作业帮 > 高中作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 09:31:51 高中作文

篇一:李阳 拿手好戏卡



1. A: How are you doing?

B: I'm doing fine/OK/pretty well/great/super/terrific/so-so. 或: Not bad. /The same as ever. / I can't complain too much. (我不能太抱怨。/还不错。)

B: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning.

2. A: How's it going? B: Fine. /Pretty good.

A: How's everything with you/going?

B: Well, I'm still alive and kicking. /So far so good.

3. A: How've you been? (你近来怎么样?)

B: All right. 或: Not much lately.

4. A: How are things with you/going? B: Great.

或: I'm just taking one day at a time. (我只是过一天算一天。)

5. A: What's happening?


A: What's happening with you these days?

B: Nothing much. (没什么。)

6. A: What's new?/What's up?

B: Not much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special.

7. A: Anything interesting happening?

8. A: How are you (are they/is she /is he) getting along?


B: Keeping busy. Yourself?

9. A: How do you feel today? B: I feel like a new man.

还有两个特别地道的问候是*What's going on? 和*What are you up to? 都表示"你在忙些什么?", 在美国电影中常听到。

★ 下面提供大量实用"废话",让你成为人际交往公关大师!

l Are you making progress?

l Did you sleep soundly last night.

l Have you gotten over your cold?

l How come you look so tired?

l Why are you in such a good mood?

l I just stopped by to say hello.

l What a pleasant surprise running into you.

l I'm glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately?

l I've been thinking about you lately. Let's talk over coffee.

l You're just the man I want to see.

l I haven't seen you for ages/in years/for a long time.

l It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs?

l How was your trip to New York?

l What has kept you so busy?


A: Mary, this is Stone's brother Jim.

B: I'm very glad/pleased to meet you.

C: It's a pleasure to meet you. /The pleasure is mine.

B: How do you like China so far? /What's your impression of China? /What do you think of China?

C: Its really different from what I expected.

B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time.

1. May I have your name, please?

2. I think I've seen you before. You look very familiar.

3. Say, don't I know you from somewhere?

4. I must have seen you somewhere before.

5. Haven't we met before?

6. We have talked of you often.

7. I didn't quite catch your name. /I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.

8. A: How do I address you?

B: Please call me Mary. That's my first name.

9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

10. Where are you working now?

11. I've been looking forward to meeting you.

12. I've heard a great deal about you.

13. Is this your first trip to China? /Have you ever been to Guangzhou?

14. What impressed you the most about Shanghai?

15. May I ask where you are from?

16. I hope you're enjoying your stay here.

17. It always takes time to get used to a new place.

18. Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing - did you mention something about…(对不起,我无意中 听见你们的谈话,你是不是提到…)


10. Uh, are you going to be busy this evening?

11. Um, I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come?

12. Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me.

13. I'm going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join us?


14. That'd be very nice. /I'd love to. /That's a great idea.

15. Sorry, I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. /Tonight's a problem. What about tomorrow

night? /Sorry, I've got people coming over tonight. (今晚有客人来。)


A: I really must be going now.

B: But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?

A: That's very nice of you, but I really can't.

B Well, it's too bad (遗憾) that you have to go.

A: Thanks very much. It was a great /lovely party!

B: It was our pleasure.


1. We really enjoyed your company. (我们喜欢与你为伴。)

2. Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time.

3. Please give my best regards to your sister.

4. I'll be seeing you!

5. A: Take care of yourself. /Have a good trip. /Enjoy yourself. /Have fun! /Take it easy!

6. I shall miss all of you. Let's get together soon.

7. I hope I can see you again. /Let's meet more often.


8. Well, (I'm afraid) I'd better be on my way /leaving.

9. I'm sorry, but I've got to be on my way.

10. I'm afraid I stayed too long.

11. I think it's about time we got going.

12. I really have to rush. (我真的得赶快。)

13. I enjoyed myself very much.

14. I'm glad to have met you.

15. I really enjoyed the meal.

16. I really had a pleasant /enjoyable /great evening.

17. I had lots of fun tonight. /That was a wonderful dinner. /I had a wonderful / great time being with you.

18. I enjoyed every minute of the party.

19. Thank you very much for a wonderful party.

20. I hope someday maybe you'll be able to visit my family in Beijing.

21. I really enjoyed talking with you.

22. Please don't be in such a hurry.

23. Would you like to stay for dinner.

24. Did you have a good time today?

25. You'll have to come and see us soon.

26. A: Thank you for inviting me.

B: It was a pleasure having you. Please come again.

