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篇一:小学英语阅读与训练 A very good son

A Very Good Son

Jack and John are in a restaurant.

They are having dinner together. They

are talking about their children.

Jack: I have a very good son.

John: Does he smoke?

Jack: No, he doesn’t.

John: Does he drink beer?

Jack: No, he doesn’t.

John: Does he come home late?

Jack: No, he doesn’t.

John: You really have got a very good son. How old is he?

Jack: Oh, he is ten months old today!

Exercise I

1. Choose the best answer to the following questions.


A. Jack and John are ___________.

(a) in a cinema

(b) in a museum

(c) in a restaurant

B. They are talking about ___________.

(a) their gardens

(b) their children

(c) their family

2. Write T for True or F for false beside the statements.


(a) Jack and John are working in a restaurant. _____

(b) Jack’s son can’t smoke or drink because he is too young. _____

3. Complete the following sentences by putting in the missing



(a) Jack and John are talking ______ their children in a restaurant.

(b) Jack’s son is only ten _____ old. He cannot drink beer or smoke


4. Retell the story with the help of the following words.



→ →

Exercise II

1.Fill in the blanks with proper words after the example.



She looks after her baby every day.

Does she look after her baby every day?

Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

(a) The sun always rises in the east.

______ the sun always rise in the east?

Yes, it _______.

(b) The bird flies to its nest every spring.

______ the bird ______ to its nest every spring?

No, it ________.

(c) Jack’s son never comes home late.


Yes, ______ _______.

2. Linda is talking about her new desk mate with her mum. Fill in

the blanks to complete the dialogue.

Linda 正和她的母亲谈论自己的朋友。填空完成对话。

Linda: Mum, I have a new desk mate.

Mum: Really? What’s her name?

Linda: Her name’s Jane.

Mum: ______ she live in on Park Street?

Linda: No, she ______. She ______ on Garden Street.

Mum: ______ she ______ to school by bus?

Linda: No, she ________. Her mother drives her to school.

Mum: Is she in the school Music Club?

Linda: Yes, she is.

Mum: _______ she ______ the piano?

Linda: No, she doesn’t. She ______ the violin.

Mum: You will be good friends soon.

Linda: I think so.

Do you know?



① adv. 大约;左右


They wait for the train for about an hour.

It is about three feet long.

The picnic costs about 25 yuan.

② prep. 关于,有关

They have a book about flowers.

Tell me about your new friend.

The children are talking about weather.


Exercises III

What does about mean in the following sentences? Choose the correct answer.


very good怎么读

(a) Primary school students like reading stories about animals.

A.大约;左右 B.关于,有关

(b) He has a long rope about three meters long.

A.大约;左右 B.关于,有关

(c) He borrows a book about plants from the library.

A.大约;左右 B.关于,有关

(d) What is he so angry about?



【非常好:Very nice;very good ; beyond compare 】


身体非常好 fit as a fiddle

它们都非常好 They Are All Very Good

睡眠非常好 Sleep is very good ; Sleep very well ; The sleep is extremely good

你体力非常好 Your strength is very good ; Your manual is very good ; You are very good physical

记忆力非常好 the memory like an elephant

心情非常好 mood is very good ; mood very good

我觉得非常好 i find it vrey well ; I feel much well

教学效果非常好 Teaching is very good ; Teaching Effectiveness is very good

在天气非常好 There weather is very good



Kino has got some excellent features.


The restaurant did very well.


That is a very good thing.


We have really good schools.


I think snakes are good pets.


The actor plays very well in that film.


A:I don?t do terribly well when someone has an exact idea of how one of my goals should be accomplished.


He manipulated the matter very well.


If we do a really well, some of our students might even go away knowing that they can become co-authors of this story by becoming scientists themselves.


Some of these apps are so good, that they might replace your desktop client while others may be good for niche situations where you just need to get by.


I played well after the interval and I'm happy because it was a big match for me.


Oh, dear sister, I must go once more; it will be easy for me to avoid the

hunters now, and my foot feels quite well; they will not hunt me unless they see me running, and I don't mean to do that.


If you can do more, great, but one step at a time is all it takes.

篇三:I have a very good mother

I have a very good mother

????My mather

????I have a very good mother.I love her very much and she also loves me.

