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篇一:学术论文写作 Academic Writing

學術論文寫作 Academic Writing

Dr. Margarette Connor康慕婷(英文系兼任副教授)Dr. Joseph Arul (周賜福 資訊工程學系助理教授)




? 了解英語期刊發表格式;

? 完成一篇準備投期刊發表的論文。

Schedule: 時間表

From Sept to end of Jan (2006年九月到2007年一月)

上課形式︰1. 遠距課程。(在「群英網」上取讀教師教材與繳交作業﹐進行非即時討論;利用JoinNet與教師即時討論作文。如學員願意﹐期末論文發表) 2。上課時間︰為體念教師在學其中工作繁忙﹐

1) 本課課程進度以月份為單位。每個月提供教材﹐作業也是一個月交依次。

2) 修業時間︰開始於學期開始(2006/9/1) 之前﹐結束於學期結束後


Requirements: 課程要求

1) monthly writing activities: 1) self-introduction; 2) proposal, 3) 2-5 pages of

writing; 4) paper. 每月的寫作活動︰1) 九月-自我介紹;2) 十月-論文提案;3) 十一月︰論文初稿(2-5頁);4) 十二月︰論文摘要5) 一月︰論文定稿

2) Readings: about three articles with study questions. 參考閱讀文章三、四篇。

3) Optional: Peer Responses and presentation (depending on the participants’



Calendar 課曆

References: 參考文章與網站

1. Writing and Conference Presentation: 寫作與會議發表 ? Hints on Writing Technical Papers and Making Presentations. Victor OK Li.

(A ppt presentation based on the paper above:


? How to Increase the Chances Your Paper is Accepted at ACM SIGCOMM. by

Craig Partridge.

? “The Economics of International Conferences” Kai A. Olsen Computer

June 2004: 90-92.

2. Format: 論文格式

? IEEE Style Documentation

? MLA Style Format (pdf file )

3. Organizing Information and Avoiding Plagiarism 組織引用資料和避免抄襲 ? Advice for Students on Citation and Scholarship. by Judy Hunter.

? Documenting Sources

[Includes: Writing Citations, Using Quotations, Using Ellipses, Blending

Reference Materials into your Writing, Citing Electronic Sources & Chinese Sources]

? Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices

Policies: 請注意

1. As this is an on-line class, completing the assigned work on time is mandatory for success. You are not only responsible for yourselves, but you also have a

responsibility to your classmates. Therefore, if you fall behind for any reason, contact your teacher (Dr. Connor or Dr. Arul) immediately. We can work

things out, but not after the fact. Through long experience, we've learned that teachers are sometimes the worst students! ? But we'd like to think that this course may also serve to give you ideas for teaching your own distance courses in the future. You will see how important staying up to schedule is!

本課既是網路課程,按時完成作業是成功的要素;本課既是寫作課程,你不僅需要對自己負責,還需要對你的同學(同仁)負責。所以,如果你必須要落後,請即刻與 任課老師連絡。我們可以事先安排,而不是事後補救。依據我們多年的教學經驗,老師有時是最糟的學生。? 但是我希望本課同時可以讓你經驗以後你自己可能會教的線上課程;所以你會發現跟上進度有多重要!

2. Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of another person without

acknowledging your source. Please respect your sources, your audience and

yourself and don't fall into this trap (I am a stickler for this). If I catch a

student cheating or committing plagiarism, you will fail the course and may be subject to dismissal or further discipline. This includes copying other's

homework. We will be spending some time discussing American ideas of

plagiarism as they are often at odds with the Chinese ideal of paper

writing. But for international publishing, this is a large concern.

抄襲 ──用別人的想法和文字而沒有顯示出處。請尊重你的資料來源,你的讀者以及你自己;不要掉入這個陷阱。這方面我是很重視的,如果你有任何抄襲現象,你會立刻被當掉,而且不能補救。同時,你也不能抄同學的作業。美國人對抄襲的看法和中國人寫論文的方式可能有些出入,這方面我們會花些時間討論的。但請注意,想要在國際學術界發表文章,抄襲要絕對避免。

3. The two teachers will have on-line office hours at WebOffice (JoinNet); please feel free to contact us at the office hours or by appointment. You can always

reach the teachers via e-mail if you have a problem, concern or question.

