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篇一:The serect garden秘密花园英文

The serect garden

The book tells a story. A girl named Marie, living in his uncle's mysterious big house after her parents’ death. By a magical experience, Marie broke into the confinement, deserted garden. Dick, Marie and sick Colin cousin, found a ‘happy’ to open the key, so that the secret garden has experienced a resurrection.

It will make people who lose the confidence of life reborn. Happiness is like spring sunshine, it makes everything full of vitality. Happiness is not to ask but to give, people who have happiness will feel the beauty of life and the love of life.

Their story let me know: life can be full of joy, life can be infinitely beautiful and wonderful, life can also be filled with grief, is entirely your own attitude. Everyone has a key to the happiness of life. We get it and we can open the door of happiness and create the miracle of life!



Honor Award


Quarry Garden in Shanghai Botanical Garden Songjiang District, Shanghai, China

THUPDI and Tsinghua University, Beijing




“It’s a very honest project. It’s not trying to cover up what it is and it’s an example of everything done right in reclaiming a quarry. As it seeps down and stains, it will be even more beautiful.”

——2012 Professional Awards Jury





Today we will introduce the famous garden----Chanticleer garden.

First of all, is there anyone knows the location of Chanticleer garden.?


that’s right. United States of America.


Chanticleer garden----One of the most pleasure garden in the world is located in Pennsylvania USA. The place full of green valleys, rich farmland, and mountain ranges, and it's no wonder that it's the fifth most populated state in the nation.


Chanticleer Garden is an estate and botanical garden.

The Chanticleer Foundation owns 47 acres, 35 of which are open to the public.


Lets have a simple glance introduction about Chanticleer.

Chanticleer has been called the most romantic, imaginative, and exciting public garden in America. The garden is a study of textures and forms, where foliage trumps flowers, the gardeners lead the design, and even the drinking fountains are sculptural. It is a garden of pleasure and learning, relaxing yet filled with ideas to take home.

Chanticleer被称为美国最浪漫,最富有想象力,最让人激动的公共花园。它是材质和形式的研究,在树叶胜过鲜花,园丁领先设计,甚至连饮水器都是雕塑喷泉。这是一个乐趣和学习的花园,放松但充满想法可以带回家。 The garden has evolved greatly since the death of the owner in 1990. As the home of the Rosengartens, Chanticleer was beautiful and green with impressive trees and lawns. Most of the floral and garden development you see today has occurred since 1990, designed by Chanticleer staff and consultants.

花园自从1990年园子的所有者死亡后逐步扩大。作为玫瑰园开始, Chanticleer因为绿色的树木和草坪而令人印象深刻。今天你所看到的大部分的花和花园是由1990年以来Chanticleer的员工和顾问设计的。 Page8-9

The Tennis Court, Ruin, Gravel Garden, and Pond Garden focus on hardy perennials, both woody and herbaceous. The Tennis Court builds on the idea of foliar display introduced in the Teacup. The Ruin is a folly, built on the foundation of Adolph Rosengarten, Jr.'s home. It is meant to look as if the house fell into disrepair. The Gravel Garden is hot and dry, a touch of the Mediterranean in Pennsylvania. The Pond area is exuberantly floriferous.

网球场,废墟,砾石花园,以及长满了耐寒性多年生植物、木本以及草本的池塘花园。网球场的想法建立在叶面显示介绍了茶杯。毁灭是一种愚昧,阿道夫的基础建立在Rosengarten,Jr .)的家里。好像是为了看房子而荒废。砾石花园是炎热和干燥,在宾夕法尼亚州的地中海。池塘面积生气勃勃地多花。

Asian Woods and Bell's Woodland are shady areas. The former features natives of China, Korea, and Japan; the latter, plants of eastern North America. The Serpentine celebrates the beauty of agricultural crops. The cut flower and vegetable gardens produce flowers for our arrangements and food for our tables. Surplus goes to a shelter. The parking lot is our "low maintenance" area, with hardy plants that are neither irrigated nor fertilized. Staff build furniture, fences, gates, bridges, and drinking fountains during the winter in converted garages.


Gardens designer hope you feel like a special guest of the Rosengartens. Sit and enjoy the views. Relax, read, converse, meditate. Feel the sun on your back and the grass beneath your feet as you listen to the birds and enjoy the scents of the garden.


Page10 Bell's Run Creek

Bell's Run is a quiet respite from the jazziness of the garden. Weedy trees were removed to give a clear view, and the undulating lawn is planted with hundreds of blue-flowered quamash (Camassia) that bloom in the spring.


The waterwheel was installed in the 1940s to pump water from the stream to the swimming pool behind the main house. While no longer serving that purpose, Gardens designer are exploring ways to get it working again. It remains a wonderful piece of industry in a romantic setting.


