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介词in, on, at在表示时间时的用法区别

①in时间范围大(一天以上)如:in Tanuary, in winter, in 1999;泛指在上午,下午,晚上,如:in the morning(afternoon, evening).

习惯用法:in the daytime 在白天。

②on指在某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上,如:on Monday, on Sunday afternoon, on July 1, 1999

③at时间最短,一般表示点时间,如at six o’clock, at three thirty.习惯用法:at night, at noon, at this time of year.

in, on和at在表达时间方面的区别

in 表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间

in a year在一年中

in spring 在春季

in September 在九月

in a week 在一周中

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/傍晚

但在中午,在夜晚则用at noon/night

on 表示某一天或某一天的某段时间

on Monday 在周一

on Monday afternoon 在周一下午

on March 7th 在3月7日

on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日

on the morning of March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日上午

at 表示某个具体时刻。

at eight o’clock 在8点钟

at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候

at the moment 在那一时刻

at that time 在那时

注意:在英语中,如果时间名词前用this, last, next 等修饰时,像这样的表示,“在某时”的时间短语前,并不需要任何介词。

例如:last month, last week, this year, this week, next year, the next day, the next year等。

1.What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in your country?


in 在年、月、周较长时间内in a week 在里面

in the room

用某种语言in English 穿着

in red

on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在??上面

on the desk 靠吃??为生live on rice 关于a book on Physics

〔误〕 We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak.

〔正〕 We got to the top of the mountain at day break.

〔析〕 at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night。

〔误〕 Don't sleep at daytime

〔正〕 Don't sleep in daytime.

〔析〕 in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year. 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。

〔误〕 We visited the old man in Sunday afternoon.

〔正〕 We visited the old man on Sunday afternoon.

〔析〕 in the morning, in the afternoon 如果在这两个短语中加入任何修饰词其前面的介词都要改为on, 如:on a cold morning, on the morning of July 14th

〔误〕 He became a writter at his twenties

〔正〕 He became a writter in his twenties


〔误〕 He went to New York to find a job in sixteen years old. 〔正〕 He went to New York to find a job at sixteen.

〔析〕 在具体年岁前用at, 如:at the age of 12, at your age,等等。 〔误〕 We went to swim in the river in a very hot day.

〔正〕 We went to swim in the river on a very hot day.

〔析〕 具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Year's Day

〔误〕 I'm looking forward to seeing you on Christmas.

〔正〕 I'm looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas.


〔误〕 I haven't see you during the summer holidays.

〔正〕 I haven't seen you since the beginning of the summer holidays. 〔析〕 during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday. 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I haven't see you for a long time. 而through 用来表示时间时则为"整整,全部的时间"。如:It rained through the night.而since则是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。

〔误〕 At entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

〔正〕 On entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

〔析〕 On 加动名词表示"一??就"。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。又如:on hearing? 一听见, on arrival 一到达就??(on表示动作的名词)

〔误〕 In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. 〔正〕 At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. 〔析〕 at the begining与at the end都是指某事物的开始与结束部分,均不指时间范围,而in the beginning 则是指开始一段时间。in the end=at last是指"最终,终于"之意。

〔误〕 Till the end of next week. I will have finished this work. 〔正〕 By the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

〔析〕 by 引起的时间状语表示了动作的截止点,其意思为"不迟于某一时刻将工作做完",所以主句一般是完成时态。当然可以有将来时态,如:I'll be there by five o'clock.而till则表达其一动作一直持续到某一时刻,但句中的动词一定要用持续性动词,而瞬间的截止性动词应用其否定句式,如:I won't finish this work till(until) next weekend.

〔误〕 He came to London before last weekend.

〔正〕 He had come to London before last weekend.

〔正〕 He came to London two weeks ago.

〔析〕 before 一般要与完成时连用,而ago则与一般过去时连用。

〔误〕 I have studied English for three years gince I had come here. 〔正〕 I have studied English for three years since I came here.

〔析〕 since用来表达主句动作的开始时间,所以其引出的从句中应为过去时,而不能用完成时态

〔误〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it after two hours. 〔正〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours.

〔析〕中文经常讲两小时之后来取,两天内会修好,而这个介词在英文中要用in而不要用after。其原因有二,①after 多用于过去时,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found a job in the bank. ② after 加时间是表达一个不确定的时间范围,如:after three days, 即三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在许诺若干时间内会完成某事时,一定要用介词in。

〔误〕 Three days after he died.

