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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 12:27:39 体裁作文

篇一:damage, destroy, ruin的用法区别

damage, destroy, ruin

damage, destroy 和 ruin 这三个单词均表示"破坏"、"损坏"的意思,但各自的含义和用法不同。

①damage指部分"损坏"、"损害"、"破坏"或指使用价值有所降低。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,用作名词时常与to something 连用。例如:

Hundreds of houses in the area were damaged by the storm. 暴风雨毁坏了这个地区数以百计的房屋。

The accident did a lot of damage to his car. 这次车祸使他的车受到很大的损坏。 ②destroy 只能用作动词,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复,常作"破坏"、"毁灭"解,也可以指希望、计划等打破。例如:

The earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. 地震几乎毁灭了整个城镇。 His hope of being a writer was destroyed. 他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。


The fire ruined the castle. 那场大火使城堡夷为废墟。

The house has fallen into ruin. 房子倒塌了。

The company is facing ruin. 这家公司面临破产。

篇二:destroy,ruin damage的区别

1.destroy 强调以具有摧毁或杀伤性的力量把某物彻底毁掉。 Why, you may wonder,should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects,…


2. ruin 亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思

Oxford has been ruined by the motor industry.


The crops are nearly ruined by the continuous rain.



The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.


damage: 损坏

destroy: 摧毁(程度比damage重很多)

hurt: 伤害(多指小伤,也可以是“伤自尊”的伤,hurt my feeling)

injure: 受伤,大伤。(比如2 deaths,2 injuries。2人死亡,2人受伤。)

damage ,ruin ,destroy ,hurt ,jnjure,spoil



2.damage 通常表示事物的价值或功能部分受损,如: the ship was damaged in the bottom.



destroy all of the three enemy warships


4.hurt 有适用范围较广,可指人或动物因各种原因导致的疼痛或损伤,如:

children are liable to get hurt when they play .




injure one leg in a car accident


damage: 常指自然灾害所导致的损失。

hurt: 多指精神或感情方面的创伤

injury: 指通常所说的身体方面的物理伤害, 但是不一 有伤口。

destroy: 指示人为或者大自然所带来的大面积和程度 较大的毁灭。

spoil: 指(物体, 美观或价值)方面受到损坏

damage 主要是指损坏物品等,而且伤害程度不是很大 destroy是指破坏性的伤害,一般是对建筑物等而言的, 具有一定的摧毁性,坏后是难修复的.


篇三:ruin damage destroy的用法区别

destroy 常指彻底的、不能或很难修复的“破坏”、“毁坏”,程度较深。例如:

The earthquake destroyed almost the entire city.那次地震几乎毁灭了整个城市。

The forest was destroyed by fire.森林被火烧毁了。


All his hopes were destroyed.他的全部希望破灭了。

That will destroy the reputation of our products.那要毁了我们产品的声誉。

ruin 也是指严重的以至于不能修复的“破坏”,但这种破坏不指毁灭某物,而是指长期损坏的结果。它也可用来表示抽象概念。例如:

He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the tablecloth.他打翻了一瓶墨水,把桌布弄糟了。

The floods ruined many precious paintings.这次水灾毁坏了很多珍贵的画。(这里指把画泡得模糊不清,而不是弄碎了)。

You’ll ruin your health if you go on like this.这样下去你会毁了你的身体的。

damage 是程度较小的“破坏”、“损坏”,一般指被破坏的物品可以重新修复。例如:

The storm damaged several houses in the village.暴风雨损坏了这个村子的几间房子。

The car was only slightly damaged in the accident.这辆车在事故中只受到轻微的损坏。

break 是“破坏”、“打破”、“打碎”的意思。它表示的范围极广,程度也不一。可用于有形的东西,如石、玻璃、瓷器等,也可用于无形抽象的东西,如法律、沉默、魔力、习惯等。例如:

Who broke the teapot?谁打破了这茶壶?

