作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 14:34:53 体裁作文



(1) 在用口头下达通知时,发通知者通常要将听通知人的注意力吸引过来,这类表达常见的有:

May I have your attention, please?

Attention please, everyone. I have an announcement to make.

Be quite. There is something important I have to tell you.

I have something (important) to tell you.

I’m glad to tell you something important.

(2) 其他用于口头通知的固定套语(如叫听者不要迟到、欢迎某人参加某活动等): Everyone is asked to be there on time.

Be sure not to be late.

Please be present on time.

Please take your notebooks with you and be sure on time.

Those who are interested in it are warmly welcome.

(3) 口头通知的结束套语主要有:

That’s all. Thank you very much.

(4)口头通知是要告诉大家即将进行的活动,因此要以一般将来时为主。如: On July 22, Saturday, we will visit the following places — a school or a hospital. There will be an English film in our school tonight.

The match will be put off to next week.

Our school / The Student Union will / is going to hold…

A lecture will be given at 7:00 this evening in…



(1) 高二(5)在本周五晚上要开个英语晚会。

(2) 晚饭后6:30在教室集合,晚会7:00开始。

(3) 每个同学都要表演一个节目,内容不限。

(4) 欢迎老师和全班同学参加。

(5) 出通知的时间是2005年3月15日。


An English evening party will be held on Friday Evening. Every one of our class is requested to be in the classroom at 6:30 after supper. The party will begin at 7:00 P.M. Each of the students should perform during the evening party. You may tell a story, sing a song, make a speech or read a poem and so on. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening. Everybody is expected to attend it on time.

Class 5, Grade Two March 15, 2005 通知

NOTICE February 24, 2009

There will be an English lecture on the importance of English learning by Professor White from Beijing University. It will be given in the stadium from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30p.m., on Friday, February 27. All the students are expected to attend it on time. After the lecture,

please go back to your classrooms and have a discussion on the report. Every student is asked to make a plan for learning English well. Students’ Union


We're going to have interesting activities in the school library at 8:00 a.m on November 20, 2011






假设你是李华,你的美国老师Miss Catherine 要求你们明天上午去听一个关于美国音乐的讲座,你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向 Miss Catherine请假。


1. 表示歉意

2. 理由:去机场接人

3. 询问:是否有录音,以便补听讲座。

4. 注意:字数100左右;可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Dear Miss Catherine,

I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American music tomorrow morning. My uncle is returning home from France, and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

I am very much interested in American music. I wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded, and if so, could I borrow the tape? It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and learn what is covered in the talk.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua 高考英语书面表达写作技巧·介绍类文章


Porter. He was born in the west of American in 1867, and died in 1910. As a young man, he worked in a bank and for a newspaper. Unfortunately, he was put in prison for three years in his thirties, though he had done nothing wrong. It was there that he began his writing. After he was set free, he settled in New York City and became a successful writer. He wrote about 300 short stories, some of which have been translated into Chinese. His books are very popular in China.


Australia lies on the west of the Pacific. It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers . It has a small population of over 10 million. Most of them live in the east of the country by the sea. Canberra, the capital of Australia, is a beautiful city. Sydney is one of the biggest cities in Australia. It has many places of interest. The Opera House is famous throughout the world. 高考英语书面表达写作技巧·致辞



Dear Miss Jane, boys and girls,

Today we gather here to have a send-off meeting. Our English teacher Miss Jane is going to return to her own country tomorrow — America. On behalf of all my schoolmates here I express our hearty thanks to her. In the past one year Miss Jane has taught us spoken English. We enjoyed her lessons very much because her method of teaching was quite different from other teachers’. The lessons she gave us were both lively and interesting.

Every one knows that she is kind and patient,but she is strict with us at times. With her help, we have made rapid progress in English. All of us did well in English examination. Now she is going to leave our school, we thank her very much for her wonderful work and hope that she wi11 be able to be back again.

We wish her a pleasant journey.

Thank you! 高考英语书面表达·招聘启事


1. 家教老师(英语)必须是一位男性,年龄在30岁左右;

2. 必须具有教师经历,且有耐心和信心;

3. 工作时间是每周星期六、日,每天8小时,待遇丰厚;

4. 联系电话是8101688。


Help Wanted

I want an English teacher aged about 30 to teach my son at home. If you are or used to be a teacher as well as have patience and confi(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:英语作文留言格式)dence, you are my best choice.

You should work at my home from Saturday to Sunday, 8 hours per day. Of course, you may stay up for the night, if you like. In spite of this, you are sure to get good wages.

What do you think of it? You are welcome to call 8101688 at any time except at night.


Help Wanted

Do you want to be a teacher who teaches at home? Do you have patience and confidence? I need such an English teacher to teach my son at home. If you are at the age of about 30 as well as used to be a teacher, there is nothing better than this.

