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篇一:老友记第一季 实用语句


1. why does everyone keep fixating on that?大家为什么老是提它?

2. I hope that wouldn’t be an issue.我不希望提起这件事。

3. stop hitting on her.不要再勾引她了

4. two seconds.一会就好

5. please don’t spoil all this fun.别扫兴

6. I don’t think that was my point.我不认为那是我的意思

7. here is the thing.问题来了

8. I will not take this abuse.别这样侮辱我

9. the word you are looking for is……你想说……

10. it sucks.很糟糕

11. I had a major crush on you.我暗恋过你

12. he has issues.他遇到麻烦了

13. ball it up.揉成团。

14. Any diamond ring we find, we’ll run it by you.我们找到任何钻石戒指都会告诉你的

15. Do that for two hours, you might be where I am about now.在持续两个小时,你就会成为我这样

16. those were the days.这就是生活啊

17. he had a thing for you.他一直惦记着你

18. it might take a heat off me.这样可以让我喘口气

19. it’s an expression.随便说说

20. others are satisfied with staying where they are.其他人喜欢安于现状。

21. here’s the deal.事情是这样的

22. she’s this high-powered, driven, career-type.她是一心追求事业的人。

23. I never thought I had been here.我从没想过能有这一步。

24. things change. roll with the punches.世事难料,逆来顺受(大事化小)

25. I am welling up.我热泪盈眶

26. that was a cheap shot.这是个偷袭(不光明的手段)

27. cushions the blow.善意的谎言

28. no one’s ever put it like that before.没有人这么说过

29. there’s really no easy way to say this.真是难以启齿

30. so how did it go?情况怎样?

31. we are not Mr.The-Glass-Is-Half-Empty.我们不是悲观之人

32. maybe it will take my mind off it.或许这能让我忘记……

33. boneheads 傻瓜,笨蛋/顽固的人

34. don’t be a baby.别像小孩似的

35. Finders keepers, loosers weepers.谁发现归谁,丢掉的人活该

36. No roughhousing in my ER.别在我这闹事

37. let it go, it’s not a big deal.别再争了,没什么大不了的

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:i,had,a,crush,on,you)

38. be a man

39. I haven’t done that in a while.我有一阵子没干那个了

40. all rules apply.什么规则都可以用

41. what would my opening line be?我该用什么开场呢?

42. she is out of my league.我配不上她

43. back me up.帮我壮壮胆(支持我一下)

44. he couldn’t get a woman like that in a million years. 他一辈子也别想得到这种女人

45. would you like to go out with me sometime?你想和我约会吗?

46. this is a big break for me.这对我来说是一个重大转机(突破)

47. who is being loud?谁在大喊大叫

48. without feeling obligated to each other?不需要对彼此负任何责任。

49. I’m not sure I know what you are getting at?我不懂你在说什么

50. Really? you don’t know what that means to me.真的吗?我受宠若惊了

51. I am gonna get my stuff.我去收拾行李

52. that was just mean.那是作孽

53. now the turkey should be crispy on the outside juicy on the inside.现在那只火鸡应该是外焦里嫩了吧!

54. you do the math.你算算看

55. don’t yell at me.别对我吼

56. don’t make her squeak again.不要再让她发飙了

57. that’s festive.有节日气氛啊!

58. that means a lot to me.这对我意义重大。

59. he’s very methodical.他做事有条不紊。

60. he’s kind of like the guy I went to see that with.他就是我心目中的白马王子。

61. too many jokes.太滑稽了

62. I said some things that I didn’t mean.我说了不该说的话

63. it’s so hard something you love so much doesn’t love you back.深爱某人却得不到回报真是令人难过。

