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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 13:21:10 字数作文

篇一:(每日一读)高考英语考前突破 阅读理解能力 文化教育 蝙蝠侠游戏《雅克罕姆骑士》将延迟发布素材


The release date for the latest Batman video game, Arkham Knight, has been delayed until the beginning of 2015.


Batman's developers unveiled new screenshots of the delayed game

The adventure, which is the third in a series, was initially scheduled to go on sale for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC platforms later this year.

The postponement follows a spate of delays to other high-profile games, including Dying Light, Mad Max, Quantum Break and The Order: 1886.

They are all "next gen" games, which use the most complex visual effects.

Mark Ward, a spokesman for Warner Bros Games - which owns the London-based developers of Batman, Rocksteady - said the decision to "extend the development of the game" was taken "to ensure that the trilogy gets the epic conclusion that Batman fans want and deserve".

Mr Ward added that Batman: Arkham Knight is the "most ambitious title Rocksteady has ever created".

High risk


The recently delayed "blockbuster" releases are all graphically intensive games, which use cutting-edge(先进的) visual effects technologies and have high development costs.

Crucially, they are all next generation games, which are only available on the most up-to-date consoles, forcing devoted users to upgrade.

Ed Barton, an analyst at Ovum, told the BBC games developers were making fewer games and spending more on the titles they did produce.

Due to the risk of failure, which is "higher than it's ever been" companies prefer to "make the market wait a few more months and spend more on development," he added.

Some devoted Batman fans took to social networks to express their disappointment with the delay, but Warner Bros gave them a new teaser trailer to "keep them excited," said Chris Dring, editor of games magazine MCV.

While there is always a risk of alienating gamers with consistent delays, the "bigger risk is alienating gamers by making a bad game", added Mr Dring.

But, as Mr Barton points out: "If no-one is getting upset at your game being delayed, you know you have a problem."



The release date for the latest Batman video game, Arkham Knight, has been delayed until the beginning of 2015.


Batman's developers unveiled new screenshots of the delayed game

The adventure, which is the third in a series, was initially scheduled to go on sale for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC platforms later this year.

The postponement follows a spate of delays to other high-profile games, including Dying Light, Mad Max, Quantum Break and The Order: 1886.

They are all "next gen" games, which use the most complex visual effects.

Mark Ward, a spokesman for Warner Bros Games - which owns the London-based developers of Batman, Rocksteady - said the decision to "extend the development of the game" was taken "to ensure that the trilogy gets the epic conclusion that Batman fans want and deserve".

Mr Ward added that Batman: Arkham Knight is the "most ambitious title Rocksteady has ever created".

High risk

The recently delayed "blockbuster" releases are all graphically intensive games, which use cutting-edge(先进的) visual effects technologies and have high development costs.

Crucially, they are all next generation games, which are only available on the most up-to-date consoles, forcing devoted users to upgrade.

Ed Barton, an analyst at Ovum, told the BBC games developers were making fewer games and spending more on the titles they did produce.

Due to the risk of failure, which is "higher than it's ever been" companies prefer to "make the market wait a few more months and spend more on development," he added.

Some devoted Batman fans took to social networks to express their

disappointment with the delay, but Warner Bros gave them a new teaser trailer to "keep them excited," said Chris Dring, editor of games magazine MCV.

While there is always a risk of alienating gamers with consistent delays, the "bigger risk is alienating gamers by making a bad game", added Mr Dring.

But, as Mr Barton points out: "If no-one is getting upset at your game being delayed, you know you have a problem."




设计欣赏 | 16个超酷炫的国外游戏网页推荐

游戏网站的设计大都很有挑战性,优秀的游戏网站可能要经过手绘、后期处理并且制作极击冲击力的视频等等步骤,这些都需要花费大量的时间,不是每个设计师都可以轻松驾驭。今天17xuee 游戏学堂 分享16个国外游戏官网的网页设计,包括很火的刺客信条、侠盗猎车、巫师3等等,绝对是狂暴的视觉盛宴。 Batman: Arkham Knight


Forza Horizon 2

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:batman,arkham,knight)

Mad Max

Tom Clancy’s The Division

Call Of Duty:

Advanced Warfare

Battlefield Hardline

Assassin’s Creed


Grand Theft Auto V

Mirror’s Edge


Topic:The Batman

Well,our topic is”Batman”[P1].Batman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.[P2]His secret identity is Bruce Wayne, an American billionaire and playboy. He is also the owner and chairman of Wayne Enterprises.To fight crime,Wayne trains himself both physically and intellectually.