However, you need to work 8 hours a day from Saturday to Sunday. You are welcome to stay up for the night. Your wages is surely going to be good, too.

You may call 8101688 if you have any interest. May we have a good cooperation! 英语书面表达·要点式

请你以Tourism为题,给中国旅游报写一篇文章。文章主要内容如下: 1. 旅游在我国已成为一种行业;

2. 旅游可以促进经济发展,第三产业应运而生,就业门路增多,当地的土特产品被开发利用,交通运输、娱乐业也得到了改善和发展;

3. 旅游还能促进文化交流。



Tourism is becoming a booming industry in our country. It promotes the development of economy as well as the development of hotels and shopping facilities, and jobs are created for local people, too.

Still, the arrival of visitors pushes the businesses in transportation and things of local color. Local people then benefit from these improvements. Meanwhile, the amusement parks, zoos and other scenes will gradually be developed to attract more and more tourists.

What’s more, tourism is favourable for the exchange of culture and science between people from different countries.



Nowadays, tourism has become a new industry in our country. It speeds the development of economy, transportation, and services. A lot of jobs are raised as well. Many a thing of local color, unknown in the past, has been developed to meet the demand of people from different countries. In order to attract more and more tourists, local people will build plenty of amusement parks, zoos and scenes. They will benefit more from these facilities.

The more the visitors come, the more the exchange of culture and science promotes.


? 高中英语作文

? 假设你叫李华,Peter是你的同窗好友,请根据下列要点,用英文给Peter写一篇毕业留言。





? Peter,

It’s time to say goodbye. It’s time to recall those beautiful

days we spend together. You are the very person who gives me

a hand when necessary. You are the most considerate person

who knows exactly what I need.

Still remember that night two years ago? When I suddenly fell

ill, it was you who carried me on your back to a nearby

hospital. You took good care of me while I was having an

injection. Later, you managed to help me with my lessons.

Without your help, I would have failed in the examination.

I still have hundreds of stories to share with you. I still have

thousands of blessings for you. May our friendship last till the end of the universe.!


Li Hua




1.备忘录(memo)2.邀请函(invitation) 3.求职信(a job application letter)

4.感谢信 5.通知(notice) 6.请假条(a leave of absence) 7. E-mail


Date:(时间)November 10,2009

TO:(收文人)Kelly Anderson, Personnel Manager

From:(发文人)J.Hign, assistant to the Customer Service Director

Subject: Reasons of decreasing sales




You must organize an annual academic conference which will be held on December 15.Write an invitation to Dr. William.

Dear Dr. William,


I am writing to invent you sincerely to attend the……


If you can come, pls let me know. I am looking forward to …..



求职信(a job application letter):


写信日期(October 10,2009 )

Dear Mr. Peter,


Yours sincerely,





发文单位(English Department) 有的话写,看题目。



Dear Sir or Madam:


结束语(感谢对方)Thank you for your ……..









Dear Sir or Madam,


结束语:I am looking forward to your kind answer.


1、I’d like ...to come to dinner


2、Thank you for inviting us to dinner


3、I hope you are not too busy to come.


4、The reception will be held in ...,on Dec.12th..


5、We are looking forward to ...


6We have decided to have a party in honor of。。。 为此我们决定举办一次晚会来纪念。。。。


1、Thank you very much for ....


2、Many thanks for your ...


3、Please accept my sincere appreciation for ...


4I am truly grateful to you for ...


5Thank you again for your hospitable reception and I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 再次感谢您的盛情款待,并期待不久见到您。

6、Many thanks for you generous cooperation





①I have the pleasure (honor) to inform (tell) you that..

2. I must apologize for my delay in answering your letter.

3. I was really surprised to receive your letter yesterday.

4. It was nice to hear from you again.

5. I was sorry to hear that...

6. Thank you for telling me about...


① Hope to hear from you soon /as early as possible.

② Thanks again for writing about...

③ Please give my love/wishes/regards to...

I’m looking forward to your early reply.

I hope you and your family are very well.


开头用语It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time.

Congratulations on your promotion/graduation/success/progress/achievements.

I am delighted to hear that...

结束用语① I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world.

Wish you the best luck and very happiness.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!

I would like to express my best wishes and warmest congratulations to you.


开头用语 ① Will you do us the favor of joining our party?

② May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture?

③ I am writing this letter to invite you to attend..

It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition.

结束用语We hope you can come and look forward to seeing you later.

If you can come, pls let me know. We are …..

1. 申请信

开头用语1)I hope to go to Stanford University next year, and get my Ph.D. in 2006.

2) I wish to become a graduate student in the Department of Economics at your university.

3) I have read the announcement of the scholarship in ... that your university is offering, and I would like to submit my application.

