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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:18:19 体裁作文


On Internet Addict

If asked whether the internet is the great discovery of the 21th century, my answer would be yes. It has dawn the world closer together, realized countless incredible dream, and provided modern people with the great many conveniences and a brilliant life. Common folks like us rely on the cyber world in various ways, for communication, entertainment, banking and shopping.

For is convenience, the internet has attracted people like magnets and some even get addicted to it. Some studies estimate as many as 10 percent of China’s young web users are addict –mostly to online multiplayer games. Some individuals showed physical signs of addiction when kept away from their computers, very similar to substance-dependent addicts; others ignore food, drink and sleep for the sake of gaming.

In my view, internet does make our lives easier but we shouldn’t hence get obsessed with. It’s necessary that we understand the role of the internet-it adds color, but should not serve as the only color in life. So, use the internet but never abuse it; otherwise, life huddled in front of a computer screen will harm us physically, psychologically and socially.

Aging of the Population

People in China are living longer and longer while new babies are insufficient to take place of them. As a result, China has become an aging society, with the population over 60 reaching 134 million, or more than 10 percent of the country's 1.3 billion total.

The aging of the population is putting more and more serious pressure on both society and family. National expenditure for the aging population is always on the increase. To make matters worse, a declining proportion of the working population is likely to hinder the economic development. As for the young couples, they are struggling harder than ever to support their old parents while raising their children at the same time.

Among the following three ways to address this situation, the first is to pay due attention to guaranteeing the basic living standards of the elderly and safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests. Secondly, the elderly should be given full chance to play an active role in our social life and make a contribution to the whole society. Last, but not least, we should persist in our efforts to develop the market which provides products for the elderly and stimulate the growth of our economy.

1. 近几年出现了大学生就业难的现象

2. 产生这种现象的原因(如大学生追求的目标过高,专业不对口等)

3. 如何解决这一问题(改变就业观念,大学生再培训等)

On College Students’ Job Hunting

In recent years, college students find it increasingly difficult to get a job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent, well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?

There are several reasons for this. To begin with, nowadays college students aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary, comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently, most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider not “good” enough. Another reason is that there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.

Solution to the problem requires efforts on both the society and the students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.

On The Safety of Food

Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily.

There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend.

As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.


在过去几年,一些食品安全丑闻相继被各种媒体曝光。食品安全已经成为整个社会的敏感问题。根据人民日报在线报道,食品安全问题是严重影响公共安全的问题,不容政府忽视。 我认为,有两个方面的因素导致制造不安全食品这个不良现象的发生。首先,在经济发展快速转型时期,我们单纯追求经济增长,忽视了道德教育。其次,对那些违法的制造商我们缺乏足够的约束管理机制和处罚机制。 古语有云,亡羊补牢,未为晚矣,我们必须迅速采取严格的措施抑制这种害国害民的趋势。政府应启动全民道德教育运动并起草出台更加严厉的法律法规,打击那些不负责任的公司,禁止他们再次插足食品工业。我可以肯定的说,通过大家的共同努力,今后我们将可以享受更多无害的食品

To Issue Consumption Coupons or Not?

In the early 2009 when the world was fighting with financial crisis ,hte eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou handed out coupons

worth100 to 200 Yuean to the city's low-income households and all the primary and minddle school students.The move gained a positive

response when people's spending surged. Follwing the positive example set by Hangzhou,many other cities in China are considering carrying out similar pracitices

However,people hold mixed views regarding whether the movce shouled be promoted, expecially nationwide Firjm supporters say that these coupons can help restonre consumers' confidence ,encourggd them to spend more and stimulat the economy .But some other insiders are more cautious abbout the issuance of such coupons. They hold that coupons only have a one-off stimulus effect and should not be used as a long= term practice

My attitude towards the issue denpengss on to whom these coupons would be giver If the coupons were to be allocated to everyone regardless of theri economic situations.Iwould disaree But if local gobernment s hand jou coupons only to low=income familes,as Hangzhou has experimented ,Iwould agree.


1. Do you want to own a car? Why?

Symbol of success begins to look tarnished


If you had told me in high school that I still wouldn’t own a car at age 31, I would have said you were crazy. In my mind back then, the car was a symbol of success - and my ticket to adulthood.


And yet here I am, 31 years old, and getting around Washington DC not by car, but by bus, train and my own two feet. As it turns out, I am in good company. More American young people are embracing public transport, walking and biking – especially those living in and around urban areas.


A car is still important, and almost every one of us will eventually own one, but it is no longer the must-have I once thought it to be. A study published earlier this year by the US Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG) found that young people aged 16 to 34 drove, on average, 23 percent fewer miles annually from 2001 to 2009.


