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爱探险的朵拉》(Dora the Explorer

《爱探险的朵拉》(Dora the



01 - The Legend of the Big Red Chicken 02 - Lost and Found

03 - Hic-Boom-Ohh

04 - Beaches

05 - We All Scream for Ice Cream 06 - Choo Choo

07 - Treasure Island

08 - Three Little Piggies

09 - Big River

10 - Berry Hunt

11 - Wizzle Wishes

12 - Grandma's House

13 - Surprise

14 - Sticky Tape

15 - Bouncing Ball

16 - Backpack

17 - Fish Out Of Water

18 - Bugga Bugga

19 - Little Star

20 - Dora Saves the Prince

21 - El Coqui

22 - Chocolate Tree

23 - Te Amo

24 - Pablo's Flute

25 - Treehouse

26 - Call Me Mr Riddles

27 - The Lost City


28 - The Big Storm

29 - Rapido Tico

30 - The Magic Stick

31 - The Missing Piece

32 - Lost Squeaky

33 - Rojo, the Fire Truck

34 - Lost Map

35 - El Dia de las Madres

36 - The Golden Explorers

37 - A Present for Santa

38 - Doctor Dora

39 - Pinto, the Pony Express

40 - Leon, The Circus Lion

41 - The Big Pinata

42 - The Happy Old Troll

43 - Super Map

44 - A Letter For Swiper

45 - To the Monkey Bars

46 - Dora, La Musica

47 - Hide and Go Seek

48 - Click

49 - Dora's Egg Hunt A



50 - Super Spies

51 - School Pet

52 - Whose Birthday Is It

53 - Quack! Quack!


54 - Dora Had a Little Lamb

55 - Stuck Truck

56 - Louder

57 - Roberto the Robot

58 - The Big Potato

59 - Journey to the Purple Planet

60 - City of Lost Toys

61 - Meet Diego

62 - Save the Puppies

63 - Por Favor

64 - Baby Dino

65 - Boots' Special Day

66 - To the South Pole

67 - Dora Saves the Game

68 - Boo!

69 - What Happens Next

70 - Rescue, Rescue, Rescue

71 - Boots' Cuddly Dinosaur

72 - The Super Silly Fiesta

73 - I've Got a Hole in My Boot

74 - Baseball Boots

75 - Best Friends

76 - ABC Animals

77 - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

78-79 - Pirate Adventure


80 - Dora's Starcatching Adventure

81 - Dora's First Trip

82 - Star Mountain

83 - Super Spies 2 The Swiping Machine 84 - La Maestra de Musica

85 - Daisy, la Quinceanera

86 - Save Diego - Animal Adventures



Map:如果你想去什么地方,只要快快来找我,I’m the map, I’m the map因为只有找到我,我就可以带你去I’m the map, I’m the map! mountain tunnel 大山 遂道 Do you see the mountain? There’s the mountain over there.

I need you help.

Thanks for helping!

来吧,朋友们,大家一起来,我们现在就出发,我们一定可以做到。 我们要去哪里?去赢汽笛。

Where are we going? Win the whistle! Backpack:我是背包,背包是我,里面什么都有,装满书本,装满玩具,全都可以给你。

Where is the big yellow station?

Is this a blue square? It’s a square, but not blue. 海盗宝藏

Good luck!

That’s it. You found it!

tree lake treasure island寻宝树 鳄鱼湖 金银岛

Where are we going? Treasure island.

Do you see a lake? Where? Is this the blue key?

It’s blue, but it’s not the key. Is this the blue key? Yeah,You found it. 大鳄鱼,大鳄鱼,跳舞吧。

one two three four five six


Do you see the piggies? Where?

Yeah, there’s the piggies. Boots:Hi,piggies. Dora给小猪发绶带

Are these the blue ribbons? 捣蛋鬼把门打开,小猪跑出,Dora and Boots边追边喊:“Stop,piggies,stop.” Hay barn apple tree 草堆 谷仓 苹果树 Do you see the hay field? Yeah, there it is.

Do you see the apple tree 草堆晃动,里面藏着牛、羊、猪 接下来我们要去the barn. Do you see the barn? Yeah, I see it. Let’s go. I can do it. I can do it. 用小托车运小猪,Great idea!

小车从坡上快速滑下,Dora and Boots边追边喊:“Open.”


Dora: Thanks,Tico. Tico: Not at all !

Dora: Are you okay, piggie? Boots: She’s okay. 屋内物品晃动,听声音辨小猪。 We are coming!

遇泥路,车过不去,pull Great pulling!

第三只小猪在树上吃苹果 Right, there he is. Boots: Come down. 用网子接下来,Good idea. Hold on!

one two three 三只小猪


爱探险的朵拉 简介



《爱探险的朵拉》每集24分钟左右;适合3-6岁的小朋友观看;陈述故事的部分语速有点快;每集的套路一样,所以很容易看懂。 朵拉是一个留着棕褐色短发、有着健康深色皮肤、性格开朗阳光的小女孩,她虽然只有7岁,可是却是一个十分爱冒险的小家伙,她的足迹遍布世界各地,无论是崇山峻岭,还是大洋湖泊,甚至奇幻秘境,都曾看到朵拉的身影。她还有一个好朋友,小猴子布茨,更有勇敢的小表哥迪亚哥以及疼爱保护她的家人。每当面对困难时,朵拉就会鼓励电视机前的小朋友和她一起参与,克服重重难关,在这一过程中也许会了许多有用的单词与词组,更得到了难以言喻的快乐。朵拉是我们最最要好的朋友!


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