The boy fell from the tree and broke his leg. 这孩子从树上跌下来,跌断了腿。

Glass breaks easily.玻璃容易破碎。

to break one’s heart使某人心碎 to break the law违法

1. damage 表示“损害”、“损坏”,通常是指部分性的损坏,往往暗示损坏后价值、效率、功能等会降低,有时用于比喻用法中。如:

The bridge was badly damaged by the flood. 桥被洪水损坏得很严重。 Smoking will damage your health. 抽烟会损害你的健康。

2. destroy 表示“毁坏”, 通常指彻底的毁掉或毁灭, 往往暗示无法或很难修复,有时用于比喻用法中。如:

The fire destroyed the building. 大火毁了大楼。

All my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal. 他回信拒绝,使我的希望完全破灭。

3. ruin 表示“毁坏”、“毁灭”,指彻底的毁坏,破坏的原因通常是自然现象、年龄、疏忽等,现多用于比喻用法中,在真正具体地摧毁或破坏某座建筑物时,通常不用 ruin。如:

The storm ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁坏了庄稼(from www.yywords.com)。 He ruined his prospects by carelessness. 他因粗心大意断送了前途。

4. ruin 有时还可指一般意义的弄坏或损坏,此时与 spoil 同义且常可换用,只是语气比 spoil 稍强。这两个词有时还可用于美好经历或有用东西的损坏(此时不能用 damage 或 destroy)。如

My new dress is ruined [spoiled]. 我的新连衣裙全完了。(如泼上墨水等)

This unpleasant man with his endless complaints ruined [spoiled] my journey. 这个不讨人喜欢的家伙,牢骚满腹,使我这趟旅行很不愉快。

5. 表示“毁坏”意义时,damage 和 ruin 还可用作名词,两者都是不可数名词。如:

Everything has gone to ruin. 一切都毁了。

The flood caused serious damage to the crops. 洪水对农作物造成了严重的危害。

注:damage 有时也用复数形式,但不表示“损害”,而表示“赔偿费”;而用于复数的 ruins 则表示“废墟”、“遗迹”。如(from www.yywords.com):

He paid $5 000 in damages for the accident. 他付了5 000 美元的事故赔偿费。


The earthquake destroyed the whole city.地震毁了整座城市。

All his hopes were destroyed by her letter of refusal. 他所有的希望都被她的拒绝信毁了。


Her heart was slightly damaged as a result Of the disease.由于生病,她的心脏轻微受损。

They managed to repair the houses that had been damaged.他们设法修复了受到破坏的房屋。

What they said and did damaged the relations between the two countries.他们的言行损害了这两个国家之间的关系.

3) ruin 多用于借喻之中,经常指把某物损坏到了不能再使用的程度.表示“使??破产;糟蹋掉”的意思。

The rain will ruin the crops. 这雨会把庄稼毁掉的.

I was ruined by that law case;I'm a ruined man. 我被那场官司毁了,我破产了.

He ruined himself by taking drugs. 他吸食毒品把自己给毁了。

4)harm伤害,损害,主要用于有生命的东西,偶尔也用于无生命的事物,常指伤及一个人或其健康、权利、事业等。构成短语do harm to,表示的范围更广。 Smoking seriously harmed his health. 吸烟严重损害了他的健康。 They had their hearing harmed by the loud noise of machines.他们的听力被机器的巨大噪音所损害。


His words hurt me/my feelings.他的话伤了我/我的感情。 He fell and hurt his leg. 他掉下来伤了腿。

My shoes are so tight that my feet hurt. 鞋太紧,我的脚疼。


Several children were injured in the accident. 好几个孩子在那次事故中受伤。

He got serious injuries to the legs at work. 他干活时腿受了重伤. 注意:the injured指因事故造成的“受伤者”。

7)wound一般指刀伤,枪伤,战场上受伤,也可指对感情的伤害。后跟的宾语是整个人而不是受伤部位。另外,wound还可作可数名词。还可指伤口。 He got wounded in the battle. 他在战斗中受伤。

A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound. 护士把伤口清洗包扎好. He received a serious wound in the battle.

注意:the wounded表示“伤员”,wounded前也可用具体数字修饰。如: There were twenty wounded in the field hospital.