64. somebody overslept.有人睡过头了

65. you are scum.你是人渣

66. I’m not really here.我不是专程来的

67. he made a move/pass on me.他调戏我

68. it’s time for you to swoop in.是时候乘虚而入了

69. tit for tat.以眼还眼

70. freak you out.吓到你们了

71. it’s insane.这太离谱了

72. don’t bail on me.别背叛我

73. way to go=well done

74. you can’t do this to me. 你不能这样对我

75. if you want to put a label on it.如果你非要这么说的话

76. it’s time to take the pin out.迟早会浮现的

77. I don’t mean to brag, but……我不想自吹自擂,但……

78. you’ve got the wrong guy.你看错人了

79. I was just being polite.我只是客套一下

80. I’m comfortable with it.我现在坦然面对

81. how did he do this.他是怎么做到

82. last minute lession. 最后通告

83. we want a rematch.你想再来一次

84. if you’re gonna play ,don’t expect me to be nice.如果想玩,就别指望我手下留情

85. you are way off.你扯远了

86. he can really competitive.他好胜心很强

87. it’s pure crap.纯属废话

88. it’s bluffing.唬人的

89. kind of stepped on my point,Mon.我们的意见一致,莫妮卡

90. your fly is open.你的裤子拉链开了



PART 1 Check that babe out.

1. Hey, look that chick/babe over there.


chick与girl的互换性大家都知道的吧,现在还记得上海新东方的周成刚校长常常在课堂上提起的笑话,留学生买鸡腿冲着服务员小姐:i want some chickleg``````*_* 鸡腿的正确说法drumstick

2. She is gorgeous!

She is a knock-out

She turns me on.

这三个也是形容pp mm的常用语。 gorgeous的漂亮程度明显要高于pretty和beautiful,而且这个词可以形容所以你看到的很漂亮的事物。比如在FRIENDS中就有Phoebe形容一个guy很gorgeous,还有个谁(忘了)形容房子很gorgeous。

knock-out 也是形容美女的常用语。比如在ross kiss chandler's mother那集中,joey很自豪的把老妈年轻时的照片给ross看:now you tell me ,she's not a knock-out~~~~~~~huh

She turns me on. 呵呵,把你身上的电路都打通了,你说她靓不靓?

3. She is cute as hell

Do you know Amy? She is a cutie

I think she is a hottie.

She is hot.

girl的漂亮当然是分类别的,性感和可爱。前两个就是讲的可爱,后面两个`````回忆一下joey的表情咯:phoebe is Phoebe, Ursula is .....hot....~~

4. She is well-developed.

Do you like blondes or brunettes

well-developed 形容比较丰满,当然这是一种文明礼貌的说法,一般男生还是会象joey第一次评价Phoebe那样:"Excellent butt, great rack."呵呵~~~~ 扼,关于guys,也有个类似的用法well-endowed,至于形容什么嘛******自己想````

关于第二句,涉及到西方girl的分类,blondes(金发妞)和bruettes(棕发妞),in brief,传统的观念就是blondes一般是有胸无脑 而bruette则是那种比较smart 比较career的girl。所以在美国有很多有关blondes的dirty joke, called brond jokes.

5. Those boys like to hit on me all the time.

hit on 什么意思? 想想joey那句经典 :hey ,how u doing`````` 这就是hit on咯

PART 2 I love her ,i wish she was my wife.

1 I have a crush on her.

很著名的表达法,一般用在还不太熟识的上,一见即着迷的那种,如果是有一定基础的,就要说fall in love with sb 啦

在crush前面加点东西可以增加表达强度,比如Ross用过,i have a major crush on you。 Phoebe用过:I have an enormous crush on you.

2 I like to talk to her. I guess we are in the same wavelength.

We have chemistry.


3 Is she your buddy friend or sweetheart friend?


4 Do you believe in love at the first sight?

I miss her terribly.

I can't live without her. She makes me feel so speical.

I hope she will become my girlfriend and my better half in the long run.