〔正〕 After three days he died.

〔正〕 Three days later he died.

〔析〕 after 与 later都可以用来表达一段时间之后,但它们所处的位置不同,after 在时间词前,而later在时间词后。

〔误〕 She hid herself after the tree.

〔正〕 She hid herself behind the tree.

〔析〕 after多用来表达某动作之后,所以有的语法书中称它为动态介词,如:I run after him. After finishing my homework, I went to see a film. 而behind则多用于静态事物之后。

〔误〕 There is a beautiful bird on the tree.

〔正〕 There is a beautiful bird in the tree.

〔析〕 树上长出的果实,树叶要用on, 而其他外来的人、物体均要用in the tree. 〔误〕 Shanghai is on the east of China.

〔正〕 Shanghai is in the east of China.

〔析〕 在表达地理位置时有3个介词:in, on, to。 in表示在某范围之内; on表示与某地区接壤;to则表示不相接。如:Japan is to the east of China. 〔误〕 I arrived at New York on July 2nd.

〔正〕 I arrived in New York on July 2nd.

〔析〕 at用来表达较小的地方,而in用来表达较大的地方。at常用于at the school gate, at home, at a bus stop, at the station, at the cinema, at a small village。

〔误〕 He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road.

〔正〕 He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road.

〔析〕 在门牌号码前要用at, 并要注意它的惯用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page。

〔误〕 There is a colour TV set at the corner of the hall.

〔正〕 There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall.

〔析〕 在屋内的角落应用in,而墙的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street.

〔误〕 This weekend I'll stay in Uncle Wang's.

〔正〕 This weekend I'll stay at Uncle Wang's.

〔析〕 要注意英文的特殊表达法,如:at a tailor's shop (裁缝店)=at a tailor's, at the doctor's (去看病) at the bookseller's (在书店) at uncle Wang's (在王叔叔家)

〔误〕 Do you know there is some good news on today's newspaper? 〔正〕 Do you know there is some good news in today's newspaper?

〔析〕 在报纸上的新闻要用in, 而在具体某一版上,或某一页上则要用on。 〔误〕 The school will begin on September 1st.

〔正〕 School will begin on September 1st.

〔析〕这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom's home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。

〔误〕 In my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time. 〔正〕 On my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time. 〔析〕译文为:在去车站的路上我买了份报纸,为的是消磨时光"在??的路上"应用on one's way?。而 in the way 有挡道之意,如:Please move the chair it is in the way。



一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. According ___C___ travel agents, the growth trend in travel is the half-week sneak-away built around a weekend.

A. at

B. on

C. to

D. in

2. Gregory: Let's take a coffee break, shall we? Flora: ___A____, but I can't.

A. I wish I could

B. We shall

C. Yes, let's

D. You will

3. Do not express shock for what you hear __C___ matter how shocking it might seem.

A. not

B. never

C. no

D. none

4. I have classes ___B___ day: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

A. each other

B. every other

C. on one way or another

D. any other

5. As the ocean water changes to ice, it keeps the temperature _D____ falling too far.

A. with

B. into

C. besides

D. from

6. Her plane takes _B____ at 3 p.m.

A. up

B. off

C. on

D. in

7It seemed as if all of a ___A___

the animal had smelt danger in the air.

A. sudden

B. moment

D. once

8.Never ____A__ , we'll see the film next week.

A. mind

B. to mind

C. mind you

D. in mind

9. Pupil: I apologize for being late this morning. My alarm clock didn't ring. Teacher: ___B___

A. Would you please forgive me? I never accept any apologies at all.

B. That's all right. These things often happen.

C. Thank you. You're really too kind apologizing to me.

D. Never min

E. You don't have to be so polite.

10. We're ___B__ to hand in our homework next week.

A. proposed

B. supposed

C. opposed

D. imposed

11. My husband lived at home before we were married, and so____A__.

A. did I

B. had I

C I had

D. I did

12. His face is __B___ to me, but I can't remember where I've seen her.

A. similar

B. familiar

C. friendly

D. alike

13. In the 1960s, there was a change in fashion in __C___ of small cars.

A. fever

B. fovea

C. favor

D. fear

14. Would you __A____ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?

A. stick

B. suck

C. pick

15. You'll have to pay for the holiday in ___B___, Sir.

A. front

B. advance

C. ahead

D. forward

16. Guest: Have you a single room for tonight and tomorrow night with a telephone and shower?Clerk: We haven't any rooms with a shower free just now, but there's a bathroom available on each floor. Guest: ____A__.

