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Love makes the world go around.Love to us human is what water to fish.Love shines the most beautiful light of humanity,we born in it,we live by it.Too often we take it as granted,but we should know love is a priceless gift we should cherish.But how to cherish the love?I have heard a saying :the quickest way to receive love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly the best way to keep love is to give it wings.It is important for us to learn to love as the first class in our life.Only when you know how to love than you will be a real man in this world.Love brings us warmth in the fearful coldness,love brings us bright when life gets hard and dark.Love brings us confidence toward life when we are tired out and want to give up.Love deserves all the admiring words,and love is even beyond the life and death.That is what love is all about in my eyes.


Say ‘Love’

2011级 英语(3)班 柳婷婷 103012011131

For some traditional reasons ,we Chinese people tend to express our inner world through subtle ways. ‘Love’, such a small word, is always so hard to say. And it seems a convention that the more familiar you’re, the more embarrassed for you to express your feelings to each other straightforward, especially for our older generations.

In the past, it is common in China that a couple marry for years, but they hardly say ‘I love you’ to each other, let alone when a third person is present. For example, I have never heard my mother or my father say ‘I love you’ to each other, though they have married for more than 20 years. And there’s no huge, there’s no kiss, at least not in front of my sister and me. And because of it, I have suspected that they did not love each other. But gradually I recognize that it is love ties them together. Although they rarely say ‘I love you’ to each other and sometimes they quarrel, they care of each other and look after each other, sharing and cherishing drips in life.

However, in recent years,this situation has gradually changed. People now are more willing to express love to their lovers, parents, and friends. This change, I think, should be largely owing to the permeation of western culture. If you are a fan of American TV series, you must know clearly that American people rarely hide their feelings. They call their

friends and family ‘dear’,‘darling’, ‘my love’and they usually express their feelings straightforward by saying ‘I love you’ face to face. Usually they enjoy pubic displays of affection. Obviously, we Chinese young copy that well. At present, young couples have courage to say ‘I love you’. They celebrate weeding anniversary, date on Valentine’s Day, and they are keen to show off their love. It seems that they love each other so deep. But on the way around, the divorce rate keeps rising. It indicates that hanging the word ‘love’ over mouth doesn’t mean really love.

To love does not mean to say ‘I love you’ only every day, but to care for each other, tolerate and forgive each other. We shouldn’t hide our emotion to our dears, meanwhile we shouldn’t just hang the word ‘love ’ over mouth, but do nothing.



In the beginning, love is always sweet.As time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come gradually.Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate ourselves on leaving him/her. During those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort ourselves.


It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it is not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing you. You had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness. Recalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy? When your wrong love stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you. All sadness will become history.

你以为不可失去的人,原来并非不可失去。你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑。你伤心欲绝,然后发现不爱你的人,根本不值得你为之伤心。今天回首,何尝不是一个喜剧?情尽时,自有另一番新境界,所有的悲哀也不过是历史。 For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality. The same with meeting, also with separation. We thought we would have a deep love toward somebody. Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow, very shallow. The most deep and heaviest love must grow up with days.


With love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed. However, this two similar people,

While breaking up, say,"I think you are more and more strange to me" It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.Love is such kind of game which makes two strangers become lovers, then return them into the original situation.


I believe, love can change you, which is the advantage of youth as well as its sorrow. What has men changed perhaps comes from God's love or the mercy of Budda, but they are never changed by women. The prodigal are the most unsuitable person for getting married, meanwhile, the most suitable one for marriage as well. It is not women who change the prodigal, she just appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed. 相信爱情可以令一个人改变,是年轻的好处,也是年轻的悲哀。浪子永远是浪子。令男人改变的,也许是上帝的爱或者佛祖的慈悲,但绝对不会是女人。最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子。往往不是女人改变一个浪子,而是女人在浪子想改变的时候刚好出现。



In the beginning, love is always sweet.As time is slipping away, boredom, be used to, abandonment, loneliness, despair and cold smile will come gradually.Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate ourselves on leaving him/her. During those transient days, we thought we loved him/her deeply.Then, we got to know it is not love but a lie by which we comfort ourselves.


It is turned out that those who you thought you could not lose, actually, it is not very hard to forget them. You drained up your tears, there will be another one pleasing you. You had plunged yourself into a depression, finally, you found those who do not love you are not worthy of your sadness. Recalling those unhappy things, is it a comedy? When your wrong love stops its steps, a brand-new world will be shown to you. All sadness will become history.

你以为不可失去的人,原来并非不可失去。你流干了眼泪,自有另一个人逗你欢笑。你伤心欲绝,然后发现不爱你的人,根本不值得你为之伤心。今天回首,何尝不是一个喜剧?情尽时,自有另一番新境界,所有的悲哀也不过是历史。 For love, imagination is often more beautiful than reality. The same with meeting, also with separation. We thought we would have a deep love

爱与欺骗 英文作文

toward somebody. Incoming days will let you know in fact it just is very shallow, very shallow. The most deep and heaviest love must grow up with days.


With love, two strangers can suddenly be familiar with each other that they sleep on the same bed. However, this two similar people,

While breaking up, say,"I think you are more and more strange to me" It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.Love is such kind of game which makes two strangers become lovers, then return them into the original situation.


I believe, love can change you, which is the advantage of youth as well as its sorrow. What has men changed perhaps comes from God's love or the mercy of Budda, but they are never changed by women. The prodigal are the most unsuitable person for getting married, meanwhile, the most suitable one for marriage as well. It is not women who change the prodigal, she just appear in the very time when the prodigal want to be changed. 相信爱情可以令一个人改变,是年轻的好处,也是年轻的悲哀。浪子永远是浪子。令男人改变的,也许是上帝的爱或者佛祖的慈悲,但绝对不会是女人。最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子。往往不是女人改变一个浪子,而是女人在浪子想改变的时候刚好出现。

篇五:love and friendship爱情和友情英语作文

Friendship and Love 商学 林美君 Friendship and love are important in our daily life, and they have many similarities. First, both of them are natural feelings of human beings, which give us warmth and happiness. Friendship is like warm spring, by which you will be surrounded when you are in trouble and depressed. Love is like a set of beautiful clothes, which makes you happy all the time. Second, love and friendship give you strength. Whenever you are in adversity, friends and lovers are bound to encourage you to stand up again. Third, both of them are fragile. Friendship is like earthenware, once broken, it can be mended. However, love is like a mirror, once broken, the original one can never come back. Therefore, it’s very necessary for us to treasure friendship and love.
