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教师的职责就是帮助学生认识学习的对象,明确学习的任务,确立学习目标。说的通俗一点就是协助学生解决学习、生活中遇到的困难,使他们掌握以后生活必不可少的一个技能。针对现在我国的教育制度而言,不可否认,分数在整个学习过程中占据了重要分量,中考、高考都是根据分数来判定的,即使是以后进入社会,可能更多的都是依靠学校里面的表现,而这一表现形式是什么呢——成绩。所以,我们机构能做的就是尽量帮助学生捡起落下的知识,至少让您的孩子跟其他孩子站在同一起跑线上。不过,学习这个事情,现在涉及到的主体不仅仅是我们老师,还包括家长和学生,特别是学生自己的主动性很重要,我们老师和家长最多也至多起到一个辅助和帮助的作用。 初中生时期是一个比较关键的时期,为什么这么说呢?它不像小学生,虽然爱玩,但是仍然还是会听老师和老师的话,布置得小任务都会完成,所以学习的问题不会很大。它也不像高中阶段,高中生大多知道知道自己的目标是什么,有自己的学习计划,只需要稍微点拨一下就行,学习的主动性更强。而处于这两个阶段的初中阶段呢,普遍的都是,小孩子很贪玩、有些叛逆,学习主动性不强,没有学习意识和学习计划。很多家长既不想自己孩子输在起跑线上,但又不知道自己怎么跟小孩子沟通,只能在那里干着急!












1. 巩固初一重点知识

2. 站在中考角度,抓语法、词汇、写作、阅读

3. 把初二知识在中考中占到的重点和难点进行突破

4. 学习方法与技巧点拨



1. 提前进入中考冲刺状态。

2. 梳理初一、初二学过的语法知识,进行巧练巧学,达到融会贯通的目的。

3. 对初三将要学到的语法知识了解、掌握和应用,形成初中完整知识体系。

4. 提高句子使用的准确性,帮助学生写出正确的英语句子,进而提高书面表达的质量。

5. 了解句子的种类和构成,从而为提高完形和阅读理解能力打下良好的基础。



第一部分 听力(20分)


( )1.A.often B.always C.usually ( )2.A.eighth B.ninth C.tenth ( )3.A.whether B.weather C.if ( )4.A.twice B.times C.sometimes ( )5.A.August B.September C.November Ⅱ. 听短文,选择正确图片。短文读两遍。(5分)


6.Toronto _____ 7.Beijing _____ 8. New York _____ 9.Sydney_____ 10.London _____

Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分) ( )11.What date is Betty’s birthday? A.May 1st. B.May 2nd. C.May 3rd. ( )12.What did Betty ask the man to do? A.She asked him to buy her a present. B.She asked him to go to her birthday party. C.She asked him to tell the girl about her birthday party. ( )13.What present are they going to buy for Betty? A.A toy monkey. B.A toy panda. C.A birthday card. ( )14.What’s the girl’s name in the dialog? A.Kate. B.May. C.Mary. ( )15.Where will they do the shopping? A.At No.396 People Street. B.At No.386 People Street. C.At No.369 People Street. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)

( )16.Tom went to visit his uncle with _____ . A.his mother B.his father C.his sister ( )17.They went there _____. A.by bike B.on foot C.by bus ( )18.His uncle’s home is _____ their home. A.far from B.near C.next to ( )19.Tom ran on the bus because _____ . A.he is a boy B.he wanted the bus to go faster C.he was unhappy ( )20.Mother told Tom to _____ . A.sit down B.run C.stand up Ⅲ.完形填空。(10分)

Do you think of your parents? “Yes, of course.” you may answer, “I buy a present for my mother on 26 . And I give my father a present on Father’s Day, too.” Then what about the other days of a year? Always 27 to think of your parents, not just on some 28 days.

I have a friend. She 29 alone, because her parents live in another city. One day I went to see her. We had a nice talk. Then she wanted to make a telephone call. She dialed(拨) the number, but then she put the phone . After about ten seconds, she dialed the number again. “Hi, Mom …”

Later, I asked, “Why did you dial the number the telephone quickly. I always do so when I call them. I just want to give them time to answer the call.”

(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:初中英语补习)

My friend is a good girl. She is always her parents, so why not her? You’ll also be a good child.

( )26.A.Father’s Day B.Mother’s Day C.Teachers’ Day D.Children’s Day

( )27.A.ask B.forget C.stop D.remember

( )28.A.important B.interesting C.difficult D.boring

( )29.A.live B.lives C.lived D.living

( )30.A.up B.off C.down D.on

( )31.A.once B.twice C.several times D.many times

( )32.A.far from B.behind C.close to D.at the end of

( )33.A.few B.a little C.a lot D.little

( )34.A.thinking about B.picking up C.looking for D.listening to

( )35.A.ask B.learn from C.talk about D.miss



There are many different festivals in the world. People can do many kinds of things. Spring Festival is the most i 61 festival in China. Chinese people often perform lion and dragon

d 62 . They also eat dumplings on that day. The second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day. We often s 63 our love to our mothers by giving flowers. April Fool’s Day is a funny festival. You can p tricks on your friends and they can not be and give gifts to each other.

