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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 18:25:45 初中作文



Parents lead such busy lives that they no longer have time to read bedtime stories to their children, a survey has found. Sixty per cent said they had stories read to them when they were young, but nearly half now just turn off the lights and close the door. A study published today reveals that while mums and dads are full of good intentions, they find it hard to fit stories into their busy schedules.


Of the 2,000 parents surveyed by telecoms firm TalkTalk only 52 per cent said they read bedtime stories to their children. The remaining 48 per cent said their lives were too hectic to squeeze a story in. Yet eight out of ten surveyed agreed that children’s development can be boosted by bedtime reading. Those in Wales, East Anglia and Scotland are least likely to read to their children, while those in London, the West Midlands and the North West are most likely to. The worrying statistics come after a government adviser last year warned that middle class children are struggling to learn how to talk because working parents are unable to find the time to help with speech development.




Parents lead such busy lives that they no longer have time to read bedtime stories to their children, a survey has found. Sixty per cent said they had stories read to them when they were young, but nearly half now just turn off the lights and close the door. A study published today reveals that while mums and dads are full of good intentions, they find it hard to fit stories into their busy schedules.


Of the 2,000 parents surveyed by telecoms firm TalkTalk only 52 per cent said they read bedtime stories to their children. The remaining 48 per cent said their lives were too hectic to squeeze a story in. Yet eight out of ten surveyed agreed that children’s development can be boosted by bedtime reading. Those in Wales, East Anglia and Scotland are least likely to read to their children, while those in London, the West Midlands and the North West are most likely to. The worrying statistics come after a government adviser last year warned that middle class children are struggling to learn how to talk because working parents are unable to find the time to help with speech development.




Parents lead such busy lives that they no longer have time to read bedtime stories to their children, a survey has found. Sixty per cent said they had stories read to them when they were young, but nearly half now just turn off the lights and close the door. A study published today reveals that while mums and dads are full of good intentions, they find it hard to fit stories into their busy schedules. 曾记得儿时在入睡前听着爸爸妈妈讲的故事再缓缓进入梦乡是一个多么惬意的事情,但是据报道,当今的职场的年轻爸爸、年轻妈妈们再也没有时间、再也抽不出空为自己的宝贝睡前念故事,有60%的英国年轻爸爸妈妈承认他们的小时候可以享受“听爸妈讲故事”的福利。然而数据显示,目前有过半的父母睡觉前再也做不到讲故事,虽然父母也想让自己的宝贝能够享受自己儿时的待遇,但是工作繁忙的新时代父母无法将讲故事的时间安排到日常生活中,“关灯睡觉”称为新时代父母哄小孩入睡的新法则。

Of the 2,000 parents surveyed by telecoms firm TalkTalk only 52 per cent said they read bedtime stories to their children. The remaining 48 per cent said their lives were too hectic to squeeze a story in. Yet eight out of ten surveyed agreed that children’s development can be boosted by bedtime reading. Those in Wales, East Anglia and Scotland are least likely to read to their children, while those in London, the West Midlands and the North West are most likely to. The worrying statistics come after a government adviser last year warned that middle class children are struggling to learn how to talk because working parents are unable to find the time to help with speech development.












我上大学时,半年回一次家,和爸爸独处时,他总爱说一句话:“等你将来出息了,对你妈好点,你妈跟着我没享过什么福。”大学时,我偶尔干个兼职,领个奖学金,往家打电话,说要给爸妈买衣服时,爸爸又说:“我的衣服多得是,给你妈买几件,买些时髦的,让她洋气洋气。”而我妈会说:“嫁给你爸是多么幸运,你爸当年可俊了,又有文化,能看上我这(转 载 于:wWW.smHAida.cOM 海达范文网:哄小孩睡觉的故事)文盲,是我的福气,对你姥姥又好。”在那个年代,对于爸妈来说,爱不是轰轰烈烈,不是倾尽所有精力去爱对方,而是用“愿无岁月可回首,唯有深情共余生”的心境去过日子,过好日子,过幸福的日子。


作者:安阳高新区第三小学 李淑贞
