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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 22:40:37 体裁作文


Life is like A boat

主角:Nate Mia Ken Ben

配角:Joe Michael Susan Tom 旁白


旁白:long long ago ,there once a peaceful kingdom called pride palace .

However, everything is going to change now.

I mean pride palace is in great danger when it is in the change of evil uncle Ben .

Ben : Ha……Don’t you see that ,I win.,at last. It is the destiny。I was born to be a king of a great kingdom

Tom: Ha ……of course, my lord , your dream has come true .

Ben : Definitely .but as a king ,I also need some followers ……(暗示眼神) Tom:At your service ,my king

Ben : Ha……I see a bright star shining ! our kingdom will be marrelons than ever before .


Ben(走向床前):Oh oh ……my little brother,how poor you are .!

Ken : Ben ,stop !before making big mistakes , you ‘d better give up…… Ben : my brother ,I am just taking my things back .they should be mine You ‘are dying ,but I’m still brilliant ,powerful and charming .

Well,I should be the king ! the king !

Tom: yes, you are bound to be king , my lord .

Ben : ha ……where is our prince Nate? I can’t wait to see him .

Nate (悄悄走向床边): father, what is the matter ?

Ken: oh my boy ,I’m so glad to see you this moment .

Nate :What happened , father ? where is uncle Ben ?

Ken : Nate , sit down over here , let me tell you something important .

Nate: Yes , father

Ken : I’m dying, my son .but don’t be afraid ,death is just a part of life .

Nate: You are not scared of anything .

Ken: I was today .

Nate : you were ?

Ken: Yes, I thought I might never see you again .

Nate: father ,I was just trying to be brare like you .

Ken: you do ,my son .

Nate: And we would always be together, right ?

Ken : Nate .we all end up dead ,it is just the question of how and why .

Nate: I know, father

Ken: Be careful ,my son. You still have a long way to go,but your.uncle Ben is not the person you can count on .i love you, Nate .but it is time to say good bye ……(配音)

Ben : oh,oh,you are here, my prince .

Nate : Uncle Ben ,father will never come back ,right ?

Ben: Apparently .he is dead. And you are going to spend the rest of your life crying about ……everything .

Nate: Uncle Ben ,what are you talking about ?

Ben : Don’t wasting my time . and where is the solider, come on,do something right now. I do not want to say it again..(士兵将内特拖走)


旁白: Prince Tom was wandering in the dark forest alone . And then his friend come .

Susan:You look blue,my friend .

Joe:Susan, you can say that twice .I mean he ‘s depressed .

Susan:Nate, anything we can do ?

Nate :No, thank you .you know, everything is terrible ..My father has gone .And my uncle betrayed me …

Joe:Come on ,my prince. you got to put your behind in your past .

Susan: Right .when the world turns its back on you , you turn the back on the world .

Nate : that’s not what I was taught before

Joe :then maybe you need a new lesson.

Nate:yes .this is my kingdom! My home ! if I don’t fight for it ,who will ?

旁白: prince Nate and his friends trying to get out of the dark forrest. And during their journey ,prince Nate come across his princess,who has been trapped in the black castle .

Nate :wake up !

Mia : what?

Nate :why are you here?

Mia : I am awaiting a knight to rescue me .

Nate : that’s nice ,now that’s go .

Mia : but wait .sir knight .this is our first meeting .should it not be a wonderful romantic moment ?

Nate : yeah ,sorry .my lady .but there is no time.

`Mia : can I at least know the name of my champion ?

Nate : um……. Nate ..

Mia:Nate,thank you for coming here. Um...you know,nobody dares to get close to black castle.

Nate:oh....do not mention it. I am just .....

Mia :Listen, .can you hear the roaring ?(配音)

Nate: oh ,it’s the dragon .

Mia : what ? you didn’t kill the dragon?

Nate :um... it’s on my to do list . now come on (抓住mia的手)

Mia :you should have killed the the dragon . that’s what all the other knights did . Nate : haa ....right before they burst into flamc . that’s not the point .