27. A: Thanks for all your hospitality. B: You're welcome.

28. A: Have a nice weekend. B: Same to you.

29. A: Thank you for everything.

B: Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.

A: Thanks. I hope we meet again soon.

30. A: If you're ever in Xi'an, look me up. I'd love to see you again.

B: Sure. I will. You can count on that.


1. Thank you for everything. /Thank you very much indeed.

2. I appreciate it /your help very much.

3. I don't know how to thank you enough.

4. It's kind of you to say that.

5. You've been a great help /very helpful.

6. Thanks a million, Mr. Lee, for what you have done for me.

7. I hope I can repay you for it.

8. You've been very thoughtful.

9. I appreciate your consideration.

10. Thank you very much, but I guess I'd better do it myself.

11. Thank you /Thanks for trying (your best).

12. Thank you anyway /all the same /for asking.

13. I'm most /very /extremely /tremendously /awfully /terribly grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there.

潇洒回答:Sure. /You're most welcome. /Don't mention it. /It was nothing. /It was my pleasure. /Think nothing of it. /That's all right. /any time. /Don't worry about it . /Forget it. /You bet.


1. I do /completely /strongly agree (very much).

2. That's /You're absolutely right.

3. I think exactly the same way.

4. That sounds like a good idea.

5. I'm with you on that matter.

6. I see your point /what you mean,

7. That's understandable.

8. It was all worth it.

9. You said it. /You can say that again.

10. You hit it /the nail right on the head.

11. You have every reason to be proud of it.

12. You're pretty close.

13. That would be fine /great.

14. That figures! That sounds reasonable.

15. Whatever you decide is all right with me.

16. That's it. That will do.

17. I'll say. That's what it is.

18. I suppose so. No doubt about it.

19. You can put it that way.

20. That's just what I think. /I take the same view.

21. I'm afraid you're right. /I have to agree with you.

22. Come on, you can do that. /I bet you can make it.

23. You have nothing to worry about.

24. Never say die. It's a piece of cake.

25. You never know what you can do till you try.

26. You will come up with the right answer.

27. It is not as difficult as it looks.

28. You've got lots of time to improve your English.

29. Take your medicine like a man.

30. Well, that's life, isn't it? /I know how you fell.


1. You did a fine /good /great job.

2. You've done a wonderful job. Well done! Well done!

3. That's great /wonderful /beautiful /amazing /fantastic!

4. You're so nice! /That's very nice of you.

5. Mrs. Smith, you're a wonderful cook.

6. I'm very proud of you.

7. I didn't expect you to do such a good job.

8. For a beginner, you're pretty good.

9. You are the right man for the job.

10. She is quite good with her hands.

11. We loved it /I love it /I like it.

12. You've got a point there.

13. You look young for your age.

14. You have a very good memory /beautiful eyes.

15. You're lovelier than your pictures.

16. How do you keep fit /in shape?

17. You look nice in your new shirt.

18. That tie goes well with your suit.

19. It really looks good on you.

20. You must be very popular.

21. Where did you get such a nice tan?

22. You flatter me immensely.

23. What a lovely couple you make!

24. How come you speak such good English?

25. You speak English without an accent.

26. You have a good command of English.

27. She is cut out for that job.

28. You've got it.

29. You made a tough decision.

30. You have an eye for beauty.

31. He has an old head on young shoulders.

32. You always know the right thing to say.

33. He is quick - witted.

34. You are a walking dictionary /encyclopedia.

35. I wish I had your will power.

36. I admire you for sticking to your plans.

37. I owe my success to my Mom.

38. I envy you for your ability to cope with the situation.

39. You are coming along well.

40. That's a good buy.


1. Are you married or single?

2. Do you have anyone in mind?



It’s up to you to carry out the plan. (有你实行那个计划。)


s up to us to help those in need.