Page11 Vegetable Garden

Once a huge vegetable garden, this area now pays homage to the domestic root of this former estate garden. Plants for cut flowers grow in rows. It is a simple garden, American in character, with perhaps a hint of the Midwest.


A potager, enclosed by paling, contains a mix of vegetables grown for taste and ornament. A rustic fence is walled with tomatoes in summer, Serpent garlic raises its head while thyme passes. Rustic benches are well-placed under the shade of the two katsura trees.


Page12 Orchard

As you leave the Tennis Court and walk toward the main house you see on your right a long, sloping lawn, punctuated by flowering shade trees.


In spring this place is glorious with daffodils - eighty thousand white or pale yellow narcissus running in two rivers to the bottom.


There is an intoxicating time in April when the warm spring air carries their sweet perfume. They later fade into rivers of grass, then turn to hay that is cut in early July.


Page13-15 Ruin Garden

天国的花园 英文

Minder House, built in 1925, is where Adolph Rosengarten, Jr. lived most of his life. In 1999, under the vision and direction of Chanticleer's Director Chris Woods, the house was razed and construction of the Ruin Garden began. Originally the plan was to use the partially dismantled house as the ruin, but for safety reasons the only part left of the original house is the foundation and the tile "rug."


With the help of landscape architect Mara Baird the new ruin was built on the foundation of Minder House where carved marble, granite and other stone pieces sculpted by Marcia Donahue define the ruin's various spaces. The Minder Ruin Garden was unveiled to the public in April, 2000.


The Minder Ruin Garden is composed of three rooms: a "Great Hall" with a fountain shaped like a large sarcophagus that rests on a mosaic "rug" of tile, granite and slate, a "Library" where the books are sculpted of stone, and a "Pool Room, where marble faces gaze up from the depths of another fountain. It is a landscape theater.

看守者破坏花园是由三个房间:“大会堂”喷泉形状像一个巨大的石棺,取决于马赛克瓷砖的“地毯”,花岗岩和板岩,“图书馆”的书是雕刻的石头,和“台球厅,大理石的脸凝视另一个喷泉的深处。这是一座风景如画剧院。 Page16 Gravel Garden

When experiencing the gravel garden, it's best to walk the syncopated series of stairs that lead down close to diminutive, unique plants. In spring the garden is graced with tulips, miniature daffodils and colorful columbines. However, early summer brings the show-stopping combination of orange butterfly weed, lavender, and Nassella (Mexican feather grass). Thyme graces nearly every nook and cranny of the garden and begins its show in May alongside the pinks and poppies. 经历砾石花园时,最好走楼梯,通往的切分系列接近身材矮小,独特的植物。在春天的花园是登上郁金香,微型水仙花多彩的耧斗菜。然而,初夏带来炫目的橙色蝴蝶草、薰衣草、Nassella(墨西哥羽毛草)。百里香花园增色的几乎每一个角落和缝隙,开始其在可能与粉红色和罂粟。

Perhaps the most unusual sight in the garden are three yuccas (Yucca rostrata). Rare in the Pennsylvania climate, this plant requires well-draining soil and thrives on heat. In addition to the myriad of small jewels scattered throughout the gravel garden, it also provides a lookout down to the Pond Garden and Serpentine.

最不寻常的景象,在花园里有三个丝兰(Yucca rostrata)。罕见的宾夕法尼亚气候,这种植物需要well-draining土壤和在热。除了无数的小珠宝遍布碎石花园,它还提供了一个注意到池塘花园和蛇形。

Page17 Cut-Flower Garden

Tall, statuesque plants such as foxgloves in May and hollyhocks in June, add to the riotous planting in the cutting garden. The garden evokes a traditional cottage garden, especially in summer when the heat invigorates annuals, perennials and biennials. During the peak garden season, when standing at the center of the four quadrants you'll be treated to a display of hummingbirds, goldfinches, and butterflies feasting on the abundance of nectar and sunflower seeds.


Fashioned from rebar and driftwood, a series of arches gives structure to the garden and provides the perfect place for clematis and annual vines to grow. The cold frames that line the cut flower garden are an essential part of extending the growing season and they provide a staging and growing area.


Page18-19 Tennis Court Garden

Once surrounded by a dense hemlock hedge, the old tennis court has been transformed into a dynamic garden. The first area to be developed after Mr. Rosengarten's death, it was orginally designed to showcase herbaceous plants for summer and fall. The original rectangle of the tennis court was divided into five beds, each with a complex but informal floral arrangement.


A bank of red daylilies, now fading under the weight of shrubbery, was planted for summer color. Tall yellow flowering plants such as perennial and false sunflowers were added, making a brassy arrangement of colors. The garden has softened and changed over the years, its season extending from opening day in April to the closing of our gates at the end of October.