Mia :god ,what kind of knight are you on earth ?

Nate :my lady,one of a kind,(两人骑马退场)


旁白:the four of them reaching out for pride palace .prince Nate has a short speech in front of his people. And finally get his kingdom back.

Nate: my people , let me tell you something that my father told me. we all end up dead. It’s just the question of how and why. Now that our country has been in danger,so,.It’s our duty to fight for it without any hesitation.

Michael:Yes, this is our home.

Joe:At your service ,my prince.

Michael:Talk about your fix –up ,we are with you to the end.

Ben : Stupid boy,how dare you ! you are not fit to wipe my boot.

Nate : I’m coming back for my people .

Ben :ha ha ha …… are you kidding me? you? A silly prince?

Nate :uncle ben , I respect you as my father. I…….(被抢白)

Ben :It’sawful .you know what , I’m so reluctant to be your stupid uncle ben ! Nate : to some degree ,I’m broken-heart .

Ben : don’t try to fooling me, my little prince .

(两人交战 配音)

Nate : uncle ben ,I don’t mean to upset you .but you could stay wherever you want.

This is your home

Ben :bullshit….. I don’t want your mercy . I was born to control the world....king!(uncle Ben被拖走)


旁白: life is just like a boat ,you’re going to figure that out for yourself . Mia :Nate,are you ok ?

Nate : yes , I’m fine . have I ever told you that ?

Mia : what ?

Nate : I like you ,Mia

Mia : really ?

Nate: really ..I love the feelings when I am with you.

Mia : oh…..Nate, it is so kind of you to say that

Nate;Mia,can you stay.........with me,forever.

Joe:Mia,Nate is a good guy.

Michael: you two are couple match.

Susan;Mia, it is not bad to be with us.....and Nate.

Mia:um....ok,maybe that is a good idea.

Nate:oh,god.....this is the best things that ever happened to me.

Joe,Michael,Susan:oh,congratulations.... happy ending.(歌曲舞蹈)

(The end)


Position or Friend


A:Hello,buddies.remember when we are trying to figure out what that smell coming from professor tom’s office was ?


A:it turns out it was professor tom.dead at his desk for two weeks.just like the student in 南昌航空大学

B:oh my god .

C:that is terrible.

A:the department is asking that everyone donate a bottle of deodorant instead of flowers .

D:if we are going to chang the topic from the food ,i will be okay with my new haircut or how great a film the iron man is .

B:show a little compassion .a man died .

A:and turned into a puddle of goo.now we can either sit around and cry over professor tom or....we can rejoice in the knowledge that a tenured position has just opened up .i choose to do the latter.

D excuse me .the whole tenure system is ridiculous .a guaranteed job for life only encourages the stuff to be lazy .if we want science to advance ,people should have chips implanted in their brains that explode when they say sth stupid .

E:well ,i believe people do their best work when they feel safe and secure.


A if you want to find me ,you will find me in the office of the tenure committee.


B are you all going to kiss the committee’s ass to get the position.you know i am not qualified so i do not need to consider it .

C no .i mean i will apply , but i am not gonna to play politics.

E yeah, me neither .it should be about the work,and if i cannot get the tenure,i’d like to see you or

D get it .

D:E,do not give B false hope in front of B like that ,you will make him sad .

C excuse me ,but i think i am just am qualified as you are .




F:so tenured means a job for life ?


Fand they cannot fire you even you even if you are bad at it ?

C mm ,yes

F so who do you have to bribe to get the perfect job?

Ci am not gonna bribe anyone .i will let my job speak for itself .

Fthat is great .that shows a lot of integrity.

Cthank you 先笑再变脸i am a naive idiot ,right ?

F oh ,good ,you finally get back to normal .

D al-through i disagree with the tenure system,if they gave it to me ,it wouldn’t influence my excellent attitude toward my work .you know i am like the sun . I just cannot stop my bright brain working .

G are C and E are also competing for it as well ?


Gdo they know they do not have a chance at all ?because you are so great .