A. All right. That'll do

B. Oh, sorry. Forget it

C. How regretful! I give it up

D. All right. It does

17. The convenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as ___A___.

A. pie

B. bread

C. soup

D. wine

18. Processed food and food ___C__ contains chemicals and preservatives should be avoided.

A. when

B. where

C. which

D. who

19. There are other techniques that might help you __A____ your studying.

A. with

B. at

C. into

D. over

20. Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ___C___ time.

A. waste

B. spend

C. kill

D. past

21. The good service at the hotel __A___ the poor food to some extent..

A. made up for

B. made up

C. made for

D. made out

22. The outside of our house was ___C__ painted blue.

A. before

B. firstly

C. originally

D. lastly

23. When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main course at the center with the other dishes ___A__ placed around them.

A. evenly

B. even

C. odd

D. oddly

24. It was ___C___ that he couldn't finish it alone.

A. a so difficult work

B. a so difficult job

C. such a difficult job

D. such a difficult work

25. A: What a surprise! You changed your hair style. B: Yes, and another surprise. I'm going to get married next Saturday. A: __A____

A. Really? Congratulations!

B. Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.

C. How about another time? I'll be busy then.

D. That's OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.


一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1. Can you divide 30 ___B___6, please?

A. in

B. by

C. with

D. of

2. Regardless ___C__ his appearance, he is innocent.

A. to

B. in

C. of

D. for

3. When Americans take a break, they often head __D___ their favorite vacation place.

A. into

B. onto

C. over

D. for

4. Teacher:Where is Mike this morning?Student:He's got a cold.Teacher:_____C_

A. He is absent.

B. What's the matter with him?

C. Just tell him to take it easy.

D. What? Where is he?

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:in,next,week)

5. Quite a lot of people watch TV only to ___C___ time.

A. waste

B. spend

C. kill

D. past

6. I'm not sure which restaurant __C___.

A. to eat on

B. eating at

C. to eat at

D. for eating

7. I __C____ bacon and eggs every morning.

A. am used to eat

B. used to eating

C. am used to eating

D. am using to eat

8. Would you ___A___ the stamps on to the envelope for me, please?

A. stick

B. suck

C. pick

D. spit

9. A: East Bouren 54655. B: Hello. Terresa here. Can I speak to Jack, please? A: ___B_____ B: OK.

A. Who's that speaking?

B. Could you take a message?

C. I think she's gone shopping.

D. Hold the line, please.


介词in, on, at在表示时间时的用法区别

①in时间范围大(一天以上)如:in Tanuary, in winter, in 1999;泛指在上午,下午,晚上,如:in the morning(afternoon, evening).

习惯用法:in the daytime 在白天。

②on指在某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上,如:on Monday, on Sunday afternoon, on July 1, 1999

③at时间最短,一般表示点时间,如at six o’clock, at three thirty.习惯用法:at night, at noon, at this time of year.

in, on和at在表达时间方面的区别

in 表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间

in a year在一年中

in spring 在春季

in September 在九月

in a week 在一周中

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/傍晚

但在中午,在夜晚则用at noon/night

on 表示某一天或某一天的某段时间

on Monday 在周一

on Monday afternoon 在周一下午

on March 7th 在3月7日

on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日

on the morning of March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日上午

at 表示某个具体时刻。

at eight o’clock 在8点钟

at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候

at the moment 在那一时刻

at that time 在那时

注意:在英语中,如果时间名词前用this, last, next 等修饰时,像这样的表示,“在某时”的时间短语前,并不需要任何介词。

例如:last month, last week, this year, this week, next year, the next day, the next year等。

1.What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in your country?


in 在年、月、周较长时间内in a week 在里面

in the room

用某种语言in English 穿着

in red

on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在……上面

on the desk 靠吃……为生live on rice 关于a book on Physics

〔误〕 We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak.

〔正〕 We got to the top of the mountain at day break.