The center bed is the most focused with a symmetrical arrangement of barberries, lamb's ears, and yuccas. From this center, beds with subtle color themes fill the garden. An arbor covered in the rambling roses, Rosa 'Dr. W. van Fleet' and Rosa 'New Dawn', anchors one end while a grand staircase completes the other.


Love-in-the-mist, an annual with fine foliage and light blue flowers, seeds under a white false indigo, itself surrounded by the tiny white daisies of the snow tansy. Poppies fill the garden in early summer and bearded irises of a dangerous hue fight with the lipstick red flowers of Weigela. Love-in-the-mist,一年一度的细叶和淡蓝色花,种子在白色假靛蓝,本身被小白雪艾菊的雏菊。罂粟填充有髯鸢尾花园在初夏和危险的色调与Weigela的口红红花。

Page20 Teacup Garden

The entrance courtyard, the Teacup Garden, is a seemingly chaotic opera of scents and sounds, colors and textures. Surrounding a small, Italianate fountain, seasonally ephemeral plants, native to the subtropics and topics and well adapted to the sweating heat of the Pennsylvania summer, crowd the courtyard.


Here bananas overshadow gingers, bordered by pineapple lilies. Tropical succulents with intricate detail are in danger of being overgrown by a tropical pipevine with intriguing flowers. If it seems chaotic, it is only meant to appear so. Everything is carefully orchestrated to almost overwhelm you with the diversity and beauty of these plants.


Colors are carefully coordinated. Apricot devils trumpets dangle above the glowing embers of rustic orange Coleus, while maroon and burgundy foliage create a darker tone. Containers are everywhere, some with luscious tropical plants, others with more delicate finery. All through the courtyard is the sound of water and, on a summer afternoon, the sound of hummingbird wings.


Descend to a more orderly garden with a small lawn. Here the tropical plants are more formally arranged, interspersed with remnants of a long gone shade garden. Immense Papyrus are underplanted with Bromeliads that anchor one border, while the rice-paper plant with large hand-shaped leaves almost pushes you off the path. Turn the corner and you may find tropical Thai beauty Caladium under the shade of an old oak tree.


Page21-22 Chanticleer House Garden

A semi-circle of pink, April-flowering cherries underplanted with hydrangeas and native phlox, is an old fashioned composition for an imposing house. The red gravel circle is kept deliberately unplanted, the better to balance the complexity of the architecture.


To the side of the house is the sun porch fronted by a small border of sun-loving plants such as the stately bear's breeches, the purple gas plant, and a number of lavenders, including 'Grosso', probably the best cultivated variety for this area. The sun porch was originally open to the elements and for many years was the favorite room of Mrs. Rosengarten, Sr.


The porch was glassed in for her comfort but was later restored as an open sitting area in 1994. The house is open to guided tours only, so the sun porch is an important link between the house and garden for those visiting without a guide. The back terrace garden, originally laid out by Thomas Sears, has undergone substantial horticultural change in the last few years.


An old hemlock hedge surrounding the courtyard has been replaced with a vibrant green wall of western red cedar. A long bed of variegated Japanese grass is a dramatic counterpoint to the cool, green lawn and the rust red berries of the cockspur thorns. On the higher terrace, under the shade of an autumn flowering cherry, a table and chairs, designed and built by a member of the staff, invite you to pause.


Apple espaliers and small fountains grace the walls while two beds of ever-changing silver, pink, and gray plants frame a large lawn still used for entertaining. The swimming pool has replaced the old vegetable garden and is now framed by two copper-roofed corner pieces.




At that day, the child’s mum should gathers 4, 8 or 12 kinds of things, which are including 3 kinds of meats and many kinds of fruits. After putting them on a shallow basket, the child worships(祭拜)the censer(香炉) of their In-laws god(公婆神),and after that, they don’t need to do it any longer.

The child who goes out of the garden should have to wear new clothes and red wooden shoes(红皮屐).As for boys, they have to eat the head of a rooster , while girls have to eat the head of a hen or a duck. Because people here thought children wear such clothes and eat those food can bring lucky to them. In some areas , such as Chenhai(澄海), Chaoan(潮阳)and Raoping(饶平), according to their customs , parents ask their child to take a show with 12 types of fresh flowers. However , children have to eat the intestine and the stomach of a pig in Jiedong(揭东), Puning(普宁)and Huilai(惠来),and they call it ‘the replacement of intestines and stomach'.