兩位教師有線上Web Office 教師時間﹐歡迎於指定時間(或另約時間)來與老師討論作文。如果你對課程有任何問題、困難或憂慮,你絕對可以用email 和我們連絡的。

篇二:Academic Writing Structure

Academic Writing Structure

1. Abstract: An abstract is a short summary of your completed research, giving the reader a “preview’’ of what is to come . Basically, an abstract is one paragraph synopsis of your entire paper. There are two type of abstract: Informative or Descriptive.

2. Introduction: The Introduction Section should convince readers of the relevance of the study. It identifies a problem in the real world and narrows down the scope of the research into a specific research question that the study attempts to answer.

3. Methods: In natural sciences this part is often called Material and Methods. In social science it is common to introduce a part called theory and Methods. The methods section often answers these two questions:

1. How was the data collected or generated?

2. How was it analyzed?

4. Results: The Results Section describes the outcome of the research and, together with the Methods Section, comprises the main body of the research.

5. Discussion:The Discussion Section broadens the focus again, relates the study back to the outside world and presents the impact and wider implications of the research.

6. Conclusion: Conclusion has a key social function: it escorts the readers out of the paper, just as the introduction has escorted them in. The purpose of a conclusion is to tie together., or integrate the various issues covered in the body of the paper, and make comments upon the meaning of all of it.

7. Acknowledgement: The acknowledgement is designed to express your gratitude to the people who have assisted you in accomplishing the research. As a rule, you thank in the acknowledgement your supervisor and professors, colleagues and friends, individuals or institutions who have provided you with

expertise assistance or financial support of different types.

8. Documentation and Bibliography: When you use the words and ideas of others, you are taking part in an ongoing scholarly conversation. It’s always necessary to identify the other speakers in the conversion. Therefore you must cite the source of an material, quoted or paraphrased, you have used. Proper documentation requires a bibliography of any outside texts you have consulted.

篇三:Academic Writing Introduction

Academic writing introduction

There are five chapters in academic writing, including Introduction, Review of Literature, Methodology, Results and Conclusion. Each chapter functions as an indispensable part in the whole writing structure. Among all these chapters, Chapter I and Chapter III are of vital importance. Explanation and introduction of each chapter will be stated as follow.

Chapter I. Introduction

This chapter includes seven parts, which mainly talks about the necessity of the study. A. Need for the study. This is the reason for the existence of the study. What has been done should be stated clearly. And the study is needed by other researchers who conduct a further study of the topic for the study has its own indispensable features in the researching field. B. Purpose of the study. Based on what has been done in the researching area of the former part, the purpose of the study pays more attention on what is going to do, in other words, what is going to be done should be interpreted in this section. C. Research question. General direction of the study is crystallized into specific question stating the purpose of the study more clear. D. Hypotheses. It includes Null Hypotheses and Directional Hypotheses. To ensure that the research question is appropriate, Null Hypotheses is one way necessary to demonstrate the correctness. The research question is supposed to be wrong, which should be demonstrated by the failure of hypothesis in the end. The purpose of the hypothesis is to demonstrate the correctness of the research question and the feasibility of the study from both sides. E. Definition of terms. All of the professional terms which appears in the whole passage should be listed in this section. F. Significant of the study. Significant of the study, in other words, is the value of the study. It emphasizes what the study will do benefit, which is the importance of the study. G. Organization of the study. The structure of the study should be summarized by the end of the study.

Chapter II. Review of Literature

This chapter is an extended Need for the study. In this section, what has been done by who and what has been achieved so far in this field should be clarified, which concludes what has not been done to demonstrate the necessity of the study.

This chapter includes four sections, composed of the Historical Background, Theoretical Background, Related Research and Summary. Historical Background and Theoretical Background are regarded as the theoretical framework, which is used to support the study. Related Research including the books and journal articles published by other researchers should be all listed in this section. And a summary is needed to summarize the whole chapter and briefly introduce the next section. Above all the four parts of this chapter, language should be objective, strict and fair without any personal emotion.

