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100 Sample English Compositions

1. My Opinion On Having a Part-time Job

2. Work and Play

3. My Opinion on the Band 4 English Test

4. The Value of Time

5. On Friendship

6. Youth

7. Is Money Everything?

8. The Importance of Confidence

9. Computers

10. The 21st Century

11. My Opinion of Today’s Education

12. Advertising

13. Traffic Problems in Our City

14. A Letter to a Roommate

15. Why a Sense of Humor Is Important

16. The Lecture Method & the Group Learning


17. How People Spent Their Holidays

18.Getting to Know the World Outside the


19. Advantages of a Job Interview

20. What Would Happen if There Were No Power

21. Generation Gap

22. Friendship

23. Relationship Between Teachers and Students

24. Should Men and Women Be Equal?

25. Water Pollution

26. The Problem of Human Pollution

27. Nature and Man

28. Rural Life

29. Reading Classics

30. Unemployment in China

31. The Hope Project

32. The Heavy Bags of School Children

33. Traveling

34. Reading

35. The Role of Computer

36.The Place of Science and Technology in life

37. Fighting Against Smoking

38. Learn English by English Songs

39. Protection of Environment

40. Honesty

41. Re-employment of Laid-off Workers

42. The Grain Crisis

43. Looking Backward and Looking Forward

44. Video Games

45. Changes in Student Enrollment in China 46. Beliefs 47. Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China? 48. The Importance of Education 49. Smoking 50. My First Job 51. Birth control 52. Advertisements 53. Fighting Criminals 54. Opportunity and Success 55. Private Car 56. On Developing Tourism 57. The Value of Time 58. Are Prizes a Good Thing? 59. On Keeping a Diary in English 60. On University Tuition System in China 61. The Fight Against Crime 62. My opinion on Keeping One’s Word 63. The Rush to Cities 64. On Developing Listening Ability 65. My Favorite Program 66. Water 67. How to Spend the Weekend 68. Hope 69. Treasure Water 70. How to Solve Housing Problem in Big Cities 71. Is failure a Bad Thing? 72. Is Stress a Bad Thing? 73. Fresh Ways to Spend Spring Festival 74. Donating Blood Is a Glorious Thing 75. Competition 76. On Diet 77. How to Learn a Foreign Language Well? 78. Application for a Job 79. Resume 80. A Letter of Recommendation 81. Harmfulness of the fake commodities 82. Green Olympics 83. What Will Happen If China Enters WTO? 84. Fast Food 85. Preserving Natural Resources 86. Global Shortage of Fresh Water 87. Advantages of Five-Day week 88. Application Form 89. Cars and Air Pollution 90. A Matter of Approach

100 Sample English Compositions

91.Choosing a Teacher for Certain Courses

92. Traveling Abroad

93. The Problem Of Piracy

94. A Campaign Speech

95. Your Help Needed

96. A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction

97. Calls for Much Higher Standard for Service


98. A Suggestion to a Friend

99. Reduce Waste on Campus

100. The Day My Classmate Fell Ill

1. My Opinion On Having a Part-Time Job

Some students maintain that holding a part time job, unless one is serious difficult financial difficulties, is not worthwhile. It is a waste of one’s precious time, and is therefore not favorable to one’s studies. Indeed, some students receive poorer marks after they take up temporary jobs. Moreover, doing part time jobs may lead to closer contacts with the dark side of society and to the degeneration of the students’ moral standards.

On the other hand, many people believe that a part time job does more good than harm. First, students can become financially independent, or at least partly so. This is especially important to student from poor families. Second, this helps them to cultivate a spirit of independence. Third, early contacts with the various aspects of the community, bright or dark, will enhance student’s abilities to work in future.

On the whole the advantage of a part time job seems to outweigh its disadvantages. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage students to plunge into the community as early as possible so long as they know how to resist evil temptations.

2. Work and Play

People of the older generations tend to advocate more work and less play. My father, for example, is a workaholic. He sits up reading scientific literature every night. He seldom watches TV or goes to a cinema. In his opinion, recreational activities are just a waste of time. One should devote most, if not all, of his time to study and work.

Many contemporary youngsters, however, think otherwise. They believe that they should enjoy themselves while they are still young, or they will regret it when they get old. It is not uncommon to see many young people spend too much time playing video games, watching TV, playing football. Whenever there is a holiday, many students, instead of engaging in studies, rush to scenic spots or historical sites to enjoy themselves.

In my view, we should not go to either of the extremes. While too much recreation ruins study and work, ―all and no play makes Jack a dull boy‖. A poorer arrangement of work and play is obviously the best solution.

