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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 01:25:28 小学作文





以下是woods、forest、jungle、a dense forest是不同意思:




密林a dense forest:密集綿延的林木區,可含森林或叢林。




以下是woods、forest、jungle、a dense forest是不同意思:




密林a dense forest:密集绵延的林木区,可含森林或丛林。 (密集绵延的森林/丛林)



篇三:Jungle Love导读

Jungle Love

By Margaret Johnson

By 黄宇


1、 注意理解小说中的叙事者

2、 了解故事的时间、地点、主题、人物特征、关系及冲突、叙事者( narrator)、情节等基本


3、 理解小说标题中Jungle的双关意义,进一步理解小说的题目

4、 了解小说中Jennifer所阅读的小说Far from the Madding Crowd的汉语译文和大致内容


5、 注意各人物的读音,还可以帮助大家记忆

6、 除大家自己在阅读中注意正确理解原文外,还提醒大家注意以下划线部分的含义:

P.34 But the man didn’P. 48 In fact, you look a lot like you’P. 52 ’t.

P. 54 P. 60 P. 82 P. 136 Don’P. 150 There must have been something different about Gary then, something that made you





关于叙事角度,可进一步阅读小说叙事学中的视角,可翻阅以下书籍 藏信息



馆藏信息 叙事学与小说文体学 解读叙事 当代叙事学 跨文化的中国叙事 申丹 米勒 I054 S577 I045 M944 北京大学出版社 北京大学出版社 北京大学出版社 生活.读书.新知三联书 1998 2002 2005 2005 Martin I054 M710-2 高鸿 I207.4 G037


? 每个成员准备介绍一个自己最想去旅行的地(如有ppt可提前告知老师安排场所):列

出具体原因?浪漫?体验?冒险?(可阅读旅游类书籍,了解游客的心理和旅游的目的并结合文中两位叙事者的目的进行分析);找出其至少3处名胜(或要游览的项目);线路;时间安排;大致费用等,主要是培养大家的网络信息检索能力和资源整合能力 ? 表演其中的场景,主要是提高大家对小说的理解和呈现、表达能力


01山寨 YM: Jessica, 你看我这块儿手表怎么样?

Jessica:LV 的! Nice! Did you win the lottery?


Jessica: Ah? What do you mean?

YM: 山寨,就是, 啊??not a real LV,a fake one??

Jessica: Oh, I see! The watch is a knockoff! k-n-o-c-k-o-f-f, knockoff.

YM: 哦~~~原来山寨版的假名牌儿就是 knockoff.

Jessica: Right. 朋友都告诉我 Xiushui Market is the place to go for designer knockoffs.

YM: 没错,好多人都特爱去秀水买假名牌!对了,我带上这假LV,觉得自己特有明星范儿,别人也说我是山寨版的章子怡,那我就是 knockoff Zhang Ziyi 喽?

Jessica: (Hahaha...) No, in that case, you say you’re a Zhang Ziyi lookalike!

YM: lookalike, look后面跟alike,就是山寨明星脸! 哦,Jessica, 我早就想告诉你, You’re a Lady GaGa lookalike.

Jessica:Thanks! I’m flattered!

YM: 对了,待会儿我要去看话剧,叫作《阿凡提.达》。

Jessica: 阿凡达? Avatar, the movie?

YM: 不是,这个话剧要模仿Avatar,搞笑的,是山寨版的阿凡达。

Jessica: Oh! You mean a spoof. That means you will imitate the movie’s style, but in a humorous or sarcastic way.

YM: 原来这种有点恶搞的山寨版艺术作品叫 spoof.

Jessica: That’s right! s-p-o-o-f, spoof.

YM: 我来总结一下啊,山寨版的假名牌是knockoff; 山寨明星脸是lookalike; 山寨的艺术作品是spoof。 19 牛。

Donny: FF, I heard you went to a ballroom dance competition yesterday. How did it go?

FF: 我进决赛啦! 怎么样,牛吧?

Donny: 牛? a cow?

FF: 不是,“牛”就是特别厉害,very good!

Donny: I got it. In English, we use the word "awesome", a-w-e-s-o-m-e, awesome.

