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篇一:英语作文 My bedroom


This is my bedroom. It's clean and beautiful.

There is a bed on the right. There is a pillow and a quilt on it. There is a big table near the bed. The closet is near the table. There are many clothes in the closet. The trash bin is behind the door. The mirror is under the air-conditioner


我的房间(My bedroom)

I have a lovely bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a desk near my bed. There is a pink doll on my bed. I sleep with it every night. There is a big window in my bedroom. The yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening, I do my homework under the lamp. I have a big shelf in my bedroom. There are many books on the shelf. I like reading very much. Do you like reading? You can borrow the books from me if you like?

My bedroom is so nice. I like it.


My bedroom is very big.

The walls are white and blue. The curtains are blue too. There is a big window on the wall, so my bedroom is also very bright. There are some photos on the wall. They’re very beautiful.

In the middle of the room, there is my bed. It’s not so big, but it’s very comfortable. Every night, I lay on the bed and have a good dream.

On the right of the bed, there is my desk and chair. They’re in front of the window. My computer is on the desk. There is a lamp on the desk, too. I can do my homework here and play computer games.

My bookshelf is on the left of the bed. There are a lot of storybooks and picture books in the shelf. I like them very much.

Not everyone has a bedroom. I’m very lucky, because I have a very beautiful bedroom. I’ll try my best to keep it clean and tidy.


I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It's cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful pictures on the wall.

I like my bedroom. Do you like it?


I have a small and beautiful bedroom. In my bedroom, there is a long table. On the table, there is a shelf and many books are on the shelf. I like to read them in my bedroom. There aretwo end tables near the bed. On the end table, there is a lamp, a toy and a photo of mine. The trash bin is under the table. Two closets are near the bed, there are many beautiful clothes in the closets.There is a piano in my bedroom. I often play the piano on the weekend. Over the piano,there is an air-conditioner

I like my bedroom very much. Do you like it?


My bedroom

When I first came into this house, my mom told me that this room is my bedroom, my own bedroom, I was just freaking out. Let me introduce my lovely bedroom.

When you stand at the door, you will see a table first, my computer and my books are all on it, besides them, there is a little cup which I grew a plant in it. Behind my table, is my bed. My bed was coverd with dolls, and my bed's colour is pink, I love it. On the left, there is a big window, every morning when I woke up, I can feel and see the sunshine, and begin to study with a good mood.

That's my bedroom, simple but lovely, I like my room, and thanks my parents for giving me a good environment to study.

篇二:My Bedroom

My Bedroom

My Bedroom-我的卧室


My Bedroom

I have a small but comfortable and tidy bedroom. There are a single bed, a desk, a chair and a beoksheff in my bedroom. The bookshelf is near the window. I put all the books I love best and some classical music CDs on it. On the west wall there hangs a violin. It is my favorite. I usually play it to enjoy myself at my spare time.

篇三:My bedroom

My bedroom

Look!This is my bedroom. There are some things in my bedroom. There're a bed,a desk, five photos and a chair.

The bed is an the floor. It's blue. The desk is neet thebed. the chair is under the desk. They are red. The photos are on the wall.

My bedroom ie very nice. I love my bedroom very much!

篇四:My bedroom _1

My bedroom

????Today I'm going to show you around my bedroom.My bedroom is the bigest room in my house.

????On the other side of my bedroom is a fish tank and there are many colourful fish in it.

????My favourite place in my bedroom is under the bed.


????Today I'm going to show you around my bedroom.My bedroom is the bigest room in my house.I have a big bed and two comfortable and soft pillows.Between the

pillows is a big blue octopus puppet which was my birthday present.Next to the bed is my desk and I put many models on it.Beside the desk is a bookshelf almost all my books are on this white bookshelf.

????On the other side of my bedroom is a fish tank and there are many colourful fish in ????it.Under the fish tank is a cabinet and my mum put all my own toys in the box and put them in the cabinet.Sometimes I still like to open the box and play with my own toys.In the back of the cabinet are some paper cards which are for my art class. ????My favourite place in my bedroom is under the bed.What can be good under the bed?It is a little box in which I have collected many pictures of me.Sometimes when I look at those pictures I think:I was so cute.There is a secret about the box I had my diary at the bottom of my pictures.Don't tell anybody especially my parents,OK? ????

