作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 13:22:59 体裁作文



一. 补全单词(30分)

1.pe___铅笔 2.rul___尺子 3.eras___橡皮 4.boo___书 5.ba___ 书包

6.no____ 鼻子 7.e___ 眼睛 8.ea____耳朵 9.ar____ 胳膊 10.ha____手

11.le___腿 12.bo____身体 13.re___红色 14.yell___黄色 15.bl____蓝色16.whi___

白色 17.bla___黑色 18.pi___粉红 19.d____狗 20.pan_____熊猫 21.bi___

22.bre____面包 23.chic___鸡肉 24.mi___牛奶 25.wat___水 26.te___茶

27.coff____咖啡 28.eig____八 29.bo___船 30.pla___飞机


()1.A.pen B.cake C.hamburger ( )2.A.purple B.pencil C.yellow

( )3.A.head B.body C.book ( )4.A.red B.blue C.eye

( )5.A.crayon B.ear C.sharpener ( )6.A.finger B.foot C.pink

( )7.A.squirrel B.great C.rabbit ( )8.A.monkey B.coffeeC.water

( )9.A.plane B.eight C.six ( )10.A.ballon B.juice C.coke


()1.—_____ . —fine,thanks.

A.what’s your name? B.how are you? C.let’s go to school

( ) 2.—May I have a look?—_____

A.thank you B.sure ,here you are C.i like it

( ) 3.—oh,it’s lovely!—_____

A.yes B.thank you C.sure D.wow!

( ) 4.—____ do you like? —I like hot dogs.

A.what B.who C.how

( ) 5.let’s____a picnic today.

A.has B.have C.had

( ) 6.Can I have some chicken? —___

A.Really B.sure C.Great

( ) 7.—Have some milk. —____

A.thank you B.Bye C.See you

( ) 8.—What do you like?—____

A.i like coffee B.thank you C.you’re welcome

( ) 9.Can I have _____ French fries?

A.many B.some C.a

( ) 10. Where is your nose? ______

A.here it is B.here you are C.here is it

( ) 11. The fork is___ the left

A.am B.in C.on

( ) 12.Happy birthday ___ you.

A.to B.with C.for

( ) 13.How____ are you ? —I’m eight

A.any B.old C.many

( ) 14.I have gifts ____ you .

A.to B.for C.with

( )15.______gifts? —5.

A.what B.how many C.how old

四. 情景选择。(20分)

( )1. 朋友问你多大时,你应说:

A.I’m Chen Jie B.i’m eight

( ) 2.告诉别人你喜欢黄色,应说:

A.i like yellow B.Colour it yellow C.Show me the yellow pen

( ) 3.当你正在找橡皮时,应说:

A.Where is my eraser? B.Where is my pen? C.Where is my ruler?

( ) 4.当你向别人介绍自己时,你不应该说:

A.This is…… B.i am…… C.My name is……

( ) 5.当你想知道对方的姓名时,应说:

A.I’m Wu Yifan B.How are you? C.What’s your name? ( )6.你想知道别人的年龄时,应问:

A.How old are you? B.What’s your name?

( ) 7.给朋友祝贺生日是,你应说:

A.Happy Halloween! B.Happy birth to you!

( ) 8.同学问你有多少个玩具时,他应问:

A.How many gifts? B.How much dolls?

( ) 9. 在教师节的早晨见到老师时,你应说:

A.Goodbye B.Good afternoon C.Happy Teachers’Day

( ) 10.你请客人喝果汁时,你应说:

A.May I have some juice B.Have some juice ,please


1. I’m from China A.sure,here you are

2.Can I have some chicken? B.it is funny

3.Look at the monkey C.very well,thanks.

4.How are you ? D.ok!

5.let’s gjo to school E.your lucky number is 6

篇二:Happy Birthday to China

Happy Birthday to China

This year is our country's 60-year-old's birthday.In order to the motherland birthday, held a grand parade in October this year in Tiananmen Square. That morning, I watched the parade on television, those weapons are really advanced, really cool! Then, I saw a lot of planes and helicopters flying over my home is really great! The parade is very exciting for chinese.

China has suffered bullying, but now that China has already powerful enough. China is a country never yield. All the Chinese people love China. I also love China, I want to say that Happy birthday to you!

篇三:2012高考英语 考前30天之备战 专题二 完形填空 第二节完形填空梯度进阶训练学案(1)

第二节完形填空梯度进阶训练 原创(1)


体裁:记叙文限时: 10分钟词汇量: 222难度:较易

If you know me well, you know I don't like birthday parties. 1, I don't like birthday parties given for me. I 2 them when they're for other people, but when they're for me, I 3 don't like them. I 4 one birthday party some friends of mine had 5 me when I was a student at the university. 6, I had told my best friend Henry that I didn't want a 7 and I made him promise he wouldn't do anything. He 8. I should have known 9 to believe him.

