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完成时间 银行发展中小企业供应链融资业务的研究 ——以“金改”背景下泉州某农商行为例

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Study on Development of SEMs Supply Chain

Financial Service for Banks

——Take one of Quanzhou Rural Commercial Bank

as an Exemple

Zheng, Ming mei

摘 要






In the process of the development of SMEs, the financing problem has been an important factor restricting the development of SMEs, especially in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, which is known for active private economy. Along with the increasingly fierce competition in international market, accelerating the pace of domestic economic restructuring, Quanzhou private economy entered a development "platform" period, and a large number of local SMEs has an urgent need for transformation and upgrading to become bigger and stronger. At the same time, the intense financial market requires banks to find new profit growth point. Quanzhou rural commercial banks,as local financial institutions, play a catalytic role in the development of Quanzhou economy, especially the SMEs, but it is still in a weak position, looking for a new development way become critical.

As a system innovation, Supply Chain Finance collects variety resources of business, finance, financial products to achieve the optimization welfare of the parties, which provides a solution of financing and technology bottlenecks for SMEs, and brings new profit models for the banks. Supply Chain Finance based on the real economy of supply chain, providing a range of financing products on the relationship between the upstream and downstream of supply chain, which can reduce financing cost of SMEs. Supply Chain Finance has brought a new way to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs in Quanzhou, and brought new opportunities for the development of Quanzhou rural commercial banks.

In addition, on December 21, 2012, Quanzhou became the third national financial comprehensive reform pilot area, the reform general scheme put forward that basically forming the financial organizing system match with the economic and social development in Quanzhou, and broadening the investment channels for the real economy, after about five years of efforts. It is based on this background, the essay followed Supply Chain Finance as the main line and analyzed the related theory of Supply Chain Finance, including its component ,the main business model and risk, and focus on analysis of the financing status of SMEs in Quanzhou area and the characteristics of the development of the rural commercial banks, and put forward that Supply Chain Finance is a new way to solve Quanzhou SMEs financing predicament, and new opportunities for development of rural commercial banks;

Key words: SMEs; Supply Chain Finance; Quanzhou financial reform; rural commercial bank

目 录

一、 前言 ..................................................... 1

(一) 研究背景 ....................................................... 1

(二) 研究目的与意义 ................................................. 1

(三) 供应链融资国内外研究文献综述 ................................... 2

(四) 研究内容和整体框架 ............................................. 4 二、 相关理论基础概述 ......................................... 6

(一) 供应链融资的定义 ............................................... 6

(二) 供应链融资的主要内容 ........................................... 7 三、 泉州中小企业融资现状 .................................... 14

(一) 泉州中小企业概况 .............................................. 14

(二) 泉州中小企业的融资现状 ........................................ 15 四、 泉州地区农商行发展现状 .................................. 17

(一) 泉州地区农商行的发展优劣势分析 ................................ 17

(二) 泉州地区农商行的发展机遇 ...................................... 18 五、 “金改”背景下发展中小企业供应链融资的意义 ............... 19

(一) 供应链融资可以提高泉州地区商业银行的效益 ...................... 19

(二) 供应链融资有利于提升泉州规模以上企业的市场竞争能力 ............ 19

(三) 供应链融资可有效解决泉州中小企业流动资金短缺等问题 ............ 20

(四) 供应链融资有利于提升泉州产业竞争实力 .......................... 20 六、 泉州地区农商行发展中小企业供应链融资存在的问题 ........... 20

(一) 业务同质性较强 ................................................ 20

(二) 供应链融资营销理念有待转变 .................................... 21

(三) 供应链融资风险控制机制落后 .................................... 21

(四) 供应链融资业务操作能力有待增强 ................................ 21 七、 泉州地区农商行发展中小企业供应链融资的相应对策 ........... 22

(一) 借鉴国内外银行先进经验,优化产品和服务创新 ..................... 22

(二) 制定适合中小企业的授信评级标准和贷款管理模式 .................. 22

(三) 建立中小企业供应链融资的风险控制体系,加强操作风险控制 ........ 23


摘 要






In the process of the development of SMEs, the financing problem has been an important factor restricting the development of SMEs, especially in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, which is known for active private economy. Along with the increasingly fierce competition in international market, accelerating the pace of domestic economic restructuring, Quanzhou private economy entered a development "platform" period, and a large number of local SMEs has an urgent need for transformation and upgrading to become bigger and stronger. At the same time, the intense financial market requires banks to find new profit growth point. Quanzhou rural commercial banks,as local financial institutions, play a catalytic role in the development of Quanzhou economy, especially the SMEs, but it is still in a weak position, looking for a new development way become critical.

As a system innovation, Supply Chain Finance collects variety resources of business, finance, financial products to achieve the optimization welfare of the parties, which provides a solution of financing and technology bottlenecks for SMEs, and brings new profit models for the banks. Supply Chain Finance based on the real economy of supply chain, providing a range of financing products on the relationship between the upstream and downstream of supply chain, which can reduce financing cost of SMEs. Supply Chain Finance has brought a new way to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs in Quanzhou, and brought new opportunities for the development of Quanzhou rural commercial banks.