3. My Opinion on the Band 4 English Test

Since the Band 4 English Test was initiated ten years ago, it has displayed its superiority in many aspects. With a clear, definite objective in mind, students have worked harder than before. In order to pass the Band 4 test, many students work late into the night, or even until small hours in the morning. Teachers, of course, also contribute their share by improving methods, showing more concern for their students.

However, the test is not without its problems. At least three serious drawbacks can be readily identified. First, since the English composition account for only 15 percent of the total mark, this is not enough to motivate students to invest enough time in writing practice. Second, as oral proficiency is not measured by the test, students and teachers tend to ignore oral practice in class. Third, some students do not continue their English studies after they have passed the Band 4 Test.

To solve the problems, it is necessary to increase the proportion of writing in the test. The new test forms like dictation and short answer questions are helpful. Oral tests can be organized by each university. So students will learn English in a more balanced way.

4. The Value of Time

Time is precious. A famous Chinese saying goes like this: ―A second of time cannot be purchased with an ounce of gold.‖ Time is so valuable that nothing can buy it. The lost time will never come back; therefore, we should cherish time.

Waste of time can mean disasters. Many people have been wasting their time all the time, some high school students squander almost all the time watching TV, playing video games, singing pop songs, idolizing pop stars. As a result, they fail to pass the university entrance examinations or the job interviews. Apparently, we should devote most of out time to useful activities. For example, students can use the early morning for physical exercises or academic studies. In class, we should concentrate on what the

teachers present and take notes. In short, if we spend our time wisely, we shall benefit a great deal.

5. On Friendship

Friendship means being friendly to each other or making friends with one another. Human beings are social animals. They do not live in isolation. They need each other both physically and emotionally.

However, some people distort friendship by forming small groups that are harmful to others or even to the whole community. In the university some students from the same city or province form an association to help each other. But such associations often exclude students from other parts of the country, and thus do not promote friendship in a broad sense.

True and lasting friendship is based on a more solid foundation. Real friends share the same ideal. While marching toward their common objective, they held each other. If one makes a mistake, his friend will not hesitate to point it out for him, because he knows the frank criticism will help him. What we need is this type of genuine friendship

6. Youth

Youth is a golden age in our lives, often compared to the rising sun. Young people are full of vigor and vitality, which arouse the most pleasurable emotions, such as first love. Youth is also an age of awakening, when the world looks new and feels mysteriously alive.

We should try to accomplish something when young. Youth is a good time for learning, especially for acquiring more knowledge. We are sensitive to everything and we should make full use of out youth to lay a good foundation for the future, which can then be truly successful.

Sometimes we hear our elders remark about our young people, ―Youth is always wasted on the young.‖ What they principally refer to is youth’s lack of awareness of the passage of time. What wise advice! If we treasure it, we can say when we become old, the days of our youth have been living to their fullest.

7. Is Money Everything?

In a modern society money plays a very important role. We need money to buy what we want. In this case, money is important, but it is not everything.

With money we can buy whatever material goods we need. Sometimes money is such a magic thing that it can help us make our dream come true and make our life comfortable. On the other hand, money can also bring some trouble to us. Once we are rich, someone may confess to our friend, but he will desert us if we lose prosperity. Though we have a lot of money, we can not buy real friendship.

In a word, money is important but not everything.

8. The Importance of Confidence

Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This truth seems to be self-evident. However, in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome. For some, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.

Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something: there are, among others, two main reasons. First, these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties.

It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude toward one’s own abilities. We should never underestimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb: ―Where there is a will, there is a way.‖ Confidence is the premise for fulfilling a task successfully.

9. Computers

The computer is a wonderful machine. It is the most important invention in many years. Today it is used widely. By the year 2000 the computer will probably touch the lives of everyone, even people in remote villages.

Computers can do many kinds of work. For example, in a big shop, information about a sale is put

into a computer. During the night the computer works on the information from all the sales that day. The next morning the manager has a report on everything that was sold and also on everything that will soon be sold out. In scientific researches, a scientist can ―ask‖ the computer questions, and the computer ―answers‖ on the screen. It is almost like talking to another scientist.

In the last few years there have been great changes in computers. They now can do most of the things people can do, though most scientists agree that computers cannot take the place of humans. Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will they make life better, or will they bring suffering to people? People of today will have to decide how to use the computer tomorrow.

10. The 21st Century

Life in the 21st century must be very interesting. Perhaps we can go on holiday to the moon, and some scientists will live under the sea. Maybe we will have video telephones in every home. When we talk on the phone, we’ll be able to see the person at the other end of the phone.