FF: 哦,awesome就是说特牛。

Donny: You can also use the word "ballin". b-a-l-l-i-n, ballin. It also means "cool or very good".

FF: 哦,Ballin也是“很牛”的意思。Donny, 那天的跳舞比赛上还真有不少高手。在这种情况下,我可以跟他们说,You’re awesome! 或者You’re ballin! 对么?

Donny: That’s right. You can also say "you rule" or "you rock!"

FF: rule, r-u-l-e, rule; rock, r-o-c-k, rock, 这两个词也可以形容某人或某事很牛,不过它们都是动词,对不对?

Donny: Exactly! For example, 如果你看了一场特别牛的演唱会,you can say "it rocks!" or "it rules!"

FF: 明白了。不过那天也有一些人在比赛前一副不可一世的样子,可真跳起来,也不怎么样,真不知道他们有什么好牛的!对了,形容这些人,也用awesome或是ballin么?

Donny: No! You can use "cocky" c-o-c-k-y, cocky, to describe these kind of people.

FF: 哦,说一个人牛气哄哄的,就是cocky.

Donny: Now, FF, If you can tell me what you’ve learned today, I’d say your English很牛!

FF: 好!第一,说人或事很牛,用形容词awesome或ballin; 35 拍马屁。

DN: 杨琳, what are you reading?

YL: 我在看一本畅销小说,讲的是白领们在公司里奋斗的事儿。

DN: But you’re still a college student. Why are you interested in the life of office workers?

YL: 先学习啊! 我看了这书才知道,这小小的办公室里有那么多明争暗斗! 对了,Donny, 用美语怎么形容办公室里的勾心斗角啊?

DN: You can use the term "office politics."

YL: 哦! Office 是办公室,politics是政治,office politics办公室政治,就是指同事之间的勾心斗角喽。

DN: Yes. Office politics are very common at the workplace. Some people say the office is like a modern jungle, and only the fittest can survive.

YL: 啊?你说办公室是现代丛林,适者才能生存?可以想像......虽然我还没上过班,可即使在学校,处理同学间的关系也是门学问。

DN: For example?

YL: 比如,我们组长就特爱拍老师马屁,大家都不喜欢她。对了,这拍马屁美语怎么说?

DN: You can use the phrase "to suck up to somebody". For example, your team leader sucks up to the teachers, so other students don’t like her.

YL: 大家都说,千穿万穿,马屁不穿,一点没错。老师对我们组长可好了,偏心!

DN: Hmm, teachers are not supposed to play favorites. That’s unfair to other students.

YL: 哎?你说的play favorites就是偏心的意思嘛?

DN: That’s right.

YL: 可是,上司,家长,老师都难免play favorites, 有偏心的时候。唉! 看来哪里都有politics啊!

DN: 别感慨了。说说你今天都学了什么吧!

YL: 第一,办公室里的权力斗争是 office politics;

第二,拍某人的马屁是 suck up to someone;

第三:偏心是play favorites. 33 纠结。

Donny: Hey 吴琼, congratulations! I heard you got a job offer.

吴琼: 没错,我昨天刚接到的通知! 这可是我梦寐以求的工作。

Donny: That’s great! You must be very excited.

吴琼: 不过啊,我还真有点犹豫。公司要我去美国待两年,我舍不得离开这的朋友,可又不愿意放弃这个难得的机会, 实在很纠结。Donny, 纠结英文怎么说?

Donny: 你可以说,I am torn, t-o-r-n, torn.

吴琼: Torn? 那不是被撕裂的意思?

Donny: Well, 一边是熟悉的生活,另一边是难得的机会,两个你都不想放弃,it’s like your heart is being torn in two different directions, right? 你也可以说 I’m on the fence.

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:jungle怎么读)

吴琼: Fence? 篱笆?

Donny: 对,中文里说举棋不定,英语里说 on the fence 就好像骑在一堵围墙上,不知道该向哪边倒。

吴琼: 我明白了。那你觉得我该怎么做呢?

Donny: Maybe you should ask yourself which is the lesser of two evils. Is it worse to give up your dream job or be away from your family and friends?

