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篇一:淘小子看世界Last temptation of cory-1动画片

淘小子看世界》:Last temptation of cory-1

Topanga, how could you be sick? I mean you said you'd never catch a cold, as long as you were taking that choc fluid.

It's fish oil. I will be fine, just take good notes for me, I will be back in school Monday.

I miss you so much and I will call you after next period. Topee.

Oh, drop dead, we are in love.

Not us. Do that again, and I will hurt you.

Shawn, I'm not embarrassed by that. I mean Topanga and I are serious. We do everything together.

Hi, Cory, I love that shirt.

Hey, thanks. And beneath it I’m half-naked.

You and Topanga do everything together, huh? Even flirt with Libby Harper?

Flirt? I was just being friendly. Besides, Girls like Libby Harper don't flirt with me.

And that was before. Now you have the “scent”.

Oh, what exactly is the scent?

I’ll tell you about the scent.

Alright, stop.

It means women want you.


Because they can't have you. You are with Topanga, they think you are unavailable. Virgo. They want you.

You are a baddy.

So one girl may have flirted with me. You are making it sound like all girls, so I don't know, Missy Robinson are gonna come over and suddenly make a small talk.


Yes, missy?

Did you know the sun sets today at 6:52?

I did not know that. Shawn?

The papa bear said, Missy is taking Topanga's seat. All under your porch, Cor.

I am trying to listen to what Feeny is saying.

Alright, Mr. Matthews, what was I saying?

I was too busy absorbing to listen.

Very good. Mr. Hunter?

Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.

Dear Lord, he is right.

It’s been my answer for 2 years, Mr. Feeny. Sooner or later it had to pay off.

篇二:淘小子看世界The Father-son game

The Father/Son Game – 1

Good morning, pumpkin.

I've been up since 6 o'clock.

Nice lass.

It's my biggest.

Friday, I love Friday. Soon I'm gonna be home for the whole weekend.

Friday, I hate Friday. Soon you are gonna be home for the whole weekend.

Oh, you love me.

Oh, You wish.

Ah, good morning. Let me give you a weekend weather update. Whether or not I'll have a date with Cindy this week depends on how partly cool I am in school today. There is a definite vicky front moving in this Saturday and temperatures are expected to rise.

Cooling off by 10 o'clock when you are expected to be home.

Oh, mom, we both know how unpredictable the weather can be.

Don't mess with mother nature.

I'll be home by 10.

Hey, mom, where's my blue sugar moons,where is my marshmallow teddy bears? The cereal is bogus, it's full of hamster food and corn flake dust. Where's all the good stuff?


She took out all the good stuff.

I've been up since 6 o'clock.

Is this sugar coated sugar.

I'm feeling very perky.

When do we go up to your room, honey?

I'll come. I'll come. I'll come. I'll come. I'll come...

Because if we leave right away, we might make it to your bed before the coma.

Coma, coma, coma, coma, coma... I've been up since 6 o' clock.

Can't hold your sugar, shouldn't do breakfast.

Don't waste this, honey, haven't painted the house.

Hey, dad.

Good morning, Cory. Hi, Eric. Hello, Brooks Robinson deep pockets fielder's choice model. How are you feeling today? All warm and broken in?

You know, dad, most people put their gloves under the mattress to break 'em in.

Well, most people don't have a glove that they broke in 25 years ago, Eric. You see now with this baby, you bathe it with globvonian and you'll bake it in a slow oven till a web is ready to snapshot it at any line dry that comes near third base tomorrow.

The father-son softball game.

Oh, has it been a year already?

Can you believe it?


Who are you playing this year, dad?

Me? Oops. It's not about me playing, it's us, game is nothing without you guys.

Hey, that's nice.

Isn't that nice!

Yeah, that's nice.

You will be thrilled to know that the market giant Jagena is gonna steamroll over the Unicorn Rainbow


What, that new age place?

Yeah, well, they just give us the trophy. I mean there guys are much too zen for baseball, I mean, these are people with inner peace and spiritual tranquility. Let's kill 'em.

Father-son softball game .

Has it been a year already?

Can you believe it?

No. No.

New Words & Phrases:

lass: A lass is a young woman or girl. 少女,小姑娘

marshmallow : Marshmallow is a soft food that is used in some cakes, puddings, and sweets. 蜀葵糖剂

hamster : A hamster is a small furry animal which is similar to a mouse, and which is often kept as a pet. 【动】仓鼠, 仓鼠毛皮

steamroll : =steamroller. If you steamroller someone who disagrees with you or oppose, you defeat them or you force them to do what you want by using your power or by putting a lot of pressure on them. 【口】以势压倒,压垮

tranquility: quietness 平静;安静;安宁

The Father/Son Game – 2

And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Miss Lawrence, I couldn't help noticing that you didn't recite the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. Yes, sir, I elected not to.

Why was that?

I didn't feel like it.

This is gonna be cool.

What was that, Mr. Matthews?

Oh, I said this is gonna be cool, Mr. Feeny.


'cause you're finally gonna nail Topanga for being weird.

Do you think it's weird to engage in social protest?

I think it's weird to pick on me when she didn't say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Well, Mr. Matthews. It seems that you and Miss Lawrence have opposing positions for this morning's debate.

Ah, oh.

You've been set up, bird.

Mr. Feeny told you not to say the pledge?

Today's social study discussions: American traditions, the Pledge of Allegiance versus social protest. Mr. Matthews, defend Old Glory; Miss Lawrence, defend the right to dissent.

