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篇一:An interesting trip

An interesting trip

Last National day holiday . My mother and I went to Shaoxing by car . The weather was fine . We stayed there one days . I was look for ward to Shaoxing and I was very happy . The first day , we went to Lu Xun’s former home in the morning , the former was very big and clean , and we went Sanwei study , but no book in it , I was loseheart . In the midday , we went to the hundred plant garden , there are many plant in it , I was happy in the afternoon , we went to zhe Xianheng hotel have dinner ,we ate many delicious food , I was happy . In the evening , we went to the Shenyuan Garden and appreciate Shaoxing opera , It was very interesting ! It was nine o’ clock , we were tried ,we went to hotel . The second day , we went home .

It was an interesting trip !

篇二:新概念第二册lesson 4 an exciting trip练习

Lesson 4 An exciting trip


1. 2. ________________ people have a dream, but many people do the same things day by day.

3. There was a large table ________________ the room.

4. They each have ________________ opinions about the plan.

5. Sunday was the most ________________day of my week.


1. 现在乘坐宇宙飞船到月球并不是不可能的事了。

Now it is possible to ________________ in a spaceship.

2. 关于这个题目我们收到了很多读者的来信。

We ________________ on this subject from our readers.

3. 我们班每个男孩和每个女孩都到过动物园。

Every boy and every girl in our class ________________.

4. 我的朋友已经去国外定居了。

My friend ________________ abroad.


1. Don’t leave the water ________ while you brush your teeth.

[A] run [B] running [C] being run [D] to run

2. He went to Toronto two years ago, so he ________ Toronto for two tears.

[A] has been to [B] has gone to [C] has been in [D] has gone

3. He looked around and caught a man ______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

[A] put [B] to be putting [C] to put [D] putting


1. _______ you _______ (be) there? It’s a very magnificent place.

2. So far, I _______ (learn) economics in Beijing University for four years.

3. The friendly relations and cooperation between our two countries _______ (become) better in the past few years.

4. They found it _______ (impossibly) to get everything ready in time.

5. We found him _______ (lie) on the ground, sleeping with a blanket on him.


1. 享受令人愉快的旅行 enjoy an enjoyable trip

2.(1) 教英语很有经验(n./adj)

have much experience in/of teaching English= be experienced in teaching English (2) 有过留学经历

have an experience of studying abroad (3) 体验生活,享受生活! (v.)

Experience your life and enjoy your life. 3.参加/举行集会

attend/hold the assembly, 集会期间

during the assembly (a/an/the有时省) 4. 学校校长,班主任

the headmaster of the school, one’s head/class teacher 5.(1) 一年赚10万元

earn one hundred thousand yuan a year (2) 靠打零工赚钱

earn/make one’s money by doing part-time jobs

6. 尊敬他人

Respecting others is showing respect for oneself.

7.(1) 致力于教学工作

He devotes himself to teaching. = He is devoted to teaching. =

He works with one’s efforts to teaching.

(2) 孝子(忠实的朋友,不遗余力的支持者) a devoted son (friend,supporter) 【】

(3) He works with greater devotion. 8. (1) 学习各种文学 study different literatures

(2 ) (精通)文学的,文艺的,文绉绉的 Your words are too literary.

9. (1) 学生的平均年龄是19岁。 The average age of the students is 19. 我们平均每天上8节课。

We have eight classes/lessons on average. 她的考试成绩高于/低于平均水平。 Her performance in the test was above/below average. (2 ) 他智力平常。

He is a child of average intelligence. 10.(1)艰苦努力 ()

struggle struggle for success 挣扎着想逃脱

struggle 11. 学会挑战自己

Learn to challenge yourself.


It is a challenge / It is challenging to for underachievers to learn English] 12. (1)The news encourages us. = We are encouraged by the news.= The news is encouraging to us. = The news is an encouragement to us (2) The news discourages us. = We are discouraged by the news.= The news is discouraging to us. = The news is a discouragement to us

13.我会做饭煮菜。 I can do the cooking. 14.(1) 免费提供食宿 (adj) offer free food and shelter =

offer sth. for free (free of charge)= (2) 自由进出 (adj, adv)

be free to come and go = come and go freely (3) 给某人更多的自由 give sb more freedom15. 加班两个小时

work for two more hours 他不得不付些附加的费用。

He had to work for two extra hours.= He had to work for another two hours.= He had to pay some additional charges. 16.喜爱看杂书

be fond of reading all kinds of books 17. 西班牙的,西班牙,西班牙语 Spanish people in Spain speak Spanish. 18. 1)把石头雕刻成一匹马

make a sculpture of a horse from a stone= sculptsculpt = 19. 餐后吃许多甜食

have many desserts after the meal(如馅饼,果馅饼,冰激凌)

20. 回顾过去look back on one’s past = think back to = recall = recollect 21. 瞧不起普通百姓

look down upon ordinary/common/average people

look up to22.结果令我们满意。 The results satisfy us. = We are satisfied with the (satisfying) results.= To our satisfaction,the results are beyond our expectation. 满意地微笑,

smile to sb. with satisfaction 给我们一种满足感

give us a sense of satisfaction

23. surf the Internet and chat with others = 24.被音乐学院录取

be admitted to a music academy 成绩好体育好


exchange views/seats with each other = 作为对…的交换

give you three sweets in exchange for an apple 请问什么地方可以兑换美元? Where can I exchange US dollars? 26. 前者比后者好。(n.)