篇四:动词辨析 damage, destroy, ruin, spoil

动词辨析 damage, destroy, ruin, spoil

1. damage 表示“损害”、“损坏”,通常是指部分性的损坏,往往暗示损坏后价值、效率、功能等会降低,有时用于比喻用法中。如:

The bridge was badly damaged by the flood. 桥被洪水损坏得很严重。 Smoking will damage your health. 抽烟会损害你的健康。


2. destroy 表示“毁坏”, 通常指彻底的毁掉或毁灭, 往往暗示无法或很难修复,有时用于比喻用法中。如:

The fire destroyed the building. 大火毁了大楼。

All my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal. 他回信拒绝,使我的希望完全破灭。

3. ruin 表示“毁坏”、“毁灭”,指彻底的毁坏,破坏的原因通常是自然现象、年龄、疏忽等,现多用于比喻用法中,在真正具体地摧毁或破坏某座建筑物时,通常不用 ruin。如:

The storm ruined the crops. 暴风雨毁坏了庄稼。

He ruined his prospects by carelessness. 他因粗心大意断送了前途。

4. ruin 有时还可指一般意义的弄坏或损坏,此时与 spoil 同义且常可换用,只是语气比 spoil 稍强。这两个词有时还可用于美好经历或有用东西的损坏(此时不能用 damage 或 destroy)。如:

My new dress is ruined [spoiled]. 我的新连衣裙全完了。(如泼上墨水等) This unpleasant man with his endless complaints ruined [spoiled] my journey. 这个不讨人喜欢的家伙,牢骚满腹,使我这趟旅行很不愉快。

5. 表示“毁坏”意义时,damage 和 ruin 还可用作名词,两者都是不可数名词。如:

Everything has gone to ruin. 一切都毁了。

The flood caused serious damage to the crops. 洪水对农作物造成了严重的危害。 注:damage 有时也用复数形式,但不表示“损害”,而表示“赔偿费”;而用于复数的 ruins 则表示“废墟”、“遗迹”。如:

He paid $5 000 in damages for the accident. 他付了5000 美元的事故赔偿费。 The house has fallen into ruins. 房子倒坍成了废墟。

篇五:辨析 damage, destroy, ruin, spoil

辨析 damage, destroy, ruin

①damage指部分"损坏"、"损害"、"破坏"或指使用价值有所降低。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,用作名词时常与to something 连用。例如:

Hundreds of houses in the area were damaged by the storm. 暴风雨毁坏了这个地区数以百计的房屋。 The accident did a lot of damage to his car. 这次车祸使他的车受到很大的损坏。

②destroy 只能用作动词,指彻底破坏,以致不可能修复,常作"破坏"、"毁灭"解,也可以指打破(希望、计划)、毁掉(信心、信念)。 有时用于修辞。例如:

The earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. 地震几乎毁灭了整个城镇。

His hope of being a writer was destroyed. 他想成为一个作家的希望破灭了。

The heavy rain destroyed our hope of a picnic. 大雨将我们野餐的希望打破了。

③ruin表示破坏严重,以致不能修复,但这种破坏不像destroy那样毁灭某物 。用作动词时,它作"使毁灭"、"使崩溃"、"弄糟、搞砸、糟蹋"等,常用于修辞,表示美好的东西的破坏(ruin≧ destroy); 用作名词时,它表示"毁灭"、“破产”、"瓦解"、"废墟"(ruins)等抽象概念。例如:

The fire ruined the castle. 那场大火使城堡夷为废墟。

The heavy rain ruined our holiday. 大雨彻底毁了我们的假期。

The house has fallen into ruins. 房子倒塌了。

The company is facing ruin. 这家公司面临破产。


1. The bridge was badly _________ by the flood.

2. Everything has gone to ______.

3. The flood caused serious ________.

4. The house has fallen into _______. The house is now in _______.

5. Smoking will ____________ your health.

6. All my hopes were ________ by his letter of refusal.

7. He_______ his prospects(前程) by carelessness.

8. He paid $5 000 in ________ for the accident.

9. The earthquake _________ almost the entire city.

10. The car was only slightly _________ in the accident.

11. It’ (should用法见维克多P394)

12. The bad weather ____________ our trip.

13. In doing so he ___________ his chances of getting the job.

14. The storm caused great _______ to the country.

15. They’ve _________ all the evidence.

16. The house was completely __________by fire.