At the same time, young people rode bikes 24 percent more often and increased their use of public transit by 100 percent.


The reasons for this change in behavior range from the obvious to the subtle. The

ailing economy and rising gas prices are a big factor. So, too are other related costs, such as paying for car insurance and parking. In downtown Washington DC, for example, drivers pay as much as $20 (126 Yuan) per day to park near their offices.



The US PIRG study also found that the rise of smart phones and tablets have

made using public transport more attractive. These devices allow passengers to get more work (and play) out of life when they would otherwise be stuck behind the wheel.



The car is symbol of success in the past. However, car only is a sort

of vehicle(交通工具) now. And ,the person who has car may

haven't ability to pay, they are support to daily money by their parents .In other words , the person has a car can't mean him has earning power.In addition, rich does not mean success.

2.Do you know PM2.5? What can college students actually do to get our blue sky back?

Chen campaigns for blue sky


Chen Jiajun won his reputation as a veteran volunteer on campus at South China Normal University. During his six years in college, the 25-year-old psychology postgraduate has already launched two student volunteer groups dedicated to environmental protection. ―Working together can always bring something bigger and better,‖ said Chen.


As a resident of Guangzhou since childhood, Chen remembers the old days when he sat on his grandpa’s bicycle under a blue sky. However, now the city’s gloomy skyline lies under a grey sky. Chen thinks something, however small, has to be done to improve the environment.


A survey conducted by a local non-governmental organization (NGO) in Guangzhou found that nearly 30 percent of 967 college students don’t know what PM2.5 is. Chen decided to monitor PM2.5, fine particulate air pollution which has been in the news lately.


But there is no device available on campus to measure it. Chen contacted environmental groups to borrow a monitor. Eventually, a Beijing-based NGO offered several portable PM2.5 monitors.


Starting in February, Chen’s group, Blue Sky Guangzhou, invited one Guangzhou resident each day to monitor air quality in his or her neighborhood. Data collected over months indicated 35-55 mg PM2.5 per cubic meter, significantly lower than the national standard of 75 mg.


Chen felt confused. He consulted the environmental protection department of

Guangzhou municipality. It turned out that in order to have accurate data, monitors have to be installed all over the city on different levels of heights working 24 hours a day, seven days a week.



―I feel frustrated with our efforts which proved nothing,‖ said Chen. When he realized monitoring air pollution was too difficult, Chen decided to invite the mayor of Guangzhou to take part in his campaign. ―We sincerely invite Mayor Chen Jianhua to join the PM2.5 air quality forecast activity, launched by our group of volunteers. ―We call on people to protect the environment, support the government’s work and save Guangzhou’s blue skies,‖ says his group’s letter to the city boss.



愿者。“我们呼吁人们保护环境,支持政府的工作,并帮助广州的蓝色的天空,“说他的小组的信到城市的老板。 To his surprise, the mayor soon wrote back saying that the city has already planned to include PM2.5 in its future air quality monitoring *routine. Chen said that he felt thrilled to know that PM2.5 will get official attention so soon.



―I launched a lot activities during my campus life and many of them failed,‖ said Chen. ―But even failures push things forward, like this one.‖




I think that want to improving air quality must plant tree. The tree can assimilate carbon dioxide and desorb oxygen. What is more, people should reduce the amount of car and air condition .And, people also should limit exhaust emission form factory. People need pure air, but it is a difficult now, we can only gradually improve air quality.

3."Ground-floor work is not a burden, but an asset to your career, which will prove to be invaluable for your future." What do you think is necessary for college grads to know as graduation season approaches?

Hands-on experience is important


"Drawing sketches is the basic drill of future engineers. But few of the grads have the skills or patience to do that now." Zhang Yi, a senior editor at online video portal Letv.com discovered that some of his graduate interns lacked any idea of how important it is to do the most basic chores well. "For instance, one graphic design intern likes to stress her flair in creativity, but she doesn't actually know how to crop a picture properly," he said.


College grads' lack of hands-on experience is causing a "two-way dilemma" in the job market this year. Major media including ifeng.com report that employers are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit qualified candidates for their openings. Meanwhile many grads are experiencing hardship landing job offers due to their "poor problem-solving abilities."