????My mother is strict with me about my study.When my grades were not very good,she will find some class for me to improve my grades.But sometimes she was very kind.When I was 11 years old,I had a very bad sick.My mather took me to the hospital.Finally ,I had a good health again.If my mother didn t help me,I think I will be weaker.

????Just one sentence,mum I love you.




very good, very beautiful, very...每次表达强烈语气时,还在使用very?作家们发话了,very这个词是词汇匮乏和懒惰的表现!小编为你整理45个"高大上"单词,下次说英语时不要总说very啦!


Mark Twain:Substitute 'damn' every time you're inclined to write 'very;' your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. 马克·吐温:每次想要用very的时候就用damn代替吧;你的编辑会直接帮你删掉它,这样文章才是它该有的样子。

Florence King:'Very' is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen. 弗罗伦斯·金:very是英文中最没用的单词,但又总是会出现。比起无用,它简直就是个隐患,因为它总会削弱你想强调的那个词。

N.H. Kleinbaum:So avoid using the word 'very' because it's lazy. Don't use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. N·H·克莱伯姆:不要使用very这个词,因为用它就是偷懒。用morose代替very sad。语言的作用只有一个,小子们,就是用来哄女孩的。如果偷懒的话,怎么哄得到! 45个单词摆脱very:当你想在黑色的词(见下表)前加上very时,请用红色的词代替,不要再用very啦。




Passage One:

Mr. Green goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room, but people in the room don't look at him. They don’t ask him to sit at the table.

Mr. Green goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat.

Mr. Green takes off his coat, and puts it among the food and says, “Eat, coat!”

The other people asked, “What are you doing?”

He answers, “I’m asking my coat to eat food. When I am wearing my old clothes, you don’t look at me. You don’t ask me to sit down. Now I’m in these clothes, and you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food for my clothes not for me.”

put on 穿上

everyone ['evr?w?n]n.每一个人

take off 脱下

I.Listen and judge, “T” for TURE , “F” for FALSE


( ) 1.Mr. Green goes to a dinner party.

( ) 2.People in the room don’t look at him when he wear old clothes.

( ) 3. They give him very good food to eat when he wear old clothes.

( ) 4. Mr. Green’s coat likes good food.

II.Choose the right answer.


( ) 1. Why don’t people in the room ask Mr. Green to sit down at first?

A. Because he is wearing new clothes.

B. Because he is wearing old clothes.

C. Because he wants to stand up.

( ) 2. What does Mr. Green do when he gets good food?

A. He takes off his coat and gives the food to it.

B. He puts on his coat and gives his food to it.

C. He begins to eat.

( ) 3.Why does Mr. Green give food to his clothes?

A. Because he thinks that they only give food to his old clothes.

B. Because he thinks that they only give food to his good clothes.

C. Because he thinks that they only like his good clothes.

( ) 4.What does the story tell us?

A. It tells us to look at a man by his clothes.

B. It tells us not to look at a man by his food.

C. It tells us not to look at a man by his clothes.




格林先生脱下他的衣服,把它放在食物中说道:“吃吧,衣服!” 其他人问道:“你在做什么?”

他回答说:“我在请我的?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路远鳌5蔽掖┚梢路保忝嵌疾豢次遥裁挥星胛易隆O衷谖掖┥狭苏庑┮路忝蔷透宋揖赖氖澄铩N颐靼琢耍忝鞘前咽澄锔业囊路远皇俏摇!?/p>

答案: Ⅰ: 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F

Ⅱ: 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C

Passage Two:

Mr. Smith has a nice brown coat. He loves it a lot. But his wife doesn’t like it because it’s old. She often says, “Give it to a poor man.” But Mr. Smith says, “No, I like this coat.”

But one day, a cigarette falls on it and makes a hole in it. So Mrs. Smith says, “Please don’t wear it again.” Mr. Smith takes it to a tailor’s shop and says to the tailor, “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor does what he is told and makes a new coat. Then the tailor makes a hole in it with his cigarette in the same place.

poor [p??; p??] adj. 贫穷的

cigarette [s?g?'ret] n.香烟

tailor ['te?l?] n. 裁缝

hole [h??l] n. 洞

I.Listen and judge, “T” for TURE , “F” for FALSE