61. _____ 62. _____ 63. _____ 64. _____ 65. _____



66.Wang Fang, now, wash her face


67.you, your shoes, should take off, enter someone’s house, before


68.Mary, like, spring, best


69.we, have a wonderful party, last Sunday


70.there be, many books, on the shelf


(B)生活像一只快乐的小船,承载着无数的欢声笑语。请以A Happy Day为题,写一篇短文。




A Happy Day


1.Mr.Smith usually goes to work by car.

2.September is the ninth month of the year.

3.What’s the weather like today?

4.I go to the library twice a week.

5.October comes before November.


Here is a TV report of the weather. It’s snowy in Toronto. The temperature is -10℃ to -5℃. It’s cloudy in New York. The lowest temperature is 3℃ and the highest temperature is 7℃. In Sydney, it will rain later today. And there may be a strong wind in London. And it is a sunny day today in Beijing. The temperature is from 13℃ to 18℃.


M: What’s the date today?

W: It’s May 2nd.

M: May 2nd? Oh! Tomorrow is Betty’s birthday. She asked me to go to her birthday party. Did she ask you to go, too? W: Yes, shall we go and buy a present for her?

M: That’s a good idea. We can buy her a toy monkey. Betty loves animals. Do you agree, Mary?

W: Yes, but I heard that Betty liked Chinese pandas very much. What about buying a toy panda for her?

M: OK, let’s go and buy one for her. Where is the toy animals shop?

W: At No.396 People Street.


Tom is a little boy. He is eight. Last Sunday his mother took him to visit his uncle. His uncle’s home is far from their home. So they went there by bus. There were only twenty people on the bus. They sat on the bus. Tom was very happy. He ran on the bus. His mother said, “Tom, don’t run! Sit down.” But Tom said,“I want to see my uncle very much, so I want the bus to go faster.”

Ⅰ.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C

Ⅱ.6.E 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C

Ⅲ.11.C 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.A

Ⅳ.16.A 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A

Ⅲ.26.B 由后句在父亲节给父亲买礼物,可以知道上句应该是在母亲节买礼物,故选B。

27.D 本句是一个祈使句。意思是:总要记住去关心你的父母。

28.A 根据上句,总要记住去关心你的父母,不仅仅在重要的日子。

29.B 主语是she,本句话是一般现在时,动词用第三人称单数形式。

30.C 由上下文知道,作者的朋友打电话不止一次,put the phone down意思是“放下电话”,故选C。

31.B 由上下文知道,她打了两次电话,故选B。

32.C 她的父母老了,不能很快地走近电话, close to靠近。

33.B 本句的意思是让父母有时间接电话,time在这里是不可数名词,用a little修饰。

34.A think of与think about都有“关心”之意,故选A。

35.B 根据上下文,她总是关心父母,因此为什么不向她学习呢?learn from sb. 向某人学习。

Ⅱ.61.important 62.dances 63.show 64.play 65.turkey



66.Wang Fang is washing her face now.

67.You should take off your shoes before entering someone’s house.

68.Mary likes spring best.

69.We had a wonderful party last Sunday.

70.There are many books on the shelf.


A Happy Day

My uncle lives in the country. Last fall, there was an apple harvest on his farm. He invited my family to taste the apples.

On a sunny morning, my family drove to the farm. After we got there, I couldn’t wait to pick a big and red apple on the tree. The apple tasted so sweet. Then we picked apples. In the afternoon, we had a big meal there. I thought it was delicious.

I was very happy on that day!


补习材料(二) 第一部分 听力(20分)



A B C D E 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____


( )6.A.work ( )7.A.by ( )8.A.fix ( )9.A.mouth

B.wake B.bye B.six B.house

C.walk C.baby C.sixth C.month

( )10.A.in a hospital B.at home Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答11-12题。 ( )11.Who has got the wrong number?

A.Kangkang. A.Hefei.

听第二段对话,回答13-15题。 ( )13.What’s Jim doing?

A.He’s doing his homework.

( )14.Where’s Jack?

A.In the classroom.

C.In the teacher’s office.

B.Dongdong. B.Beijing.

C.at school

C.Hefei. C.In a cinema.

( )12.Where do you think Dongdong lives?

B.He’s reading. B.On the playground.

C.He’s cleaning.

( )15.Where’s the man going?

A.Home. B.To work.



C.To school.

One day Mr. and Mrs. Black went 26 in their car. They were going to buy lots of things. They stopped their car a shop. An hour later they came out to the car with a lot of things. But when Mr. Black turned his key(钥匙) in the car door, he 28 get it 29 . Then he went 30 a policeman nearby(附近) for help. The policeman was very kind and glad 21

them. A few minutes he got the door open. Just at that moment old man came up and shouted, “What are you doing my car?” When the Blacks looked at the number of the car, their faces turned . They made a mistake.