She envied John for his success. (她嫉妒约翰的成功。) I envy you your health. Please contact me when you come home. (你回到家时请跟我联系。)

I must

contact my lawyer before I make

my final decision.


Newspapers keep us in contact with the events of the world.

(报纸使我们了解/得知 /

知晓世界。) Wash one’s hands of 意思是“不管了/洗手不


I wash my hands of you

and all your wild ideas.

(我再也不管你和你那些荒唐的念头了。) What’s it like, being an actor?


(当演员是什么滋味?/作为一个演员,你有什么感受?) He realized that he was heading in the wrong direction.

(他意识到走错了方向。) We headed out to school. (我们出发去学校。) Lt’s one of his favorite relaxations. (这是他最喜欢的消遣之一。)

It’s so necessary for you to have some rest and relaxation.


【All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作而不娱乐,杰克变成小傻瓜。】 The whole world knows that. (那个事人人皆知/谁都知道。)

He is a big figure in the business world. (他在商界是一位很有威望的人。) It’s her birthday and she wants to give us all a treat.


This is to be my treat, so I’ll pay for everything.


His house is in a convenient place, near the station.


) (我真喜欢我班上的学生。) The music turns me off. (这种音乐让我腻烦。)

I turned off when they started talking about Is it convenient to you if I come at 6 p.m.? (如果我下午6点来拜访你,你方便吗?)

(你要花多长时间才能完成那项工作?) It took me an hour to walk there. (走到那里花了我一个小时。)

The girls all went crazy over him. (姑娘们都为他神魂颠倒。


The boys are crazy about the singer. (那些男孩疯狂迷上了那个歌手。) He always called me as “my friend”. (他总是以“我的朋友”称呼我。) He was always called as “

genius”. (他总被人们称作“天才”。)

He didn’t care for the taste of the drink. (他不喜欢着饮料的味道。)

I really care for the students in my class.


(当他们谈论计算机时,我失去了兴趣。) So far I have been learning about China. (到目前为止,我一直都在研究中国的事情。) I’ve been here for three weeks, and so far I’ve enjoyed it.

(我已经在这里逗留了三个星期,到现在为止,我过得很快活。) Continual failure drove him to suicide. (不断的失败逼得他自杀。)

The failure drove him into despair. (这次失败使他绝望。)

Poverty and hunger drove them to steal. (贫穷和饥饿迫使他们偷窃。) Anger drove her mad. (她气得快发疯了。)

Drive sb crazy/to insanity/out of his mind. (将某人逼疯/使某人精神失常/使某人丧失理智) Did everyone you invited show up? (她一直没有出现。)

It was eleven o’clock when he finally showed up.



I tried calling you several times yesterday but I couldn’t get through (to you).


I tried to telephone you but

I couldn’t get through.

(我设法打电话给你,但是打不通。) I’m sick and tired

of your complaints: be quiet.

(我已经听厌了你的抱怨,别再说了吧。) I’m sick and tired of my monotonous life. (

我对自己的单调生活感到厌倦。) Can you

keep an eye on the baby while I go shopping?

it’s time to call it a day.

(他教英语40年,认为该结束了/退休了。) We couldn’t help the accident. (我们未能防止事故发生。)

Don’t make any worse than you can help. 尽量不要把事情弄得更糟。 (如果发生了任何事情,我会让你知道。) A chance may come up soon. (一个机会可能会很快出现。) (我的时间很紧,因此请扼要的谈一下关键问题。)

The speaker kept wandering off /away from the point.


Let’s stop discussing trivial details and come/get to the point.

