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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 18:32:05 体裁作文






Is Failure a Bad Thing?

Positive and Negative Aspects of Sport.

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Advantage of a Job Interview.

Practice Makes Perfect.

Do “Lucky Numbers” Really Bring Good Luck?

Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?

Students' Use of Computers.

Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?

CCTV Spring Festival

Recreational Activities

Free Admission to museums

Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will.


1. Describe the current situation about the topic.综述大家对此话题的不同态度。

2. Tell us the disadvantage and advantage or active and negative aspects about the topic. 对此话题的利弊进行深入的分析。

3. Make a conclusion. 总结。

Don't forget to express your attitude about the topic.别忘记把自己对于这个话题的态度表达出来,反对或赞成,你总会有一个态度吧!


















通俗文学比文学名著影响大 网络的娱乐性比实用性强 网络的发展对文学弊大于利 外来文明对中国文明利大于弊 青年成才的关键是自身能力 环境保护应该以人为本 企业发展需要无私奉献精神 成大事者不拘小节 审判时参考判例在我国利大于弊 杜绝盗版,政府比消费者扮演更重要的角色 送子女进名校,利大于弊 避免人才外流,是政府的责任 爱的教育比体罚更有效 合作比竞争,更能使文明进步 天灾比人祸更可怕 重奖大学新生利大于弊 以暴制暴是打击恐怖主义最有效的途径 文化建设应先于经济发展 大学私营化的利大于弊 强权胜于公理 新闻价值比新闻道德重要 劳心者比劳力者对社会更有贡献

银行合并对国家未来经济发展利大于弊 教育应注重人格培训多于知识培训 博彩事业的兴旺是社会进步繁荣的象征 道义比利益对人际关系的影响更大 新闻自由是社会改革的最大动力 远亲不如近邻 乱世应用重典 人的功利色彩增强是社会进步的体现 文才比口才更重要 同性恋是个人问题,不是社会问题 仁者无敌 电子商务将会改变现有营销模式 大学生谈恋爱利大于弊 实体法比程序法更重要 克隆人有利于人类发展 类似川剧变脸这样的民族技艺应当保密 名人拍商业广告可以虚构 代沟的主要责任在父母 社会安定主要靠法律维持 美丽是福不是祸 钱是万恶之源 网络的实用性比娱乐性大

情在理先 用和平手段可以遏止恐怖主义 善心是真善 个性需要刻意追求 保护弱者是社会的倒退 传播中国酒文化应靠酒乡 市场经济条件下财政需要向企业输血 辩论赛新形式利大于弊 不破不立 “盗版”折价换购“正版”活动利大于弊 艾滋病是医学问题,不是社会问题 在校大学生积累知识更重要 实现男女平等主要应该依靠男性的努力 在人生路上乘胜追击好 强将手下无弱兵 当今世界合作高于竞争 管理比收费重要 人类应加强对海洋资源的开发 功可以补过 广告竞争对经济发展利大于弊 纪律会促进个性的发展 机遇是成功的关键




Some people believe (argue, recognize, think) that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea.

There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1.

More importantly, 论据2.

Most important of all, 论据3.

In summary, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测.


People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight.

For one thing, 论据1.

For another, 论据2.

Last but not the least, 论据3.

To conclude, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测.


There is no consensus 一致of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2。As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion(观念) is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious.

First of all, 论据1。

Furthermore, 论据2。

Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 论据3。

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点。

As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测



A. Whether stress is necessary or not for you success? Say your opinion in 3 minutes based on the following materials.

Stress is bad or good, it's just a natural physiological and psychological reaction to a change to the body and the circumstances surrounding the body. Stress is necessary - it can make you perform at your best and increase your productivity if you know how to harness the power! As a yoga instructor in New York City, Jennifer Parmelee knows what to do to find her inner calm when hit with daily stresses. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by pressures or annoyances like being stuck in the subway, Parmelee uses them to keep her motivated. "You need stress to a certain degree," she says. "You just try not to let it take control of you," she says.

(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:一篇辩论赛英语作文)

B. Whether mobile phones are necessary or not for high school students? Say your opinion in 3 minutes based on the following materials.

Many people think that cell phones disrupt school environment. School disruptions can come in a number of forms. Ringing cell phones can disrupt classes and distract students who should be paying attention to their lessons at hand. Text message has been used for cheating. And new cell phones with cameras could be used to take photos of exams, take pictures of students changing clothes in gym locker areas, and so on.