吴琼: The lesser of two evils? 两害相权取其轻?

Donny: That’s right. Maybe when you think about it that way the answer will dawn on you.

吴琼: Dawn on me? D-a-w-n,不是“黎明”的意思么?

Donny: dawn on me 好象黎明驱走黑夜,让你把问题看清楚。

吴琼: 啊,所以我可以说 it suddenly dawned on me. 恍然大悟。

Donny: Bingo. Now let’s see what you’ve learned today.

吴琼: 第一:纠结,拿不定主意可以说 I’m torn. 或是 I’m on the fence;

第二, 两害相权取其轻是 the lesser of two evils.

第三:恍然大悟是 It suddenly dawned on me. 59崩溃。

Jessica:Morning 怡茹! Oh..you don’t look so well, are you sick?

YR: 生病倒没有,就是精神快崩溃了。老板让我做调研,一共需要1000多个样品数据! 我已经做了两个星期,头昏脑胀,可还是没做完! I am going crazy!

Jessica: Don’t freak out yet. 怡茹,咱们一块想想办法!

YR: Wait a second...你说,freak out?

Jessica: Freak is spelled f-r-e-a-k, freak; freak out 就是崩溃的意思。

YR: OMG! That’s totally me! I’m freaking out! 你说想办法,我已经上网找,问朋友,去图书馆查,都没有现成的数据,完全要自己一点一点搜集! 我觉得我已经走投无路了....

Jessica: Yeah... seems like you are at the end of your rope. This phrase basically means you are out of options. I’m so sorry 怡茹!

YR: At the end of my rope? 真形象。绳子到头了,没有别的办法。I’m SO at the end of my rope! Jessica,你说要是我无法按时完成任务,那可怎么办呀! 老板都催我两次了,我现在感觉如履薄冰。

Jessica: Yeah, being on thin ice is definitely not the best feeling in the world.

YR: On thin ice 就是中文里说的如履薄冰吧?太形象了。

Jessica: You know what? I’m not worried about you. I think you can definitely finish the assignment on time!

YR: 真的吗?好,那我加油,一定按时完成,做得漂漂亮亮的!

Jessica: That’s the spirit!

YR: 我去了! Bye Jessica!

Jessica: Wait 怡茹! Before you go, tell me what you’ve learned today!

YR: 第一,崩溃可以用 to freak out;

第二,走投无路,无计可施是 at the end of someone’s rope;

第三,如履薄冰是 on thin ice. 61 开夜车。

Jessica:怡茹, why do you look so tired?

YR: 这几天又复习又考试,累得我眼睛都快睁不开啦! 昨天晚上,我复习了一个通宵啊! I drove a night car!

Jessica: You drove a night car?

YR: 对啊! 我开了一宿夜车! 难道不是这么说的?

Jessica: 哈哈,you should use the phrase "pull an all-nighter." It means you spent the whole night studying or working to meet a deadline.

YR: 哦,整宿学习工作不睡觉,就是 pull an all-nighter. 唉! 都怪我平时没好好复习,期末考试前只能临时抱佛脚!

Jessica: You're not alone, Yiru! A lot of college students pull all-nighters for exams. You can also use the phrase "cram session." It means an intense period of study before a critical exam.

YR: C-r-a-m, cram, 是仓促备考的意思,所以 a cram session 就是考前的突击复习。正说呢,My study group will have a cram session this afternoon for tomorrow's exam. Hopefully we can get everything done before midnight so that I don't have to pull an all-nighter again!

Jessica: Take it easy, Yiru. Isn't your exam tomorrow an open-book test?

YR: Open-book test? 哦,你是说开卷考试吧?没错,这门是开卷,可老师对开卷考试的答案要求更高。我可不想考砸了!

Jessica: You won't bomb it. You're a smart girl!

YR: 你说“bomb"--那不是轰炸的意思么?我猜这就是说没考好,对么?

Jessica: Exactly.

YR: 那要是不及格,挂科了,怎么说呢?

Jessica: Then you can use the verb "flunk", f-l-u-n-k, flunk. It means you fail to pass an exam.

YR: I don't want to flunk my exam, so---I gotta go!