〔析〕 at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night。 〔误〕 Don't sleep at daytime

〔正〕 Don't sleep in daytime.

〔析〕 in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year. 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。

〔误〕 We visited the old man in Sunday afternoon.

〔正〕 We visited the old man on Sunday afternoon.

〔析〕 in the morning, in the afternoon 如果在这两个短语中加入任何修饰词其前面的介

词都要改为on, 如:on a cold morning, on the morning of July 14th

〔误〕 He became a writter at his twenties

〔正〕 He became a writter in his twenties


〔误〕 He went to New York to find a job in sixteen years old.

〔正〕 He went to New York to find a job at sixteen.

〔析〕在具体年岁前用at, 如:at the age of 12, at your age,等等。

〔误〕 We went to swim in the river in a very hot day.

〔正〕 We went to swim in the river on a very hot day.

〔析〕具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Year's Day

〔误〕 I'm looking forward to seeing you on Christmas.

〔正〕 I'm looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas.


〔误〕 I haven't see you during the summer holidays.

〔正〕 I haven't seen you since the beginning of the summer holidays.

〔析〕 during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday. 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I haven't see you for a long time. 而through 用来表示时间时则为"整整,全部的时间"。如:It rained through the night.而since则是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。

〔误〕 At entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

〔正〕 On entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

〔析〕 On 加动名词表示"一……就"。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。又如:on hearing… 一听见, on arrival 一到达就……(on表示动作的名词)

〔误〕 In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

〔正〕 At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

〔析〕 at the begining与at the end都是指某事物的开始与结束部分,均不指时间范围,而in the beginning 则是指开始一段时间。in the end=at last是指"最终,终于"之意。 〔误〕 Till the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

〔正〕By the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

〔析〕 by 引起的时间状语表示了动作的截止点,其意思为"不迟于某一时刻将工作做完",所以主句一般是完成时态。当然可以有将来时态,如:I'll be there by five o'clock.而till则表达其一动作一直持续到某一时刻,但句中的动词一定要用持续性动词,而瞬间的截止性动词应用其否定句式,如:I won't finish this work till(until) next weekend.

〔误〕 He came to London before last weekend.

〔正〕 He had come to London before last weekend.

〔正〕 He came to London two weeks ago.

〔析〕 before 一般要与完成时连用,而ago则与一般过去时连用。

〔误〕 I have studied English for three years gince I had come here.

〔正〕 I have studied English for three years since I came here.

〔析〕 since用来表达主句动作的开始时间,所以其引出的从句中应为过去时,而不能用完成时态

〔误〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it after two hours.

〔正〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours.

〔析〕中文经常讲两小时之后来取,两天内会修好,而这个介词在英文中要用in而不要用after。其原因有二,①after 多用于过去时,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found a job in the bank. ② after 加时间是表达一个不确定的时间范围,如:after three days, 即三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在许诺若干时间内会完成某事时,一定要用介词in。

〔误〕 Three days after he died.

〔正〕 After three days he died.

〔正〕 Three days later he died.

〔析〕 after 与 later都可以用来表达一段时间之后,但它们所处的位置不同,after 在时间词前,而later在时间词后。

〔误〕 She hid herself after the tree.

〔正〕 She hid herself behind the tree.

〔析〕 after多用来表达某动作之后,所以有的语法书中称它为动态介词,如:I run after him. After finishing my homework, I went to see a film. 而behind则多用于静态事物之后。 〔误〕 There is a beautiful bird on the tree.

〔正〕 There is a beautiful bird in the tree.

〔析〕树上长出的果实,树叶要用on, 而其他外来的人、物体均要用in the tree. 〔误〕 Shanghai is on the east of China.

〔正〕 Shanghai is in the east of China.

〔析〕在表达地理位置时有3个介词:in, on, to。 in表示在某范围之内; on表示与某地区接壤;to则表示不相接。如:Japan is to the east of China. 

〔误〕 I arrived at New York on July 2nd.

〔正〕 I arrived in New York on July 2nd.

〔析〕 at用来表达较小的地方,而in用来表达较大的地方。at常用于at the school gate, at home, at a bus stop, at the station, at the cinema, at a small village。

〔误〕 He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road.

〔正〕 He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road.

〔析〕在门牌号码前要用at, 并要注意它的惯用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page。

〔误〕 There is a colour TV set at the corner of the hall.