Perhaps we can have a computer in every classroom. And it can help us do lot s of things such as solving difficult mathematical problems, reviewing our lessons and doing our homework. Perhaps some children won’t need to go to school everyday. They can study at home because there will be more educational programs on radio and television.

Maybe at that time every family will have a robot, and it can do all kinds of housework for them. Then what shall we do at that time? I think we may have more time to study and learn how to use and control these machines. Well, let’s wait till the 21st century.

11. My Opinion of Today’s Education

I think one of the main problems with today’s education is that too much emphasis is placed on test score. It has become the most important criterion for college enrollment. A student, however creative and intelligent, will not be admitted into a college if his total scores are just one point less than required. It is also one of the crucial factors either in job assignment or in employment competitions.

The competition for high scores among students becomes intense. Students find themselves concentrating more on strategies to achieve high scores than on requiring knowledge. They will play truant of some subsidiary courses, skip over the substance which will not be tested on, even pump teachers for hints on upcoming exams.

Teachers are apt to give their students high scores. As their job is judged mainly by the students’ performance in terms of scores, some teachers tend to set easy papers to test their students on or narrow down the scope of the exam. Some teachers even leak ―accidentally‖ the exam questions or lower their criterion of scoring.

As a result, the competition for high scores becomes so intense that it actually defeats the academic goals of education.

12. Advertising

Nowadays advertisements are found everywhere. They smile to us from the television screen, shout to us from the radio loudspeakers, wave invitingly to us from every page of the newspaper and magazine, pluck at our sleeves on the bus and escalator, signal to us from roadside billboards all day and flash messages to us in colored lights all night.

Advertisements fill almost every minute of a day. You will be waked up by the ad. songs from outside in the early morning. The newspapers you pick up after lunch are full of ads, from clothes, cosmetics to Coca Cola, virtually anything that can be purchased. The films shown on TV in the evening are often interrupted by commercials.

No one can avoid being influenced by ads. Is it possible for us to sit indifferent to a certain beautiful, convenient, versatile vacuum cleaner show on TV when you are considering to buy one? Is it possible for us not to be attracted to a certain heating device, which claims its wonderful effect of curing chronic diseases and even of helping toward one’s longevity?

As a matter of fact, advertisement has become one of the most authoritative voice speaking to us today:



童年似一杯浓浓的咖啡,暖到你心窝;童年似一杯淡淡的茶,让你回味;童年似暴风雨后的彩虹,五颜六色,炫丽无比;童年又似那晚霞后的余辉,那么让人怀念。风儿不可能将这温馨的回忆给吹掉,雨儿不可能把这一段段感人的旋律掩没,只有可爱的阳光将它照射,将它保存。回想那一件件儿时不起眼的事儿,事虽然小,但回忆是那样令人感动,因为有了这些回忆才能让自己不断进步,不断追求,不断成长。 童年总叫人回想。回想那五彩缤纷的梦,回想起那呀呀学语的时候,回想起第一次踏上舞台的时候,第一次……那一刻刻,那一个个镜头,霎时间浮现在你的眼前。


儿时是百花齐放的春天,拥有着美好梦想的童年,一晃而过。童年的梦是五颜六色的,像百花齐放般的美好,让人回味,让人流连忘返,那时没有任何忧虑,没有任何烦恼。童年的梦又如在夜空中,那么宽阔,那么宁静,童年的梦又如无数的星星,它们只会眨着眼,不会说话,诚实和从容………无数的星星如无数的梦 ,灌入了小小的脑袋中,从此我思考着无数的问题。











一场演唱会中,在柔和灯光下观众屏息等待,女钢琴家出现了,却衣着朴素。人们就此询问她,她淡淡地说:“人,要隐于音乐背后 。”


晋陶渊明独爱菊,自李唐来,世人盛爱牡丹,而周敦颐却单单对莲情有独钟。菊,花之隐逸者也;牡丹,花之富贵者也;莲,花之君子者也。周敦颐自然知晓时下的风潮,但他却没有趋之若鹜,何由?因为他懂得倾听内心的声音,追求内心的真实想法,抛开世俗设下的虚浮风气,但求灵魂深处的一方净土,但求心安。管世人如何,我周敦颐就爱莲出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。正是由于他的洒脱不羁,它的质朴夙愿,助他找到了生命的平衡点,泰然自得,正是由于他抛去浮华,追求本真,使他增强了精神动力,安乐无忧, 非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。这是佛家的经典禅理,细想来真的很有道理。无论身在何方,处于何种境地,只有内心平静,心无杂念,才能悟出自己究竟在做什么,究竟想要什么。佛门主张“静修”,正是这个道理。我们通常会听到某某和尚与世无争,看破红尘,在普通人眼中这可能不现实。但想来,这些佛门子弟清宁修为,吃斋念佛,使内心的世俗之气得以荡涤,以至心平气和,胸怀宽广,因而与世无争。终年研习世家经法,别无他欲,却深知万物间的联系,因而看破红尘。他们,不近世俗,恍若不食人间烟火,如彗星陨落人间,平平素素,悄然消失。正因如此,他们有胆气抛去浮华。正因如此,他们有心力追求本真。






