The former is better than the latter. 老同学(adj.)

our former (old) classmates 27. speak fluent English = speak English fluently 28. speak speak English

29. 画家(漆匠)用红漆和漆刷把玩具油漆成红色,

The painter painted the toy red with red paint and a paintbrush. 30. 1) 给灾区捐款

donate/the money to the disaster area

2) 为灾区筹集紫金

money for the disaster area

31. a splendid

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:an,enjoyable,trip)


极好的…( 辉煌的胜利、华丽/壮丽…) 32.1) 在…方面依赖于父母

depend on parents for sth. (for = to give us) 我们衣食住依靠父母。

We depend on our parents for food, clothing and shelter.=

clothing and shelter. 2) 学着独立于父母

learn to parents. 1 1) use one’s free time = make use of one’s free time = 2)很好地/充分/几乎没有利用 make good/full/little use of sth (better/fuller/less) 3)最充分地利用

make the most/the best use of sth

2 Tell me how he makes use of his free time.= Tell me the use that/ what use he makes of his free time? 翻译练习


of all is “love”. I've just finished of ‘How to be happy’.

篇四:An Interesting Trip

An Interesting Trip

初三(3)班学生: 杨东昂 指导教师: 陈清花

I love traveling, because traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world.

On July 26th,2012 was a very special day for me. On that day I went to Xiamen with my family by plane. When I walked out of the cabin, I felt the air was very fresh there, the weather was sunny, the sunshine kissed my face, I felt very comfortable.

It’s a beautiful and fantastic city. It is said that the TV series Deep love deep rain receive is filmed here. We visited Kulangsu, it’s a pretty island. The other day, we visited Xiamen University, I hope one day I can study here.

The trip was interesting ,I will be the memory in my mind forever. And I will go there again one day.






篇五:新概念英语第二册第四课课件Lesson 4 An exciting trip

Lesson 4 An exciting trip

Today we’ll learn a story about a trip to Australia.How much do you know about Australia?

一、Read the text,

1. How long has Tim been in Australia?_______________________

2.What dose he do in Australia?_____________________________

3. Why is Tim finding the trip exciting?_______________________

I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.

二、New words and expressions

1..exciting a.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的(作定语,修饰某物) excited a.(自己)感到兴奋的(主语是人)

We are very excited about this exciting news.

类似的词还有: interesting/interested、surprising/surprised、 disappointing/disappointed、moving/moved。

2. receive (客观上)收到

accept (主观上)接受

She has received a bunch of flowers, but she didn’t accept it. take接受:含受赠之意

take one’s advice/instructions 接受某人的建议/指令

I’ll take it. 就要它了(买东西时)。

3. firm n.=company公司 a law firm:律师事务所

a trading firm:贸易公司 adj. 坚硬的;有力的 firm soil坚硬的土壤

a firm shake 有力的握手

4. 许多,大量的

a great number of =a great/good many: 修饰可数名词

a great amount of 修饰不可数名词

a great/good deal of 可数/不可数名词

5. different a.不同的,各不相同的,相异的

be different from/to…与…不同

6.have/has gone to 去了 vs have/has been to 去过

to Shanghai.


He has been to Shanghai.他(曾经) 去过上海。

7.in the centre of ... 在...的中心

research centre 研究中心 business centre 商业中心,营业中心 commercial centre 商业中心

8. abroad adv. 在国外

travel/go/study/live abroad.




②构成:主语+have/has done+其他成分。(动词一定要用延续性动词) ③标志词:for, since, so far, never, just, already,yet, till/until, up to now, in the past few years, recently。

④现在完成时vs 一般过去时


一般过去时 future

I saw the film yesterday.

I have seen the film,but I don’t like it.(强调对现在的影响) ⑤for vs since(自从)

for + a period of time (一段时间)

since+a point of time (时间点)

already vs yet

The train has already arrived.(肯定句)

The train hasn’t arrived yet.(否定句)

Has the train arrived yet?(疑问句)

No,it hasn’t./ No, not yet.





1.-How long have you ______ the magazine?

-About a week.

A found B borrowed C received D had

2.-____ you _____ the film Harry Potter 5?

-Not yet. I will see it this Sunday.

A Did, see B Are, seeing

C Have, seen D Do, see

3. How is Ann? I ____ her for a long time.

A don’t see B won’t see C didn’t see D haven’t seen

4.-Hasn’t Betty come yet?

-No, and I ____ for her for nearly 2 hours.

A wait B waited C have waited D had waited

5.-Is Mr Baker at home?

-Sorry, he isn’t in. He ____ Dalian for vacation.

A has gone B went C is going D goes

6.--Mike, you ___ the magazine since last week. Can you return it now? --Sure.

A borrowed B have borrowed C have kept