We have no vacancies now, but we’ll certainly bear you application in mind.


Are you clear in you own mind what you ought to do?

(你自己是否清楚该做什么?) It’ll soon go out of mind. (这件事很快会被忘记。)



Are you in touch with him now? (你现在和他有联系吗?)

He is now out of touch with his new friends. (他现在已经没有和过去的朋友联系了。) I try to keep in touch

with current events by reading the newspapers.


That was a close call! We nearly hit the car. (真是好险啊,我们差点撞着那辆汽车。)

We are looking forward to our vacation. (我们盼望着假期的到来。)

I look forward to receiving your reply. (我期待着得到你的答复。)

Their chances of winning are slim. (他们取胜的机会很渺茫。)

Far from being angry, he is delighted. (他一点也不生气,还很高兴。) The problem is far from easy. (这问题绝非易事。

Your account is far from true/the truth. (你说的根本不是事实。) He is behind the rest of the class in reading. (


Britain is behind Japan in developing modern technology.

(在发展现代技术方面,英国落后于日本。) She’s such a pain in the neck.


It’s a pain in the neck having to meet them at the airport.


We are in the same bout: we both failed

the exam.


If you lose your job

I’ll lose mine, so we are in the same boat.


(看见食物,我就垂涎欲滴。) (他举荐我当校长。)

I can recommend their pizza. (那家店的比萨饼值得推荐。) The news spread all over the world. (这消息传遍全世界。) She knew that a vacation this tear was out of the question.


Clearly their victory is out of the question. (很显然,他们是不可能获胜的。)




1. A: How are you doing?

B: I'm doing fine/OK/pretty well/great/super/terrific/so-so. 或: Not bad. /The same as ever. /I can't complain too much. (我不能太抱怨。/还不错。) B: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning.

2. A: How's it going? B: Fine. /Pretty good.

A: How's everything with you/going?

B: Well, I'm still alive and kicking. /So far so good.

3. A: How've you been? (你近来怎么样?)

B: All right. 或: Not much lately.

4. A: How are things with you/going? B: Great.

或: I'm just taking one day at a time. (我只是过一天算一天。)

5. A: What's happening?


A: What's happening with you these days?

B: Nothing much. (没什么。)

6. A: What's new?/What's up?

B: Not much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special.

7. A: Anything interesting happening?

8. A: How are you (are they/is she /is he) getting along?


B: Keeping busy. Yourself?

9. A: How do you feel today? B: I feel like a new man.

还有两个特别地道的问候是*What's going on? 和*What are you up to? 都表示"你在忙些什么?",在美国电影中常听到。

★ 下面提供大量实用"废话",让你成为人际交往公关大师!

l Are you making progress?

l Did you sleep soundly last night.

l Have you gotten over your cold?

l How come you look so tired?

l Why are you in such a good mood?

l I just stopped by to say hello.

l What a pleasant surprise running into you.

l I'm glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately?

l I've been thinking about you lately. Let's talk over coffee.

l You're just the man I want to see.

l I haven't seen you for ages/in years/for a long time.

l It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs?

l How was your trip to New York?

l What has kept you so busy?


A: Mary, this is Stone's brother Jim.

B: I'm very glad/pleased to meet you.

C: It's a pleasure to meet you. /The pleasure is mine.

B: How do you like China so far? /What's your impression of China? /What do you think of China?

C: Its really different from what I expected.

B: Don't w


orry. You'll get used to it in no time.

1. May I have your name, please?

2. I think I've seen you before. You look very familiar.

3. Say, don't I know you from somewhere?

4. I must have seen you somewhere before.

5. Haven't we met before?

6. We have talked of you often.

7. I didn't quite catch your name. /I'm sorry. I didn't get your name.

8. A: How do I address you?

B: Please call me Mary. That's my first name.

9. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

10. Where are you working now?

11. I've been looking forward to meeting you.

12. I've heard a great deal about you.

13. Is this your first trip to China? /Have you ever been to Guangzhou?

14. What impressed you the most about Shanghai?

15. May I ask where you are from?

16. I hope you're enjoying your stay here.

17. It always takes time to get used to a new place.

18. Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing - did you mention something about…(对不起,我无意中听见你们的谈话,你是不是提到…)


10. Uh, are you going to be busy this evening?

11. Um, I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come?

12. Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me.

13. I'm going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join us? 如何用地道的英语回答

14. That'd be very nice. /I'd love to. /That's a great idea.

15. Sorry, I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. /Tonight's a problem. What about tomorrow night? /Sorry, I've got people coming over tonight. (今晚有客人来。)


A: I really must be going now.

B: But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?

A: That's very nice of you, but I really can't.

B Well, it's too bad (遗憾) that you have to go.

A: Thanks very much. It was a great /lovely party!

B: It was our pleasure.


1. We really enjoyed your company. (我们喜欢与你为伴。)

2. Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time.

3. Please give my best regards to your sister.

4. I'll be seeing you!

5. A: Take care of yourself. /Have a good trip. /Enjoy yourself. /Have fun! /Take it easy!

6. I shall miss all of you. Let's get together soon.

7. I hope I can see you again. /Let's meet more often.


8. Well, (I'm afraid) I'd better be on my way /leaving.

9. I'm sorry, but I've got to be on my way.

10. I'm afraid I stayed too long.

11. I think it's about time we got going.

12. I really have to rush. (我真的得赶快。)

13. I enjoyed myself very much.

14. I'm glad to have met you.

15. I really enjoyed the meal.

16. I really had a pleasant /enjoyable /great evening.

17. I had lots of fun tonight. /That was a wonderful dinner. /I had a wonderful / great time being with you.

18. I enjoyed every minute of the party.

19. Thank you very much for a wonderful party.

20. I hope someday maybe you'll be able to visit my family in Beijing.

21. I really enjoyed talking with you.

22. Please don't be in such a hurry.

23. Would you like to stay for dinner.

24. Did you have a good time today?

25. You'll have to come and see us soon.

26. A: Thank you for inviting me.

B: It was a pleasure having you. Please come again.

27. A: Thanks for all your hospitality. B: You're welcome.

28. A: Have a nice weekend. B: Same to you.

29. A: Thank you for everything.

B: Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.

A: Thanks. I hope we meet again soon.

30. A: If you're ever in Xi'an, look me up. I'd love to see you again. B: Sure. I will. You can count on that.


1. Thank you for everything. /Thank you very much indeed.

2. I appreciate it /your help very much.

3. I don't know how to thank you enough.

4. It's kind of you to say that.

5. You've been a great help /very helpful.

6. Thanks a million, Mr. Lee, for what you have done for me.

7. I hope I can repay you for it.

8. You've been very thoughtful.

9. I appreciate your consideration.

10. Thank you very much, but I guess I'd better do it myself.

11. Thank you /Thanks for trying (your best).

12. Thank you anyway /all the same /for asking.

13. I'm most /very /extremely /tremendously /awfully /terribly grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there.

潇洒回答:Sure. /You're most welcome. /Don't mention it. /It was nothing. /It was my pleasure. /Think nothing of it. /That's all right. /any time. /Don't worry about it . /Forget it. /You bet.