篇五:2014年辽宁教师考试小学英语说课稿:三年级英语《It is my bedroom》说课稿


语《It is my bedroom》说课稿

相关推荐:教师招聘考试题库 辽宁教师招聘公告信息

一、 依据课标说理念


二、 结合内容说教材

本课是广州版小学三年级下册第四单元第十课。,通过教学 “My bedroom

has ??”这个句型,使学生学会用简单的语言描述自己的卧室,并学习一些关于房间物品的单词。本课是这个单元的第一课,它起到统领全单元的作用并为下一课学习表示方位的知识作了重要铺垫。在此之前,学生已学习了“Do you have???”等句型,这为学生学习本课的新知打下了基础,基于教材的特点,结合《新课程标准》的目的要求,我将本课的目标确定为:



2)学习描述自己卧室的句型:My bedroom has a??









运用句型:My bedroom has a?描述自己的房间。






情景教学法: 根据三年级学生活泼好动、好表现、喜表演等特点以及本课句型的情景性较强的特点,我会采用情景教学法,为学生设置真实有效的场景,让学生走进课文,表演课文,与文本展开零距离的对话,从而激发想说的愿望也有利于表达能力的提高。










1、 首先我带领学生边唱边跳多媒体课件上的歌曲《Old McDonald》

2、 接着用一些玩具动物来复习“Where's???I have??Do you have a??”等句型。从而引出I have a bedroom.



1、通过teacher`s bedroom(初步渗透课文内容)

心理学研究表明,学生对学习内容如果发生兴趣,就会产生愉快的情绪和强烈的求知欲,学习就会事半功倍。因此,教学开始,我设计这样的导入:I have a beautiful bedroom.Do you want to see?Now let`s go and visit my bedroom.创设这种情景,既是向学生初步渗透课文内容,也使学生的好奇心被挑起,热情也被燃起,自然就对接下来的学习任务产生兴趣。

为了让学生初步感受有关描述卧室的单词和句子,我给学生看一段有关我自己卧室的录像2次。第一次看时主要是让学生初步感知。 第二次看时要求尽量记住我卧室的物品以及其发音, 然后比赛谁的记忆力最好,谁说得最多。在此过程中,我会引导学生用My bedroom has a?这个句型说出新单词,先是老师带着说,再到半扶半放,最后放手让学生自己说,在反反复复的使用中,不仅向学生呈现了新单词,还让学生在不知不觉中掌握了这


另外,在单词的教学上,我设置这样一个环节:I teach you?让学生在通过讨论、思考后,告诉别人或教别人自己是怎样去记住单词的。这样的设置重在引导学生自己去探索,去发现学习方法。学生经过自己的探索,主动获取知识,理解才会最深刻。


my bedroom

2、接着通过Mr Shaw`s bedroom(单词和句型的巩固)

由于要记忆大量单词,学生可能会出现记忆疲劳,这时,我会让学生唱一下小诗,来一个relax。同时也顺势带出下一环节:单词和句型的巩固。小诗是这样的:(诗的内容)在学生唱完之后,老师便戴着头饰以Mr Shaw的身份出现,用Yes of course。My bedroom has a?来回答示范,然后请个别学生上台当Mr Shaw。这时,部分学生有可能出现不会说或说得不流利的情况,因此,我会把这个句型板书,把句型清晰地呈现在学生面前,并让台下的学生带动台上的学生一起回答。通过这种形式,学生不仅操练了句型,也帮助了同学。



1) 谁最快:电脑逐一快速闪出卧室物品的图,看谁最快说出并拼出单词。

2) 悄悄话:每组各派一名同学上台负责建造房间,材料就是老师传给每组的悄悄话:My bedroom has a?,代表根据内容把图片贴到适当的位置上,最快并位置正确的为赢。这样的设计,给学生提供了一个想象的空间和培养他们的观察力和创造力的平台。


1) 多媒体呈现课文内容,整体——小组——个人操练朗读课文。

2) 小组比赛表演课文。这样的设计,创设了特定的情景,角色的体验中将能产生过强烈的情感体验,他们在角色交流中相互交流、启发沟通、互相纠正,从而提高英语口语能力。


语言学习的实践性,决定了英语课中必不可少的一个环节:口语交际。在这一环节中,我设计了让学生用所学句型My bedroom has a?同位或过位描述已准备好的画、照片或模型的活动,这样的设计,打破了传统的替换操练模式,让学生把英语与生活联系起来,既为学生学习营造了一个开放、自由的学习天地,有效地调动了学生学习的热情,又能达到排除心理障碍,大胆开口讲英语的目的,打好说的基础,养成说的习惯。