At that noon, in some families, especially whose elder child or their son are to go out of the garden, they will invite many guests to have a big lunch. Because the protagonist(主角) can’t meet with strangers, almost the gusts are their relatives and friends. During the lunch, everyone else has to obey the rules of the seats, the protagonist(主角)have to sit at the main seat,

even thought their grandparents are at present. In addition, the head

of the chicken have to face to him or her, and others can’t eat the chicken. This means him or her will become outstanding and prosperous(兴旺发达) when he or she grows up.

The food of the lunch is really rich, the masters will supplies meat, three kinds of eggs and so on. Altogether there are 12 dishes. The vegetables mainly are green garlic(青蒜) ,celery(芹菜) and a kind of local vegetable calls ‘Houhe’(厚合).The green garlic means that they hope their children can calculate well(能除会算) after eating it, and celery means they will study and work hard. By the way, there are many taboos(禁祭)that, for example, children aren't allow to climb ups and downs and cross bridges in Jieyang(揭阳 ), and they can’t see baggers in Shantou(汕头).








Hanging Gardens of Babylon English Introduction

Babylon Kingdom there had been a garden floating in the air, archaeologists have yet to find its exact location. In fact, most depicting the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, who have never set foot in, only knew that the East has a wonderful garden seat, the Persian king known as "paradise", and make do in the two-phase, the formation of distant Babylon dream garden. As the garden is even higher than a wall, giving the impression hanging in the air like the Imperial Garden, known as the "sky gardens", sometimes called "hanging Court." Babylon then to worship, business or tourism for people far away can see the golden roof of the tower on the air in the sun shine. So, to the 2nd century AD, the Greek scholars in the building and tasting the world famous sculptures when the "sky gardens" as "Seven Wonders of the world" one. Since then, the "Hanging Gardens" is famous.

The Love Story Behind the Hanging Gardens

There has been a beautiful love story behind the building of the Hanging Gardens.

The Hanging Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylon around 600 BC. He married Amytis, the princess of Media. The beautiful princess was so adorable (可爱的) that the king loved her very much. Not long after their marriage, the princess became very frustrated and looked very sad. The king cared for his wife but didn’t know why she was unhappy.

The princess told him that she was homesick(想家的). She said that there were plenty of trees and flowers in her homeland(家乡), surrounded by mountains. While here in Babylon, only endless plains were in view(看得见) and even a small hill can not be found. How I wish to see the winding trails (小径) and mountains in my homeland!

Then, the king ordered to build gardens to imitate (模仿) the scenery in Media, the homeland of Amitys. Gardens with the appearance of a theatre, waterfalls, animals, fruits and plants were built. These were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.






Description of the Hanging Gardens

The path to the Garden sloped (倾斜) like a hillside (山坡) and several parts of the structure (结构) rose from tier (层,阶梯) upon tier... On all this, the earth had been piled (堆叠), and was thickly planted with all kinds of trees. Their great size and other charms (魅力) gave pleasure to the viewers... The water machines raised the water from the river, although no one outside could see it.

Fruits and flowers... Waterfalls... Gardens hanging from the palace terraces(台地). Exotic(奇异的) animals... This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people’s mind. It may be surprising to know that they might have never existed except in the mind of the Greek poets and historians!




The Water Supply System of the Hanging Gardens

The most amazing part of the Hanging Gardens is their water supply system. As rainfall was quite rare in Babylon and the relics of the Hanging Gardens were far from the Euphrates River, it is believed that there must have been plenty of water supply devices in the gardens. Slaves pushed the handles of the gear wheel (齿轮) on and on to lift the water to the highest tank. Then, the water form the highest tank would flow into the gardens through the artificial waterways (人工河道). 空中花园的供水系统


The Maintenance of the Hanging Gardens

Another challenge of the Hanging Gardens is the maintenance(保养) of the gardens. It is impossible on for ordinary buildings to maintain for a long time with the flush of the water. Blocks were rare on Mesopotamia plain, so it was believed that the blocks used for building the Hanging Gardens, which contained reeds, pitch (沥青), and tiles (瓦片,瓷砖), were different from the ordinary blocks. Some documents even figured out that layers of lead(铅) was added to the blocks to prevent the water from penetrating into the foundation.


另一个难题是空中花园的保养。对于一般建筑物来说,要长年经受河水的侵蚀而维持保养下来是不可能的。由于美索不达米亚平原(Mesopotamian plain)没有太多石块,因此人们相信空中花园所用的砖块与一般石块不同,它们中掺入了芦苇、沥青及瓦。还有文献指出石块中被加入了一层铅,以防止河水渗入地基。

It was not until the twentieth century that some mysteries about the Hanging Gardens were revealed (揭示). Archaeologists (考古学家) are still struggling to gather enough evidences before reaching the final conclusions about the location, the irrigation system, and their true appearance of the Gardens.





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