1. I do /completely /strongly agree (very much).

2. That's /You're absolutely right.

3. I think exactly the same way.

4. That sounds like a good idea.

5. I'm with you on that matter.

6. I see your point /what you mean,

7. That's understandable.

8. It was all worth it.

9. You said it. /You can say that again.

10. You hit it /the nail right on the head.

11. You have every reason to be proud of it.

12. You're pretty close.

13. That would be fine /great.

14. That figures! That sounds reasonable.

15. Whatever you decide is all right with me.

16. That's it. That will do.

17. I'll say. That's what it is.

18. I suppose so. No doubt about it.

19. You can put it that way.

20. That's just what I think. /I take the same view.

21. I'm afraid you're right. /I have to agree with you.

22. Come on, you can do that. /I bet you can make it.

23. You have nothing to worry about.

24. Never say die. It's a piece of cake.

25. You never know what you can do till you try.

26. You will come up with the right answer.

27. It is not as difficult as it looks.

28. You've got lots of time to improve your English.

29. Take your medicine like a man.

30. Well, that's life, isn't it? /I know how you fell.


1. You did a fine /good /great job.

2. You've done a wonderful job. Well done! Well done!

3. That's great /wonderful /beautiful /amazing /fantastic!

4. You're so nice! /That's very nice of you.

5. Mrs. Smith, you're a wonderful cook.

6. I'm very proud of you.

7. I didn't expect you to do such a good job.

8. For a beginner, you're pretty good.

9. You are the right man for the job.

10. She is quite good with her hands.

11. We loved it /I love it /I like it.

12. You've got a point there.

13. You look young for your age.

14. You have a very good memory /beautiful eyes.

15. You're lovelier than your pictures.

16. How do you keep fit /in shape?

17. You look nice in your new shirt.

18. That tie goes well with your suit.

19. It really looks good on you.

20. You must be very popular.

21. Where did you get such a nice tan?

22. You flatter me immensely.

23. What a lovely couple you make!

24. How come you speak such good English?

25. You speak English without an accent.

26. You have a good command of English.

27. She is cut out for that job.

28. You've got it.

29. You made a tough decision.


抢注网址: www.englishvip.com/wenkxd.htm


1. Are you married or single?

2. Do you have anyone in mind?

3. I've been dying to see you. (我一直好想见你。)

4. My girlfriend and I broke up.

5. How did you get to know her? (你是怎么认识她的。)

6. How long have you known her?

7. She is not my kind of girl. (她不是我喜欢的那一种。)

8. He was our go-between. (他是我们的媒人。)

9. Miss Park is kind of short, but she has a beautiful personality. (她有点矮,但她个性迷人〖永久的魅力〗。)

10. She is well built. /She has a good figure. (身材好)

11. His appearance is impressive. (他的外表印象深刻。)

12. She looks neat and fresh. (她看起来优雅清新。)

13. She wears too much make-up.

14. Forgive me for being 20 minutes late for our date.

15. You are everything to me. There's no one like you.

16. Mary and Amold are going steady. (正式成为情侣)

17. It was love at first sight. (那是一见钟情)

18. I don't have the heart to tell her. (我没有勇气。)

19. Our date today was NATO.(No Action, Talk Only)

20. I love you with all my heart. (我全心全意爱你。)

21. I'm so happy with you in this starry night. (美丽的夜晚)

22. They are right matches. (他们是天生的一对。)

23. She always plays with love. (她总是玩弄爱情。)

24. She gave me the cold shoulder. (她对我冷淡。)

25. He makes a pass〖送秋波〗at every girl he meets.

26. When are you planning to get married?

27. Where are you going on your honeymoon?

28. I've got a strange feeling that this marriage won't last very long. (我有一个奇怪的感觉:这婚姻不会长久。)

29. They are expecting their first child. (怀第一个小孩)

30. His wife has him under her thumb. (他妻子控制他。)

31. I'm through with you! (我们到此为止。)

32. I can't face him after what I've done.

33. I got a "Dear John" letter〖绝交信〗from her.



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34. I like him the way he was. (我喜欢他过去的样子。)

35. It was so exciting to meet her again after so many years.

36. Cry on my shoulders. (把委屈告诉我吧。)

37. He made up with his girlfriend. (他和女朋友和好)

38. You are my best friend in the whole world.

39. You're the only one I can turn to. (能依赖的人)

40. I am on speaking terns with him. (泛泛之交)

41. Mr. Park is a devoted husband. (忠实情深的丈夫)

42. He doesn't take me seriously. (他对我没有诚意。)

43. She is constantly in love. (她不停在恋爱。)

44. I don't like the way you are treating me.

45. He cheated on his wife. /He two-times his wife. (他对妻子不忠。)

46. I'm too deeply involved〖陷得太深〗.

47. He is fun to be with. (与他相处很有趣。)

48. I think I have fallen in love with someone.




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篇五:李阳疯狂英语 拿手好戏卡系列

李阳疯狂英语 拿手好戏卡系列(转贴)

