作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 22:34:50 体裁作文


1.阅读comic strip,回答以下问题检查掌握情况

What was in the bowl an hour ago?

Why did Eddie eat Hobo’s food?

Why does Hobo think Eddie has changed?

2.Read the dialogue together.

3.Read and act.(几分钟时间准备表演,可根据想象添加内容,注意语音语调)



1.复习以前学过的交通工具: 完成PartA:认识一些交通运输工具。


A: When did people begin to use buses in Beijing?

B: People began to use them in 1953.Buses have been in use since 1935


完成PartB并造句:如:People in Beijing began to use trains in 1909





1)在碗里____________________ 2)你看见我的食物了吗?_______________

3)我刚刚吃了________________ 4)你变了_____________________________



You , you always ___ ____ ___ __ me.

二. 动词填空

1. Look! The children ____________ (plant) flowers in the garden.

2. I ____________ (know) the place for many years.

3. Where is my pen? How strange! It ____________ (be) here just a moment ago.

4. I __________(write) to my mother a week ago.



ear ow io ee ea u ir ew or gh

f_ _st fl_ _er m_ sic w_ _ _ enou_ _

k_ _p w_ _ther ren_ _ dicti_ _nary st_ _y


1、( ) A.Moonstone B.Sleeping Beauty

C.write a letter D.Snow White

2、( )A.a library card B.return a book

C.keep a book D.renew a book

3、( )A.giraffe B.snake C.kangaroo D.zoo

4、( )A.interesting B.lovely C.friendly D.how

5、( )A.book B.dictionary C.ink D.bike


1.have a talk a.对……感兴趣

2.return a book b.新学期

3.be interesting in c .谈话

4.make penfriends d.还书

5.places of interest e .交笔友

6.the new term f.名胜古迹


( )1、I_________buy a story book tomorrow.

A.go to B.going to C.am going to

( )2、It’s________time I come to Xi’an.

A.one B.first C.the first

( )3、How long may I_______your book?

A.borrow B.keep C.use

( )4、This isn’t my bike._______is lost.

A.I B.My C.Mine

( )5、What’s your favourite colour?__________.

A.yellow B.Apple C.Football

( )6、Do you like________?

A.swim B.swimming C.are swimming

( )7、We had a talk________a long time.

A.on B.at C.for

( )8、Do you have Snow White________The Moonstone?

A.or B.but C.so

( )9、I’m glad to get a story book________Wang Shi.

A.with B.from C.to

( )10、He want’s to borrow a book________English.

A.with B.use C.for D.in


1、go shop let’s flower to the.

2、go now it’s home to time.

3、please me your card library show.

4、I you can for do what?

5、our welcome school to !


1、How are your trip to Beijing?

A B C D _____处错误,改为:____

2、My mother is look for a dress for me.



3、—How many is it? —99 yuan .

A B C _______处错误,改为________

4、Showing me your ID card, please.

A B C _______处错误,改为________

5、Can you tell I the name of the book?

A B C _____处错误,改为_______

七、阅读理解。(根据日记内容判断句子的正误,正确的在()里标 T,错误的标F。)(15分)

Sunday September 27th fine

Today I went to see my penfriend in Xi’an. We

Had a talk for long time. How happy we were! He is

from Benjing. His name is Li Qiang. He came to visit

Xi’an two day ago. He is interested in reading, playing

basketball and making penfriends. He also want’s to learn kung fu. He hopes I can visit Beijing one day.

1、Li Qiang is from Xi’an. ( )

2、Li Qiang is my friend. ( )

3、I’m interested in playing basketball.( )

4、Li Qiang came to Xi’an yesterday. ( )

5、Li Qiang is interested in kung fu.( )



