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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 15:20:46 体裁作文

篇一:Fox on a box

Fox on a box


Hungry Fox spots a box.(PRIZE)

饥饿的小狐狸发现了一个箱子。(奖品) Hungry Fox hops onto the box.


He tries to reach...


...a peach! SPLAT!


Hungry Fox puxhes the box.


"Now I'm as tall as the wall!"calls fox.

“现在我和墙一样高了!”小狐狸喊起来。 SPLAT! Hungry Fox pushes the box.


"I need honey from the honeyh bees!"says Fox. “我要从蜜蜂那儿弄些蜂蜜尝尝!”小狐狸说。 SPLAT! Hungry Fox sits on the box.


"I want fishes,"wishes Fox.

“我想尝尝美味的小鱼。”小狐狸念叨说。 But a tug from Duch means he's out of luck. 可是鱼钩钩住了鸭子,这下小狐狸倒霉了。 SPLAT! Hungry Fox is on the box.


"I can reach the cooling pise!"cries Fox.

“我就快够到馅饼啦!”小狐狸激动地喊起来。 But Pup and fat Cat... ...put a stop to that.

可是,小狗和肥猫正好跑过来...这下又砸了。 Hungry Fox falls into the box.

fox on a box


He heaves himself out...


...to find cream on his snout。


"I'm back in the box!"shouts Happy Fox.


篇二:Fox in socks

Fox in Socks

by Dr. Seuss






Knox in box.

Fox in socks.

Knox on fox in socks in box.

Socks on Knox and Knox in box.

Fox in socks on box on Knox.

Chicks with bricks come.

Chicks with blocks come.

Chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks come.

Look, sir.

Look, sir.

Mr. Knox, sir.

Let's do tricks with bricks and blocks, sir.

Let's do tricks with chicks and clocks, sir.

First, I'll make a quick trick brick stack.

Then I'll make a quick trick block stack.

You can make a quick trick chick stack.

You can make a quick trick clock stack.

And here's a new trick, Mr. Knox....

Socks on chicks and chicks on fox.

Fox on clocks on bricks and blocks.

Bricks and blocks on Knox on box.

Now we come to ticks and tocks, sir.

Try to say this Mr. Knox, sir....

Clocks on fox tick.

Clocks on Knox tock.


中学教师资格考试 小学教师资格考试 幼儿教师资格考试 教师资格证面试

Six sick bricks tick.

Six sick chicks tock.

Please, sir.

I don't like this trick, sir.

My tongue isn't quick or slick, sir.

I get all those ticks and clocks, sir,

mixed up with the chicks and tocks, sir.

I can't do it, Mr. Fox, sir.

I'm so sorry, Mr. Knox, sir.

Here's an easy game to play. Here's an easy thing to say....

New socks.

Two socks.

Whose socks?

Sue's socks.

Who sews whose socks? Sue sews Sue's socks.

Who sees who sew whose new socks, sir?

篇三:有趣的字母 X-Y

X:The fox and the ox. 狐狸和牛

A box falls on a ox and a fox. 一个盒子砸在牛和狐狸身上。 The ox wants the box. 牛想要这个盒子。 The foxwants thebox. 狐狸想要这个盒子。 The ox sit on the box. 牛坐在盒子上。 The fox sit on thebox. 狐狸坐在盒子上。 The ox push the fox. 牛推开狐狸。 The fox kicks the ox. 狐狸踢向牛。 The fox and the ox fight for the box.狐狸和牛为了盒子打起来了。 Box is falling. 盒子丢了。

Y:Maya's Yo-yo 玛雅的悠悠球

Maya has a yellow yo-yo. 玛雅有个黄色的悠悠球。 Look! Maya's plays with the yo-yo. 看,玛雅在玩悠悠球。 The yo-yo goes up. 悠悠球一会儿上。 The yo-yo goes down. 悠悠球一会儿下。 The yo-yo is here. 悠悠球一会儿在这。 The yo-yo is there. 悠悠球一会儿在那。 "Oops!" The yo-yo is in the yogo. “噢!悠悠球在优格里。 Yarmi!Yarmi! 好吃!好吃!

Z:Zack the Zebra. 斑马扎克

Zack is a zebra at the zoo. 扎克是动物园里的一匹斑马。 Sometimes Zack is crazy. "AHAA..."有时候扎克很疯狂。“哈哈哈...” He can make you dizzy. 他疯狂起来会让你眩晕。 Sometimes Zack is lazy. 有时候扎克很懒。 He is the zebra crossing at the zoo.懒成了动物园里的斑马线。 Zack is an amazing zebra at the zoo. 扎克是一匹了不起的斑马。 He gets many prizes. 他得了很多奖。 Zack is a superstar at the zoo. 扎克是动物园的超级明星。 Everybody loves Zack! 人人都喜欢他!