李阳疯狂英语 拿手好戏卡系列

李阳疯狂英语 拿手好戏卡 1


用英语交流,第一关是最平常(ordinary;common),也是最重要的,几乎构成了日常生活,商务交往中的主要部分。做得好能给人留下深刻印象,使自己如鱼得水,(like a stranded fish put back into water ) 瀟酒应酬。同时也给自己带来巨大语言学习满足感!但这也是最难自如应用的部分!这第一关就是―社交性的寒喧‖。当中外人士夸奖我英文说得地道时,我最后发现我并没有和他们深谈。不过就是脱而出这些社交性的寒喧(greetings) 。

可惜的是,绝大多数中国英语学习者苦学英语这么多年,连最基本的―打招呼‖都 没有搞清楚!十岁的中国小孩如果不会用中文打招呼,一定是―弱智‖!


1. A: How are you doing? (你好吗?)

(比 How are you?更地道,更亲切!学了十年英语的人也没几个会说!下次见了外国人只管脱口而出,一定会一鸣惊人!)

B: I'm doing fine/OK/pretty (相当;颇)well/great(极好的;超乎寻常的)/super(特级的;特佳的)/terrific(非常的;了不起的)/so-so. (很好/好/挺好的/棒极了/太好了/好得不得了/一般。)

或: Not bad. /The same as ever. /I can't complain(抱怨;发牢骚) too much. (还过得去/和以前一样/我不能太抱怨。/还不错。)

因为用―How are you doing?‖打招呼显得比较亲切,所以如果你不太舒服,可以如实回答:

C: Terrible.(极糟糕的;极差的) I've had a headache all morning. (难受极了,我整个早上都头痛。)


Pretty *He made a pretty fortune by selling all hes land.


*Today is pretty cold.(今天挺冷的。)


*Those werer great days and we were very happy.


*You have a great future.(你前途无量。)


*We feel this is a super place to live.


*You’ll like her,she is super.



*My mother is terrific at any kind of sewing.



*A’ll come and give you a hand tomorrow.




*I’ve really got nothing to complain of.


*He complained to me about the food.



*She is a terrible student. (她是一极糟的学生。) *The food was terrible. (食物糟透了。)

2. A: How's it going? (近况如何?) B: Fine. /Pretty good. (很好/挺好的。)

A: How's everything with you/going?(你一切如何?) B: Well, I'm still alive and kicking (活蹦乱跳的;生气勃勃;精神饱满;活跃). /So far so good. (我仍然活蹦 乱跳 的/活着混日子/到目前为止一切都好。)



*I still don’t understand what you mean.


*She was still beautiful at the age of forty.

(她活到四十岁仍然很美。) Alive and kicking

*My grandfather is very much alive and kicking.


*You’ll be glad to hear that Bill is alive and kicking.


3. A: How've you been? (你近来怎么样?)

B: All right. 或oes’t make sase(近来;最近;不久前).. (还好/不算好。)


*He has been friendlier lately. (他近来更友好了。) *His studies haven’t been improving lately.

( 他的学业最近没什么进步。)

4. A: How are things(局面;情况;形势) with you/going? (一切都好吗?/事情进行得怎样?)

B: Great. 或: I'm just taking one day at a time.




*Things look black .(前途黯淡。) *Things are looking up. (情况在好转。)

5. A: What's happening? (你好吗?)

(注:原意为"有什么事",现在已演变成"你好吗?" )

A: What's happening with you these days?


B: Nothing much. (没什么。)



*Nothing gives me more pleasure than listening to Mozart.


*There is nothing interesting in the newspaper.