D you can always find the fact .that is why i like you so much .

Gbut if you do want to get the job ,maybe you should cozy up to the people making the decision.

D genius does not do “cozy”.

G okay

D but i suppose it wouldn’t hurt to know who is on the committee.let’s see...oh ,it is H .oh dear ...


E: it would be nice to have the increased income .you know i am bad at reducing my expense .with the money ,i can stop asking for money from my parents . You have no idea how bad it is to get money from parents at such an age .

B yes ,i understand you .

E no ,you donot ,i just want them to be a little proud of me ,just once,带点哭腔


D:hey H,what a coincidence .you play taiji too?

H yeah ,it is just a hobby 。


A hey ,H,i heard you liked to eat this kind of bread ,i just bought some ,how about eating together .guy ,i am sorry ,i did not bring yours .

H thank you for your breakfast .


C good morning ,H ,i heard you like to eat food produced in countryside .my mother sent one to me and i think you need it more than i do .

H摇头oh ,thankyou but i think it is not proper .

C oh please accept it .

H well ,i accept it ,but do not do it next time

C ok,goodbye .have a nice day


H oh god ,what are you doing here ?how did you get in ?

C i just found your window was not closed and here i am .and i am here to give you a surprise . Isn’t it?

H yeah ,you did surprise me 无奈的

C i know you have to use computer everyday ,so i bought this for you ,it is said it helps prevent radiation .

H okay ,will you stop doing this if i accept it

C if you like


B:i heard professor tom’s funeral will be held tomorrow ,will you come ?

D oh ,i already have an appointment .

C i have to go shopping for some new clothes

E my sister is coming ,i have to pick her up.

Bare you sure ,because i heard that H will be there

其余三人惊到,一口同声说,are you sure ?



E D,what are you doing here ?should not you be on an appointment ?

D:i am having my appointment here ,what about you?Where is your sister?


C well well well ,fancy meeting you here .i guess this is really a good place for appointment and it even turned B into E’s sister

D but you said you are not going to come either


G i wonder why F is here

F i am here to support my man just like you

D what are you going to do ?

C笑了,回过头来对着F说 do it



D that is really obscene

C i felt the smell of sour grape ,if you also get some ,then shoe it off


G you are wasting your time .D is the the most qualified for the job,nothing is gonna change that E看不下去

E you should all be ashamed of yourself .using women to advance your career

D at least we have girlfriends to use .look at yourself ,have you got anyone to love ?You little baby

B you do what you want .but i donot want you to lose friends because of tenure .friends are forever .


C i am gonna go home and let my work speak for itself

E you are right ,i am going with you

C how about you ,D?

D 向着G

D what do you think i should do ?

G well ,you will always be successful in your career ,but i seriously question whether you will make more friends


D i do not want anymore ,let’s go

众人准备离开,这是A陪着H走过来了,两人在聊天,直接忽视他们的存在,他们看的火冒三丈,A 最后还不忘朝着他们做鬼脸

C no ,we can not lose to that guy

E yeah ,let’s give him some color to see see

Dwait for me ,we are coming too


41 English Performance Contest

Brother Bear





巫婆Witch GaGa(WG):麦姐[本音] 追随者若干


母熊:辛梓[Monica] 小熊1(B1):Albee[Jeff] 小熊2(B2):Cybele[Molly] 兔子1:Ivy[Liliz] 兔子2:Karen[Candy]


Scene One {第一幕 成人礼,图腾}

人物:Witch GaGa, families, 酋长,众人

Na:Long long ago, deep in the forest, lived a ancient tribe. One day, members of the tribe gathered together for the adult ceremony of the youngest prince.


突然一人冲入尖叫:OMG!OMG!She’s coming!The Super Witch GaGa is coming!!!!


WG:Ha ha~Easy,people(示意人群安静)The great spirit of your goddess---GaGa,let me take your hands and lead you!Say it with me:Oh,my Witch GaGa!

众人(陶醉折服状):Oh,my Witch GaGa!