As a superhero,he has various kinds of abilities.[P3]For example,he is regarded as one of the world's greatest detectives,he has been repeatedly described as having a genius-level intellect, one of the greatest martial artists in the DC Universe. He is a master of disguise, multilingual,an expert in espionage,and a master of stealth and escapology.[P4]In a word,he is a bug in the DC universe,he can even hit

Superman.[P5]What’s more,he has a lot of money.This is his money[P6],and this is his money[P7],and his money again[P8].By the way,he is the most sexy man in Gotham.[P9]And he has many lovers.Of course,he is not always so sexy and handsome.[P10][P11]

But why did a life winner like him become the Dark Knight?Things began when he was a child,he has a happy life,but everything changed overnight.His parents were killed to his face.[P12]Bruce’s Parents love Gotham City very much,but Gotham is a city in crime.So bruce decided to make a better Gotham where children like him will never lose their parents.He just likes a shadow to frighten all the criminal in Gotham. However,he is not always like a shadow.At the first time,i mean,when he was born in 1939,he is a normal detective,[P13]without too much darkness.Then,in 1940,a little boy Dick,not that dick,became his assistant[P14].And he turned to a kind father from a normal detective.Well,maybe he become a little funnier.As time goes by,the stories of Batman became funnier and funnier,[P15]until the appearance of Frank Miller,who saved Batman’s stories.His work[P16] in 1986 which is different from the other Batman’s stories describes an old Batman with a young soul in a darker background.In the future,he must fight with the criminals,the government which his best friend Superman is working for.This work laid a dark and heavy foundation for Batman even now.And it became one of the most important comics in history.

At last,i want to talk about why i love him so much.Comparing to Superman,he isn’t light and kind enough.He thinks Gotham is his responsibility[P17].If there is any darkness in Gotham,if the morning of Gotham isn’t approaching,if Gotham still needs him,he will never stop.He loves Gotham more than anyone in the world,even can devote himself to Gotham.He considers Gotham as his happiness.[P18]His attraction is that he likes a saint but with a human body.

Before i end this speech,if you think Batman is too dark and heavy for you,it’s ok.There is another choice suitable for you.[P19]That’ all,thank you for listening.[P20]


块昆虫石板, 如果用秘密地图找的话可以找到 23 块昆虫石板, 最后一块石板需要我们收集完 23 里关押夏普院长的地方, 块石板之后回到 Penitentiary 里关押夏普院长的地方,对准地面长按 LB 收集才 雪侍宵原创,欢迎转载, 可以本文由 A9VG 雪侍宵原创,欢迎转载,转载请注明原文出处及作者 键进入角色菜单,然后选择: 游戏中可以按下 Back 键进入角色菜单,然后选择: Riddler's challenge 项即可 看到收集进度,因为是按照区域划分的,所以查找起来比较方便 看到收集进度,因为是按照区域划分的,所以查找起来比较方便 全部完成后会听到问号先生在无线电里疯狂诅咒你使用了 cheat 同诅咒那些替换 ( 别人存档玩的人) 别人存档玩的人)[tr=purple] 全秘密地图(Riddlers Secrets Maps)地点 全秘密地图( Maps) [tr=black]Arkham North 当你接到保护蝙蝠车的任务后赶到蝙蝠车处,完成任务后拿到喷雾炸弹, 当你接到保护蝙蝠车的任务后赶到蝙蝠车处,完成任务后拿到喷雾炸弹,在附近 的小房子的屋顶上使用喷雾炸弹进入, 的小房子的屋顶上使用喷雾炸弹进入,地图在里面 [tr=black]Medical Facility 在第一次逃出稻草人的恐惧噩梦后按流程走,走到 Experimental Chamber 时在桌 在第一次逃出稻草人的恐惧噩梦后按流程走, 子上发现地图[tr=black]Arkham Mansion office,也就是拯救杨博士的房间里, 在 Warden's office,也就是拯救杨博士的房间里,屋子里壁炉的右侧桌子上[tr=black]Penitentiary 在 Extreme Incarceration 的右侧桌子上[tr=black] Botanical Gardens 房间的一侧有个可以爬上去的梯子, 在 Glasshouse Generator Room 里,房间的一侧有个可以爬上去的梯子,上去后 有个电门, 黑之, 有个电门,用 PSP 黑之,里面有地图[tr=black]Caves Room, 剧情进行到在鳄鱼人洞穴内采集完样本之后来到 Pump Control Room,就在屋子的 茶几上[tr=black]Intensive Treatment 追击稻草人的剧情里, 的最底层, 在 Secure Transit 里,追击稻草人的剧情里,来到 Secure Transit 的最底层, 在桌子上有地图 [tr=black]Arkham West 这个地方有几部坏掉的救护车,在救护车附近有个电门,用 PSP 黑之,里面是地 这个地方有几部坏掉的救护车,在救护车附近有个电门, 黑之, 图[tr=black] Arkham East 该地区的一个电门里[tr=purple] Riddler's Riddles 地点[tr=black] Treatment[tr=black] Intensive TreatmentLobby 描述: 描述:Don't cut yourself on this Sharply observed portrait. 地点:就是问号先生第一次给你无线电通话时的谜题——夏普院长的那幅画 地点:就是问号先生第一次给你无线电通话时的谜题——夏普院长的那幅画 ——[tr=black]Transfer Loop 描述:

描述:A top hat and tails is the only dress code for this party in the North 地点:如下图,有个半开的门, 地点:如下图,有个半开的门,钻进去后在墙角上 [tr=black]Holding Cells 描述: 描述:Where would you find my home sweet home? 地点:如下图位置, 地点:如下图位置,问号先生的牢房[tr=black] Utility Corridor 描述: 描述:"You don't know Jack about Gotham tune in to find out!" 地点:在逃出监狱重度看护所逃亡户外的流程里,我们会经过一间洗漱间, 地点:在逃出监狱重度看护所逃亡户外的流程里,我们会经过一间洗漱间,里面 有音乐, 有音乐,是收音机发出的[tr=black] Secure Transit 描述: 描述:Dr Jonathan Crane plans on elevating fear to new depths. 地点:该区域电梯通道的最底层, 型通风口, 地点:该区域电梯通道的最底层,里面有个 T 型通风口,爬进去就能找到稻草人 的藏身点了[tr=black] Block Cell Block Transer 描述: 描述:Hook up with the relatives before you're transferred out of here.. 地点:在这能遇到稻草人的第三次毒气攻击,之后好好搜索下走廊,用 PSP 黑掉 地点:在这能遇到稻草人的第三次毒气攻击,之后好好搜索下走廊, 的办公室,桌子上有他家人的照片, 楼梯的电门后进去来到 Aaron Cash 的办公室,桌子上有他家人的照片,扫描后得 手[tr=black] Patient Pacification Chamber 描述: 描述:Even I was shocked when I saw how Maxie Zeus was treated... 地点: 地点:此区域某个可破坏墙皮的后面 [tr=black]Intensive Treatment Lobby 描述:A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible.... 描述: sides, 地点:问号谜题,开侦查视角来到房间中央的小屋里, 地点:问号谜题,开侦查视角来到房间中央的小屋里,在图示的地方可以发现问 号了, 号了,按图示进行排序即可[tr=black]Facility[tr=black] Medical FacilitySecure Access 描述: Harley, 描述:Are you going to take your hat off to Harley, Bats? 地点: 你再次回到医院想坐电梯时会发现电梯不能用了, 地点:当你再次回到医院想坐电梯时会发现电梯不能用了,只能用电梯上面的通 风口爬到地下区,当通过通风口来到地下区时有个岔路,爬进去, 风口爬到地下区,当通过通风口来到地下区时有个岔路,爬进去,里面就是女丑 变坏前的办公室 [tr=black]Surgery Room 描述: 描述:Shhhhsshh! Rumors persist that Tommy Elliot operates in Arkham. Can it be true? 地点: 地点:如下图位置 [tr=black]Experimental Chamber 描述: 描述:Is this bear the Bane of his life? 地点: 地点:该区域的桌子上有个 Bane 的泰迪熊[tr=black] Patient Observation 描述: this 描述:Was this fire fly too hot off the press? 地点: 地点:如下图位置[tr=black]