〔正〕 There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall.

〔析〕在屋内的角落应用in,而墙的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street.

〔误〕 This weekend I'll stay in Uncle Wang's.

〔正〕 This weekend I'll stay at Uncle Wang's.

〔析〕要注意英文的特殊表达法,如:at a tailor's shop (裁缝店)=at a tailor's, at the doctor's (去看病) at the bookseller's (在书店) at uncle Wang's (在王叔叔家)

〔误〕 Do you know there is some good news on today's newspaper?

〔正〕 Do you know there is some good news in today's newspaper?

〔析〕在报纸上的新闻要用in, 而在具体某一版上,或某一页上则要用on。

〔误〕 The school will begin on September 1st.

〔正〕 School will begin on September 1st.

〔析〕这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom's home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。

〔误〕 In my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time.

〔正〕 On my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time.

〔析〕译文为:在去车站的路上我买了份报纸,为的是消磨时光"在……的路上"应用on one's way…。而 in the way 有挡道之意,如:Please move the chair it is in the way。




Life in the 2050s will be different from it is now, because many changes will take place. What will the changes be?

The population is growing fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live longer.

Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer study will be one of the important subjects in schools.

People will work fewer hours, but have more free time for sports, TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many people will go to other countries for holiday.

There will be changes in our food, too. Because more and more people know the importance of healthy diet, maybe no one will eat meat. Instead they will eat more vegetables and fruit. So people will be healthier.

Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots. Because of this, many people won’t have enough work to do. This will be a problem.

( ) 1. In the 2050s, there will be .

A. more trees

A. travel B. more people B. work hard

B. house

C. fewer countries D. more work to do

C. work long C. TV D. eat meat D. robot ( ) 2. In the future, people will not have to . ( ) 3. Every family will have at least one in the 2050s according to the passage. A. computer ( ) 4. Traveling will be in the 2050s. A. less interesting C. more expensive A. fruit B. more difficult D. much cheaper and easier C. bread D. meat ( ) 5. People in the 2050s may not have as much as we do now. B. vegetables


Dear John,

I’m very excited about your coming and staying in Chichester next week. The day after tomorrow I have to go away on business for three days at the beginning of the week, but I will be back when you come. I’ll leave a key with my friend next door at Number 21, so you won’t have to wait before I return.

Now let me tell you how to get here, though(尽管) it’s not very difficult to find.

Walk up the Star Road until you come to the first set of traffic lights and then turn right. Turn left at the next crossing. Go straight, and Landsdowne Road is the second on the right. There you

can find my house, the door at Number 22.

Oh! I nearly forgot to ask you about the most important thing: could you bring a sleeping-bag? Well, I must go now. I have to go and take the car from the garage(汽车修理店) on Land Road. I was out yesterday, when it broke down on the way.

Hope to see you soon.



( )6. John will come and stay in Mike’s house _____.

A. at the beginning of this week B. next week

C. at the weekend D. the day after tomorrow

D. Five. ( )7. How many days will Mike go away on business? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )8. Mike will leave a _____ with his friend next door at Number 21.

A. house B. car C. sleeping-bag D. key

( )9. Mike’s house is on the _____.

A. Chichester Road B. Star Road C. Landsdowne Road D. Land Road

( )10. What’s wrong with the writer’s car?

A. A thief stole(偷) it on the way. B. Mike sold it to someone else.

C. It broke down on the way. D. Someone drove it away by mistake.


Tom saw an ad(广告) in a newspaper for a beautiful, modern bicycle. It cost $169, so he went to the shop to see the bicycle.

The shopkeeper was very happy to show it to him. He watched it carefully and then turned to the shopkeeper and said, “There isn’t a light on the bicycle. But there was one on the bicycle in your ad.”

“Yes, sir,” answered the shopkeeper, “but the light isn’t in the price. .”

“Not in the price?” Tom said angrily, “but that is not honest(诚实的). If the light was in the ad, it should be in the price.”

“Well, sir,” answered the shopkeeper quietly, “there is also a girl on the bicycle in the ad, but we don’t offer(提供) her with the bicycle, either.”

( ) 11. Tom went to the shop because he _______.

A. was interested in the bicycle in the ad

B. wanted to see a beautiful girl

C. was interested in writing an ad

D. wanted to see the lights

( ) 12. When the shopkeeper said “It’s an extra”, he meant _______.