酋长(无比谄媚地):Oh, my Witch GaGa~It’s our great honor to invite you to my son’s adult ceremony.Please allow me to introduce my sons and daughters to you. Boys!!


WG(对Comic):Comic,lemme tell you, to become a real man...(?【Real man】)Turn the music off!I’m speaking!! (马上转换语调)Your action must be guided by one thing...which is?LOVE!【回音效果?】

C:(惊)What? L-O?.?For what?

WG:It’s love that connects and unites all the living things! You must learn to share your forest with all the creatures.

C:(不屑地)But they are just silly animals, they have no feelings!

WG:No!How could you say so?! Stupid! Idiot! Punk head!! (一口气,fans吓)(回头看fans,发现有损形象,态度变温和...)Em...you're wrong,young man. Love is the law of nature! J:Yes,bro. Love is the most precious one of all totems.

WG: Let love guide your actions. (激昂且声音越来越大)Then one day, you'll be a man and your story will be passed on from generation to generation, just like my songs——

[?【Love game】被追随者簇拥着风骚飘下~

A: (大笑,上来拍C的肩膀,调侃地)Yeah! There he is. Ha ha! Come here, lover boy. C:(恼怒)Leave me alone.(run away)

J: Aw, Comic, wait!


Scene Two

人物:三兄弟,熊妈妈熊宝宝 背景:森林 道具:熊服装,篮筐里面装着鱼


MotherBear:I’m a single mother with 3 kids!!(阿嚏!)Brr...The bitter wind chill me to the bone!In such a cold winter, where can I find some food for my babies and my starving stomach?!


Oh,Fish!Whose fish is it?!Thank you my lord!Thanks for your mercy!I’d be hurry and go back ti feed my kids.They must be horribly hungry!


J:Ha!Gotcha,you dirty bear!How dare you steal my fish?! Hey,you should pay back! Come on,bro!The fish is gone!(杀上) (【?碟中谍】)




Motherbear:No,what about my baby?! I need the fish to feed my baby!(吼叫,一巴掌扇过去,Jerry华丽倒下)(母熊也吓了一大跳,惊恐后退)


B1&B2:Mummy mummy ~Have you find us any food?Oh fish!(抓起就吃) Motherbear: Oh,why are you here?Haven’t I told you to stay at home?

B1&B2:(委屈)We’re just too hungry...(看到Jerry,吓得)Who’s that man? Motherbear: Oh, my babies,just leave this dangerous place(赶小熊下)

J: It’s for your babies?Oh?Look what I’ve done.

[Comic上,看到Jerry倒在地上.绝望,大喊):Jerry! No ! (crying)

J: (weakly)It’s my time?It’s just my time?Don’t take revenge for me! My brother! It’s totally my fault. My spirit will always stay with you!

C: (擦干眼泪,很坚强)No,bro,I won’t let you die in vain!You monster!I’m coming!(冲下)

Mother Bear(气喘吁吁的,惊魂未定的样子,对小熊说):Albee!Cybele!Are you ok?Don’t panic?Mummy’s here?

[【雷声】Comic suddenly appears on the stage and try to kill the mother bear. C: Ha! Here you are!

Motherbear: No, no,please don’t kill me!! I have an 80-year-old father and 2 kids...you can’t?(未完已毙)

[【Magic Music starts】GaGa 出现,挥舞魔杖,Comic突然痛苦倒地。

WG:(严厉的)Comic, I told you so. I will turn you into a bear.It’s your punishment for breaking the balance of the great nature.!You can turn back only when you understand what love is?


Na: Comic received his punish his punishment and became a bear, but none of his relatives knows about it.


Andrei(痛苦大喊):Oh!no! Comic! God! You were killed by the damn bear!! Give my two brothers back to me! I cruise you, I cruise you all! Just wait for my revenge!

Scene Three


Na: In the forest, right behind where Comic is helplessly thinking aloud, a little rabbit is irritably bombarding an other.


R1:This is my carrot!

R2:No!!This is mine!!



C: Where am I?? (惊悚,倒吸一口气)Hey, you?Talking rabbits?