Wang Jian, a senior consultant from 51job.com said that the situation has arisen due to a mismatch between the employers' expectations and those of grads. "Employers wish to have job-ready recruits with the right set of basic skills, but students often tend to look at positions that are beyond their current ability range." 王建,一位高级顾问表示,前程无忧的情形也出现之间不匹配造成了雇主的期望和那些毕业生。―雇主希望为工作做好准备的新兵的正确集合的基本技能,但学生常常倾向于关注当前位置超出了他们的能力范围内。‖ Wu Qingmei, an HR manager from the Tianjin Branch of China Urban Construction Design & Research Institute, was surprised that she couldn't find many grads who can draw good paper sketches. Some candidates made mistakes in street names or put wrong distances on maps.


"Drawing sketches is the basic drill of future engineers. But few of the grads have the skills or patience to do that now," she said. "Instead, they all wanted to do creative jobs such as holistic design plans for a city project. They didn't realize it will take three to five years to reach that level."


As graduation season approaches, she has only found one or two qualified

candidates who want to do the "most basic work" for nearly 10 vacancies. The ratio is like 1 to 5.

随着毕业的临近,她只发现一个或两个合格的候选人想做“最基本的工作“近10空缺。这个比率如同1到5。 Consultant Wang points out that newbies' reluctance to do ground-level work is because they wrongly project their place in the workforce. "With over 6 million students graduating each year, college should no longer be considered an 'elite education'," he said. "Most have to get in at the lowest level and work their way up." 顾问王指出newbies '不愿做地面工作是因为他们错误地计划他们的劳动力的地方。“超过600万每年毕业的学生,大学不应该再被认为是“精英教育”,”他说。“大多数不得不在最低级别和工作方式。”

Liu Chuan, 22, a senior English major from the University of Technology and Science Beijing, has adjusted well to his role. He used to think that doing foreign trade equals closing lucrative deals with clients. "I learnt in my internship, most of the time the work is just related to checking hundreds of detailed items on a single contract, and doing abstract calculations of trade figures," he said. He recalled a manager from a PR firm asking if he could bear spending months "sending e-mails" to clients or media practitioners. "I told myself why not?" he said, "The work would build up my contacts and interpersonal skills, and would be useful."


Wang suggests grads change their mindset. "Ground-floor work is not a burden, but a asset to your career, which will prove to be invaluable for your future."



College grads face the biggest trouble is work pressure. College student received higher education, they can qualified for college students jobs. Though student lack of hands-on experience, they have a strong ability to learn and high quality. College student are still the pillar of the country. If college grads work in the ground-floor work will burled the talents of university.


1.My favourite book is written by JK Rowling, the Harry Potter series. JK Rowling was born in 1965, England. Before she wrote these books, she was only a ordinary housewife in Britain, her only job was probably looking after the children, but these book changed her life forever. The Harry potter series was translated into 65 languages, it made JK Rowling into a international bestseller. It was also made into 7 films, in the world of Hogwarts, magic power was possible. People all over the world became a fan of Harry Potter, especially students. Many children also believed in Harry Potter's magic.


2.spring festival

This year I have a happy spring festival with my family.

On New Year's Eve,all the family people get together to have a big dinner in the resturant. During the dinner we have a small talk and play some games. We say some good hope to each other. For example,keep good healthy,try your best to do everything,have a good mood in this year,happy everyday and so on.

Thanks to this spring festival,it make our family people get together. We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fighting.





3.My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study.

I think our friendship will last forever.



4.I have many hobbies. In my spare time,I like listening to some pop music,especially the music played by some pop bands. It can make me relax and let me forget my unhappy moment. If I'm in good mood,I always read some history books,which I think is benefical to my study .Besides,surfing the Internet is another means of entertainment of mine. Through the Internet I can get some useful information and chat with my friends as well. The Internet has shortened our distance.


5. Now living in another big city, it gives me rather different feelings. My first impression of the city is its prosperity. There are many lofty buildings located in the downtown, And also there are many modern recreational types of equipment. As we know, Changsha is famous for its TV industry,there are many famous TV shows here.

“Happy Base Camp” and“Super Girl” are well known to all.

I found that I’ve been fond of bus traveling. Along the way, many beautiful sceneries can be seen, it’s a clean city, you can hardly find any waste on the main road. The bus stopped at the cross of the Walking Street. Maybe it’s the most prosperity district in this city. Lots of people and lots of shopping marts, and also lots of local snack here

Now, studying in the city and living in campus,the city makes me feel at home. In school, teachers and schoolmates are always kind to me, we have really a harmonious campus life. 现在居住在另一个大城市,它给了我相当不同的感受。

我的城市的第一印象是它的繁荣。有位于市中心的许多崇高的建筑物,也有许多现代娱乐设备类型。正如我们所知,长沙的电视产业而闻名,有许多著名的电视节目。 “快乐大本营”和“超级女声”是众所周知的。