In addition, on December 21, 2012, Quanzhou became the third national financial comprehensive reform pilot area, the reform general scheme put forward that basically forming the financial organizing system match with the economic and social development in Quanzhou, and broadening the investment channels for the real economy, after about five years of efforts. It is based on this background, the essay followed Supply Chain Finance as the main line and analyzed the related theory of Supply Chain Finance, including its component ,the main business model and risk, and focus on analysis of the financing status of SMEs in Quanzhou area and the characteristics of the development of the rural commercial banks, and put forward that Supply Chain Finance is a new way to solve Quanzhou SMEs financing predicament, and new opportunities for development of rural commercial banks;

Key words: SMEs; Supply Chain Finance; Quanzhou financial reform; rural commercial bank

目 录

一、 前言 ..................................................... 1

(一) 研究背景 ....................................................... 1

(二) 研究目的与意义 ................................................. 1

(三) 供应链融资国内外研究文献综述 ................................... 2

(四) 研究内容和整体框架 ............................................. 4 二、 相关理论基础概述 ......................................... 7

(一) 供应链融资的定义 ............................................... 7

(二) 供应链融资的主要内容 ........................................... 7 三、 泉州中小企业融资现状 .................................... 15

(一) 泉州中小企业概况 .............................................. 15

(二) 泉州中小企业的融资现状 ........................................ 15 四、 泉州地区农商行发展现状 .................................. 18

(一) 泉州地区农商行的发展优劣势分析 ................................ 18

(二) 泉州地区农商行的发展机遇 ...................................... 19 五、 “金改”背景下发展中小企业供应链融资的意义 ............... 20

(一) 供应链融资可以提高泉州地区商业银行的效益 ...................... 20

(二) 供应链融资有利于提升泉州规模以上企业的市场竞争能力 ............ 20

(三) 供应链融资可有效解决泉州中小企业流动资金短缺等问题 ............ 21

(四) 供应链融资有利于提升泉州产业竞争实力 .......................... 21 六、 泉州地区农商行发展中小企业供应链融资存在的问题 ........... 22

(一) 业务同质性较强 ................................................ 22

(二) 供应链融资营销理念有待转变 .................................... 22

(三) 供应链融资风险控制机制落后 .................................... 22

(四) 供应链融资业务操作能力有待增强 ................................ 23 七、 泉州地区农商行发展中小企业供应链融资的相应对策 ........... 24

(一) 借鉴国内外银行先进经验,优化产品和服务创新 ..................... 24

(二) 制定适合中小企业的授信评级标准和贷款管理模式 .................. 24

(三) 建立中小企业供应链融资的风险控制体系,加强操作风险控制 ........ 25

(四) 提高从业人员素质 .............................................. 25 八、 案例分析 ................................................ 26

(一) 案例背景 ...................................................... 26

(二) 泉州某农商行中小企业供应链融资方案设计和业务流程 .............. 26

(三) 泉州某农商行供应链融资的风险控制 .............................. 28 九、 结论与建议 .............................................. 30

(一) 结论 .......................................................... 30

(二) 泉州发展中小企业供应链融资的措施建议 .......................... 30

主要参考文献 .................................................. 32

一、 前言

(一) 研究背景


泉州素有“民办特区”的美誉。2012年,泉州民营经济实现生产总值3954亿元,占全市地区生产总值的83.7%;工业增加值2429.89亿元,占全市工业增加值的91.8%;就业人数占全市九成以上,缴纳税金占全市财政收入的85%以上。经过多年发展,泉州民营经济极其发达,呈现集群化、市场化、品牌化、资本化四大显著特点,其中拥有一大批知名度甚高的品牌,境内外上市公司数十家——晋江的鞋业、石狮的服装、德化的陶瓷、南安的水暖等,已经形成了一批全国有影响力的产业集群。不过,多数企业正处于急需由粗放往品牌转型的过程当中,普遍存在利润单薄、创新低下的难题。而转型,最需要的当然是充沛的资金。但是由于中小企业自身存在的一些问题以及金融体制改革的滞后, 这些企业很难在国有银行系统获得贷款,从而阻碍了泉州中小企业的进一步发展。与此同时,农村商业银行作为地方性的金融机构,对经济尤其是中小企业的发展起着促进作用,但是其在中国银行业中仍然处于弱势地位,如何求发展成为关键。在“金改”这样一个充满机遇与挑战的背景下,探讨中小企业融资新途径、农村商业银行发展新策略成为一个迫在眉睫的问题。