A. he would give Tom a light

B. the light was not useful

C. the newspaper made a mistake

D. Tom had to pay more money for the light

( ) 13. From the passage, we can know that Tom was a very _______ man.

A. careless B. careful C. happy D. worried

( ) 14. According to the passage, what is NOT in this ad?

A. A bicycle. B. A light. C. A bag. D. A girl.

( ) 15. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Tom didn’t like this bicycle at all. B. The shopkeeper was not honest.

C. The ad was bad and ugly. D. The shop gave a light to Tom.


This is just an example of Li Ming’s English self-study schedule(自学预定表) for one week. You should make your own personal schedule. It is useful to write a 7-day schedule before you go to bed every Sunday night. It is very important to be sure you can practice listening, speaking,

( )16. It’s very important to _______ in making a personal English schedule.

A. learn from others B. keep a balance(平衡) of skills

C. think more D. read some books

( )17. Li Ming will read the useful _______ used in a telephone conversation on Wednesday.

A. sounds B. numbers C. sentences D. words

( )18. Li Ming will review the prepositions of place on _______.

A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday

( )19. Li Ming will improve his _______ skill by practicing for one hour on Friday.

A. listening B. speaking C. reading

( )20. On Saturday, Li Ming will review _______.

A. some English spelling rules

C. all of the new words D. writing B. the prepositions of place D. an English story


Do you hope to do a lot of homework every evening? Are you interested in your English classes? Who do you want to teach you? Maybe you have lots of questions before school starts. Well, I want to give you some good advice on these problems.

First, keep calm(平静的). Don’t worry about all the questions you have. Put your heart into learning, and you can find something you are interested in.

Second, try your best to finish your homework quickly. Don’t spend a lot of time on it. Do

more reading or writing in English. Don’t stay up(熬夜) late, or you can’t study well the next day. Third, invent something instead of copying or repeating. If you can remember the words in your way, you can tell your teachers you don’t like the way of copying them again and again. If you are sure you can pass tests well, I think your teachers will agree with you. And they can give you some interesting work to do.

School is really a good place for us to learn in. Believe in your teachers and yourself. You are the best one and you can do everything well.

( )21. The writer writes this article to _______.

A. ask students not to do their homework

B. tell students what a good teacher and a good school are

C. give students some good ways of learning

D. ask the students not to listen to the teacher carefully

( )22. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

( )23. What does the writer speak about students’ homework?

A. They should spend much time on it.

B. Do the homework as soon as possible.

C. They should do more reading or writing in English.

D. They should stay up late doing their homework.

( )24. What’s the third piece of advice about?

A. Study in your own way.

B. How to get high marks.

C. How to get on well with the teachers.

D. What kind of schoolwork is better for students.

( )25. According to the passage, students should believe in _______.

A. themselves and their parents

C. their classmates and their friends

B. their parents and teachers D. themselves and their teachers D. Six.


Welcome to the Ambassador Hotel. To make your stay as enjoyable as possible, we hope you know our services.

Dining Room

Breakfast is from 8:00—9:30 a.m. The room staff can bring breakfast to your room at any time after 7:00 a.m. Please fill out a card and hang it outside your door the night before.

Lunch: 12:00—2:00 p.m.

Dinner: 7:30—9:00 p.m.

Room Service

24 hours every day: phone the Reception desk, and your message will be passed on to the room staff.


To make a phone call, dial 0 before telephone numbers. Or you can make phone calls at the Reception desk.


The hotel shop is open for daily used things from 9:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m.


Wash, iron and return your clothes within 24 hours. Ask the room staff to collect them. Bar

The hotel bar is open from 7:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m.

( )26. You can see this notice _______.

A. in a hotel room B. in a school

D. in a telephone box C. in an ambassador’s

A. Go to the hotel shop.

B. Go to the hotel bar.

C. Hang a message outside your door.

D. Phone the Reception desk.

( )28. If you want to make a phone call, it would be the quickest to _______.

A. use one of the telephones in the hotel hall

B. go out and look for a public phone

C. ask at the Reception desk

D. go to your room to make the call

( )29. If room service is your job, what must you do before you go home at 6:00 a.m.?