5 He is still my one true love。

I like him to hold my hand and fooling around.

fool around在这里的意思是touch around,不再是它的常用意思---鬼混啦

6 It didn't go anywhere.


"It didn't go anywhere." 是很值得学的口语说法, 意思是 "Nothing happened

between us." 什么事也没发生. 比如说你跟一个美眉打情骂俏好一段时间了,

但就是无法跨越普通朋友的鸿沟. 别人问你有什么进展没有, 你就可以回答说, "It

didn't go anywhere." 或是也可以这么说, "It didn't work out."

7 It's always been you.我喜欢的一直都是你.


PART 3 I am sorry. But i have something else in my mind. I gonna go ~

1 I am really not in the mood.

I'll think about it.

I am sorry to turn you down.

I really want to, but I got hundreds of things to do.

上面的几种是属于婉拒````碰到这样girl,就算不能go out 也不至于太难堪诶``:)

turn/let sb down 让sb失望

2 I am emotionally unavailable.


如果你看到一个hot babe ,你have crush on her ,就可以问她的朋友: is she available? or is she taken? 意为她有男朋友吗?

3 There is nothing to talk about.

I don't want to go and that's that.

这两句一般就是 Ursula 那型的专用啦~~~~*=*

PART 4 two of them kissed last night

1 I don't want to be the third wheel.

third wheel当然不是三轮车上的第三个轮子咯,这是个多余的轮子~~那是什么呀?......haha 电灯泡啊

2 love triangle

三角恋 英语里有个更正式的习语 the eternal triangle 专指三角恋,呵呵,看来这个问题的确是亘古永恒的哦~

3 He is dating another girl on the side.

He is dating another girl behind her back


4 I am the one-woman kinda man.


5 I saw you smooching the other girl just outside my window.


6 1. I still have feelings for her.



英文的用法也十分类似, 特别提到自己的前任男女朋友时, 常会说, "I still have feelings forher/him." 意思就是缘份未尽, 心里上还是喜欢人家的。记得 Janice

要在chandler家过夜, Monica bing:) 的反对理由吗,"He still has feelings for you.", 更劲爆的是下一句, "Feelings can't go forever, but you can." (感情是不会永远消失的, 但是.. 你可以永远消失)


1 I'm all over you.

I'm over you.

这是两个必须泾渭分明的用法。前者相当于 i have a crush on you.而后者是we're over.我们之间完了。这个用法R&R迷应该都很熟悉吧,当ross首次发现rachel深爱着他的时候,u are over me ? u are over me? so when did u under me~~~哈哈,巨搞笑``````

2 We had a fight yesterday.


3 I had a falling out with my boyfriend.

We decided to break up. To be more precise, he dumped me.

That's a heart-breaking story.

fall out with break up 分手`



4 I really want to talk to him now but he screens the phone line.

还记得chandler一次冒充bob接一个hot babe的电话吗?之前他在做什么? 呵呵,就是screen the phone line 过滤电话,当然他不是因为和谁谁分手才这样做,但在break up中,过滤电话还是一种很常见的行为啊,,,比如说我gf吧,我call了整整284遍她才接``````



I, Ross, take thee Rachel to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part




You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you.---《老友记》 第一季 第一集


及物动词 vt.

1. 压碎,压坏;碾碎;榨

Don't crush this box; there are flowers inside.


2. 弄皱

Her dress was crushed.


3. 压服,压垮;摧毁

Their plot to overthrow the government was crushed.


4. 塞;挤,使挤入[O]

不及物动词 vi.

1. 被压碎,被压坏;被碾碎

2. 起皱

This cloth crushes very easily.


3. 挤[Q]

名词 n.

1. 压碎,毁坏;压皱;压榨;镇压[U][C]

2. 极度拥挤;拥挤的人群[S]

There was such a crush in the room that no one could move.


3. 【英】果汁饮料[U]

4. 【口】迷恋;迷恋的对象[C][(+on)]


You gonna crash on the couch? 你要睡在沙发上吗?

不及物动词 vi.

1. (发出猛烈声音地)碰撞,倒下,坠落

The motorcycle crashed into the fence.