(报纸上没有什么有趣趣的新闻。) Happen

*How did the accident happen? (事故是怎么发生的?) *I’d stay if they promoted

me,but I can’t see that happening (假如他们提升我,我就留下来,但我看那是不可能的。)

6. A: What's new?/What's up(发生;进行)?


B: Not much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special. (没什么/没什么特别的。) [额外成就感]


*I heard a lot of shouting,what’s up?


*I could tell something was up by the look on their faces. (我一看他们的脸色就知道有事。)


*Is there any particular color you would prefer?


*She is a particular friend of mine.



*He did it as a special favor.


*He never drinks except on special occasions.


7. A: Anything interesting happening?



*He is not very interesting to talk to.


*It must be interesting for you.


8. A: How are you (are they/is she /is he) getting along? (近来如何?)[包括事业、健康状况等等!]

B: Keeping busy. Yourself? (一直很忙,你呢?) [额外成就感]


*She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency.


*Keep quiet.—I’m trying to get some word done.


9. A: How do you feel today? (今天感觉如何?)

B: I feel like a new man. (我感觉象是换了一个人似的。或:我觉得好象脱胎换骨了。) [额外成就感]


*You’ll feel better after a good ’s sleep.


*I feel rotten about not taking the children out.



*I’ve always wanted a garden like theirs.


*I’m going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson.



*What's going on? 和 *What are you up to?




★ 下面提供大量实用"废话"(nonsense),让你成为人际交往公关大师! 因为在日常生活和工作中,人们互相说的大部分都是一些无关紧要的―废话‖。

l 、Are you making progress(进展;进步;发展)? (你有进展吗?)[学英语的朋友可以经常这样问。]



*There has been very little progress this term.


*He is making good progress after his operation.


*Stone is still in the hospital , but he’s making good/rapid progress.

(世通还在医院,但他的建康恢复得很快。) *He’s not making much progress with his English.

( 他的英语进步不大。)

[疯狂联想] 上了李阳的课之后,大家可以互相这样问;你的朋友正在恋爱,你也可以这样问;中美之间的艰苦谈判之后,也可以互相这样问!请继续联想下去。

2、 Did you sleep soundly(充分地;酣畅地(睡觉)) last .




*You’ll sleep sounder for it.


[疯狂联想] 这是一句超级实用废话,我每一次接待外宾必用。

3、 Have you gotten over(克服;复原;痊愈) your cold? (你感冒好了吗?)


*She couldn’t get over her shyness.(她无法克服羞怯。)

*I think the problem can be gotten over without too much difficulty. (我认为问题不难解决。)

4、 How come(为什么;为何) you look so tired?

(你怎么看起来这么疲倦。) [额外成就感]

*How come you’re not studying? (你为什么不学习?) *How come I wasn’t told? (我怎么没有听说?)

5、 Why are you in such a good mood(心境;情绪)?



*He is in a good / bad mood. (他的心情好/不好。)

*I’m always in a bad mood on Mondays.


6、 I just stopped by(中途作短暂访问;顺便访问) to say hello. (我只是顺路过来问个好。)


*Ask him to stop by for a talk.


7、 What a pleasant surprise running into(偶然遇见) you. (碰见你真太棒了!) [额外成就感]

*It was a pleasant surprise. (那是个惊喜。)

*It is pleasant to jog in the early morning.

(清晨慢跑很舒畅。) *Guess who I ran into today? I ran into Stone at the wupermarket this morning.


8、 I'm glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately? (你今天躲到哪里去了?)


*Lies cannot hide facts. (谎言掩盖不了事实!)

*Where are the toys hidden away?


9、 I've been thinking about(回想;想起) you lately. Let's talk over coffee. (我最近一直在想着你,让我们边喝咖啡边聊吧。)


*Do you ever think about your childhood?


*Do you ever think about other people?


l0、 You're just the man I want to see.


l1、 I haven't seen you for ages[口语:长时间]/in years/for a long time. (好久没见了。)

l2、 It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs? (再次见到你,真是太好了。你换工作了吗?)