A. Lay the tables in the dining room.

B. Check the bedroom doors.

C. Start preparing the breakfast.

D. Wake any of the guests who have asked for early calls.

( )30. Which is true according to the passage?

A. Breakfast is served from 7:00 to 9:30 a.m.

B. There are no public phones in the hotel.

C. The bar is open all day.

D. The hotel shop is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ( )27. You arrived at the hotel at 12:00 p.m., and want a meal. Where should you go?


Mr. Lee is going to take his family on a trip to some other countries. His brother decides to go with them. Mr. Lee’s father is old so he wants to stay at home and takes care of the house.

They are planning to take a train to visit New York first, and then go to Europe by ship. They’d like to take buses or trains to visit some countries in Europe. Then they are going to fly home. It takes them a long time to decide where to go, but Mr. Lee thinks they will have an interesting trip. They will go to England, France and Italy. Mrs. Lee is very interested in France because she’s a French teacher. Mr. Lee’s brother can speak good Italian, so he’s looking forward to the trip to Italy.

They also talk about how they are going to Europe. At first they want to fly there, because it is faster and can save more time. But Mr. Lee’s brother would like to take a boat trip and he thinks the children will enjoy it as well.

( )31. How many people are going on the trip?

A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. D. Over three.

( )32. How are they coming back home?

篇五:英语介词in on at的区别与联系

①in时间范围大(一天以上)如:in Tanuary, in winter, in 1999;泛指在上午,下午,晚上,如:in the morning(afternoon, evening).

习惯用法:in the daytime 在白天。

②on指在某一天或某一天的上午,下午,晚上,如:on Monday, on Sunday afternoon, on July 1, 1999

③at时间最短,一般表示点时间,如at six o’clock, at three thirty.习惯用法:at night, at noon, at this time of year.

in, on和at在表达时间方面的区别

in 表示在某年、某季节、某月、某周、某天和某段时间

in a year在一年中

in spring 在春季

in September 在九月

in a week 在一周中

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/傍晚

但在中午,在夜晚则用at noon/night

on 表示某一天或某一天的某段时间

on Monday 在周一

on Monday afternoon 在周一下午

on March 7th 在3月7日

on March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日

on the morning of March 7th, 1998. 在1998年3月7日上午

at 表示某个具体时刻。

at eight o’clock 在8点钟

at this time of the year 在一年中的这个时候

at the moment 在那一时刻

at that time 在那时

注意:在英语中,如果时间名词前用this, last, next 等修饰时,像这样的表示,“在某时”的时间短语前,并不需要任何介词。

例如:last month, last week, this year, this week, next year, the next day, the next year等。

1.What’s the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter in your country?


in 在年、月、周较长时间内in a week 在里面

in the room

用某种语言in English 穿着

in red

on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在??上面

on the desk 靠吃??为生live on rice 关于a book on Physics

〔误〕 We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak.

〔正〕 We got to the top of the mountain at day break.

〔析〕 at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night。

〔误〕 Don't sleep at daytime

〔正〕 Don't sleep in daytime.

〔析〕 in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year. 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。

〔误〕 We visited the old man in Sunday afternoon.

〔正〕 We visited the old man on Sunday afternoon.

〔析〕 in the morning, in the afternoon 如果在这两个短语中加入任何修饰词其前面的介词都要改为on, 如:on a cold morning, on the morning of July 14th

〔误〕 He became a writter at his twenties

〔正〕 He became a writter in his twenties

〔析〕 这句话应译为:他在20多岁时就成了作家。在某人的一段生活时间段中要用介词in来表示,而在具体岁数时用at来表示。

〔误〕 He went to New York to find a job in sixteen years old.

〔正〕 He went to New York to find a job at sixteen.

〔析〕 在具体年岁前用at, 如:at the age of 12, at your age, 等等。

〔误〕 We went to swim in the river in a very hot day.

〔正〕 We went to swim in the river on a very hot day.

〔析〕 具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Year's Day

〔误〕 I'm looking forward to seeing you on Christmas.

〔正〕 I'm looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas.

〔析〕 在节日的当天用on,而全部节日期间用at,Christmas是圣诞节期间,一般要有两周或更长的时间。

〔误〕 I haven't see you during the summer holidays.

〔正〕 I haven't seen you since the beginning of the summer holidays.