Jessica: Before you go, tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一,开夜车,通宵学习工作,叫 pull an all-nighter; 考试前的突击复习叫 cram session;

第二,开卷考试是 open-book test;

第三,考试考砸了用动词 bomb, 不及格则用 flunk! 61夜猫子。

YR: Hey Jessica! What are you doing on Friday?

JESSICA: Hmm, I don't know yet. What' up?

YR: Some of us are planning a sleep over at my apartment. 我们几个都是夜猫子,准备好好看场家庭影院,再睡到自然醒!! We are all late cats!

YR: Night owls?

JESSICA: Exactly. Owl is spelled o-w-l, owl, 是猫头鹰。Night owl, 就是夜猫子。不过我可不是夜猫子, I usually hit the hay around 10...

YR: Wait a second...hit the hay? 我知道hay是稻草的意思,你..你为什么要打稻草啊?

JESSICA: 哈哈,YIRU! Hit the hay is just a common way of saying "to go to sleep". 就是睡觉的意思。 YR: 哈!真有意思,hit the hay! Hmm, I'm quite the opposite- I usually hit the hay very late, definitely after mid-night!

JESSICA: I really want to join you guys, but I never enjoy sleepovers. I'm a light sleeper. So normally I can't sleep well on sleepovers.

YR: Light sleeper? 让我来猜猜,就是觉轻的意思,对吗?

JESSICA: Bingo! A light sleeper can be easily awakened.

YR: 哦!那一睡着就雷都打不醒的人要怎么说呢?

Jessica: It's just the opposite! You can call them sound sleepers.

YR: A light sleeper, 觉轻的人;a sound sleeper, 觉沉的人。我想,我们的sleepover party可能真的不太适合你! 那下次别的活动我再叫你吧!

Jessica: Okay! Now tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一:夜猫子叫做 night owl;.

第二:睡觉可以说 hit the hay;

第三:睡得沉的人是 a sound sleeper, 觉轻的人则是 a light sleeper! 68 闺蜜。 Jessica: Wow, 于苗! What are you doing all dolled up!

YM: 我今天要去见我最最好的朋友! 她是我大学同学,我们都两年没见了!

Jessica: Oh wow, sounds like you guys go way back!

YM: 可不! 她可是我的标准闺蜜! My best friend!

Jessica: Actually in English, you can call her your BFF. BFF stands for Best Friend Forever. People use this term to refer to their best friends.

YM: 原来BFF就是永远的好朋友! Yes, she's definitely my BFF! We were college classmates and lived in the same dorm for four years. 我们特别铁,无话不谈。咦,这个"铁"用英文要怎么说呢?

Jessica: You can say: we are tight! Tight是关系紧密的意思,也就是说你们特别铁!

YM: 可不! 话说来跟我们一块吃饭的还有另外一个人! 我们吧,也挺好的, 不过吧, She's super competitive. She always wants what I have! 你说这种人该怎么说? Partial BFF? Partial tight?

Jessica: 哈哈.... that sounds like a frenemy of yours. Frenemy consists of friend and enemy, it is basically half friend and half enemy!

YM: 原来如此! This girl is a frenemy. 我们俩表面不错,但是暗地里好象老是在明争暗斗的。



2015-03-04 17:01 作者:BBC 我要评论(0)


关键词:BBC 学习外语

Picture this: You want to apply for a dream assignment abroad. There‘s just one problem. You need foreign language skills that you don't have – and time is not on your side.


It might sound like an impossible task, but according to language experts, you can learn basic communication skills in weeks and master the basics of a foreign language in several months. While you might not quickly reach the fluency that allows you to understand great foreign literature classics, you can, though, quickly hone in on phrases and technical language specific to your needs whether you are working with the diplomatic service or a blue chip multinational.


It won‘t take most people long to be well on their way to discussing current affairs with a native speaker in Rome or sharing a 'water cooler' moment with new French work colleagues in Paris.


Getting started


Sometimes travelling the globe for work will force you to come up with ways to master conversation in many languages. Benny Lewis, an engineer, learned enough of seven languages -- including Spanish, French and German — to work easily and attained near fluency in several others, including Mandarin.