R1&R2:Oh my Witch Gaga! A bear!!(逃下)

[两只小熊同时跑过来,惊叫:A bear?!

Comic(闪开,有些惊吓,因为还不认同自己的熊身份):Ah! Bears!

B2: What?! We’re just the same.(走过去)

C: Get away!(想站起来,突然发现脚受伤了) Ouch!My leg!

B1: You got hurt! Don’t move! Lemme help you! (掏出巨型云南白药)

C:Don’t touch me!(药喷上)Hey?Why are you so kind to me? I don’t know you! You don’t even know me nor do I know you. We’re completely strangers

B1(站起来面向观众,矫情做作地):My mummy told us. No matter whom they are where they are from, when people need help, we should help them!

C: I don’t believe it! What can you get by doing this?

B2: My mum said if more and more people help each other, the world would be much more wonderful!

C: Your mum?!

B1:Yes! But?but we just separated!

B2: She went to find fish for us!

B1: And then some hunters came!

B2: And then?

停顿一下,一起:She never came back!


C(站起来):Wait! Your mum?! Hunter?! Fish?! What have I done?! The bear I killed was their mum?!


B1:What did you say?

B2: Who are you?!

C: I,I?

B1:It was you?

C: Yes, it’s me?(叹气)Look at me now?have been turned into a bear, and that’s what I deserved?


B1&B2:You’re a liar! Leave us alone!!

C: I’m terribly regretted! Can you gimme a chance so that I can take care of you as your brother to make it up to you!!


B1:?We believe in your sincere words.

B2:Let’s look after each other and start our new life.

Act Two

Narrator :In shame at profoundly harming a cub he has grown to love.

They spent some happy days together. But Comic thought of his family from time to time.


C: Albee, Cybele, we’ve had a great time together. But?I feel like missing my family?After all, I’m a human being. Just as Mr.Wu told us,I have social ________I must find WG to turn be back!

B1:We understand.

B2:Just do what you must do. Please let us go with you.


[【诡异音乐】 Andrei上

A: I’ve been searching for that bear for so long?I must kill the bear to comfort the souls of my two dead bros!!


A: Haha!!It’s you! Finally I found you!!


C:Don’t be afraid, that’s my bro.Hey It’s me, Comic!!

A:Come on big guy!! Show me what you’ve got!

C:What?(躲开)You don’t know me??Albee,Cybele,RUN!


WG:CUT!!! What’s the matter?Interrupt my good nap! Oh?I see.What a pandemonium?lemme explain this!!

(Wala Wala~~~)

B1&B2:You must be the most talented, attractive, elegant, seductive, curvaceous---WG!!

B1:Please turn him back to human!

B2:We’ve forgiven him now!!

WG:Really??(转向Comic)Do you know what love is now?


WG:All right everybody, back off!

[施法~~~白云上,Comic 变回


WG: Everybody come out!!! Let’s get the party begin!!






画外音:It is warm, A mother duck lies in the nest, waiting for the birth of her children.(太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈巢里,等她的孩子们出世。)

鸭妈妈:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. I’m tired.(伸懒腰)哎,我的孩子们,你们怎么还不出世呀,可把妈妈累坏了!


Oh, what a beautiful world!“哦,多么美丽的世界啊!”


喊:Hi, mum! / Hi, Mummy!妈妈!妈妈!………

小鸭4:(指着大蛋)Mum, what’s this ? Why not crack? 咦,妈妈,这是谁?还不出来呀?

鸭妈妈:Don’t mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.



丑小鸭:Hi, friends! Nice to meet you!


小鸭2:Wow, his feather is gray, it’s too rube!呀!他的毛是灰灰的,太土了。 小鸭3:Look! His mouth is so big that he can swallow the whole pond near our home. 瞧!她的嘴巴那么大,可吞下我们家门口的池塘了。

齐声:It’s just an “ugly duck”! We don’t like stay with you.(他可真是一只“丑小鸭”。我们不想和你呆在一起)

鸭妈妈:Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldn’t come into this world! (鸭妈妈看着丑小鸭,摇头做无可奈何状。)

小鸭4:Mum, let’s play games, OK?




