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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 08:26:34 作文素材


1. Cushions the below 放轻松点,缓和气氛,找话来应付(take it easy)

2. Live with 承受

3. Put out the sofa 扑灭沙发上的火

4. Index finger食指 middle finger 中指 the ring finger 无名指 little finger 小指 thumb拇指

5. De-caff cappuccino

6. I’d rather go with the foot theory

7. Karmic debt 因果报应

8. Pick off the weak members of a herd 挑选弱处下手

9. Bad beef 比喻不怎么样的男人

10. Odd=chance 可能的机会、几率 odds and ends 零碎的东西

11. Whimper 啜泣

12. Who’s gonna take the first shoot?谁先来?

13. His smile was crooked.

14. There was a man with a crooked smile, who lived in a shoe for a while

15. Yardstick 衡量...的尺度、标准(of/against)

16. Showed a thing or two about softball 给他们露了一两招

17. We are even. 我们就扯平了

18. Pretzel 一种脆饼干

19. Hitchhiker 搭便车的人

20. Big deal:单独用在某句话中多半表示反语或反问 no big deal 没什么大不了

21. Flaw缺点:

Joey:knuckle-cracking 指关节摁响

Ross:with his pronouncing every single word

Monica: with the snort when she laughs 笑的时候打嗝

22. Gloves (come on): hurt sb

Not lay a glove(figure/hand)on: leave unhurt

23. Degenerate into bickering 陷入口水战

24. Endearing 令人喜欢的

25. I have had it 我已经受够了

26. Emphysema 肺气肿

27. You have reached my bottom line

28. The way he makes me feel myself

29. Now and then 有时,偶尔

30. Lamb chop 羊排

31. Pop-tart 上面有果酱的小圆饼

32. Deja vu 似曾相识的感觉

33. Row like a viking 他很有型

(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:lietome第一季第三集)



My father was a blue-collar worker.我父亲是个蓝领工人

I started my first job delivering newspapers我第一份工作是派送报纸

When I was 13 years old.那年我13岁

You know, I've always thought it's important to work hard,一直以来我都认为必须努力工作 And I basically worked my way up to the top.尽力去做到最好

My background--I come from the military,我曾参过军

And was a graduate of west point.毕业于西点军校

The time that I spent in the army我在军队的那些日子

Was formative for me.塑造了我

The army was all about ensuring that you properly led people军队将确保你能够领导人们 That were assigned to you and that you took care of them.并且关心他们

That's the approach I take every day as ceo.作为CEO,我每天都这样在工作着

The people that support me are my family.我的家庭一直在支持着我

I have my wife and four boys.家里有妻子,还有四个男孩

Nice grab, man!接的不错,伙计

- When I first met joe,I thought he was我第一次遇到joe的时候,

A smart officer in the army,他在军队里,是个聪明的军官

And people looked up to him.大家都尊敬他

So I knew there was great things to come,我知道他将来会有作为

But I never could have imagined where he is now.但是从没想到过他会有今天这样的成就 - Oh...

- It's going in, pete.- 进洞了,pete


- Here at 7-eleven, we're on a mission.在7-eleven,我们肩负着责任

We're on a mission to make our company better.我们都有责任把我们的公司经营得更好 One thing I took away from when I was in the military was我从军队里学到的一点就是 We always had our equipment working要时刻准备着

So that we could be mission-ready.这样才能随时接受新的任务。

And it's the same thing in running stores.经营便利店也是这个道理

In particular, I want to find out尤其是,我想了解

How the communication from our store support center in dallas从我们在达拉斯的供应中心 Is flowing down through our organization,通过我们的有关机构