Sanatorium 描述: 描述:A question can only be answered from a new perspective. Don't you agree? 地点: 地点:如下图位置描述: 描述:TICK! TOCK! News flash! Someone is not getting out of here alive. 地点:如下图位置 地点: [tr=black]Morgue 描述:What silent killer of the oceans can be found in a tiny jar? 描述: 地点:如下图位置, 地点:如下图位置,停尸间桌子上的广口瓶 [tr=black]Medical Foyer 描述:Is the generosity of our benefactors on the Wayne? 描述: 地点:如下图位置, 视角放大一下, 地点:如下图位置,这里需要用 R3 视角放大一下,不然扫描时会说对象太小 [tr=black] Caves[tr=black] CavesMain Sewer Junction 描述: sides, 描述:A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible. 地点:这个没啥好说的,拼命往上走吧, 地点:这个没啥好说的,拼命往上走吧,走到图示的地方拼合问号即可 [tr=black] Mansion[tr=black] Arkham MansionSouth Corridor 描述: 描述:This fiendish puzzle literally appears out of thin air. 地点: 地点:如图所示 描述: 描述:What does a bird need in the rain? 地点:如图所示, 地点:如图所示,走廊的展示柜里 [tr=black]Warden's Office 描述:Isn't the Warden too old for a puppet show?. 描述: 地点:夏普办公室,有个疤脸人的玩偶, 地点:夏普办公室,有个疤脸人的玩偶,不会错过的[tr=black] Main Hall 描述: 描述:Who is the main man in the main hall?. 地点: 地点:楼梯顶端右侧一个高登市的纪念金属板[tr=black] Dr Young's Office 描述: 描述:It'll be a cold day in Hell when this Ghul rises again 地点: 地点:如图所示 描述: 描述:How do you mask your feelings without losing control? 地点: 地点:从通风口下到杨博士的房间内回头就是 [tr=black]Arkham Records Room 描述: in 描述:Our records show that a Strange transfer request was made in this room. 地点: 地点:如图所示 [tr=black]North North Corridor 描述: mad, 描述:Did Amadeus go mad, or was he just dizzy?. 地点: 地点:如图所示 [tr=black]East Wing Corridor 描述: 描述:A game of Cat and mouse can be painful. 地点:猫女的面具与手套,就在走廊的展示柜里, 地点:猫女的面具与手套,就在走廊的展示柜里,很好找[tr=black]Penitentiary[tr=black] Penitentiary Main Cell Block 描述: 描述:This room is the end of days for even the most celebrated killer 地点: 的牢房, 地点:本区的 Calendar Man 的牢房,里面全都是被撕掉的日历 描述: people, voice, 描述:Two people, one voice, no gun? 地点:相同区域,打败女丑派来的喽啰后需要走楼上出去, 地点:相同区域,打败女丑派来的喽啰后需要走楼上出去,楼上过道里的墙上有 把带 L 型弹鼓的汤姆森冲锋枪

[tr=black] Cells Access 描述: failures, 描述:How do you reflect on your successes and failures, Batman? 地点:该区域的女厕里有个镜子[tr=black] 地点: Guard Room 描述: 描述:When is something right in front of you but still hidden from view? 地点:日后回到监狱的这个地方后发现屋里还有毒气,先去左边的房间, 地点:日后回到监狱的这个地方后发现屋里还有毒气,先去左边的房间,房间里 可以用钩锁上去,上去后发现右边有个可以拉开的墙,拉开后飞镖过去打烂开关, 可以用钩锁上去,上去后发现右边有个可以拉开的墙,拉开后飞镖过去打烂开关, 此时排气扇开始工作,屋里的毒气消失, 此时排气扇开始工作,屋里的毒气消失,如图的位置可以发现一个问号 描述:Prometheus, 描述:Prometheus, Arkham guards' most wanted and most hated. 地点:毒气消失后回到原先救人的房间, 地点:毒气消失后回到原先救人的房间,如图处有张普罗米修斯的通缉令 [tr=black]Extreme Incarceration 描述:All alone in your cell? Why don't you break the ice with the most 描述: don't dangerous prisoners? 地点:在三个带电的平台进行喽啰战后,平台对面有间结冰的牢房, 地点:在三个带电的平台进行喽啰战后,平台对面有间结冰的牢房,很明显那是 冰冻人的[tr=black] Security Control Room 描述: 描述:A case of mistaken identity? 地点:救院长的房间, 在呼救, 地点:救院长的房间,一开始你会在一个透明墙体后面看到 Aaron Cash 在呼救, 变的, 事实上他是粘土人 Clayface 变的,如果你日后回来的话他还会变成其他角色逗你 玩的[tr=black] Controlled Access 描述: walls, ex描述:What has four walls, two sides and one ex-DA? 地点:房间里有双面人的牢房(疯人院里关了不少重量级的人物啊, 地点:房间里有双面人的牢房(疯人院里关了不少重量级的人物啊,就这几个人 当然看不住他们了) 当然看不住他们了)[tr=black]Gardens[tr=black] Botanical Gardens Glasshouse Entrance 描述: 描述:Is the number up for these guards? 地点:如图所示,有两个守卫正在饶有兴趣的看书, 给他们摆的 地点:如图所示,有两个守卫正在饶有兴趣的看书,很明显是 Zsasz 给他们摆的 姿势......... 姿势.........[tr=black]Botanical Glasshouse 描述: 描述:What time is tea time in Wonderland? 地点:该房间的植物丛深处的台子上有一套属于帽子狂热人( Hatter) 地点:该房间的植物丛深处的台子上有一套属于帽子狂热人(Mad Hatter)茶具 [tr=black]Statue Corridor 描述:Remember the Waynes? How could anyone forget? 描述:地点: 在一个花坛附近能找到韦恩夫妇的纪念题词版(蝙蝠侠湿了 ( 地点: 在一个花坛附近