小鸭2:Go away! You are too ugly!

丑小鸭:I’m not beautiful, but I am lonely. I want to play with you. 小鸭3:You can’t play with us. Go away quickly!

丑小鸭:Please let me play with you.

小鸭4:No, you can’t. We don’t want an ugly duck to spoil our fun. . (突然,小鸭1在游戏中不小心摔倒了。)

丑小鸭:I can help you do something. (丑小鸭上前去扶她。)

小鸭1: I don’t need your help. Go away!

小鸭2.3.4:Go away!(众小鸭把丑小鸭往外推。)

画外音:The 4 ducks are very tired and hungry. They want to eat some food. 小鸭1: Mum ,I’m hungry.

鸭妈妈:Oh, my children , come to eat some food. (鸭妈妈做出撒米粒的样子,小鸭们随着鸭妈妈的动作方向抢吃食物。)

小鸭2:Don’t give that ugly duck any food.( 小鸭们把妈妈给的食物全部抢过来,不让丑小鸭吃。)

鸭妈妈:Oh, don’t do that . She is your sister.

小鸭3:Our sister? Why is she so ugly?

画外音:The poor duck didn’t eat any food. It’s dark. Her sisters want to go home.

小鸭1:Oh, I’m very full and tired; I want to go home to sleep.

小鸭2.3.4:Me too.

鸭妈妈:OK .Let’s go.(鸭妈妈带着小鸭们回家。)

鸭妈妈:My children ,good night.

画外音:All the ducks kiss their mum, and they have a good sleep. The ugly duck stands up and tries to get close to them, but she is afraid. Finally, the poor duck sleeps in a corner!(小夜曲响起)

丑小鸭:Dear mum, Life is unfair to me. I’m ugly . But it’s not my fault . Mum, I’m sorry , I have to leave you. Bye mum. (妈,生活对我太不公平了,长得丑,不是我的错啊!妈妈,对不起,我要离开你了!)

第二场: 丑小鸭流浪


画外音:Ugly duck gets out of the fence, run away from his family lone. She is very thirsty and wants to drink some water. (丑小鸭钻出篱笆,离开了家。他很渴,想喝水。)

小鸟:It’s very hot today . Let me drink some water.(小鸟飞到水塘边。) 小鸟:Look, a dirty thing is over there . Let me go and have a look. 小鸟:Who are you?(惊讶地问)

丑小鸭:I’m …I’m …I’m a duck.( 低着头,小声说。)

小鸟:Ha, ha, look at your feathers. So ugly!(小鸟拍拍自己身上的羽毛,作炫耀状。)

小鸟:Go away! Don’t make the water dirty.( 小鸟推开丑小鸭,在池塘里快乐地洗羽毛,然后飞走。)


猎狗:Oh, what a dirty thing is in my way! Go away!(猎狗向丑小鸭冲过来,撞了她一下。)

猎狗:Ha, ha! Good luck! A duck! My tasty food!

丑小鸭:Oh, don’t touch me…(小鸭惊慌失措,没命地奔跑。)



画外音:Winter comes. The water becomes ice. It’s really very cold. There is no one outside. Ugly duck slips on the ice. She feels very cold and lonely. How she wishes someone could help her! At last She could not move any more.

丑小鸭:Oh, I’m frozen. ( 晕倒在舞台上)

农夫:Well, poor duck. Let me save you!(在丑小鸭身上摸了模)哎,可怜的小东西,还有救!(拾走“鸭子”)



画外音:Spring comes, the flowers are blooming. Ugly duck fly to the lake, he sees some beautiful white swans over there. They have white feather and

slender necks. Ugly duck wants to play with them.(春天来了,花开了,丑小鸭扑扑翅膀,向湖边飞去。。看见湖面上有几只美丽的白天鹅,雪白的羽毛,长长的脖子,美丽极了。他多想和他们一起玩啊!)