And ultimately, to our stores.最终是如何与我们的店铺紧密合作的

That's why I'm going undercover.这就是我想要卧底的原因

We're going to the executive committee meeting.我们现在去参加高层人员会议

I think they're gonna be really surprised我想如果我告诉他们我打算做什么的话

When I tell them what I'm about to do.他们一定会非常吃惊

I see you guys put me right at the head of the table.你们把最前面的位子留给我了

Let's go ahead and get started.让我们开始今天的会议吧

I called this impromptu meeting today今天我召开这个即席会议的目的

To let you guys know that I'll be going undercover是想告诉你们

Within our organization.我打算在我们公司内部卧底一段时间

I'll be spending a week in our stores,我将花一周的时间在我们的门店

In our distribution centers, on the front lines.在配送中心,在最前线进行考察

- Do you think you'll learn anything你认为你能通过这段时间

From this experience that might cause us所得到的经验

To take a different look at our strategy moving forward?会对我们的策略有所改观,并且推动我们的发展吗?

- [chuckles] you don't want to know the answer to that.- [窃笑] 你不是真的想知道答案吧?


Look, I'll be focusing on spending time in the field你们看,我想关注在现场的工作

Where the rubber meets the road.这是最好的方法了

I'm gonna see what we're not doing well,我要知道哪些我们做的不好

And that's only gonna make us better in the long run.这对于我们长远来说,是有利的 All right, I'm gonna be gone for a week.好了,我将离开一周时间

- Okay, honey.- 好的,亲爱的

- When I'm undercover, my alias is going to be danny rossi.- 我卧底期间的化名是Danny Rossi My cover story is that I used to be in real estate,我的背景是我曾经是个房产中介

I'm out of work, and I'm looking for new opportunities.现在失业中,正寻找新的工作机会

I'll be telling my co-workers that a camera crew will be跟我一起工作的同事们会知道有个摄制组跟随我

Documenting my journey拍摄关于我

As I try out entry-level jobs在全美最大的公司里

At some of the biggest businesses in america.试工经历的纪录片

- Hi, how are you doing?- 嗨,你好吗?

I have a reservation.我有个预订 [alarm beeping]

I'm looking forward to going undercover,我很期待此次卧底经历

But I have some apprehension because I know但是我还是有点恐惧感

That I'm not gonna do great in every job that I try.因为我知道我不可能把每件工作都做好 It's 5:30 a.M.I'm here in shirley, new york,现在是早上5点半,我现在纽约州的雪梨市 And this store is the epicenter of coffee for 7-eleven.在这家店,他们的咖啡销量是最高的 Coffee is a huge business to us.咖啡是我们的一个大生意

We sell over a million cups a day.我们每天大概要销售掉100万杯咖啡

Hello. Dolores?- You're danny?你好,Dolores- 你是Danny?

- Hi, I'm danny. How are you?

- How do you do?- 嗨,我是Danny,你好- 你好

- Is this for me?- Put these on, please.- 这是给我的吗?- 请把这些穿上

- This store sells more than2,500 cups of coffee a day--这家店每天销售大概2500杯咖啡 More than any other in our system.比其他任何一家店都要多

So I'm here to learn what their secret is.


Is it the location?Is it the type of coffee?到底是因为地理位置呢,还是因为他们咖啡的款式? Is it our people?还是因为这里的员工?

I need to figure out我要了解清楚

What makes their coffee business so great是什么原因使得他们的咖啡生意这么火 So I can share it with our other stores.这样我就能把他们成功的经验跟其他门店分享 Okay, I have to teach you the ropes.- 好了,我先教你一些步骤

I need to learn the whole program.- 我要学习所有的程序

- Let's do the easy stuff.- 我们先从最简单的开始

Good morning, vinnie.早上好,vinnie

- Good morning, dolores.早上好,dolores

- We'll take this one down,and we dump the filters.- 我们先把这个取下来,然后把滤纸倒掉 Hi, eugene. Good morning.- Good morning, dolores.嗨,eugene.早上好早上好,dolores - Here, you can dump this guy.- 你可以把这个倒掉了

- Good morning.- Good morning, darling.-早上好-早上好,亲爱的

- You know everybody here.- 这儿的人你都认识

- Well, I've been herea long time.- 是啊,我在这里很久了

- How long have you been doing this?- 你在这做了多久了?