能找到韦恩夫妇的纪念题词版) [tr=black]ventilation system 描述: 描述:The Ratcatcher needed more than just charm to lead his army. 地点:小丑会把此地的通路堵死,我们得通过通风口到达对面, 地点:小丑会把此地的通路堵死,我们得通过通风口到达对面,到达前通风口下 面会看到捕鼠人的衣服 [tr=black]Flooded Corridor 描述: 描述:Looks like all the king's horses trampled all the king's men. 地点: 地点:该区域的长椅上会有些木质玩具 描述: mad 描述:Is this a tribute to what a mad dog left behind? 地点:找到该区域一个没脑袋的雕像, 地点:找到该区域一个没脑袋的雕像,对准上面的一块被损坏的金属板[tr=black]Aviary 描述: There's no closet in the gardens,so someone is using the roof instead. gardens, 描述: 地点:如图所示, 地点:如图所示,在远处石壁边缘有个骷髅 [tr=black]Abandoned Chamber描述: 描述:This challenge can only be seen by those with a different view on life. 地点:那个超大的废弃通道里,先用蝙蝠镖把一处网状通道打下来, 地点:那个超大的废弃通道里,先用蝙蝠镖把一处网状通道打下来,然后通过版 边的边缘跳过去,通过攀爬走刚才那个网状通道,会走到一处边缘的地带, 边的边缘跳过去,通过攀爬走刚才那个网状通道,会走到一处边缘的地带,对准 对面,用牵引器过去,过去后你的对面是一处可破坏的墙,左边可以蹲着过去, 对面,用牵引器过去,过去后你的对面是一处可破坏的墙,左边可以蹲着过去, 过去后就可以进行问号的拼合了 [tr=black] Arkham Island West描述:Does Scarecrow's gas break down barriers as it drives you insane? 描述: 地点:如图所示,地图这个地方悬崖上有块可破坏的墙,拉开后进去, 地点:如图所示,地图这个地方悬崖上有块可破坏的墙,拉开后进去,是稻草人 的恐惧毒气罐 描述: 描述:Zsasz is counting on you to find his work. 地点: 果然是个行为艺术家,这次他在地图这个地方摆下了牌局 了牌局....... 地点:Zsasz 果然是个行为艺术家,这次他在地图这个地方摆下了牌局....... 描述: see? 描述:Do you see what I see? No? Then maybe I am in a stronger position.. 地点:出了上面那个房间后,在外面阳台上拼合问号图案吧.. 地点:出了上面那个房间后,在外面阳台上拼合问号图案吧.. [tr=black] Arkham Island East描述:The legacy of this island has been well and truly buried. 描述: 地点:阿卡汉姆墓穴处,有个特别现眼的墓穴, 地点:阿卡汉姆墓穴处,有个特别现眼的墓穴,有口棺材 描述: 描述:Gotham's greatest family towers over the city.. 地点:地图这个地方往东北方看看, 地点:地图这