6.every language is unique. They usually have different grammar and use of vocabulary, which means learning English by translating it into different languages will lead to an inevitable defeat. For example, I have worked hard on learning a lot of vocabulary by translating them into Chinese. I thought it was a good idea to build up my vocabulary in order to read and write better. However, those translation processes were hugely disappointing. At that time, I failed to express my idea accurately by those translated vocabulary. As a consequence, good grade and improvement seemed untouchable. Also, when I either wrote or read, I had to use Chinese to think about the passage. As a result, I didn’t do it well and did it very slowly. When I came to the USA, I desperately and completely stopped translation. Just a year of time, my English was obviously and generally improved. I attribute my success to the stop of translation.



On Friendship-谈友谊 On Friendship

Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.

The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc.

As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow.

With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing

and content with the simple life we have. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word. 谈友谊






Love-爱 Love

Love is an art which involves deep emotion. It is a pure and lofty desire in one's innermost heart. Real love means not only a pleasure, but also loyalty and obligation. To love is to give and sacrillce. One who can not create happiness, even make sacrifice for his beloved, cannot be counted as a true lover.

To be loved you have to love. True lovers are willing to sacrifice themselves for each other's sake. True love needs no expression in words. One glance is enough to make each other understand. A handshake, a gentle touch inspired by respect and admiration, will leave you intoxicated and remain in your memory. Even when you are old you will recall and cherish it with deep emotion.

Real love is unforgetable. With the development of science and

technology, love becomes more noble, rich, fine and subtle. As is known to all, everyone is born with the right to love and also the right to refuse to return love. Human love exists with human beings. Wherever there are people, there is love.

Let us draw courage, confidence and happiness from love.






The trouble of fame

Many people admire at the famous stars. But few people know the trouble of fame. As a star or famous person, his or her life should be the focus of public interest. No

matter what they do, the mass and reporters should report and comment. The public keep a close watch on them all the time. They have not freeness. So it is very

inconvenience for them. Such as many singer stars tried their best to hide their real life in order to make the public pleasure. Moreover, as the famous people, being

afraid of kidnappers, they should keep bodyguard with them all the time. All in all, if there is gain, there is also lost. Fame can bring a sense of accomplishment and also bring trouble for you.

The most difficult situation I have ever experienced

The most difficult situation I have ever experienced is that I forgot bring money with me while I take the taxi. I remember it clearly now. That day I wanted to go to the museum with my friend. I promised that I would at the gate of museum at 9

o’clock. I brought my camera with me and went out my house happily. I saw many people waiting the bus at the station. I thought it’s a difficulty to get the bus. Time was limit, I called a taxi. Luckily, I went there on time. When I ready to set down and pay money, I found that I forgot my wallet. What a shame. I phoned my friend and told him my situation. At last my friend helped me. But I think it is the most terrible situation I have ever experienced.

The best roommate I’ve ever had

In the middle school, I had a best roommate. He is a lively boy. Why I say he is my best roommate? The reasons are follow: First, He never quarrels with you. He always keep smiling when you talk to him. Second, he is a good student and good at math. So he can help my study. Third, he is a harm-heard person. He like to help

every one if need. Whenever you ask him for a help, he is willing to offer. I remember that because of my illness, he help me to wash clothes all the winter. If without his help I wouldn’t finish my lessons at that time. There are many kindness of him. I just take some for example. He is a university student now. I wish I could be his

roommate again.

How I’d design Disneyland

Disneyland has the most cumulative attendance of any theme park in the World, with close to 600 million guests since July 18, 1955. In 2009, 15.9 million people visited the park making it the second most visited park in the World during that calendar year. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America ... with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." If I design the Disneyland, I would make a magic kingdom. There have all kind games for the people. I will post maps of my Magic Kingdom lands in a series of replies to this post; which list rides, attractions, shops, and restaureants; and try to have my list of rides and attractions for Disney Studios up ASAP, as no maps of Disney Studios have been drawn yet.

My understanding of IQ

Some people believe that IQ is a major factor which can help people to success. People with high IQs will make outstanding achievement in a field easily, because they have excellent quality of thinking, strong learning ability, deep understanding of the capacity of things, a strong memory and so on. These capabilities can help them to success.

But some people feel EQ is more important than IQ. EQ can help them improve the level of self-consciousness; it also can help us to integrating the perspectives of others.

A person who with high EQs not only have more emotional health, but also have good interpersonal skill, so that they will be more successful.

As far as I concerned, IQ makes us have superior accept ability and EQ makes us have superior apply ability, both IQ and EQ are very important.