- 18 years.- Wow.- 18年了- 喔

- Here, you can do this guy.- Okay.- 你来弄这个- 好的

Seems like it would be easier if there was just, like,这个看上去容易点,如果在这儿

A sink right here.放个水槽的话

- Pipe dreams, honey.- 别做白日梦了,亲爱的

A sink over here.还这儿放个水槽呢

Already he's coming up with all these ideas.看上去他有点上手了已经

Good morning.早上好

- This store is unbelievably busy,- 这家店生意忙得有点难以置信

And I was a little apprehensivestarting out.我开始变得有点焦虑了

But once I got together with dolores,但是一旦和dolores一起工作

She made me feel a lot better.感觉就稍微好点了

- You can start that one.- All right.- 你可以做那个- 好的

I don't want to let her down.我不想让她对我失望

It's getting busy.现在开始变得忙碌了

- He hasn't seen anything yet.- 他还没有完全了解情况

The rush hour is beginning.高峰时段已经开始了

Danny, you got customers behind you.Danny,你挡住顾客了

- Oh, excuse meI'm sorry, sir.- 哦,抱歉,对不起,先生

- Danny. This one could be changed.- Danny,这个可以换掉了

You gotta take the other one out first.你得先把另一个给取出来

Hey, where you been?嘿,你去哪儿了

- Oops.- Danny...- 哎呀- Danny

Okay, I need french vanilla, regular.我要法式香草,正常分量的

Where is he?他去哪儿了?

- Taking care of the coffee business at this store在这家店照看好咖啡生意

Is really challenging--the pace of it.是个具有挑战性的活

There's a lot of interaction with customers.需要跟顾客有很多的互动

You've gotta keep the coffee right.你得把咖啡配正确了

It's a lot of work.这是个很大的工作量

Ooh, what's going on here?How did that happen?哦,怎么回事,这儿出什么事情了? - Oh, my goodness!- 哦,我的天!

Aw, for crying out loud...哎呀,搞什么名堂

Take care of the customers.你去照看顾客们

Where is he?他人呢?

Danny, you just goofed.Danny, 你搞糟了

- I did?- Yes.- 我吗?- 是的

You just mixed it with the french vanilla--你刚只是把法式香草跟这个和在一起

For the decaf, hazelnut.- Oh, yes, I did.跟这个无咖啡因咖啡,和榛果-哦,是的,是我干的 - Okay, this is no good anymore.This is no good.- 这可不妙,这可不妙

Oh, danny's a little bit mushy-mush额,danny有点焦头烂额

Until he gets into the groove of things.直到他进入最佳工作状态为止

He's amazed by the amount of coffee that we sell.他对我们卖出的咖啡的量感到很吃惊 Hiya, russell!嗨,russell!

I gotta hit you.You know I gotta hit you.我得揍你了,你知道我得揍你了

- Dolores know all the customers.- Dolores 认识这所有的顾客

She knows 'em by name.知道他们的名字

She's like everybody's mom.她就像大伙的妈妈

Hiya, nicky!嗨,nicky!

- Is he your son?- 他是你儿子?

- No, he's a customer.- Ah.- 不是,他是个顾客- 哦

- He's a pain in the neck customer.- 他是个讨厌的家伙

- Her attitude is upbeat, positive.她工作态度很乐观,确实如此

How long have you known dolores?你们认识Dolores多久了?

- 20 years now.We are good friends, her and I.- 到现在有20年了, 我跟她是很好的朋友 She's very humble, dolores.Dolores, 她为人很谦卑

She's been through a lot.她经历了很多

She has five children.她有五个孩子

- No kidding.- Yeah.- 开玩笑吧- 没有开玩笑

- And she's got only one kidney,- 她现在只有一个肾脏

So she's on dialysis twice a week.每周要去透析两次

- Dolores?- Monday and Friday. Yep.- Dolores?- 周一和周五,是的

She won't let her kids donate because she's afraid她不想要她的孩子们捐赠肾脏

That something will happen to them,怕会伤害到她孩子们的健康

And they'll only have one kidney.因为那样的话,他们也就只有一个肾脏了

- Finding out about Dolores really hit me pretty hard.- 知道了Dolores的事情,我感到很震撼 She seems to have so much energy,她看上去是那么的充满活力

And she's so positive about things.对所有事情都很确信

To have such a huge health issue,(没想到她)有这么大的健康问题

It's really surprising.我感到很惊讶

Hey, dolores...- Yes?嘿,dolores。。。- 什么事?