C. Whether hardship is a necessary part of a young person’s character cultivation? Say your opinion in 3 minutes based on the following materials.

Hardship Experience Is Necessary for Young Students to Mature. As a person's growth calls for many factors, such as the surroundings he lives in, the friends he has and the education he receives .But above all, hardship experience is essential and of great importance. Hardship can develop his good quality and help him learn how to face trouble or a setback. It can make him stronger .He can draw a lesson from it and become mature.

D. Whether it is necessary to wear uniforms at school? Say your opinion in 3 minutes based on the following materials.

Children nowadays like comparing with others in the aspect of money. If we didn’t have to wear school uniforms, we would get into the trouble of clothes-wearing. Children who have a rich family would buy expensive clothes and show off. Children who don’t have much allowance would be easy to get jealous. They might get their parents for an expensive skirt or something else. Wearing school uniforms helps us set up a good sense of value, and also shows that we students today dress very neatly. Why not put on your school uniform and have a nice school day?


1.我们不该庆祝西方节日。 We should not celebrate western festivals

As we know, there are so many festivals in the entire world, including Chinese traditional festivals and Western festivals. I strongly disagree to celebrate western holidays in China in that there are three reasons to support my view.

To begin with, there are so many meaningful traditional festivals in China, from which people could have a rest and get relax. As far as Chinese people are concerned, the Spring Festival is their favorite festival, which is celebrated by Chinese people no matter where are they. In the festival, without the burden of work, people call on relatives, visit their respected teachers, and chat with their best friends. Though the temperature is very cold in that time, the people is very warm and happy. Besides, there are other meaningful and instructive festivals in China, such as Autumn Day, National Day, Pure Bright Festival, etc.

Furthermore, western festivals have the cultural and historical origins in the western countries, which are not known and comprehended by Chinese people. There are so many western festivals, including Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and Saint Valentine's Day and so on, which are originated from or related with Christian or Catholicism which are not believed in by the majority of Chinese people. We could not gain the happy feeling since we could not understand these holidays’ meanings.

Finally, there are negative aspects on unhealthy people in the western festivals which should not be celebrated by us. All Saints Day is a very thrilling festival, in which people put the horrible or sinister mask upon their faces. Though these kinds of actions help people to boost their courage, it is dangerous to the unhealthy people or ill people with heart diseases or cerebrovascular diseases. If they encounter the people with a vivid skeleton mask on face suddenly without any caution, it is very likely that they would be threatened and fainting on the floor.

To sum up, there are different kinds of meaningful and adequate festivals in China. Obviously, western festivals, with negative effects on the unhealthy and cultural background being unknown to Chinese people, should not be celebrated by us.




cerebrovascular disease脑血管病

Today, western festivals become more and more popular in China. The phenomenon has sparked a public controversy over whether we should not celebrate western festivals. I don’t think we should celebrate western holidays in China. The .reasons are as follows.

To begin with, Festival is defined as a special occasion on which people may give thanks for a harvest, commemorate an honored person or event, pay respect to the dead, or celebrate a culture. There are so many meaningful traditional festivals in China, from which people could have a rest and get relax. So why must we celebrate western holidays?

Furthermore, there are negative aspects in the western festivals which should not be celebrated by us. For example, All Saints Day is a very thrilling festival, in which people put the horrible or sinister mask upon their faces. Though these kinds of actions help people boost their courage, it is dangerous to the unhealthy people or ill people with heart diseases or cerebrovascular diseases. Finally, when celebrate a western festival, people may spent too much money on buying presents, The presents may cause people’s vanity. Women all expect gifts from the boyfriends of husbands, and show them in front of other friends. In order to earn face, the presents must be expensive ones, and always cost people an arm and a leg to buy. It is inappropriate for the youth, especially the students in the campus.

In a word, since we have many meaningful and adequate festivals in China, western festivals, with negative effects on the unhealthy and cultural background being unknown to Chinese people, should not be celebrated by us.


The Generation Gap Can't Be Bridged

The gap between generation’s word outlooks can never be bridged.

My reasons are as follows:

Firstly, different generations have different views of the world because they live in different times, between which there are dozens of years. For example, when our parents were young, our nation was newly founded and the term "revolution" was heard everywhere. But when we came into the world, the market economy had set its seal on everything around us and "reform and opening up" sounded so familiar. Therefore, it is natural for us to have different opinions on the same issue.