尘封不久地那些零散的记忆,像一本岁月的心情日记,静静地躲在一旁观看着,默默地替她的主人,奉献着心灵的那一份祝福。 可是,美好地东西就像彩云一样的易散,就像玻璃一样的易碎,那些曾经的美好,梦断的环绕,沉睡在现实与落定之间,轻拂娇容唇畔地眉角,仍留下那些不肯离去地,曾经地一丝丝笑意。至今,在心底里记忆里,仍留有挥之不去的余香。






高考满分作文拟题五法 一、以话题为题目 (保守拟题法)

①假如记忆可以移植(1999) ②答案是丰富多彩的(2000) ③诚信(2001)


⑤感情亲疏和对事物的认知(2003) ⑥规则(2002北京) ⑦转折(2003北京)) ⑧杂(2003上海) 二、话题扩展改造法 (保险拟题法)

1、以“诚信”为话题 ①诚信背囊不能丢 ②回来吧,诚信 ③没有诚信的日子

2、以“心灵的选择”为话题 ①永恒的心灵选择 ②昭君的心灵选择

3、以“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”为话题 ①感情亲疏决定对事物的认知 ②感情亲疏影响对事物的判断 4、

以“规则”为话题 ①规则颂歌 ②弥勒规则 ③哺育规则

5、以“转折”为话题 ①历史的转折


③经历非典,一次心灵的转折 6、以“杂”为话题 ①杂与精 ②基因杂谈

③非典日子里的杂感 三、修辞拟题法 (新颖拟题法) 1、比喻。

以“诚信”为话题 ——背起诚信的背囊 ——永远的人生彩虹 ——诚信是金

以“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”为话题 ——走出感情的沼泽

——更新我们头脑中的感情“软件” 2、夸张。

以“转折”为话题——那次转折打倒了我 3、反问。以“杂”为话题 为什么这样杂乱无章? 4、设问。

以“诚信”为话题——我从日本邮局取回了什么? 以“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”为话题 --感情亲疏对事物的认知有影响吗?

5、借代。以 关注生活”为话题——倾听自己的心跳 6、呼告。以“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”为话题

——让真理永恒 ——别了,亲情 7、对偶。


——张开双臂,选择博爱 8、双关


——生命'诚'可贵"为题 四、诗词名句借用化用法 (新颖拟题法)

以“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”为话题 --情人眼中出西施 --天若有情天亦错 --为情消得理憔悴 --问世间情为何物


以“感情亲疏和对事物的认知”为话题 --借我一双慧眼吧 --让感情做主 --让真理做主


1、思想,是不过时的美丽 2、微笑是一把神奇的钥匙 3、为感情喝彩 4、将奉献进行到底 5、品味遗憾 6、预习青春 7、遗忘教你洒脱 8、皈依自然

9、不能向生活称臣 10、揣好梦想上路 11、我最重要

12、守候心灵的春天 13、勤俭,从这里开始 14、与往事干杯

15、有一种失败叫成功 16、作别失去

17、让心灵在书中憩息 18、爱,是这样炼成的 19、深爱无痕 20、心灵的储蓄 21、倾听心灵的钟声

22、月若有情月长吟 23、心星点灯 24、与诚信同行


26、生命的出口 27、点一盏心灯

28、人生也是一张答卷 29、期待诚信

30、打开“第三只眼” 31、 一花一世界 32、我是谁?