- Susan told me that you go for dialysis.- Susan 跟我说了你去透析的事情

- Yes.- 是有这么回事

- How do you do that and do this?- 你感觉怎么样?

Is it hard on you?对你来说这困难吗?

- It's some process, I'll tell you, you know.这得有个过程

- Yeah.是的

- I'm waiting for a donor.我在等一个捐赠者

- Dolores.- Yes.- Dolores- 怎样?

- You're amazing.- 你真了不起

- No, I'm not.- 不,我不是

- To have a person like dolores in there,- 能有Dolores这样的员工

That makes me feel real good.让我感觉很好

- Hey, good morning, tom.- 嘿,早上好,TOM

- That's why we're selling2,500 cups of coffee.- 这就是我们能销售2500杯咖啡的原因 Not because we have great coffee,不是因为我们有好的咖啡

But because we have dolores there.而是因为有了Dolores

- I hope this wasn't an interview for danny- 我希望这不是Danny的面试

Because he is a little slow.因为他有动作有点慢

But a smaller store,less high-volume,如果去一个小一点的门店,没这么大规模的

I think he'll do it.我想他就可以应付得过来了

Good luck, danny.[laughs]祝你好运,danny

Announcer: Coming up, making the perfect pastry接下来,做最棒的油酥点心

Proves too much for joe to handle.joe有点招架不住了

- What happened here?- 这儿怎么了?

- Wheels all fell off, man.- 掉链子了,伙计

- Yeah, we gotta buy some more wheels, right?- 是啊,我们得再去买些轮子是吗? Maybe we can use that first paycheck.或许可以用你第一次的薪水去买?

Announcer: And later, joe is finding it hard to swallow紧接着,joe 发现难以下咽

How much food is going to waste.有很多的食物被浪费掉

- Those items are supposed to be going to charities.- 这些东西都应该被送到慈善机构 Announcer: Joe depintois the ceo of 7-eleven joe depinto是7-eleven的CEO

And has gone undercover in his own company.正在他自己的公司里卧底

- Oh, what's going on here?- 哦,这儿出什么事了?

Announcer: His journey continues at a bakery in baltimore.他现在来到了巴尔的摩的一家面包工厂

- We have a large organization.- 我们拥有庞大的机构

Not only do we have stores,不光是有门店

But we've got a network of commissaries and bakeries.我们有委托人网络和面包工厂 We make over 60 million pastries a year.我们一年生产超过6千万的点心

Our organization is really trying to expand我们力争在门店扩大

Freshly made foods in our stores,新鲜食品的供应量

And bakery items are a key.面包点心的生产是个关键

Today I'm at our largest bakery here in baltimore.今天我来到了我们位于巴尔的摩的最大的面包工厂

I'll be looking at quality assurance,我主要来考察产品的品质保证

And, in particular,be working on the line而且我要在生产线上工作

With some of our employees.跟一些我的员工们

Hey, how are you?- Hi.嘿,你好吗?- 嗨

- I'm looking for phil.- 我找phil

- I'm phil. How you doing?- Hi, phil, I'm danny.- 我是phil,你好- 嗨,phil,我是danny Phil handles the bakery's training department.Phil负责面包生产的培训部门


《lie to me》你看过吗?其中的微表情简直令人入迷。总结如下。
















15.抿嘴 经典的模棱两可的动作

16..摸脖子 人撒谎的时候会摸脖子,典型的强迫行为



19. 在学校越受欢迎的学生越会撒谎









1.The average person tells three lies per minutes' conversation. 人在每10分钟的谈话中要说3次谎

2."Microexpression_r_r": expression_r_r lasted for less than a fifth of a second.微表情 持续不到五分之一秒的表情

3.One-sided shrug shows I've absolutely no confidence of what I just said. 单肩耸动 表示他对所说的话极不自信。

4.Surprise lasts for less than a second when it comes across face. 惊讶的表情不会超过1秒。

5.When someone lie, they often make more eye contact, because they need to watch, see if you believe lies. 撒谎时人们更倾向于盯着你,想看你相不相信他们的谎言.

