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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 08:30:51 小学作文

篇一:双语笑话:Beef Sandwich牛肉三明治

Beef Sandwich


A man went into a deli shop and took a seat at the lunch counter.


"Give me corned beef sandwich,"he ordered.


"Corned beef sandwich is not on the menu,but I can give you a sandwich with corned beef in it ,like our midnight Special."

"菜单上没有腌牛肉三 明治,但是我可以给你一个里面有腌牛肉的三明治,像是我们的午夜特餐。”

"What's a Midnight Special?"


"A triple decker with corned beef,tongue,bologna,tomato,lettuce,onion,pockle and mayonnaise,on toasted raisin bread."

“有三层,里面是腌牛肉、牛舌、熏香肠、蕃茄、莴苣、 洋葱、腌泡菜,还有美乃滋的三层烤葡萄干面包。…

"Could you just place a piece of corned beef between two slices of white bread and serve it to me on a plate?"

"你可不可以在两片白面包中间只放一片腌牛肉,装在一个盘子上端给我吃?” "Why,sure!"Then,turning to the sandwich man ,


he sang out:"One Midnighet Special.Make it one deck,hold the tongue,bolgna,tomato,lettuce,onion,pickle and mayonnaise,and make the raisin bread white,untoasted!"







带孩子真的件不容易的事情,不说别的,就说给儿子准备早餐就够伤脑筋的,要有营养合口味还不能重复了,够考验的吧?有营养合口味还不能重复了,够考验的吧?今天就给准备的是西式早餐,相对于中餐来说,我觉得西式早餐还是蛮简单的,现成的面包加工一下就好啦! 主料:

(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:做牛肉三明治英语作文)

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番茄沙司 黑胡椒 湿淀粉 盐 料酒 泰式甜辣酱























1.上周六妈妈做了一分牛肉三明治(beef sandwich), 你觉得特别好吃。请你根据下面的信息提示,简要地向大家介绍一下牛肉三明治的制作过程。

Ingredients: 2块面包,1勺黄油 , 1个洋葱,1个西红柿,一些生菜,4片牛肉,2勺调味品(relish) 答案:

Last Saturday, my mother made a beef sandwich for me. It was very delicious. Now let me tell yu how to make a beef sandwich.

First , put a spoon of butter on a piece of bread. After that , cut up an onion and a tomato, and add them to the bread. Next , put some lettuce and four pieces of beef on the bread. Then put two spoons of relish on the beef. Finally , put another piece of bread on the top.

2.根据以下内容,以“My life in fifteen years”为题写一篇短文。介绍15年后的你。

外貌:高,短发 工作:老师

地方:北京大学 爱好:阅读、游泳 家庭:.....


In 15 years, I will be much taller than now, but I still have short straight hair. I will be a teacher in Beijing University. I think it will be a good job to work with students . I can also read more books in the university library. I like swimming . I will have a swimming pool in my home. I will have a lovely and clever child like me. I believe I will have a happy life in fifteen years.

3.请以What are you going to be when you grow up?为题写作文。包括要点:

1)你将来理想的职业 2) 你想从事这种职业的原因 3)怎样才能实现你的理想


My dream job is to be a teacher when I grow up. Because I think it is the greatest job in the world. I’m going to be strict with them in class. After class, I’m going to give my studentst little homework and make friends with them. What’s more, I’m going to help them when they are in trouble. How am I going to do that? First , I must work hard.. Second, I must read more books to open up my mind, Third , I should learn from my teachers and know how to teach my students well. I hope I can become a good teacher and be popular with students in the future. I thnk my dream will come true!


There are many programs on TV. I like talent shows, because the are interesting and exciting. I like news , too. It can tell me what is happening around the world. But I can’t stand soap operas. They are boring and the things in it aren’t real at all. As for the sports shows , I don’t mind them. My favorite programs are talk shows. I can learn something useful from them. They are educational.


1,Pick your favorite type of bread. White, wheat, wholegrain,or rye. It can also be a roll, or pita bread. You need 2 whole slices of bread to make a full sandwich and you can use one slice to make half a sandwich. You can also toast your bread.


2,Choose a spread that will make the bread stick together. Margarine, butter, mayonnaise or avocado are always good choices. Combine the spreads for a different and delicious taste. 第二步,使两片面包片粘在一起,可以使用人造黄油,奶油,蛋黄酱或者牛油果,混合这些奶酱可以使三明治味道更加鲜美,

3,Decide on the filling. Jam, peanut butter, ham, cheese, various other meats, lettuce, tomato, pickles, bacon bits, onions, turkey, beef, chicken, -- you've got a lot of choices. What you put on a sandwich is really up to your imagination and preferences. Just remember to put together things you enjoy eating because you have to eat it.


4,When you have finished putting together the foods you like to eat, slice the sandwich for easier handling.


5,Add a cup of soup, pickle, fruit juice, milk or a drink of your choice to go with it for a complete and healthy meal. Keep in mind that sandwiches can be served at any time but are best during lunch. 第五步,准备好汤,泡菜,果汁,牛奶或者你喜欢的饮料,这样一顿健康的餐饮就准备好了,不过三明治最好中午吃好。

6,Put the bread back on top.