篇四:falling off a box car and landing on my head

falling off a box car and landing on my head. Now I am thirty two. I can slightly remember the brightness of sunshine .It would be wonderful to see again , but a calamity can do strange things to people .It occurred to me that I might not have come to love life as I do if I hadn’t been blind . My parents and my teachers saw something in me, and they made me want to fight against blindness.

The hardest lesson I had to learn was to believe in myself. I hadn't been able to do

I say belief in myself I am not talking about simply the kind of self confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. But I mean something bigger than that: an assurance that I am a real positive person;It took me years to discover and strengthen this assurance. It had to start with the simplest things. Once a man gave me an indoor baseball. "I can't use this." I said. "Take it with you," he urged me, "and roll it around." The words stuck in my head. "Roll it around! "By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought impossible:At School for the Blind I invented a new kind of baseball called ground ball. All my life I have set ahead of me a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my limitations. I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made progress.







篇五:五上 Unit5 B Let’s talk

PEP五上 Unit5 B Let’s talk 同课异构B组 张丽第三稿


一、 教学内容分析 :

本课时是PEP小学英语五年级上册第五单元B部分的一节对话课。要求学生能掌握There is a…….near /…the…和The…is near/…the…并能运用所学语言介绍房间摆设。本部分的对话内容是在A部分和 B Let’s learn的基础上展开的对话。学生已有的知识是:房间内物品名称:trash bin, bed, closet, curtain, mirror, air-conditioner, closet, end table, table, chair, desk等。介词:in, on, under, near, behind, over, in front of.

二、学情分析 :


2、通过三、四年级两年的学习,大多数学生有一定的英语语言接受和表达能力,词汇量有一定的储备,能进行简单的口语交流,对教师的课堂指令和体态语己有相当好的领悟和反应。其中,约80%的学生学习兴趣较浓,积极性较高,约 15%的学生学生对语言的认知能力不强,缺乏一定的学习能力,约5%的学生反应较迟缓,有待进一步提高。


What type of learners you are?

Question: 1. When I study I like to…

A.Use a highlighter to emphasize points

B.Explain the information to someone else

C.Use a chanting rhythm to memorize

Question: 2. I like to study…

A. Alone in a quiet place

B. With one other person using role playing games

C. In a group so I can listen to others

D. Question: 3. I remember things best if I…

A.Make lists and write them over and over

B.I write things down and read them back

C.Record the information and listen

Question: 4. I like to learn using…

A. Photographs and diagrams

B. Labs (experiments) and demonstrations

C. Rhymes and chants that I make up

Question: 5. Sometimes when nobody is around I will…

A. Draw a picture showing a process I need to understand

B. Act out information

C. Create songs with my homework information

D. Question: 6. I remember things most when I…

A. Read them

B. Say them

C. Hear them

Question: 7. I have trouble remembering information if I…

A. Can‘t take notes

B. Read it and don‘t talk about it in class

C. Can‘t discuss it in class

Question: 8. I remember…

A. Faces

B. Names

C. Names and faces if I can shake hands

Question: 9. When I study for a test I like to…

A. Make an outline

B. Trace pictures, diagrams, and charts with my finger

C. Read out loud

Count how many As, Bs, and Cs you have.

If you answered mostly A, you are a visual learner

You can learn best if you can read the information that you are learning, see pictures, watch movies, look at graphs and diagrams.

PPTs, props, and the blackboard are very helpful for you.

If you answered mostly B, you are a tactile learner.

You can learn the best if you can interact with the material that you are learning. It is helpful for you to talk about the new information, to touch it (if possible) and to perform experiments.

Projects, crafts, experiments, and activities are helpful for you.

If you answered mostly C, you are an auditory learner.

You can learn the best whenever you can listen to new information.It is helpful for you when someone explains information to you. Listening to someone is more helpful than reading books or taking notes. Songs, stories, discussions, and lectures are helpful for you.



1.知识目标:学生能听、说、认读句子There is a…….near/…the…和The…is near/…the…。

2.能力目标:能运用句型There is a…….near /…the…和The…is near/…the…介绍房间摆设。


四、 教学重难点:

重点:熟练掌握there be句型较长句式的表达法;

难点:同重点;另外,The books are on the shelf. 为复数句式,不用过多强调,应把重点放在结合图画让学生理解语意上。




课前:Enjoy the song: My Small Bedroom


Step 1 Warm-up

1.Free talk: Good morning/afternoon.

What can you see in our classroom?