how often多久一次

exercise v. & n.锻炼

skateboard v.踩滑板

hardly adv.几乎不

ever adv.曾,曾经

once adv.一次

twice adv.两次

Time n.次,次数

Surf v.在…冲浪

Internet n.网络

program n.节目,表演

high school 高中,完全中学 result n.结果

active adj.活跃的,积极的 for prep.对于,在…方面 as for 至于,关于

about adv.几乎,大约

junk n.废弃的旧物

junk food 垃圾食品

milk n.牛奶 20

coffee n.咖啡

chip n.(食物等的)薄片 cola n.可乐

chocolate n.巧克力

drink v.喝,饮

health n.健康,健康状况 how many 多少

interviewer n.采访者

habit n.习惯

try v.试图,设法,努力 of course 当然

look after 照顾,照看

lifestyle n.生活方式

grade n.分数,成绩

better adj.& adv.更好的(地) same adj.同样的,相同的 as prep.像…一样

different adj.不同的,有区别的 difference n.不同,差异,区别 unhealthy adj.不健康的

maybe adv.或许,大概

although conj.虽然,即使 for prep.达,计

grandpa n.外公,爷爷

a lot of 大量,许多

keep v.保持

must modal v.必须

less adj.更小的,较少的 matter n.事情,问题

have v.得(病),患(病)cold n.受凉,感冒

have a cold 得了感冒

stomachache n.胃痛

sore adj.疼痛的

back n.背,背部

arm n.臂,胳膊

ear n.耳朵

eye n.眼睛

foot n.脚,足

hand n.手

head n.头,头部

leg n.腿,腿部

mouth n.嘴

neck n.脖子,颈部 Unit2

nose n.鼻子

stomach n.胃

tooth n.牙齿

throat n.喉咙

toothache n.牙痛

fever n.发烧,发热

rest v.休息

honey n.蜂蜜

dentist n.牙医

should modal v.应该

headache n.头痛

shouldn't=should not

ago adv.以前

so pron.如此,这样

illness n.疾病

advice n.劝告

thirsty adj.渴的

stress v.加压力于,使紧张

(be)stressed out 有压力的,紧张的early adv.提早(地)

problem n.问题

way n.方法,手段,方式

traditional adj.传统的 believe v.相信,认为

balance n.平衡,平衡状态 weak adj.虚弱的,无力的 herb n.草本植物,药草 angry adj.愤怒的,生气的 tofu n.豆腐

medicine n.药物 western adj.西方的

everybody pron.每人,人人 get v.变得

few adj.很少的

a few 有些,几个,少数 stay v.继续是,保持 important adj.重要的 balanced adj.平衡的 diet n.饮食,节食 moment n.瞬间,片刻 at the moment 此时 until conj.直到…之时 host family 寄宿家庭 hear v.听见,听说





一、1. musician 2. ability 3. Perhaps 4. inventor 5. notebooks

6. However 7. suddenly 8. intelligence 9. country(side) 10. Dollar 二、1. ability 2. invented 3. includes 4. scientist 5. Suddenly

6. dying, dead


一、1. in the countryside 2. to go / going for a walk 3. is famous for 4. am sure

5. is a great help 6. find out 7. took pictures of 8. learned about

二、1. will die out 2. is / was sure about 3. used to live, is used to living

4. a type / kind of 5. look up 6. in the centre of 7. human being

8. is made up of


1. I’m sure (that) you will pass the exam.

2. It’s important for us to learn English well.

3. Would you like some bread and milk?

4. Some children are playing games. Others are flying kites.


一、1-5 CABBA 6-10 BDACC

二、1. nothing 2. somebody 3. everybody 4. everything 5. nobody

6. anybody

三、1. is something 2. Would you like / Do you want something 3. any, some

4. somebody / someone interesting 5. any


Unit 1单元测试

一、1-5 ADBCA 6-10 BCCBB

二、11-15 DBDAA 16-20 CADCB

三、21-25 BDCAB 26-30 CADBA

四、31-35 ABBCC

五、36. invention 37. even 38. anyone / anybody 39. Human 40. born

六、41. Some, Others 42. such as 43. made, stop crying 44. the history of wool


45. It is clever / wise of

七、One possible version

Deng Yaping — a world-famous table tennis player

Deng Yaping was born in Henan Province. She began playing table tennis at the age of six. When she was 15 years old, she entered National Table Tennis Team. She trained very hard and was good at using her head to play. Soon, she became one of the best players in the Women’s Team. She has won 17 world champions in all, and has been one of the Best Ten Players in China. Now she is regarded as one of the best players in the world. She is not only loved by the Chinese, but also by people all over the world.



