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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 13:26:44 字数作文

篇一:初一英语作文:My Grandmother 我的祖母

初一英语作文:My Grandmother 我的祖母

My grandma likes gardening very much. She's over sixty,but she is still busy with her work. She grows all sorts of flowers and plants in her small garden. It's interesting that all the flowers and plants in her garden grow well. No matter when you come to visit her garden you can always find beautiful flowers there. My grandmother doesn't just work hard in the garden. She sometimes sits in the middle and listens to music.She says music helps the plants grow well. Maybe that's true.She's really a clever lady.

篇二:初一英语作文:My Grandmother 我的祖母

初一英语作文:My Grandmother 我的祖母

My grandma likes gardening very much. She's over sixty,but she is still busy with her work. She grows all sorts of flowers and plants in her small garden. It's interesting that all the flowers and plants in her garden grow well. No matter when you come to visit her garden you can always find beautiful flowers there. My grandmother doesn't just work hard in the garden. She sometimes sits in the middle and listens to music.She says music helps the plants grow well. Maybe that's true.She's really a clever lady.






第二个星期天,我原准备从11教到20,可外婆说有点难,希望我让她慢慢“消化消化”。 “十一,是eleven!eleven!”“我记住了,‘拉一下蚊子’就好了。”外婆笑道。这一招汉语谐音,虽不太标准,但对外婆来说要求还不能太高,用一下就用一下吧!“十二,Twelve!”“‘跳舞’,记着‘跳舞’,我就懂了!”“外婆,你好有趣!不过上课要认真!”这第二句我是板着脸说的,外婆认真地点了点头。


四(6)班 潘登

指导老师 石晓霞






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机报复??几天以后,机会终于来了:我在东屋棚顶上瓦盆儿里栽了几棵辣椒,外祖母喂了几只鸡,天天飞上去叨,我一怒之下往上面打了药,外祖母的鸡吃了就死了两三只,气得外祖母哼啊咳的躺了两三天,奇怪的是,外祖母没有责备我??后来才知道,原来当时因为我外祖父当土匪兵的事儿,山西老家已经派人来过,要求带走我外祖父回去批斗,可是工作组老杨碍于情面,一直压着不办??后来工作组一走,外祖父马上就被老家来的人带走了。 外祖母去世那年八十一岁,离现在也有二十多年了。为了了却她生前回老家的心愿,在家安放了三天,天亮前烧罢回头纸,天一亮我们就扶灵柩上路了。尽管拉灵柩的小四轮儿拖拉机紧开慢开,到达山西老家的时候,已经是第二天下午了。在老家放了一夜,翌日上午十一点四十分,外祖母的灵柩开始安葬。先打开用石头磊着的外祖父的墓门,因在山阳面,里面干爽爽的,外祖父的棺材还是红玉玉的,跟原来一样,想必尸首也不会腐烂的太厉害吧??于是人们用两条粗绳一条吊着材头,一条吊着材尾,慢慢往里送,半小时以后,终于放好了,墓门还没有磊好,墓前已经哭成一片了??哭姥姥,哭姥爷,他们辛苦一世,痛苦半生,如今终于又到了一起,可以安息了。

篇五:my grandma

My grandma

Grandma was born in the early 1930s, growing up in a landlord family. When I was young,my parents was busy with their work,then I was sent to my grandma`s house ,so I grow up there.Not only I lived in her home,but also my six cousins. We all have unforgetbal childhood.

When nights fell,,we all sitted by my grandma quietly then she would say something about heself.she said that was she was born in a landlord family. In Chinese history,landlords are considered bad people,they exploitated farmers a lot..they did`n give farmers enough food and money. But my grangma said that her family was not very rich.,also not poor.they give the farmers who worked for her family enough food,otherwise,how can those famers had energy to work in the field.,maybe the food was not good.but they are not hungry. Not like other people said,my grandma`s family do not eat meat every day ,in those years,meat is expensive though to a landlord.

She did not go to schoolwhen she was young. But she had dexterity hadns she can embroideried a lot of things in the cloth.. when my aunts married she also embroideried flowers and other patterns on the quilts to be gift gave them..

When Cultural revolution came,landlords are interrogatesed by the Red guards .my grandma`s family dind not escape. Because my grandma`s good temper ,she was not be harmed. They interrogatesed her,she did not argue with them. She know she won t will. no matter how they interrogatesed,she choose to be silence. So they do not But the other person did not have the same good luck. After the revolution my grandma married to my grandma, a good man growned in traditional famer`s family. If the revolution did not happen,my granpa and grandma won`t meet each other. The life was not very easy afer marriage. My grandpa wokered for a coal mine every day he had to left early and arrived late ,and the work is not safe ,when he went to work grandma always worried about his safeyty. Grandma did not had fixed work. Sometimes ,she washed cloth for other people ,she also sold icecream in summer. They had eight children, but two of them were died,because of the starvation. So it is very hard for them to raise their children. Grandma never waste moneny, all of her children went to school,she knew the importance of the education. Although the day were hard, she raised her children up. When her children got married and had children, then she (来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:我的外祖母英语作文)began to raised children again. The life began to more and more good. We began to choose food. If the food was not delicious, some of us would do not eat. Then grandma would said that we were not hungry,if not gave us food for a week,we would eat angthimg we can eat. All of the children ,grandma likes me a lot . I`m sick when I was young,and I m the thinnest in the children. So if there had deliciouse food, the first child she thought was me. She knew I love meat , on the dinner,she gave me so much meat. In summer,she always led me to follow her to the store to buy good icecream,only for me though the sun is hot.. Recent years, grandma is not health like those years. Last year ,there is something wrong about her gallbladder. She had a surgery, the doctor took the bad gallbladder. From her body. It has risk to have a surgery when grandma becomes old. My grangpa was very worried,he staied by grangma everyday,though they argued with each other almost everyday before. I kown they love each other .

Now,grandma has recovered, when I go to see her she always give me money ,she want me to buy

something to myself. I know I still the grandchild she loves most. I enjoy the warmth of love in the days of being with her.