6.Rigid repetition is a typical of a lie.生硬的重复是典型的谎言

7.Oblique eyebrows show sadness. 眉毛倾斜代表悲伤

8.Man have erectile tissue on nose. It will itch when men are hiding something. 男人鼻子里有勃起组织, 当他们想要掩饰时鼻子就会痒

9.People got the slightest head nod "yes" before they shook their head "no".摇头之前先轻轻地点一下头,是谎言。

10.Tension: He had his left hand in his pants pocket, pressed against his leg the whole time.左手一直插在裤袋里顶着大腿,说明紧张

11.Distancing language: sb stop using contractions and start referring to her as "that woman" 离开距离的语言:不提名字而说“那个女人”代替,是在说谎。。(典型代表“I did not have sexual relations with that women, Ms. Lewinsky.)

12.When you are lying, it's hard to tell a story backwards, because there's no real memory of what happened. Liars rehearse their stories in order. They don't think to rehearse them backwards. 撒谎时 很难把事情倒叙说出来 因为都是编的 撒谎者按顺序编故事 从没想过倒过来顺一遍

13.fear, anger, and sexual arousal can make pupils dilate.害怕愤怒性欲能使人的瞳孔放大

14.In a fake smile, there is no eye wrinkling.假笑眼角是没有皱纹的

15.Blood flows from the extremities to legs so you are ready to run, your hands get cold first. 典型的生理逃跑反应血液从四肢回流至腿部 做好逃跑准备人的手部首先冰凉

16.Eyebrows go up, the person knows the answer to the question they're asking.眼眉向上抬 表示发问的人知道问题的答案
























16.双手抱胸、退一步——肢体 抗 议,说明他的话不可信;


18.纵火案犯与强 奸 犯在动机上有着惊人的相似性。




21.说谎者在说谎前会眼神飘移 在想好说什么谎后 会眼神肯定 如果你冷静的反驳 说谎者会再次出现眼神飘移 ~








5、你去过她家吗?不,我没有去过她家。 这样生硬的重复是典型的谎言。



8、如果吃惊的表情维持超过1秒,那就是在装,说明他在说谎。真正的吃惊表情转瞬即逝。 补充:


10、瞳孔放大代表有性欲 哈哈





? ? 2011-06-29 17:27 回复 丧尸宝宝
















者有撒谎的嫌疑。mouth shrug\hands shrug








? __hhhhhhgggggg 位粉丝


? ? 2011-06-29 17:28 丧尸宝宝







Scene 1:

PJ: yeah! Yeah, this is way more fun since you’ve learned how to clap.

Mrs Dabney: Don’t ignore me! When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it!

Mr Dabney: get off my back, woman!

Mrs Dabney: you want me off your back? I can arrange that.

PJ: Charlie, those are our neighbors, the Dabneys. They’ve been married a long time.

Gabe: hey,PJ, I just kicked the football into the Dabneys’ backyard. Will you go get it?

PJ: no way! they’re going at it again.

Gabe: well, what about the football?

PJ: who cares? It’s gone. Kiss it goodbye.

Gabe: well, I’m glad to hear you say that, because it was your football.

Scene 2:

Mrs Dabney: ha, I warned you. That’s what you get for being a bad husband! And now you’re dead.( PJ is making a noise) Is somebody out here? Who’s out here?( Turn back and turn around, stab the football).

Gabe: where’s the football?

PJ: forget the football! Mrs Dabney just murdered Mr Dabney!

Gabe: what!

PJ: I heard her talking to his corpse. It was chilling.

Gabe: just so I’m clear, you didn’t get the football?

