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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:22:55 高中作文


Let's take a look at this video clip.


I want to introduce an entertainment program- that

names ·RUNNING MAN· to you.

Premiere of ·RUNNING MAN· is in 2010.

They have been together for four years.

Running man has seven members.

They all have their own characteristics.

And I like every one of them.


This is Song Zhixiao. She is the only girl in ·RUNNING MAN· .

So they protect her like the way

to protect a Princess. Another member,

Gary and she are lovers on Monday.

His name is Li Guangzhu.

He is responsible for funny in the group.

Anyone of them can bully him in the game.

But he is my favorite.

Members of running man do thier best in the game.

They put down thier dignities and use a variety of ways to win.

In four years,

they establish a deep friendship and share the joys and sorrows.

Let's bless them.

I hope running man can get more love

from world-wide audience.

篇二:My opinion about running man

My opinion about running man

As we have seen,recently,lots of reality TV shows to like spring up like mushrooms put on screens.like ,, etc.as the most popular program,the same name program--RUNNIGN MAN,learned from Korean team named SBS by ZheJiang TV.it makes the ZheJiang TV get a new better ratings after .

Although there are many parallels between the two programs,the Chinese producers still build lots of Chinese characteristics.in the program,the brothers don`t only show us their bravery,unity and never give up in a team,but also take laughter and humor to audience.the program pay attention to the development of plot and the diversity of clue in the gaming.programme groups use the fiercely competition and the dramatic ending captivate their audience.


篇四:跑男 Running Men

跑男 Running Men

Running men is the hot show in Korea, in 2014, China has brought its copyright and starts to make Chinese running men. When the show first came to the audience's eyes, it became very popular, the participants have gained the fame and money. Because of its great success, I am so interested in the show, so I watched a few colleges. The show is so funny, I laugh happily, I learn lesson at the same time. In the game, it needs to get allied to defeat others and win the game, so there is no way for one to win the game by his own. The cooperation is very important, it can help people get the win-win situation.



我最喜欢的一个电视节目 潘越




“哈! 哈!哈!”刚才的“场外音”,在看跑男的时候是必不可少的了,在看跑男的时候,如果不笑,真是可以去参加吉尼斯了,说起吉尼斯,让我们不禁想到······。跑题了哈,让我们言归正传,提起搞笑就得举例说明:就在第三季的西安美食排位赛中的“你要几碗胡辣汤”环节中,林心如的频频失误,邓超表示已被拍晕在泳池里。李晨也“毫不示弱”,表演了“秒变水牛”的“精彩节目”。为此黄渤献曲“《飞得更




“啊!哦!咦!”这些惨叫声大家肯定耳熟能详,伴随着闪电降临的我不用说大家都知道,那就是肩负“足疗”使命的小冬笋——趾压板。光说不干,不知好烂。还是西安美食排位赛,第一轮“肉肉争夺赛” 俗话说:不想做肉夹馍的肉肉不是好肉肉。初生牛犊不怕虎,傻狍子鹿晗,胸有成竹地踏上趾压板的时候,内心崩溃了,他表示臣妾做不到啊!刚开始,跑男们可谓是“传林海,跨雪原”。 跑男们开启”死亡冲刺”,天空中穿来了“惨叫进行曲”,但是,注意这个“但是”,跑男团中曾出过一位神人——宋佳,在第二季中的“R神争夺战”中,宋佳居然在趾压板上跳起了舞!真是:一人更比一人高,赶上思汗射大雕!