2. (飞机等)坠毁,撞坏

An airliner crashed west of Denver last night.


3. (发出很响声音地)冲,闯[Q]

4. 发出撞击声,发出爆裂声

Listen to the thunder crash.


5. 失败;垮台;破产

His company crashed last year.


6. 【俚】(免费)宿夜;睡

I'd crashed Friday afternoon -- I hadn't completely recovered from the infection.


7. 【电脑】死机

The PC just crashed. 那部个人电脑刚死机了。

及物动词 vt.

1. (发出猛烈声音地)撞击,砸碎

2. 使(飞机等)坠毁,使(飞机等)撞坏

3. (发出很响声音地)冲,闯[O]

They crashed their tanks through the railings.


4. 【口】无票进入(会场等),闯入

5. 【电脑】死机

X crashed the system.


名词 n. [C]

1. 相撞(事故);(飞机的)坠毁,迫降

A lot of passengers were killed in the train crash.


2. 撞击声,爆裂声

3. 失败;垮台;破产

4. 【俚】睡

5. 【电脑】死机

形容词 a.

1. 应急的,速成的[B]

篇四:Crush On You 迷恋着你

Crush On You 迷恋着你

I wish upon a star Wanna be right where you are


You set my world on fire Babe I got a crush on you 你点燃了我的世界,宝贝,我迷恋著你

I wish upon a star Can't you see how right we are


We should be together Babe I got a crush on you


I used to turn around and walk away


Never stopped to play Cause there was no attraction 从不曾停留玩耍,因为没有什麽可以吸引我

But in my heart you start to grow on me


Kind of suddenly So now I've changed direction


Knowing it might seems strange Love came over me 我知道这似乎有点奇怪,但爱情征服了我

Feeling the luck has changed Do you want me like I want you 我感觉到命运已经改变,你是否也像我需要你一样的需要我呢 (Chorus) In this cold world where dreams are few


Baby I want you Is it to much to ask for


I'll take you places where you never been


If you just give in So babe it's now or never


Knowing it might seems strangeLove came over me 我知道这似乎有点奇怪,但爱情征服了我

Feeling the luck has changed Do you want me like I want you 我感觉到命运已经改变,你是否也像我需要你一样的需要我呢 (Chorus) Me and you you and me. Living a life in harmony 我和你,你和我,我们和谐生活

It's magic (magic) babe I've got a crush on you


So if you feel the way I do Would you fancy to


To take a ride beside me 并肩前行








1. 翻译此段对话

A: Is this your pen?

B: Yes. Thank you!



1. 翻译下面这句话。说话的人刚刚走进一家酒吧。

Line me up! If there ain’t a line around the block, don’t.

2. 翻译下面这句话。

I’ve had a crush on you since I was 12.

3. 翻译下面这句话。

In southern China, a stunning new landmark rises above the clouds -- a steel and concrete giant with the waist of a super model. But the narrow waist is a weak point, where the Tower could buckle.

4. 翻译下面这段对话。

- We must control it. – If only we could.

5. 翻译下面这段话。

Since the dawn of recorded history, something like 110 billion human beings have been born into this world. And not a single one of them made it. There are 6.8 billion people on the planet. Roughly 60 million of them die every year. 60 million people. That comes out to about 160,000 per day. I read this quote once when I was a kid, "We live alone, we die alone. Everything else is just an illusion." It used to keep me up at night. We all die alone. So, why am I supposed to spend my life working, sweating, struggling?

6. 翻译下面这段话。

The only sadness tonight is that, in future years, there'll be so many fantastic songs that it will not be our privilege to play. But, believe you me, they will still be written. They will still be sung and they will be the wonder of the world.

7. 翻译下面这段对话。

- Hey, son. What’s happening? Why the long face?

- I don’t know, dad. I got


- Oh, I’m sorry. I thought mostly you were the one dumping them. - Well, karma is a bitch, huh?