On the day of my birthday, we got home from 10 at about, oh, I don't know, three or half past three. We went inside and as 11 I went into the bathroom and started to close the door 12 suddenly from behind the shower 13, a kind of strange female 14 started singing, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.”

And then from all over the room, people 15. There were about fifteen people16 everywhere in the room.

They had got my roommate's 17 and got in earlier. They had all 18 to come out of the hiding place just at the same time while 19. I guess I really 20 their plans by going in just to wash my hands.

()1. A. At last B. At first C. At least D.At most

()2. A. enjoy B. dislike C. hateD.reject

()3. A. only B. just C. veryD.almost

()4. A. remindedB. regretted C. remembered D.forgot

()5. A. forB. to C. withD.on

()6. A. However B. To make matters worse C. Of course D.Therefore ()7. A. birthdayB. present C. cakeD.party

()8. A. refused B. agreedC. disagreedD.hesitated

()9. A. more than B. earlier thanC. rather than D.better than

()10. A. university B. schoolC. workD.game

()11. A. common B. ordinary C. usual D.normal

()12. A. while B. that C. whenD.before

()13. A. curtainB. windowC. water D.door

()14. A. voice B. sound C. noise D.people

()15. A. joined B. joined in C. took part in D.attended

()16. A. hiding B. sitting C. jumping D.standing

()17. A. agreement B. call C. key D.address

()18. A. tried B. intended C. managed D.planned

()19. A. laughing B. dancing C. singing D.crying

()20. A. upset B. ruinedC. accepted D.appreciated




1. C这是一种让步的说法。意思是说,作者对生日晚会不感兴趣,至少(at least)是不喜欢为自己举行的生日晚会。

2. A作者进一步强调自己对别人的生日晚会还是欣赏的。

3. Bjust是“就”的意思,加强语气,符合语境,而其他词意思都不恰当。

4. C下文是回忆朋友为自己过生日的一次经历,所以选C。

5. Afor在此处是“为了”的意思,符合语境。

6. C作者强调自己当时确实告诉过最好的朋友Henry不想要生日派对。

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:happy,birth,to,you)

7. D根据上下文可知,作者不喜欢party。

8. B朋友当时答应自己不搞party的。

9. D朋友违背了诺言,所以作者后悔不该相信他。know sth. better意为“更好地了解”。

10. Bfrom school意为“放学”,符合语境。

11. Cas usual是固定短语,意为“像平常一样”(走进浴室……)。

12. Cwhen有“就在这时”的意思,表示一种意外的情况,符合语境。

13. A该句意思是说,有人(知道作者的习惯)躲在浴帘(curtain)后想给作者意外惊喜。

14. A指人说话、唱歌的声音要用voice。

15. BA、C、D都是及物动词,而且它们的意思用在此处也不妥。

16. A为了给作者惊喜,朋友们都躲(hide)了起来。

17. C朋友们要想进宿舍当然得有钥匙,但是不可能跟作者要,所以只能是从作者的室友那儿得来。

18. D这是朋友们瞒着作者搞的一场计划,所以选D最符合语境。

19. C根据上文可知,朋友们是唱着歌从躲藏的地方出来的。

20. Aupset有“扰乱,打乱”的意思,符合语境,而ruin用得太严重了,还不至于,C、D则明显不对。

Where there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。




( )1.A.pen B.cake C.hamburger ( )2.A.purple B.pencil C.yellow

( )3.A.head B.body C.book ( )4.A.red B.blue C.eye

( )5.A.crayon B.ear C.sharpener ( )6.A.finger B.foot C.pink

( )7.A.squirrel B.great C.rabbit ( )8.A.monkey B.coffee C.water

( )9.A.plane B.eight C.six ( )10.A.ballon B.juice C.coke


( )1.—_____ . —Fine, thanks.

A. What’s your name? B. How are you? C. Let’s go to school

( ) 2.—May I have a look?—_____

A. Thank you B. Sure ,here you are C.I like it

( ) 3.—Oh, it’s lovely!—_____

A. Yes B. Thank you C. Sure D.wow!

( ) 6.Can I have some chicken? —___

A. Really B. Sure C. Great

( ) 7.—Have some milk. —____

A. Thank you B. Bye C. See you

( ) 8.—What do you like?—____

A. I like coffee B. Thank you C. You’re welcome

( ) 9.Can I have _____ French fries?

A. many B. some C. a

( ) 10. Where is your nose? ______

A. Here it is B. Here you are C. Here is it

( ) 11. The fork is___ the left

A. am B. in C. on

( ) 12.Happy birthday ___ you.