Buns 圆形小面包

Meat 肉

Cheese 奶酪

Mayo 蛋黄酱

Lettuce 生菜

Tomato 番茄

Salt & pepper 盐&胡椒

1- Choose the bread. 选择面包 Sliced breads are the norm in most Western grocery stores and these are what is used to make most "standard" sandwiches, like peanut butter and jelly. 切片面包是西方大多数杂货店的常规商品而且被用做最常规的三明治,就像花生酱和果冻一样。 Loaf breads are basically sliced breads that haven't been cut yet, but get used in much the same way. This bread is usually fresher and cut thicker than normal sliced bread.


? Buns are small round or oval loaves that get cut in half to make the

sandwich. This is common with hamburgers or Brioche sandwiches, but you can also use things like pretzel buns.

? 圆形小面包是小的圆形或椭圆形的,切成两半来做三明治。这在汉堡和奶油蛋卷三明治中非常常见,但你也可以用椒盐卷饼面包。

? Raised flat breads include breads like focaccia bread or panini. These

have a similar texture to pizza dough or true flat breads but are thicker, which means they can be sliced to create a true sandwich. ? 厚扁平面包包括意式香草橄榄油面包和意大利热三明治。他们和披萨面团


? Flat breads include things like pita bread, naan, and tortillas. These do

not make a true sandwich but instead make wraps or are cut in half and stuffed between the natural bread layers.

? 扁平面包包括皮塔面包、烤饼和玉米粉圆饼。这些不能做真正的三明治,


2-Choose your condiments. 选择调味品。

Condiments are meant to make the bread more moist. They aren't required, but they can really add to the flavor and texture of the food. When placed on the bread, the condiment should be spread as close to the edge of the bread as possible, making sure the bread is fully covered. Some condiments include: 调味品是为了使面包更加湿润。它们不是必须的,但它们可以增加食物的口感。当被放在面包上时,调味品撒的越靠近面包的边儿越好,而且要撒匀。调味品包括:



? Butter 黄油 Mayo 蛋黄酱 Mustard 芥末酱



? Ketchup 番茄酱 Pesto 蒜香酱 Barbecue Sauce 烧烤酱 Hollandaise 酸辣酱

3-Choose your fillings. 选择填充物

Different sandwiches will include different things between the bread layers. This is where you can really get creative! Usually what's inside the sandwich determines which meal it's "appropriate" for, but don't let this stop you: if you want a bacon-and-egg sandwich for dinner, go for it! Fillings come in a few categories:

不同的三明治会在面包层之间包含不同的填充物。这是就是要发挥创造力的时候了!通常,三明治里面的东西决定了它们适合哪一餐。但是,不要让这些阻拦你:如果你想晚餐吃培根鸡蛋三明治,那就吃吧。填充物分以下几个种类: ? Meats like deli meat, sausage patties, loose meat (usually ground and

in a sauce), or chicken breast.

? 肉类比如熟食肉类、香肠肉饼、肉松(通常是磨碎的而且拌了酱)、或者


? Vegetables like salad leaves, stir-fry vegetables, sliced tomatoes, sliced

onions, etc.

? 蔬菜比如沙拉蔬菜、炒蔬菜 、番茄片、洋葱圈等。

Cheese, which is generally always sliced for ease of use, though some

cheese may be crumbled (like blue cheese). Good sandwich cheeses include swiss, muenster, brie, gouda, pepperjack, or cheddar. ? 奶酪,为了使用方便,奶酪通常是成片的。有的奶酪也可能是碎的(比如


? Other items like egg salad, fried eggs, chili, peanut butter, jelly, marmite,

and nutella.

? 其他元素比如鸡蛋色拉、煎鸡蛋、红辣椒、花生酱、果冻、酵母调味品、


4-Make breakfast sandwiches. 做早餐三明治

Breakfast sandwiches are usually served hot, but don't feel like you can't eat them cold! Some breakfast sandwiches you can make include:








? Fried egg and ham sandwich with butter 带黄油的煎蛋火腿三明治 Sausage and egg sandwich with hollandaise 带酸辣酱的香肠鸡蛋三明治 Bacon and cheese sandwich with mayo 带蛋黄酱的培根奶酪三明治 Tomato and cheese sandwich with pesto

? 带蒜香酱的番茄奶酪三明治

5-Make lunch and dinner sandwiches. 做午餐晚餐三明治 Lunch sandwiches are usually cold, while dinner sandwiches are usually hot, but you don't need to follow those rules! These include sandwiches like:

午餐三明治通常是冷的,晚餐三明治通常是热的,但你不需要一定这样做。这些三明治包括了: ?


? BLT, which is bacon, lettuce, and tomato with mayo 培根生菜番茄三明治:培根、生菜、番茄加蛋黄酱。 Reuben, which is sauerkraut, mustard or Russian dressing, corned beef,

and swiss cheese


? 鲁本三明治:酸菜、芥末酱或者俄式调味酱、咸牛肉和瑞士奶酪。 Sloppy Joe, which is ground beef mixed with tomato paste and



? 碎牛肉三明治:碎牛肉、番茄酱和佐料。 Italian sandwich, which is salami and similar meats, with mayo, lettuce

and tomato


? 意大利三明治:意大利腊肠或者类似的肉类加蛋黄酱、生菜、番茄 Meatball sub which is meatballs and red sauce, covered in Parmesan


? 肉丸包:肉丸、红酱、包在帕尔玛奶酪里。