Secondly, there is rarely any possibility of mutual understanding between different generations. To be sure, people of every generation tend to stick to their own viewpoints which have formed through their ion experiences and in different environments, and of course, find the ideas of other generations incomprehensible and unacceptable.

With such obstacles between generations, how can we expect the gap to be bridged?(160 words)


正方(Affirmative):Men contribute more to the society than women


反方(Negative):Women contribute more to the society than men






Good morning everyone. I'm honored to be nominated as a master for today's

debate. The topic is "men or women contribute more to the society”. As we all know , there are two kinds of people in the world , men and women .They play different roles in the society . But they are all indispensable .Even though I'm a girl, I have to admit that men make a huge contribute to the society. So it is really hard to say which one(who) contribute(s) more to the society. But our debater(s)have their own viewpoints . We have 8 debaters today, 4 on each side. This is the affirmative

side(pointing to the affirmative),they believe that men contribute more to the society .

This is the negative side(pointing to the negative), they hold that women contribute more to the society. Now, I'd like to introduce the procedure of today's debate. First, introduce their viewpoints. Second, free debate. Third, conclusion. As everybody is ready , now let's start the debate.

First ,welcome the affirmative side ,number one debater.


Today, our topic is about who contributes more to the society, men or women. As we all know, for most of human existence, our society is man-dominated. At almost every pivotal historic moment, the people who navigated the direction of history are always males. This is beyond dispute. Those great ancient emperors and kings who create prosperous and powerful kingdoms, and those who desire to explore and discover our splendid nature, dedicated their lives to invent, to create the inventions that entirely changed the human world into highly advanced civilization, they are nearly all men. We can give countless illustrations such as emperor QinShihuang, scientist Newton, inventor Edison, thinker Marx, etc. All in all, we hold the view that men contribute more to the society.

主持人:Thank you, now it is the negative side's turn .


Our opinion is that “Women contribute more to society than men”. If you look up in a dictionary, you will find what the word “contribute” means. The definition in the dictionary is: to give money, help, ideas, experience etc to something that a lot of other people are involved in. According to the definition, we can see obviously that women contribute more to society than men. My reasons may be as follows:

First, the role they play in family. As we all know that women are in charge of the whole family’s daily life, make meals, wash clothes, clean houses, bore children and then take care of children. All the things above are basic element to make a family run normally and happily. And we all know that society is made up of all families. So, at the role women play well, the family will be more harmonious, and then there’s no doubt the society will be more harmonious, too.

Second, the role they play in society. In the past, women are fettered by cultural effects and by the tradition idea of family. But now, things changed. As it’a a society call for women’s liberation, nowadays, there are an increasingly large amount of women who go out and make their own career. In this process, women make their own contributions to the society, aren’t there more and more Business Superwoman in

society, and at the same time women aloso have to take care of the whole family’s daily life. So how can you say that women are less contributory, how can you say that men contribute more to the society.

Finally, the characters they are born with. It’s know to everbody that men are bellicose and impatient. On the contrary, women are always peacefull and patient. According the the history, men’s shortcomings in characters have cause many disasters. For examples, Emperor Qin Shi Huang who burn the books and bury the scholars alive, and Adolf Hitler who was regarded as one of the initiators who lead to the World War 1.

With the reasons above, we have enough evidence to say that women contribute more to society than men.


They all express their viewpoints clear and perspicuous. Let's move on to the free debate part.


My dear friend, do you mean “women hold up half the sky”. But could you tell us why people always emphasize the important of the half sky held up by women instead of the half sky held up by men?

In the ancient times, a woman without talent is virtuous. In general, woman’s

knowledge level is lower than that of man. What’s more, woman is weaker than man in physiology. There is no doubt that at that time most of the contribution to the

society was made by men. But with the development of the society, women can hold up half of the sky. But, we all know just half of it, which means women are still

helping men to hold up the sky. Man is still taking the leader role. Even though, many successful women have proved sometimes women can do as well as men. But what’s the actual situation? In all the social classes, the top leaders are always men. For

example, we have so many men presidents instead of women presidents. Granted that women do have the ability to contribute, but base on the fact, women didn’t do contribution as much as men.


Women's contributions are usually behind-the-scenes, while men often say work comes first, women have no choose to sacrifice themselves to take care of the elder and the child. What is more, they sometimes go to work too. They devote a lot to the family, and play an important role in making the family's happiness and harmony. As long as family is the foundation of the society, they do a lot to the society's harmony.