PJ: I’m serious, Gabe.

Gabe: come on. Mrs Dabney may be a mean, vicious, cruel, horrible, nasty old witch,but she’d never do something like that.

PJ: You don’t believe me?

Gabe: no.

PJ: Fine, fine, I’ll prove it. Come here, Gabe. (dialing the phone)

Mrs Dabney: hello?

PJ: (funny voice) is Mr Dabney home?

Mrs Dabney: He….can’t come to the phone.

PJ: interesting.

Mrs Dabney: who is this?

PJ: uh---I’m some sort of salesman.

Mrs Dabney: Gabe, is that you?

PJ: why would you assume my name is gabe?

Mrs Dabney: because I have caller ID.

PJ: oh, then yeah, it’s Gabe.

Gabe: hey!

PJ: whoo! She’s cool under pressure, I’ll give her that.



1. not so good不是很好

2. Since when? 什么时候这样子的?

3. Since always一直都是这样

4. dating language约会用语

5. complaining about them to you 向你抱怨

6. Cushions the blow这是善意的谎言

7. live with the knowledge承受

8. Let's keep going咱们继续吧

9. Smoke away我想这就是迪默

10.Relax your hand! 手放轻松,手腕自然点

11.taking a puff吐口烟

12.Don't think of it as a cigarette别把它当成是支烟

13.Think of it as the thing that's been missing from your hand把


14.the same as和。。。一样

15.the tip of a thumb拇指尖

16.That's ridiculous! 这太荒谬了

17.I'm getting pretty good at this! 我进步神速

18.Good for me!我真行

19.I haven't worked只是太不值得了


21.in my account我的户头

22.go down去

23.giant karmic debt非份之财

24.I can't believe you! 我真不敢相信你

25.Hold on a second等等

26.Put it out! 熄掉…

27.figure out想清楚

28.Nope. Schhorry. 不行,抱歉

29.they're all over him. 他们便蜂拥而上

30.picking off the weak members of the herd. 找弱者下手 31.As someone who's seen more than her fair share of bad beef不愉快的场面我见多了

32.that is not such a terrible thing这并不是一件坏事 33.looking out after you关心你

34.odds of that happening are a little slimmer机会就更渺茫 35.We promise! ,我们保证

36.stay outside呆在外面

37.calling attention to提醒

38.I've heard schho much about all you guyschh! 我对各位已如雷贯耳


40.take the first shot最先开始

41.kept picking at一直...

42.Wait a minute! 等等


44.nursery rhyme童谣

45.There was a crooked man, who had a crooked smile有个驼背的人有着扭曲的微笑


47.How is that possible? 这怎么可能呢?

48.He was unbelievable.他 真是太不可思议了

49.made us into a team. 使我们形成一个团队

50.we sure showed those Hassidic jewellers a thing or two about softball我们让对手见识到什么叫垒球

51.That's impossible. 不可能

52.pick out挑出

53.let me do something. 让我表示我的谢意

54.we're even我们就扯平了

55.Keep the change不用找了

56.floating in there浮在里面

57.tiny little hitch-hiker搭便车的

58.this is so unfair! 这很不公平啊

59.So I have a flaw! 我有个缺点

60.Big deal怎么了?(大事,了不起)



63.what the hell is that thing? 搞什么嘛?

64.don't listen to him别介意

65.I think it's endearing. 我觉得那样很可爱

66.Indeed there isn't没错

67.The hair comes out, and the gloves come on. 全都发泄出来了

68.a cow got through! 一头牛居然全身而退

69.get over熬过去

70.The bottom line is至少

71.I have one now and then我偶尔会犯

72.last stick of gum最后一片口香糖

73.he's across the hall他在对面

74.stepped in gum踩到口香糖

75.What is up with the universe?! 这世界到底怎么了

76.there's really no easy way to say this真的很难启齿

77.you let your guard down你放?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路烙?/p>

78.the way they were. 回到往日

79.I am a little relieved. 我也真的松了一口气.

80.You had a rough day悲惨的一天