〔析〕 during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday. 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I haven't see you for a long time. 而through 用来表示时间时则为"整整,全部的时间"。如:It rained through the night.而since则是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。

〔误〕 At entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

〔正〕 On entering the classroom, I heard the good news.

〔析〕 On 加动名词表示"一??就"。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。又如:on hearing? 一听见, on arrival 一到达就??(on表示动作的名词)

〔误〕 In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

〔正〕 At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories.

〔析〕 at the begining与at the end都是指某事物的开始与结束部分,均不指时间范围,而in the beginning 则是指开始一段时间。in the end=at last是指"最终,终于"之意。

〔误〕 Till the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

〔正〕 By the end of next week. I will have finished this work.

〔析〕 by 引起的时间状语表示了动作的截止点,其意思为"不迟于某一时刻将工作做完",所以主句一般是完成时态。当然可以有将来时态,如:I'll be there by five o'clock.而till则表达其一动作一直持续到某一时刻,但句中的动词一定要用持续性动词,而瞬间的截止性动词应用其否定句式,如:I won't finish this work till(until) next weekend.

〔误〕 He came to London before last weekend.

〔正〕 He had come to London before last weekend.

〔正〕 He came to London two weeks ago.

〔析〕 before 一般要与完成时连用,而ago则与一般过去时连用。

〔误〕 I have studied English for three years gince I had come here.

〔正〕 I have studied English for three years since I came here.

〔析〕 since用来表达主句动作的开始时间,所以其引出的从句中应为过去时,而不能用完成时态 〔误〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it after two hours.

〔正〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours.

〔析〕 中文经常讲两小时之后来取,两天内会修好,而这个介词在英文中要用in而不要用after。其原因有二,①after 多用于过去时,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found a job in the bank. ② after 加时间是表达一个不确定的时间范围,如:after three days, 即三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在许诺若干时间内会完成某事时,一定要用介词in。

〔误〕 Three days after he died.

〔正〕 After three days he died.

〔正〕 Three days later he died.

〔析〕 after 与 later都可以用来表达一段时间之后,但它们所处的位置不同,after 在时间词前,而later在时间词后。

〔误〕 She hid herself after the tree.

〔正〕 She hid herself behind the tree.

〔析〕 after多用来表达某动作之后,所以有的语法书中称它为动态介词,如:I run after him. After finishing my homework, I went to see a film. 而behind则多用于静态事物之后。

〔误〕 There is a beautiful bird on the tree.

〔正〕 There is a beautiful bird in the tree.

〔析〕 树上长出的果实,树叶要用on, 而其他外来的人、物体均要用in the tree.

〔误〕 Shanghai is on the east of China.

〔正〕 Shanghai is in the east of China.

〔析〕 在表达地理位置时有3个介词:in, on, to。 in表示在某范围之内; on表示与某地区接壤;to则表示不相接。如:Japan is to the east of China. 

〔误〕 I arrived at New York on July 2nd.

〔正〕 I arrived in New York on July 2nd.

〔析〕 at用来表达较小的地方,而in用来表达较大的地方。at常用于at the school gate, at home, at a bus stop, at the station, at the cinema, at a small village。

〔误〕 He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road.

〔正〕 He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road.

〔析〕 在门牌号码前要用at, 并要注意它的惯用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page。

〔误〕 There is a colour TV set at the corner of the hall.

〔正〕 There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall.

〔析〕 在屋内的角落应用in,而墙的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street.

〔误〕 This weekend I'll stay in Uncle Wang's.

〔正〕 This weekend I'll stay at Uncle Wang's.

〔析〕 要注意英文的特殊表达法,如:at a tailor's shop (裁缝店)=at a tailor's, at the doctor's (去看病) at the bookseller's (在书店) at uncle Wang's (在王叔叔家)

〔误〕 Do you know there is some good news on today's newspaper?

〔正〕 Do you know there is some good news in today's newspaper?

〔析〕 在报纸上的新闻要用in, 而在具体某一版上,或某一页上则要用on。

〔误〕 The school will begin on September 1st.

〔正〕 School will begin on September 1st.

〔析〕 这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom's home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。

〔误〕 In my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time.

〔正〕 On my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time.

〔析〕 译文为:在去车站的路上我买了份报纸,为的是消磨时光"在??的路上"应用on one's way?。而 in the way 有挡道之意,如:Please move the chair it is in the way。