33、前不见古人,后不见来者 34、横看成岭侧成峰 35、雏凤清于老凤声 36、月是故乡明 37、问渠哪得清如许 38、为有源头活水来 39、勿以善小而不为 40、一笑而过 41、未来的主人翁

42、一千零一个愿望 43、我的未来不是梦 44、让我们荡起双桨 45、请把我的情感留下 46、救救孩子

47、让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧 48、滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 49、有梦才有远方

50、世界有了我们更美丽 51、大爱无声 52、不经意的美丽 53、活着就是为了别人 54、最好的风景 55、人生需要装饰 56、千里共婵娟 57、山外青山楼外楼 58、此时无声胜有声 59、只要你过得比我好 60、无限风光在险峰 61、守住心灵的契约

62、若为人生故 诚信不可抛 63、出色人生的定义 64、望生塔上的歌 65、我思想,我美丽 66、一地梨花 67、得失寸心知

68、搭起通向理解的五彩桥 69、学会放弃

70、近水楼台"贤"得月 71、孔雀东南飞

72、诚以养德 信以修身 73、一句话,一辈子 74、道德,为人的底线 75、明明白白我的心 76、生命的高度

77、"英雄"偏到"无用武之地 78、"英雄"岂可到"无用武之地”

79、祸患常积于忽微 80、良心无价

81、走出呵护 展翅蓝天 82、该出手的不出手 83、亲情永不下岗 84、该出手的不出手 85、摸一摸猴子屁股 86、花儿为什么这样红

87、一千个零比不上一个一 88、呼唤晴朗的天空 89、不要“心太软” 90、小心这把双刃剑 91、擦干泪,不用怕 92、落霞与孤鹜齐飞 93、秋水共长天一色 94、我闻到了阳光的味道 95、精美的石头会唱歌 96、我为人人,人人为我 97、脚比路长

98、假如时光可以倒流 99、一枝红杏出墙来 100、道是无情却有情





在我们的生活中,也要讲信用。比如,一张100元的钞票,也能够看出一个人是否诚实。有些人手里拿到了一张百元的假钞,肯定会转手用掉。那张假钞就会流入市场。然而。有些人不会这样做。他们看到假钞后会马上交给银行,请他们帮助处理掉。朋友,对于假钞,你会怎么样做呢?我相信你一定会像第二种人那样去处理的。 让我们共同来讲诚信,携手创造美好的明天吧!



1、思想,是不过时的美丽 2、微笑是一把神奇的钥匙 3、为感情喝彩 4、将奉献进行到底 5、品味遗憾 6、预习青春 7、遗忘教你洒脱 8、皈依自然

9、不能向生活称臣 10、揣好梦想上路 11、我最重要 12、守候心灵的春天

13、勤俭,从这里开始 14、与往事干杯 15、有一种失败叫成功 16、作别失去 17、让心灵在书中憩息 18、爱,是这样炼成的 19、深爱无痕 20、心灵的储蓄 21、倾听心灵的钟声 22、月若有情月长吟 23、心星点灯 24、与诚信同行 25、带着“诚信”上路 26、生命的出口 27、点一盏心灯 28、人生也是一张答卷 29、期待诚信 30、打开“第三只眼” 31、 一花一世界

32、我是谁? 33、前不见古人,后不见来者 34、横看成岭侧成峰 35、雏凤清于老凤声 36、月是故乡明 37、问渠哪得清如许 38、为有源头活水来

39、勿以善小而不为 40、一笑而过 41、未来的主人翁 42、一千零一个愿望 43、我的未来不是梦 44、让我们荡起双桨 45、请把我的情感留下 46、救救孩子 47、让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧 48、滴滴香浓,意犹未尽 49、有梦才有远方 50、世界有了我们更美丽 51、大爱无声 52、不经意的美丽 53、活着就是为了别人 54、最好的风景 55、人生需要装饰 56、千里共婵娟

57、山外青山楼外楼 58、此时无声胜有声 59、只要你过得比我好 60、无限风光在险峰 61、守住心灵的契约 62、若为人生故 诚信不可抛 63、出色人生的定义 64、望生塔上的歌 65、我思想,我美丽 66、一地梨花 67、得失寸心知 68、搭起通向理解的五彩桥 69、学会放弃 70、近水楼台"贤"得月 71、孔雀东南飞 72、诚以养德 信以修身 73、一句话,一辈子 74、道德,为人的底线 75、明明白白我的心 76、生命的高度 77、"英雄"偏到"无用武之地 78、"英雄"岂可到"无用武之地” 79、祸患常积于忽微 80、良心无价 81、走出呵护 展翅蓝天 82、该出手的不出手 83、亲情永不下岗 84、该出手的不出手 85、摸一摸猴子屁股 86、花儿为什么这样红 87、一千个零比不上一个一 88、呼唤晴朗的天空 89、不要“心太软” 90、小心这把双刃剑 91、擦干泪,不用怕 92、落霞与孤鹜齐飞 93、秋水共长天一色 94、我闻到了阳光的味道 95、精美的石头会唱歌 96、我为人人,人人为我 97、脚比路长 98、假如时光可以倒流 99、一枝红杏出墙来 100、道是无情却有情 炮