(二) 研究目的与意义

改革开放以来,我国中小企业快速发展,已成为国民经济中的主力军,在泉州地区尤显突出。然而,中小企业的信贷状况与其在国民经济和社会发展中的地位和作用却极不相称。虽然当前,国内在融资制度建设、宏观政策建议和发展金融支持体系等方面都有建树,针对中小企业融资难题的研究已较为全面。但要通过这些途径来解决中小企业融资难题还是一条漫长的道路。目前,商业银行等金融机构通过在信贷市场上寻找多个利益相关者,来互相担保,建立一种特殊的纽带机制,针对中小企业的融资需求进行金融产品创新和融资方案设计,以缓解中小企业融资困境的做法更为可?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuxiaozuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">孝佟9┯α慈谧始妊由炝私鹑诨沟木富瘢止姹芰酥行∑笠党て诘娜谧世牛鞘迪稚鲜鏊?a href="http://www.zw2.cn/zhuanti/guanyuluzuowen/" target="_blank" class="keylink">路的一个有效途径。它站在整个产业供应链的全局和高度,脱离了单个企业的传统局限,结合产业经济,提供金融支持,这在解决中小企业融资难题上可谓独树一帜。所以供应链融资理念是一种新思维。 ①刘汝娟.从商业银行角度对中小企业供应链融资的研究[D].中国海洋大学硕士学位论文.2010:1-2.

篇四:银行发展中小企业供应链融资业务的研究——以“金改”背景下泉州某农商行为例论文 定稿










完成时间 银行发展中小企业供应链融资业务的研究 ——以“金改”背景下泉州某农商行为例

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Study on Development of SEMs Supply Chain Financial Service

for Banks

——Take one of Quanzhou Rural Commercial Bank as an


Zheng, Ming mei

摘 要






In the process of the development of SMEs, the financing problem has been an important factor restricting the development of SMEs, especially in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, which is known for active private economy. Along with the increasingly fierce competition in international market, accelerating the pace of domestic economic restructuring, Quanzhou private economy entered a development "platform" period, and a large number of local SMEs has an urgent need for transformation and upgrading to become bigger and stronger. At the same time, the intense financial market requires banks to find new profit growth point. Quanzhou rural commercial banks,as local financial institutions, play a catalytic role in the development of Quanzhou economy, especially the SMEs, but it is still in a weak position, looking for a new development way become critical.

As a system innovation, Supply Chain Finance collects variety resources of business, finance, financial products to achieve the optimization welfare of the parties, which provides a solution of financing and technology bottlenecks for SMEs, and brings new profit models for the ban(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:福建泉州农商行)ks. Supply Chain Finance based on the real economy of supply chain, providing a range of financing products on the relationship between the upstream and downstream of supply chain, which can reduce financing cost of SMEs. Supply Chain Finance has brought a new way to solve the financing difficulties of SMEs in Quanzhou, and brought new opportunities for the development of Quanzhou rural commercial banks.

In addition, on December 21, 2012, Quanzhou became the third national financial comprehensive reform pilot area, the reform general scheme put forward that basically forming the financial organizing system match with the economic and social development in Quanzhou, and broadening the investment channels for the real economy, after about five years of efforts. It is based on this background, the essay followed Supply Chain Finance as the main line and analyzed the related theory of Supply Chain Finance, including its component ,the main business model and risk, and focus on analysis of the financing status of SMEs in Quanzhou area and the characteristics of the development of the rural commercial banks, and put forward that Supply Chain Finance is a new way to solve Quanzhou SMEs financing predicament, and new opportunities for development of rural commercial banks;

Key words: SMEs; Supply Chain Finance; Quanzhou financial reform; rural commercial bank

目 录

一、 前言 ..................................................... 1

(一) 研究背景 ....................................................... 1

(二) 研究目的与意义 ................................................. 1

(三) 供应链融资国内外研究文献综述 ................................... 2

(四) 研究内容和整体框架 ............................................. 4 二、 相关理论基础概述 ......................................... 6

(一) 供应链融资的定义 ............................................... 6

(二) 供应链融资的主要内容 ........................................... 7 三、 泉州中小企业融资现状 .................................... 14

(一) 泉州中小企业概况 .............................................. 14

(二) 泉州中小企业的融资现状 ........................................ 15 四、 泉州地区农商行发展现状 .................................. 17

(一) 泉州地区农商行的发展优劣势分析 ................................ 17

(二) 泉州地区农商行的发展机遇 ...................................... 18 五、 “金改”背景下发展中小企业供应链融资的意义 ............... 19

(一) 供应链融资可以提高泉州地区商业银行的效益 ...................... 19

(二) 供应链融资有利于提升泉州规模以上企业的市场竞争能力 ............ 19

(三) 供应链融资可有效解决泉州中小企业流动资金短缺等问题 ............ 20

(四) 供应链融资有利于提升泉州产业竞争实力 .......................... 20 六、 泉州地区农商行发展中小企业供应链融资存在的问题 ........... 20

(一) 业务同质性较强 ................................................ 20

(二) 供应链融资营销理念有待转变 .................................... 21

(三) 供应链融资风险控制机制落后 .................................... 21

(四) 供应链融资业务操作能力有待增强 ................................ 21 七、 泉州地区农商行发展中小企业供应链融资的相应对策 ........... 22

(一) 借鉴国内外银行先进经验,优化产品和服务创新 ..................... 22

(二) 制定适合中小企业的授信评级标准和贷款管理模式 .................. 22

(三) 建立中小企业供应链融资的风险控制体系,加强操作风险控制 ........ 23