Chapter III. Methodology

This chapter includes eight sections, tending to demonstrate how to achieve the purpose. A. Research design. In this section, scientific methods are needed instead of the beautiful language skills. That what kind of method of the experiment was used

should be detailedly stated and the subject of the experiment should be introduced. Participants must be divided into at least two groups to compare the difference of each other. And all the details in the process of the experiment should be recorded into this section. B. Sample and sampling procedures. The samples should be representative and common. And the sampling method should be explained clearly. In addition, the time and regional differences should be taken into consideration. C. Instrumentation & D. Treatment. The sampling standard on which the sampling procedures based must be claimed and the details of sampling also need to be included. E. Data collection procedures. That what kind of method of the experimental data was collected needs to be explained, including statistics of the lasting time of the experiment and how many effective statistics was collected and other details about data collection. F. Data analysis procedures. In this section, the scientific method of analysis and the analysing tools should be included. G. Limitation. Because of the time and regional differences and other unavoidable reasons, the experiment is not perfect. Thus the limitation of the experiment is expected to added in this section. F. Summary. A summary is needed to summarize the whole chapter and briefly introduce the next section.

Chapter IV. Result.

The primary task of this chapter is to retell the purpose of the study, research question and hypotheses. Then state the result of the experiment of last chapter to answer the research question and demonstrate the hypotheses. A brief summary is needed to introduce the next chapter. The whole chapter should be written objectively. Chapter V. Conclusion, Interpretations and Implications

It is the only chapter where the personal opinion is needed. There are three sections of this chapter, composed of Conclusions, Interpretations and Implications. The conclusions are what the whole passage are talking about , how the research question is answered and how hypotheses are demonstrated. The interpretations about all the study and the answer to the question should be given. The implications, including implications for practice and implications for further research, is to clarify for what the study do benefit and to help other researchers for their further research in this field.

In addition to the five chapters, the acknowledgement and abstract should be written down at the very beginning and the bibliography and appendices should be added in the end.

篇四:Academic writing

Academic writing can be one of the hardest things to perfect in English. This advanced skill

requires perfect grammar, pin-point vocabulary usage and a deep understanding of the subject you are writing about. What it also requires is a very specific register (level of formality) which can be difficult to get right for non-native English speakers (and quite a few native speakers as well!).


One way you can improve and transform your academic English writing is by learning some useful collocations which will make you sound self-assured, knowledgeable and bring just the right level of formality to your dissertation or thesis.


This guide will give you 50 of the most useful academic collocations as well as definitions and some examples taken from genuine academic papers.


Study tip: Practice writing out your own sentences using each of the collocations listed here. Does the structure make sense grammatically? Do you understand the concept? Check your sentence against the example sentence for each collocation.


1. Accurate assessment - correct and precise evaluation of something or someone


E.g. “Accurate assessment of head motion can be a useful tool in clinical studies”.


2. Address the issue - consider or deal with the matter at hand


E.g. “To help address this issue, we have extended our previous study and examined in detail the…”.


3. Adversely affect - change in a negative way

E.g. “A literature search was performed to determine whether non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) adversely affect the healing of stress fractures”.


4. Become apparent - to be suddenly clear or obvious


E.g. “They become apparent, however, when a new molecular species is introduced into the atmosphere...”.


5. Brief overview - a non-detailed look at the subject as a whole


E.g. “This paper offers a brief but broad overview of the field of individual of language learning”. 例如:这篇论文对某一种独立的语言学习进行了概述。

6. Broad range - of extensive scope


E.g. “The colour produced from this reaction is stable and increases in a proportional fashion over a broad range of increasing protein concentrations”.


7. Causal link - one thing being responsible for another


E.g. “A causal link between high need for achievement and small business ownership is not found”. 例如:我们并没有找到成功的高需求和小企业的拥有权之间的因果关系。

8. Characteristic feature - a feature which distinguishes or defines something or someone 本质特征:能够体现或者定义某个人或某件事情的特征

E.g. “The characteristic feature of the book is the effort to explain the mathematical origins of the most widely used statistical formulas in terms that persons with comparatively little mathematical training can easily follow”.