A. to B. with C. for

( ) 13.How____ are you ? —I’m eight

A. any B. old C. many

( ) 14.I have gifts ____ you .

A. to B. for C. with

( ) 15.______gifts? —5.

A. What B. How many C. How old

三. 情景选择。

( )1. 朋友问你多大时,你应说:

A.I’m Chen Jie B. I’m eight

( ) 2.告诉别人你喜欢黄色,应说:

A.I like yellow B. Colour it yellow C. Show me the yellow pen

( ) 3.当你正在找橡皮时,应说:

A.Where is my eraser? B. Where is my pen? C. Where is my ruler?

( ) 4.当你向别人介绍自己时,你不应该说:

A. This is…… B. I am…… C. My name is……

( ) 5.当你想知道对方的姓名时,应说:

A.I’m Wu Yi fan B. How are you? C. What’s your name? ( )6.你想知道别人的年龄时,应问:

A. How old are you? B. What’s your name?

( ) 7.给朋友祝贺生日是,你应说:

A.Happy Halloween! B. Happy birth to you!

( ) 8.同学问你有多少个玩具时,他应问:

A.How many gifts? B. How much dolls?

( ) 9. 在教师节的早晨见到老师时,你应说:

A.Goodbye B. Good afternoon C. Happy Teachers’ Day

( ) 10.你请客人喝果汁时,你应说:

A.May I have some juice B. Have some juice, please


1. I’m from China A. Sure, here you are

2. Can I have some chicken? B. It is funny

3. Look at the monkey C. Very well, thanks.

4. How are you? D. Ok!

5. Let’s go to school E. Your lucky number is 6






1、将每个Module的主题去掉。 2、每个Unit都新增了Part1部分,并将原来的Part1部分作为Part2部分。 3、去掉原来的Module1,原来的Module2改为Module1,原来的Module3


4、原来课本中的练习部分Part2一般都是Listen and say等机械操练形式,


5、教材改动之后,教材容量增加,操练部分有具体情景与课文紧密结合 二、细节(每个Module)


将原来的Module2改为现在的Module1,Unit1增加Part1部分,Part2部分情节与原课文基本相同,具体变动有:”This dog is lost”改为”Here’s a dog. It’s lost.”; ” I live in No.2 West Lake Road.” 改为“I live at No.2 Park Street.” 新增句子“And it’s beside the cinema.”



将原来的Module3改为现在的Module2,Unit1改为“She’s reading a book.”并增加Part1部分,Part2部分情节与原课文基本相同,具体变动有:”She’s writing a letter”改为”She’s reading a book.” “She’s talking to her friend”改为“She’s watching TV.” 并且所描述人物名字有所变化。

Unit2新增Part1部分。Part2”he’s reading a book”改为”he’s reading a book about China.”。


Module 3 Unit 1是旧版Module 4 Unit 1 的内容 新增Part 1 的内容,改动的内容具体有以下几点:

1、旧版标题是Listen point,新版的标题是Listen and point and find “-ing”, 重点强调了一下-ing形式。

2、旧版的under the tree改为between the big trees。 3、旧版的soybean milk改成soya milk.

4、新版增加了Look at the clock. It’s twelve now. 5、旧版I’m hungry too.改成Me too. 6、新版新增了活动3Listen and say.

Unit 2的课题由原来的What is Amy doing? 改成What is the elephant



Unit 1

增加Part1 Listen and chant. Noodles and rice are very, very nice.

Juice with ice is also very nice.

原来的课文主体Part 1变为Part 2 ,并增加了find “do you want ?? 课文部分后面四幅图改为两幅图,内容进行如下修改: 原文:Daming: Mmm. It's nice.

Amy: Yes! But chopsticks are difficult. Daming: Have you got chopsticks in England? Amy: No, wen haven’t.

Daming: Have you got fast food in England? Amy: Yes, we have. 修改后:Daming: Here are noodles with tomato and egg, and noodles with meat and potato. What do you want?

Amy: Noodles with tomato and egg, please. 第三部分Point, ask and answer. 变成情景式的Practice. Unit 2

四个教学内容变成六大部分。 内容变化

增加Part1 导入环节,引入本课时重点How much is it ?及答语。 课文部分重点知识由现在进行时问答变为how much??提问价格。

增加Part3 Point and say 、Part 5 Guess and say.和Part 6 Do and say环节。提供了更加丰富的运用语言的情景。

原版中Part2 Act it out.和 Part4 Game删除。


Moudle 6

Unit 1

1.Listen, point and say.(新增)

2.Listen, point and find“can” (红色为修改部分)