结束用语I shall bring the full details of my testimonials(推荐书) as you request.

Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.I lood forward to speaking with you.

I would wel-come the opportunity for a personal intervies with you at your convenience.

6.致谢信 开头用语 ① Thank you so much for...

② I am most grateful to you for...

Please accept my profound appreciation for...

I warmly appreciate your hospitality.

I don’t know how to thank you for your kindness to me.

结束用语 ① Many thanks to you for your...again.

②It was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and I appreciate it more than I can say.


开头用语 I am sorry for not answering promptly.

I am sorry to have put you so much trouble.

I must apologize for my delay in answering your kind letter.

结束用语 ① I sincerely hope the postponement of our meeting did not bring you much inconvenience.

② I sincerely hope you could understand me and accept my apology.


1. 本题按综合方式评分,从格式、表达和语言三方面衡量,只给一个分数,即给印象分(global/impression marking)。

2. 评分时应以考生应得(rewarding)分数评定,不要以扣分(penalty)方式评定。

3. 分数可分5个等级,即:






4. 如果试卷的得分可高于或低于某一等级分,则应加1分或减1分。

5. 如果不按提示写作文或语言表达完全无法理解,应给0分。

6. 格式当否,扣0-3分。7. 评分应力求准确,防止趋中倾向。








信头即写信人的地址和写信的日期。写信人的地址一般写在信纸的右上角,可以从靠近信纸的中央写起。应先写发信人的地址,后写写信的日期。要注意,英语中地址的写法与汉语不同,应按由小到大的顺序写;日期的顺序是月、日、年或日、月、年。在年份之前有一个逗号。如:September 12, 2003或12 September, 2003.(给亲友写信时,发信人的地址可省去,仅写日期。)




称呼指对收信人的称呼,写在信内地址之下,相距一、二行,从信纸左边开始,不空格(信内地址省去时,可与信纸右上端的日期相距一、二行)。给熟悉的人写信一般用Dear+姓名,或Dear Miss/Mrs/Mr + 姓。例如: Dear Wang Ping, Dear sir, Dear Miss Black, 等.




结束语指正文下面的结尾客套语。位置应低于正文一、二行。一般从信纸的中间稍右写起,第一个字母大写,末尾用逗号。在非正式的社交信中常用Yours sincerely, Yours, Sincerely yours等。




Class 4, Grade 1

Chinese Department,

Beijing University

September 6, 2003

Dear father and mother,

How are you? It is about three months since I left home and came to Beijing University. I miss you very much.

I have worked hard on my lessons since I came here. I’m doing best in them in my class. My classmates and I love each other, learn from each other and help each other. We are getting on very well with each other. Our teachers love us. They take good care of us.

Our university is very large. It is also very beautiful.

I love our university. I love our teachers. I love my classmates. I’m all right here. Don’t worry about me.

My best love to you!


Xiao Hua








例1 李明是北京八中初三的一名学生,他的笔友 Tom Brown来信说他很快就要到中国来,并询问李明家的电话号码。假如你是李明,请写一个信封和一封回信给Tom Brown,告知你的电话号码是010-6091211,让他一到中国就给你打电话,你晚上多半都在家。并问他是否需要你帮忙做什么事。Tom Brown的地址是276 Lynch Street, Ny10343New York,。你的地址是中国北京八中,邮编是100021。




No. 8 Middle School Beijing

Jan. 15, 2003 276 Lynch Street


New York,USA



1.网上交友 2.俗语写作 3.记叙文4.面对失败的态度 5.漫画写作6.留言条、邀请函 7.魔术 8. 食品安全9.环境保护(地震、核泄漏)10.中东非洲动荡






Dear David,

I've learned it from the Inter net that you want to make a Chinesefriend so as to learn the Chinese language and culture. I'm glad that you showsuch great interest in China and I would like to be your friend.

I will try my best to write to you as oftenas possible to introduce you the Chinese culture. When you have an opportunityto come to China, I'll teach you how to speak Chinese and show you around somefamous historical places of interest. Anyway, I am going to help you as much asI can. How do you think?

I'm looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua





The early bird will catch worms

An old saying "The early bird will catch worms" reminds usthat if people want to be successful and outstanding, they must plan ahead oftime and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties.

For example, the Chinese athletes' excellent performance in 2010Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver is definitely the result of their earlyplanning and hard training. If they don' t set the aim and word work, eventhough they have the best talents, they can't compete with others and get moremedals.

Another case in point is my learning experience. I was good atEnglish, but I couldn't pass the exam, for I wasn't prepared well before theexamination. I had many things to solve at that time. As I met the complexthings, I was at a loss. The reason was that I had no plan and involved in manythings and didn't study more hard, so I failed.

In short, the saying shows us the important of planning, workinghard and constantly trying.