【设计意图】通过询问学生熟悉的教室:What can you see in our classroom?引出下一环节;也完成了本语言的教学。

2.Let’s look at the screen.


师问:What can you see? 并引导学生说句子There is a fox ...。PPT:图片+There is a fox____ the box.依?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuwozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">我酝绞礁聪捌吒鼋榇屎椭饕湫汀?/p>

【设计意图】利用图片支架, 采用学生感兴趣的卡通狐狸,吸引学生眼球,且fox与box说起来似绕口令,孩子乐于表达;通过狐狸的不同位置,运用There be句型来复习介词;利用有趣的多媒体课件形象生动直观地展示不同的方位,让学生达到自然运用There is/are…+介词短语这一句型;本环节可充分发挥视觉型学习者优势。

3. PPT:Let’s chant:

There is a fox. There is a box.

There is a fox on the box.

There is a fox in the box.

There is a fox under the box.

There is a fox over the box.

Where is the fox? Where is the box?

T: Oh, no fox. The box is here. It’s a magic box.

PPT: 箱子变魔法,出现一个空房间。

Step2 Preview


A student(S1):Miss Zhang, that’s my room. But it’s empty. I want to decorate it. Can you help me? T: Oh, S1 has an empty room. He wants to decorate it. Do you want to help him?

T: S1, there are three different design style companies(The fashion company, the creation company and the contracted company). They want to help you, OK?

T: But boys and girls, can you decorate a room? Can you describe a room? Ss: No.

T: Don’t worry, next we’ll learn how to decorate and describe a room.

T: If you can decorate a room, and describe your works exactly.

And if S1 likes your works best, you’ll be the best designers. And the Design Star will belong to you. T: Next, let’s learn how to describe a room exactly.


Step 3 Presentation and practice

1. 教学Let’s try

1). T: On P62, there’s a room, too. Let’s look at the pictures. What can you see? Now, let’s listen and match.

2). T: Let’s try to describe this room.


【设计意图】承上一环节,设置语言交流、音像支架,利用教材Let’s try让学生从听觉上感知主要句型,并把周围的物品图片连到房间的相应位置,既可以提高学生的听力,又可以训练学生的快速反应能力,充分挖掘了听觉型和动觉型学习者的能力;并为学习Let’s talk打下基础;考虑到视觉型学习者的需求,在播放录音之前先领着学生一起用there be句型复现一遍图中物品,降低听力的难度,可以说兼顾到各种类型的学习者。另外,对完答案后的描述是让学生初次尝试描述房间,以便完成后面的尝试准确描述到准确描述的深入教学,使教学环节环环相扣。

2. 交代任务并教学Let’s talk

T: Zhang Peng has a new room, too. What’s it like?

1)、Listen, watch and think:

1. There is a bed,a desk,a closet and a shelf. ( √ )

2. There are two end tables on the bed. ( × )

3. The books are on the desk. ( × )


T: How do you know ? Can you read the sentence?


【设计意图】通过听音判断,让学生整体感知文本内容,同时渗透复数句式The… are on / in… the…。 Ask and answer:

将张鹏的房间做成图片,投影展示,学生说: There is/are…

同时,引导学生学习使用:The…is / are on / in… the…

T: Now let’s look at ZhangPeng’s room carefully. What can you see on the desk? Yes, the computer is on the desk. 接着可变换方式问:Where are the books? / Where is the trash bin?练习剩下的两个句子。


2)、听音正音:Listen, point and repeat

a.跟读b.自读 c.齐读 d.指名读……

3)、 Retell:

T:Can you describe Zhang Peng’s room exactly? Let’s try.

This is Zhang Peng’s room. There is a bed , and a shelf. There are on the desk. The books 【设计意图】通过提供语言支架进行复述,进一步理解并巩固本节课的课文内容;同时,让学生尝试准确描述房间,进一步提高学生的语言表达能力。

4)、Can you find the mistakes? Describe the room exactly, please!

PPT: 找错误的物品摆放位置,并说出正确的位置。

【设计意图】让学生对房间摆设有正确的意识,并能准确描述房间,同时渗透情感教育:Keep your room tidy and clean!

5)、T:Just now, we learned how to describe a room. Now, let’s

learn how to decorate a room. Look! I have some furniture

pictures. Let’s use the pictures to make a simple room. Look, there is a bed. The bed is over the bed.(师贴,示范,并找学生边听边贴)

T: Now can you decorate a room?

Step 4 Production


T: Now, you can decorate a room, and you can describe your works exactly. Please take out the pictures and stick up them. And use the sentences: There is/are…on/near…. The…is/are on/in…the….

Just do it!