一、1. amount 2. instructions 3. instead 4. number 5. wise 6. traffic

7. realize 8. promise 9. check 10. accident

二、1. gold 2. first 3. correctly 4. fifty-fifth 5. Indian 6. realize 短语

一、1. the rest of 2. all year round 3. and so on 4. challenged, to 5. copied down

6. developed into 7. led to 8. A long time ago

二、1. the rest of 2. Follow, advice / suggestion(s) 3. The amount of 4. nothing but

5. In this way 6. so that 7. make money


1. He promised not to be late for school again.

2. A long time ago, there was a river between the two villages.

3. I don’t think she will come.

4. Wouldn’t you like some more coffee?

5. From then on, the prince and the princess lived happily.


一、1-5 DDACB 6-10 BCCBA

二、1. second 2. twenty-first 3. twelfth 4. third 5. twice


Unit 2单元测试

一、1-5 ABDCB 6-10 BACDA

二、11-15 ABCAC 16-20 ABCDB

三、21-25 ADBBA 26-30 BABCA

四、31-35 ABADD

五、36. instead 37. accident 38. check 39. prize 40. Wise

六、41. the rest of 42. from then on 43. copy down 44. lead to

45. ordered her to stay

七、One possible version

Most of us have hobbies. Here is the result of the survey about what my schoolmates usually do in their free time. Nearly half the students like music, and a quarter of the students usually spend their time playing sports at weekends. Twenty per cent of them enjoy reading books.

A few students like collecting things, such as stamps, coins and so on. Few students have other hobbies.

As for me, I prefer listening to music. Because it can make me relaxed when I am unhappy and tired. Sometimes I listen to English songs. I can learn English words and sentences from them. It really improves my English a lot.



一、1. railway 2. keyboard 3. sell 4. expensive 5. type 6. depend

7. price 8. popular

二、1. speed 2. compare 3. type 4. mouse 5. company


一、1. be unaware of 2. has worked as 3. get on the Internet

4. will depend / depends on 5. In addition 6. went to hospital

7. happened to

二、1. is looking forward to 2. changing our lives 3. one day 4. at a faster speed

5. are made of 6. grand total 7. is bad for


1. Wang Gang can give us some advice on how to study well.

2. What about the white dress?

3. We must stop those people from polluting the air.

4. What do you think of / about this novel?

5. Thank you for telling me the good news.


一、1-5 BCBAA 6-8 BDC

二、1. thinner 2. more interested 3. faster 4. twice 5. better 6. the newest 三、1. hotter, than 2. more difficult / much harder 3. the most popular cities

4. twice bigger / larger than 5. not as / so soft as


Unit 3单元测试

一、1-5 BBDBA 6-10 CDBAC

二、11-15 BBAAB 16-20 ADBCA

三、21-25 CBACB 26-30 BACDB

四、31-35 DADDC

五、36. company 37. mouse 38. popular 39. tiny 40. ordered

六、41. works as 42. depend on 43. grand total 44. Thank you for helping

45. make me happier

七、One possible version

These days, computer games become more and more popular. Many students also play computer games. There are some advantages. For example, they can help students think well. What’s more, they will help students learn some English words and knowledge of the computer. However, some people say that students are addicted to computer games so that they can’t

pay attention to their studies. Besides, playing too much computer games is bad for the students’health.

In my opinion, every coin has two sides. Students can play computer games to relax, but they shouldn’t spend too much time on them.



一、1. funny 2. create 3. invented 4. since 5. telephone 6. candles

7. passengers / people 8. century

二、1. comfortable 2. wheels 3. developing, developed 4. practical

5. advertisement 6. distance


一、1. worked as 2. millions of 3. keep, off 4. right now 5. Since then

6. make a mess 7. in the daytime 8. in a short time

二、1. kept in touch with 2. In the daytime 3. at the same time 4. Since then

5. Keep, off 6. instead of 7. at night 8. at the weekend


1. Can you imagine living without the light bulb?

2. She is the youngest of all the ladies.

3. He made as many mistakes as I did.

4. How often do you play computer games?


一、1-5 DDCAB 6-8 CBC

二、1. more 2. easier 3. better 4. cold 5. older

三、1. as big / large as 2. more and more beautiful 3. isn’t as / so useful as


Unit 4单元测试

一、1-5 CDCCB 6-10 CCACB

二、11-15 BACAB 16-20 CCBDB



1. What’s Lily playing?

2. How many kites does Bob have?

3. What are they doing to raise money?

4. What job is Alan interested in?

5. Which is Ellen’s favourite snow globe?

二. 听小对话,选择正确的答案(10%)