Dear Li Ming,


Li Hua




Dear Li Ming,

This Sunday we'll go to the nursing home and do some voluntarylabor. You were out, when I dropped in on you. Therefore, I had to leave amessage to you. According to what monitor said, we'll meet at the gate of ourschool at 9:30 tomorrow morning and start out together by bike. So you shouldtake your bike and don't forget to take some washing powder, barber tools andweeding tools so that we can help them with washing clothes, cutting their hairand get rid of some weed in the garden. At last, you should remember to takesome food for lunch because we'll stay there for chatting with them at noon. Ifyou come back, you'll phone me at once.

Li Hua





High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As asenior 3 student, it won't take long before






High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As asenior three student, it won't take long before I graduate. Now, I have much toshare with my fellow students.

Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing byme all the way, teachers, parents and friends included. Without their help andadvice, my life would be different. Secondly, it's high time to say sorry toclassmates whom I hurt or misunderstood. Communication and smiles act asbridges to friendship. Above all, I've made up my mind to make every effort tostudy, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old sayinggoes, "no pains, no gains."

Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use oftime, because time and tide wait for no men.





(3)时间:星期六晚六点; (4)地点:阳关俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间; (5)路线:在你所住并馆门口乘坐332路公共汽车可直达。 注意:



(3)参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party

Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all theexams.________________________________ Yours faithfully,

Li Hua




Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all theexams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years ofstudying in China. All you have gained is the result of your hard work. We areproud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English We'll alwaysremember the wonderful time we spent together.

It's pity that you have to go back soon! So a farewell party for youwill be held i n Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you comeby 6:00 p.m.? We'll

have dinner together. By the way,you may takeBus No. 332 in front of your hotel and i t will take you directly to the club.

I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead!

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


A组的意见 B组的意见

1. 应发展核电站。 1. 应该限制核电站的发展。

2. 给人们带来更多电能,缓解用电压力。 2. 会造成包括空气污染在内的各种污染。.

3. 创造就业机会. 3. 应该发展例如太阳能等类型的环保电站。

注意: 1. 100字左右; 2.不得逐字翻译。核电站nuclear power station 太阳能solar energy

Last week, we had a debate about whether weshould develop nuclear power stations. Opinions are divided.

During the debate, Some students said weshould develop nuclear power stations, since it would bring much electricity topeople, and reduce the pressure of using electricity in the world. Meanwhile,it can create more jobs.

However, the others thought the governmentshould limit the number of nuclear power stations, since they will cause allkinds of pollution, air pollution included. They thought solar energy powerstations, which are environmentally friendly, should be developed.

In my opinion, we should ??



二. 信函格式及常用便条写作

1. 书信的分类:



2. 英语信函的组成部分

1. 信端(Heading),即信头。即寄信人的地址和日期,写在信笺的右上角。 2. 信内地址(1nsideAddress),即收信人的姓名和地址,写在左上角,比右上角


3. 称呼(Salutation),即对收信人的敬称或称谓,其位置在信内地址的下两行处,


4. 正文(Body),即信函的内容。

5. 结束语(Complimentary Close),即写信人表示自己对收信人的一种谦称。 6. 签名(Signature),即写信人的姓名。 7. 附件(Enclosure),缩写成Encl。

8. 再启或又及(Postscript),缩写成P.S·,用于补叙信的正文中遗漏的话。



(1)信端(Heading) Physics Department Zhejiang University Hangzhou,China Sept.20,1980

(2)信内地址(Inside Address) Chairman

Department of Physics and Astronomy Northwestern University Evanston,Illinois U. S. A. (3)称呼(Salutation) Dear Chairman, (4)正文(Body)

I am at present applying for admission and financial aid to your Department of Physics and Astronomy.I am now a student in the Physics Department of Zhejang University,Hangzhou,China.I expect to graduate at the end of this academic year with a specialty in low—temperature physics.

(5)结束语(Complimentary Close)


(7)附件(Enclosure) (8)又及(Postscript)

P.S.Please send all material by mail.

常用的结束语 (complimentary close) Yours sincerely; Yours respectfully; Yours truly;

Yours affectionately; Yours;

Yours ever; Love;

Lovingly yours; With love;

3. 信封的写法 (The layout of envelope)

要点(Key points):

1. 收信人(addressee)的信息:

Put the name and the address of the addressee in the middle of the envelope. 2. 寄信人 (sender)的信息:

Put the name and address of the sender on the top left-hand corner.

并列式(Block form)和斜列式(Indented form):

The name and the address can be laid out in block form or in indented form. In block form, the first word of each line forms a beeline on the left and no punctuations are used. In indented form, the lines after the first line should be indented by two letters against the line directly above it; punctuations can be used or omitted as well.


Or: indented form