9. Deeply rooted - firmly implanted or established


E.g. “This book describes efforts to develop an approach to teaching and teacher education that is deeply rooted in the study of practice”.


10. Detailed analysis - an in-depth study


E.g. “The major difference between my book and others at this level is its coverage of the detailed analysis of experiments”.


11. Essential component - a vital part of something


E.g. “We show here that these proteins are an essential component of the cell surface receptor”. 例子:我们这里显示,这些蛋白质是细胞表面受体的重要组成部分。

12. Establish a relationship - to prove or show a link between two things


E.g. “Our aim was to establish the relationship between aortic stiffness and stroke death in hypertensive patients”.


13. Existing research - previous academic work on the same subject


E.g. “This working paper reviews the existing research evidence about the additional costs or deprivation that disabled people face”.


14. First impression - initial thought on a subject, prior to any detailed analysis


E.g. “Our first impression was strengthened by the fact that we were aware a condition existed in


15. Frequently cited - often quoted or referred to in reference to something


E.g. “It should be recognized that other systems are frequently cited, particularly in engineering literature”.


16. Fundamental principle - principle from which other principles can be derived


E.g. “The authors argue for the restoration of beneficence to its place as the fundamental principle of medical ethics”.


17. General consensus - the majority opinion on a topic


E.g. “There is a general consensus that forward exchange rates have little, if any power as forecasts of future spot exchange rates”.


18. Gain insight - achieve a more profound understanding


E.g. “Through this comparison we hope to gain insight into the way they perform specific tasks”. 例如:通过此次对比,我们希望对他们进行这次实验有更深刻的认识。

19. Hierarchical structure - a system where elements are subordinate to other elements 阶层结构:在系统中一个要素与另一个要素呈现下属关系。

E.g. “After reviewing their theoretical approach, the authors present four kinds of hierarchical structure in music”.


academic writing

20. Highly controversial - tending to provoke fierce disagreement


E.g. “A highly controversial issue in financial economies is whether stocks overreact”.


21. Immediately apparent - obvious and clear at that moment


E.g. “The reasons for this are not immediately apparent and deserve further investigation”. 例如:对此的理由没有立刻显现出来,需要进一步调查

22. Increase the likelihood - to make more likely or plausible


E.g. “Numerous high school students engage in behaviours that increase their likelihood of death from these four causes”.


23. Key element - a main or fundamental component


E.g. “Provisional restorations represent a key element in the realization of extensive esthetic rehabilitations”.


24. Largely confined - focussed in a particular area


E.g. “The metabolic syndrome is largely confined to overweight and obese adults”.


25. Literal interpretation - a non-metaphorical or figurative reading


E.g. “In Experiment 2, targets were phrases that could be given either an idiomatic or a literal interpretation”.


26. Major challenge - a large or fundamental problem


篇五:Academic Writing Coursebook


Unit 1 An Overview of Academic Writing…………………………………….2

Unit 2 Writing an Abstract..................................................................................12 Unit 3 Writing an Introduction…………………………………………………22 Unit 4 Reviewing the Literature……………………………………………… .34

Unit 5 Describing Methods………………………………………….......……..50 Unit 6 Reporting Results and Discussion………………………………………62 Unit 7 Writing a Conclusion……………………………………………………71 Unit 8 Citation an Referencing…………………………………………………83

Unit 9 Revising an Proofreading………………………………………………..95 Unit 10 Conducting a Research Project or a Research Report………..…............110 Appendix 1……………………………………………………………........……136 Appendix 2………………....................................................................................162

Unit 1

An Overview of Academic Writing

It is not enough simply to have information in your essay; you must be

able to express clearly and precisely what you want to say.

——William Christian

In this unit you will:

? become familiar with the common types of academic writing

? grasp the differences between academic writing and other types of writing

? learn about the structure of an academic essay or report

? know the stages of producing an academic essay or report

Pre-class work

1. Work with your partner and discuss the following topics.

1) Can you give any examples of academic writing

that students have to do at university?

2) Have you ever written any academic articles? If

yes, please describe your writing process.

