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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 08:29:43 作文素材







你的家乡在北方。昨晚下了一夜的雪,你清晨起来,推门一看,一片洁白。吃过早饭,你背起书包,拿上铁锨去上学。走进教室,空无一人,你赶紧去操场。那里,学生们都在清理路上的雪。扫完雪,你们进教室上课。课后,同学们都去操场玩雪。学校周围的树上穿着雪衣,远处的山上也是白茫茫的积雪。 Our Schoolyard After the Snow

One winter morning, I got up early. It was still dark. When I pushed the door open, everything was covered with snow. I hurried through my breakfast, and then went to school with my bag on my back and a shovel①in my hand.

When I reached school, I saw the lights were still on. Immediately I rushed to the classroom, but to my surprise, I saw nobody there. Then I ran to the playground. There I saw most of the students trying to clear the snow on the paths. How hard they were working. I joined them in the work. Soon the snow was removed. Then we all came back to the classroom, laughing, talking, and singing. As soon as the bell rang at the end of the class, we rushed out of the classrooms to the playground. Oh, there was so much snow! We at once started playing. Some of us began to fight with snow balls. Some were rolling on the snow ground. Still some others piling up a snowman. In the centre of the playground, many students were skating on the ice. Some of them could not skate and had many falls. Our hands and faces turned red with cold, we were also wet all over, but we didn't mind.

The trees around the schoolyard looked like huge men with silver clothes defending our school. Beyond, snow-covered mountains in the distance looked like an elephant made of wax②.

What a wonderful scene!

①shovel ['M)v l] n. 铲;铁锨;铁锹

②wax [w$ks] n. 蜡;蜡状物;蜂蜡

篇三:高中英语 雪后的校园-OurSchoolyardAfterthe作文素材

雪后的校园-OurSchoolyardAfterthe Our Schoolyard After the Snow One winter morning, I got up early. It was still dark. When I pushed the door open, everything was covered with snow. I hurried through my breakfast, and then went to school with my bag on my back and a shovel①in my hand.

When I reached school, I saw the lights were still on. Immediately I rushed to the classroom, but to my surprise, I saw nobody there. Then I ran to the playground. There I saw most of the students trying to clear the snow on the paths. How hard they were working. I joined them in the work. Soon the snow was removed. Then we all came back to the classroom, laughing, talking, and singing. As soon as the bell rang at the end of the class, we rushed out of the classrooms to the playground. Oh, there was so much snow! We at once started playin(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:雪后的校园高中作文)g. Some of us began to fight with snow balls. Some were rolling on the snow ground. Still some others piling up a snowman. In the centre of the playground, many students were skating on the ice. Some of them could not skate and had many falls. Our hands and faces turned red with cold, we were also wet all over, but we didn't mind.

The trees around the schoolyard looked like huge men with silver clothes defending our school. Beyond, snow-covered mountains in the distance looked like an elephant made of wax②. What a wonderful scene!



①shovel ['M)v+l] n. 铲;铁锨;铁锹

②wax [w$ks] n. 蜡;蜡状物;蜂蜡

【写法指要】 本文前两段按时间和空间转移的顺序写了从家里到学校下雪后的情景,第三段写感觉,第四段由近及远写校外的雪景,作者在这里两处使用了明喻修辞格。最后用一个感叹句抒发自己的感情。抒情篇
