丑小鸭:Ah! Beautiful birds, your feather is so white, your necks is so

slender, your posture is so nice, you are most dignity bird in the world! (啊!美丽的大鸟,你们的羽毛是那样洁白,你们的脖子是那样修长,你们的体态是那样优美,你们是世界上最高贵的鸟儿。)

天鹅1:Hello, my lovely friend, come and play with us!(可爱的小客人,快来和我们一起玩吧!)

众天鹅:Come on! Come on!(快来呀!来吧!)

丑小鸭:You are so warm-hearted! But, don’t you feel me ugly?(你们真是太好了!可是,你们不觉得我很丑吗?)

天鹅2:No, you are a pretty swan!(你是一只漂亮的白天鹅呀!) 众天鹅:Look at yourself! 快看看自己吧!

丑小鸭:(飞到湖边,对着湖面左顾右看)Oh, my god! Is this me ?I’m no longer an ugly duck, I am a petty swan!啊,上帝!这难道是我的影子吗?原来我不是丑小鸭,而是一只漂亮的天鹅啦!


画外音:It is no matter to be born in a duck if you are a swan egg. You ought to be the beautiful swan one day.(只要你是一只天鹅蛋,就是生在养鸭场也没什么关系;总有一天会变成一只美丽的天鹅。)





It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way。下面我们组将给大家带来一个关于社会诚信的话剧,他的名字是《狼来了》,请大家欣赏,谢谢!!










老大爷1:谢谢你们,非常感谢你们,如果没有你们救我,我现在可能就已经死了! 周围所有人:不用谢,这些都是我们应该做的!




结局:(大爷慢慢地走者,大家站在原地注视着老大爷的背影)大家都说:老大爷注意身体! 老大爷1:谢谢,谢谢,这个世界上还是好人多呀,好人多呀!我爱你们,我爱这个美丽的














群众1:小伙子呀,我看到刚才的情况了,你没碰到这位老大爷,你是清白的,我可以证明。 群众2:我也可以证明你们的清白,咱们还是打110吧!让警察来处理这件事吧! 老大爷2:我好痛呀!你们怎么可以这样对待以为老人呢!我是受害者呀!


交通讹诈事故,我们请求帮助! (警笛起)

警察:请问,发生什么事了?(Excuse me, what happened)?






情侣女:是呀,我们根本没有碰到他,你可以问问这些群众呀,他们是目击者。 警察2:(对着群众1、2)能叙述一下你看到的情况吗?(Can you describe what you see?)

群众1:刚才那位老大爷自己骑着自行车摔倒了,他确要讹诈这对情侣,太不道德了。 群众2:是呀,是那位老大爷自己摔倒的,和那对情侣没关系,我可以作证。


老大爷,你感觉还好吗?所有的人都说你是自己摔倒的,你还有什么要说的吗? 老大爷:你怎么把他们放走了,我无话可说,就是他们把我撞倒的,就是他们把我撞倒的!


警察2:老大爷,你还好吧,我先送你去医院吧!(Old man, are you alright, I'll take

you to the hospital!)


解说:(《 》歌声起 )这个社会本来充满了爱,充满了温暖,可是就是因为这些人的









(两个人一起快跑过去,同时后面的两个群众也一起跑过去,大家围在一起看着老大爷) 情侣男:啊!我的天呀!这不就是上次骗我们的那位老大爷吗?









大家一块喊了一句:Let‘s go!


呀,救命!(哀叹了一声)自作孽不可活呀!上帝,下辈子我一定要作一个好人!! (老大爷,作非常痛苦状,头磕地,死去!!)



了,拿不来吧! 医生2(警察2饰演):(拿来一块布,两个医生共同把布盖子尸体上)是呀,如果能及时吃一粒救心丸就好了,太可惜了!(Yes, if it is good to eat a grain of JiuXinWan timely, what a shame!)


解说:(《 》歌声起)这样的结局真的很悲哀,这样悲哀的故事在现实世界中很多,