3) What is academic writing like? How is it different

from other types of writing?

2. Take the following quiz to see how much you know about academic writing.

1) The best time to write an introduction is often ______.

A. first B. last C. after writing the main body

2) An in-text citation looks like ________.

A. (Ellis, 2002) B. (Rod Ellis, 2002) C. (Ellis, R. 2002)

3) Proof-reading means _________.

A. re-writing B. checking for minor errors C. peer-editing

4) Phrasal verbs such as ―left out‖ or ―picked up‖ are not acceptable in academic

writing. This statement is _______.

A. True B. False

5) Which sentence is better academic English?

A. It has been shown that girls attain higher grades than boys in Geography and


B. Jones (2003) and Smith (2004) have shown that girls attain higher grades

than boys in Geography and History.

6) The main difference between academic writing and normal writing is that

academic writing _______.

A. uses long and complicated words B. tries to be precise and unbiased

C. always uses the passive voice

7) _______ is an account that gives detailed information about a person, group or

thing and their development over a period of time.

A. Project B. Case study C. Experimental research

Section 1: Common Types of Academic Writing

The ability to write clearly, correctly, and in an academic

style is a fundamental academic tool and central to the learning

objectives of higher education. Without this ability, students can

not shape ideas and concepts, present an argument with

coherence and clarity, or critically defend a position. Because of

this, academic writing skills are identified as key to success at


University students are frequently required to submit a

variety of academic written texts either individually or in groups.

Below are the most common types of written work produced by


Activity 1-1: Identifying types of academic writing

Match the terms on the left with the definitions on the right.

Section 2: Features of Academic Writing

Academic writing is a particular style of writing that is characteristic of academic institutions. In other words, it is the style that is used by undergraduates, graduates and lecturers when they explore particular academic questions in essays, dissertations, and other academic papers. Although it shares many similarities with other styles of writing, it also has its own characteristic features.

Activity 2-1: Recognizing academic style

Look at the following two sentences. Identify at least three features of sentence 1) that you think are academic and three features of sentence 2) that you think are non-academic.

1) Linguists were and remain convinced by Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts

Institute of Technology, who discovered that however disparate human languages seem, all share a common, basic structure, seemingly hardwired into the brain.

2) The way you speak says a lot about you.

Activity 2-2: Recognizing levels of formality:

Read the sentences and tick ―√ ‖ either F (formal) or I (informal) after each sentence.

Activity 2-3: Rewriting for formality

The following text is written in an informal style. Work in pairs and rewrite it as a more formal text by making changes to the grammar and vocabulary.

The literature review means you have to look critically at all the research that

is relevant to your research. Some people think that the review is just a summary but I don‘t agree. A summary is necessary, but you also need to judge the work, show how it holds together, and show how it relates to your work. What I mean is, you just can‘t describe a whole paper, you have to select which parts of the research you are going to talk about, show how it fits with other people‘s research, and how it fits with your work.

Activity 2-4: Recognizing objective style

Compare the following two paragraphs. Which is more objective and why?

1) The question of what constitutes ―language proficiency‖ and the nature of its

cross-lingual dimensions is also at the core of many hotly debated issues in the areas of bilingual education and second language pedagogy and testing. Researchers have suggested ways of making second language teaching and testing more ―communicative‖ (e.g., Canale and Swain, 1980; Oller, 1979b) on the grounds that a communicative approach better rthe nature of language proficiency than one which emphasizes the acquisition of discrete language skills.

2) We don‘t really know what language proficiency is

but many people have talked about it for a long time.

Some researchers have tried to find ways for us to

make teaching and testing more communicative

because that is how language works. I think that

language is something we use for communicating, not

an object for us to study and we remember that when

we teach and test it.

Although there is no fixed standard of academic writing, it is clearly from the style of other types of writing, for example, newspapers or novels. It is generally agreed that academic writing attempts to be formal and objective as we have just talked about. What are its other features?

Activity 2-5: Talking about other features of academic writing

Do you know any other feature of academic writing? Work alone or in a group, and list your ideas below.

? _________________________________________________




_________________________________________________ ? ? ? ?