6. When is Alan’s birthday?

A. March. 3rd B. March 13th. C. March 20th.

7. How will Alan celebrate his birthday?

A. Have a try B. Go out for dinner. C. See a film


8. Where is the new sports centre?

A. On Straight Road B. On Long Street. C. Beside the school

9. What sport can people play at the sport centre?

A. Basketball B. Volleyball C. Swimming

10. How much should you pay for a year-ticket if you are 18?

A. 40 yuan B. 50 yuan C. 60 yuan


Interview Form

Name 11 Job 12

Evaluation Item(评价方面)

Strong points Be good at writing and 13

Experience Worked in WZTV for 14

E-mail address 15

November 20, 2012

11. A.Vivan Cruise B. Vivan Grace C. Vivan Green.

12. A.a host B. a reporter C. a writer

13. A. drawing B. speaking C. singing

14. A. 2 weeks B. 2 months C. 2 years

15. A. Sunny1980@yahoo.com B. daisy1981@126.com

C. water1983@163.com


四. 单项选择(10%)

( )1、There are some shops on ______ side of the road.

A、each B、every C、both D、all

( )2、He has been studying Chinese history______three years.

A、since B、in C、about D、for

( )3、—Can I help you,madam?

— I’ m looking for_____pair of shoes my daughter.

A、the B、a C、an D、some

( )4、 I satyed there____what would happen.

A、to see B、see C、seeing D、saw

( )5、— ______have you been here?

— I’ve been here for three months.

A、How long B、How often C、How much D、How many

( )6、--______ you help, I passed the exam.

A、Thanks for B、Thanks of C、Thank for D、Thank to

( )7、____the way, how is your father?

A、In B、On C、By D、Asking

( )8、We ’re____ room to store them.

A、run out B、ran out C、run out of D、run out from

( )9、Because he always works hard, _____ he can get good grades.

A、so B、and C、but D、/

( )10、The skating marathon has been______for five years now.

A、go B、going C、is going D、goes


通读全文, 掌握其大意, 然后选择最佳答案填空。

Answer the Telephone

The telephone rang and the secretary(秘书), Miss Simpson answered it.

“May I 11 to Mr. Calder, please?” a man said.

“Who is 12 , please?” Miss Simpson asked.

“Mr. Bright.” the man answered. Mr. Calder was in the office at the moment. Miss Simpson put her hand 13 the mouthpiece(送话器) and 14 to him. “ 15 Mr. Alan Bright, sir.” she said. “He wants to 16 to you.”

“What? Again!” Mr. Calder exclaimed (惊叫). “He wants to sell us a kind of new typewriters, 17 he?”

“Yes, sir,” Miss Simpson said. “He 18 yesterday.”

“And he rang up five 19 last week. We don't 20 new typewriters. I told him that yesterday.” Mr. Calder said angrily.

“Then what shall I 21 , sir?” she asked.

“Tell him I'm not 22 the office.” Mr. Calder said.

Miss Simpson spoke 23 the mouthpiece, “Mr. Bright,” she said. “I'm afraid you 24 speak to Mr. Calder now. Mr. Calder 25 that he is not in his office now. ”

( ) 11. A. ask B. speak C. talk D. tell

( ) 12. A. said B. saying C. spoke D. speaking

( ) 13. A. on B. in C. over D. with

( ) 14. A. spoke B. speak C. speaks D. asks

( ) 15. A. He's B. That's C. It's D. This is

( ) 16. A. tell B. say C. ask D. speak

( ) 17. A. does B. doesn't C. don't D. isn't

( ) 18. A. call B. calls C. called D. calling

( ) 19. A. hours B. times C. time D. minutes

( ) 20. A. need B. use C. have D. sell

( ) 21. A. ask B. speak C. say D. tell

( ) 22. A. out B. on C. off D. in

( ) 23. A. in B. into C. to D. over

( ) 24. A. couldn't B. don't C. can't D. wouldn't

( ) 25. A. says B. said C. say D. told



When you are ill, you should go to see a doctor. After the doctor looks you over, he will write you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctors’ notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemist can not read them.

One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family in the restaurant. The doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it. “What shall I do?” she asked her husband, “I don’t know whether he is going to come or not. I don’t want to call and say that I don’t understand him.”

Her husband thought for a few minutes and then he had an idea. “Take it to the chemist,” he said, “He will be able to read it for us.”

“Thank you,” the woman said, “That’s a good idea.” She went to the chemist’s
