint D: Biogas Energy

Biogas comes from animal manure, and its perhaps the ultimate win-win energy source, allowing farmers to produce their own electricity and reduce the water contamination, odor pollution, and global warming emissions cause by animal waste. In 2010 alone, enough electricity was produced to power 41,000 homes. According to the EPA’s AgSTAR program, about 8,000 US farms could support biogas recovery systems, providing about 1,600 megawatts of energy and reducing emissions of global warming pollution by about 1.8 million metric tons of methane- the equivalent of taking 6.5 million cars off the road. Advantages of biogas energy consist of: 1. Air quality improves significantly 2. Cleaner water is a result

3. There is a significant reduction of greenhouse gas (7%)

Subpoint E: Biomass Energy and Cellulosic Ethanol

Biomass energy comes from plants—things like wood waste, corn kernels, or non-food “energy” crops, whcihc can be used to make liquid fuels, heat or electricity. Biomass energy should do the job better than the fossil fuel energy it replaces. Advantages include: 1. Simply turning existing waste from farms and forests into biomass energy could produce about 7,500 megawatts of power each year

2. An aggressive action to develop the best biofuels could allow America to produce the home gown equivalent of all the oil we import from the Persian gulf by 2050 3. Biomass produces no harmful sulfur or mercury emissions and has significantly less nitrogen

4. Many ethanol production plants are owned by farmer-cooperatives, which help preserve the economic vitality of rural communities.

篇五:ideal partner 2

Ideal partner

After graduated from high school,i left mainchina for Macau to get higher education.Learning and living in MUST, i not only acquire plenty of knowledge but also think of something important for my future.

At this time,i’d like to talk about my ideal partner.

Here are sth about me.I’m a 20-year-old freshman who comes from Henan and majors in IT with medium figure.As for my characters,being easygoing and wide interests can characterized me.Also i am crazy about learning new things and never be afraid of challenges.

As for ideal partner.I do not care much about her looking.But she should not be ugly and much older than me .I take a high value on other qualities whether she is well-educated,considerateang honest.

First,i want have a relationship with a girl who graduated from college.As we all know,university is a place would expand students’ horizon,cultivate students’ characters and make people mature. With colleges’ education,we could have similar values and topics to chat on.We can talk about literature,economy and management .It’s fun for us to argue with each other and learn from each other.With college education,i think she should be rational and reasonable and taking a serious attitude to our love and life.

Second, i think i prefer to make a considerate girlfriend.It is known to us,home is a place where your heart resides and modern life is stressful.I’d expect to be greeted gently with someone i love . She should be considerate of not only me but also my parents well-being too.

Third,the most important one is honest and faithfulness.I always believe being honesty and faithfulness is the key to a successful marriage.Honesty functions as basis of our communication and mutual trust.Faithfulness can ensure our love to be lasting.We should not to interfere each other’s social life.

Finally,i’d say my attitude toward my relationship.i take a serious view on my girlfriend.And i would love and care for her carefully.

I won’t love to any girl until i am sure she is the one.