( )26.A.for shop B.shopping C.shop D.to shopping ( )27.A.in front of B.in C.in the front of D.in front ( )28.A.could B.can C.couldn’t D.can’t ( )29.A.opened B.opening C.openning D.open ( )30.A.to ask B.ask C.asked D.asking ( )31.A.to help B.help C.helped D.helping ( )32.A.late B.ago C.later D.last ( )33.A.an B.a C.the D./ ( )34.A.on B.to C.with D.by ( )35.A.black B.white C.green D.red Ⅳ.阅读理解。

I like fishing with my parents on weekends. My friends don’t understand it. They always ask me, “How can you sit with your parents for hours like that?” When they ask me that question, I never say a word. I just smile.

Last Sunday, I went fishing with my parents on a lake near Nanjing. When we got there, I found a nice place to fish and sat down. My parents sat far away from me. I threw some bait (饵) into the river. But I didn’t catch a fish. So I went to see my mom and dad. They didn’t catch anything, either. My dad said, “Let’s fish together. Maybe we’ll be lucky later.” I got my things and sat down with him and mom. We started to talk and I told them about the most interesting teacher at school. We talked and laughed for the rest of the day. Soon the sun started to set. We didn’t catch any fish, but I had a great day. I now understood(理解) my parents better.

On the way home, I told my mom how much I wanted to have fish for dinner. “That’s a good idea. We can buy one from the market.” she said. We all looked at each other and laughed loudly. Suddenly, I realized how much I loved my parents. 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 46.The writer may be born in _____.

47.What did the writer do last Sunday?

___________________________________________________ 48.Did they catch a fish?

___________________________________________________ 49.Did they have fish for dinner that day?

___________________________________________________ 50.Why did the writer like fishing with his parents?


1. wait, bus, now 2. listen, at the moment 3. look, pool 4. watch, every day

5. there, near 6 often, ride, school 7. there, under ? 8. love, guitar


听 力 材 料


Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确的图片。每个句子读一遍。 1.They always take a bus to school.

2.Lin Tao is talking to a Japanese man on the Great Wall. 3.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office? 4.And later on, it may get fine again.

5.October 1st is the National Day of China.


6.Let’s go out for a walk, Xiao Li. 7.I often go to work by bike.

8.Friday is the sixth day of the week.

9.Her new house has two bedrooms and two bathrooms. 10.Ann’s mother works in a hospital.

Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答11-12题。 Dialog 1

M: Hello, this is Kangkang speaking from Hefei. May I speak to Dongdong?

W: Oh no, this is not Dongdong’s home. It’s a restaurant in Beijing. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number, sir. M: I’m very sorry, madam. W: That’s OK.

听第二段对话,回答13-15题。 Dialog 2

M: Kate, where’s Jim?

W: Oh, he’s in the teacher’s office. M: What’s he doing?

W: He’s helping his teacher with the cleaning. M: Is Jack there, too?

W: No. He’s playing basketball on the playground. M: Please tell them that I’m going home. W: OK.

M: Thank you.

W: You’re welcome.


Here is the weather report for the next twenty-four hours. Harbin will be snowy, and the temperature will be -4℃ to 15℃. Beijing will be rainy, and the high temperature will be -1℃. Nanjing will be sunny, and it’s warmer than Beijing, and the high temperature will be 9℃. Hefei will be cloudy. The low temperature will be -2℃ and the high temperature will be 11℃. Thanks for listening.

Ⅰ.1.D 2.B 3.E 4.C 5.A Ⅱ.6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A Ⅲ.11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A


Ⅳ.16.rainy 17.15℃ 18.-4℃ 19.cloudy 20.9℃

26.B go shopping购物。

27.A in front of … 在……的前面,没有空间限制。

28.C 根据上下文,用一般过去时,启动不了小汽车(打不着火),故用couldn’t。 29.D get sth.+adj.使某物处于……状态。 30.A go to do sth.去干某事。

31.A be glad to do sth.高兴干某事。 32.C a few minutes later几分钟之后。 33.A an用于元音音素开头的单词前。

34.C do with sth.处理某事。

35.D 布莱克夫妇认错了车,应感到不好意思而脸红。


47.He went fishing with his parents. 48.No, they didn’t. 49.Yes, they did.

50.Because they could talk and laugh, and they could understand each other better.

班级 姓名 座号

5. wait, bus, now 6. listen, at the moment He is listening to music at the moment. 7. look, pool 8. watch, every day He watches TV every day.

5. there, near 6 often, ride, school He often rides a bike to school. 7. there, under ? 8. love, guitar She loves playing the guitar.




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学生:钟立勋 朱华川 年级:初二 科目:英语 教师:朱芳芳













主管:杨老师 , 咨询师:王老师 , 总课时: 40




(一) 初二知识点总结:









(二) 教学规划:



- 1 -



1. Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.


2. What language is thine, sea? The language of eternal question. What language is thy answer, sky? The language of eternal silence.


3. Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you. 静静地听,我的心,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示。

4. The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night——it is great. Delusionsof knowledge are like the fog of the morning.


5. Do not seat your love upon a precipicebecause it is high.


6. I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.


7. There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.


8. What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.


9. My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me but listen. 神啊,我的那些愿望真是愚傻,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫。让我只是静静得听吧。

10. I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me.