有时环游全球找工作能迫使你找到掌握外语基本回话的能力。工程师Benny Lewis学了足足七门语言,其中包括西班牙语、法语和德语,这使他的工作变得更轻松,同时还有普通话,他的普通话水平接近流利。

Learning Spanish, Lewis‘s first non-native language, took over a year but subsequent languages, even the basics of conversational Mandarin, were

quicker. His secret: when he first needs to learn a language, Lewis compiles a script of sorts for himself so that he can respond to simple queries from

strangers. As Lewis mastered new languages, he was even able to do work as a translator of technical engineering texts.


Phrasebooks and online tutorials can prove useful in this early stage, experts say, as they can give you the vocabulary and the confidence to have basic conversations with native speakers, the crucial first step in learning a language.


―The biggest barrier in the beginning is the lack of confidence,‖ said Lewis. ―That got better and better for me [as I spoke].‖


Indeed, simply having the courage to speak is necessary if you are going to make progress in a foreign language, language experts said.


―A lot of people don't make progress if they don't open their mouths,‖ said Michael Geisler, the vice president for language schools at Middlebury College in Vermont in the US. ―If you are not willing to put your identity on the line, progress will be slower.‖

美国佛蒙特州明德学院语言系副主任Michael Geisler称:―许多人不开口练习,因此他们无法取得进步。如果你不愿意放下身份来学习,进步就会缓慢得多。‖

This means not being afraid to take risks or make mistakes. When he started learning Spanish, Lewis said he spoke a lot like Tarzan, the fictional man of the jungle.


―I would say 'me want go supermarket'. But I reached the advanced stage by starting as a beginner. My 'light bulb' moment was when – two weeks into learning Spanish – my toothbrush broke and I was able to ask for a

replacement at the supermarket,‖ he said. ―Wherever you go, people are very patient.‖

他表示:―我会说?me want go supermarket‘(一个语法上错误的句子)。但之后说多了就进步了。我认识到我进步的那一刻是我学习西班牙语两周的时候,当时我的牙刷坏了,我居然能在超市顺利的通过口语来更换牙刷。无论你去到哪里,人们都是很有耐心的。‖

Immerse yourself


Geisler believes that total immersion is key to mastering a foreign

language quickly. The more you immerse yourself in the foreign language – such as reading, listening to the radio or speaking to people – the more rapid your progress will be.


Students at Middlebury College are required to conduct all extra-curricular activities, from sport to theatre, in the language they are learning. Middlebury, which also runs graduate programs, runs courses in 10 languages including French, German, Chinese and Hebrew.


Getting to basic conversational proficiency can be achieved in much less time, just several weeks according to experts, particularly if you can speak regularly. James North, associate director for instruction at the Foreign Service Institute, said students are encouraged to get to know native speakers.

有关专家表示,掌握基本的语言会话能力所花费的时间可以少到几周的时间,尤其是当你经常开口练习的时候。华盛顿特区的外交学院教学助理James North称,他们鼓励学生多跟当地人交流。

―You need to invest not just the head but also the heart,‖ North said. You can, for instance, do volunteer work or engage with the local community at restaurants and neighbourhood functions.


More broadly, in major cities there are often regular — several times weekly — language-immersion Meet-Up groups that join together people practicing a language. There are also online alternatives. Lewis recommends

italki.com, a language social network that connects native speakers and teachers with students. Others include lang-8.com and voxswap.com.


By conversing regularly with language experts or native speakers you also have someone to check – and correct – your progress.


―Practice makes perfect,‖ said North. ―But practice without feedback just makes perfect whatever you are practicing. The na?ve learner does not have a perspective on what they are doing. It is really vital to have someone saying yes you are on track.‖


You‘ll need to ask those you speak with for feedback and make sure they know it‘s OK to correct your pronunciations and grammar, although experts say you need not worry too much about grammar in the early stages.


Use the language first and focus on the grammar later, Lewis said. When you are ready to pick up the grammar, he recommended using podcasts at sites such as radiolingua.com or languagepod101.com as particularly useful in picking up grammar and dissecting the language.