Just because it's a tradition doesn't mean you have to do it.

But it's the Pledge of Allegiance, it takes like 10 seconds to say. Why c(来自:WWw.SmhaiDa.com 海达范文网:淘小子看世界)an't you just say it and make everyone happy?

Because if I'm forced to do it just because of some tradition I don't understand. Then it doesn't make me happy.

Can you spell peculiar?

Oh and you are normal?

You talk to a flag everyday and you don't even know what you are saying.

But I do it. I do it because I'm supposed to do it. And that's what makes me a great American.

That's what makes this country great. That flag. Because that flag gives us the right to have this discussion. And this discussion is the most important discussion we will ever have and I... I hear. New Words & Phrases:

Pledge of Allegiance: A speech that US citizens learn, which is a promise to respect the US and be loyal to it. In schools children usually say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, while looking at the national flag and putting their right hand over their heart. (Special thanks to ibedavid for the explanation.)

nail : (美俚)了解,察觉,揭露(The credit for this expanation goes to destiny^^aizi.)

The Father/Son Game – 3

Parents don't understand how important a weekend is, you know.

Yeah, like just not enough pressure on us of being the sixth grader all week.

And then they want us to do stuff on our only days off.

Only three days till Monday.

Minkus, I'm sure that if you check your ticket stub, you'll see that your seat is in the goon section. I'm just leaving my tray here while I get an apple, ok?

I mean my weekends are jam-packed. I have no spare time.

Minkus left his hamburger here.

I get up Saturday morning and I watch X-man.

It's very hard for me to be alone with Minkus' hamburger.

My next stop is to comic book store.

Especially when it's just sitting there begging for more salt.

Then in the afternoon I hang with you.

I don't know if this is a personality disorder with me or what.

Then it's home for Saturday night, pizza night.

But I'm just never happy unless I'm doing stuff like this.

And then it's 4 hours of video games and it's a good night.

I don't mean just a little happy.

Where is the spare minute?

I mean, I'll have this moment, and know, it was a good day.

I can't take the pressure of a father-son softball game.

Oh, I hate those.

They take it so seriously.

I know. My dad always screams and yells like it's the most important thing in the world.

And they always get injured.

To us, it's only a game. To them, it's a guest shot on Rescue 911.

The trouble with fathers of this is that they sometimes try to live vicariously through their children. Ok, Minkus, that's enough quality time. Take your little hamburger and go to your table.

Hey, did you do anything to my hamburger?

Yeah. Sure. Like doing something to his hamburger gives me my jollies.

Look guys, Shaquille O'Neal .

Who? Where?


I guess we just missed him.

Hey, Minkus. Isn't that Stephen Hawking?


Oh, darn! I missed him, too. Well, see ya.

Why do they think he's so much smarter than us?

Because he is, isn't he?

New Words & Phrases:

stub: A ticket stub is the part that you keep when you go in to watch a performance. 存根,票根 goon : If you calls someone a goon, you think they behave in a silly way. 呆子

vicariously : A vicarious pleasure of feeling is experienced by watching, listening to, or reading about other people doing something, rather than by doing it yourself. 由于共鸣而感受地

darn: =damn,damned People sometimes use darn or darned to emphasize what they are saying, often when they are annoyed. damn的弱称

The Father/Son Game – 4

He's out there practicing for tomorrow.

We are trapped.

What are we gonna do?

There's no way out.

Out of what?

That's mom.

Yes, it is.

We're gonna have to tell her.

Yes, we are.

Mom, we don't wanna play in the father-son softball game.

Why? Is this my problem?

Look, I think what my less-than-tactful little brother is trying to say is that these father-son softball games are...

Not really exciting for you.


Right. So you understand what we are saying?

I understand that neither one of you is willing to give up a couple of hours on a Saturday for something your father's really looking forward to doing.

What, I'm really looking forward to my date with Vicky tomorrow. I mean, now why do I have to give that up?

Hey, mom. Why don't you play?


Look, if this was a husband-wife softball game, believe me, I'd be there. But it's not. Thank God. It's a father-son game.

Look, we are just asking you to get us off the hook.

No. This is your hook. And you are gonna hang on it like the worms you are.

Mom, you are not walking out on us for good, are you?

I'm going to the bank. Your heartless father asked me to deposit his paycheck so we could pay the bills. Oh, the nerve.

Where are you going? I wanna go with you. Where are you going?

No, honey. There's long lines at the bank. There's no place to sit. You know it'd be a lot easier for me and more fun for you if you stay here and play with your toys.

I'm going to the bank with mommy.

New Words & Phrases:

off the hook: 【口】脱身,摆脱危境 eg. He is off the hook because his alibi checked out. 他已经脱身了,因为他的不在场证明已证实无误。

walk out on: 遗弃 eg. He just walked out on his wife and family without saying a word. 他一句话也没说就遗弃了妻子和儿女。

The Father/Son Game – 5

Cory:Ok, Eric, you are older. I'm counting on you to get us out of this.

Eric: All right, I can do it.

Cory:I know you can.

Eric: I've got it.

Cory:I knew you could!

Eric: Look, it's the father-son game, right? Not the father-sons game.

Cory:A loophole!

Eric: Only one of us has to go.

Cory:Ring, ring. Hello? It's the governor! We are saved! You are a genius!

Eric: Yes, I am. Hey, go look at the game! Remember when all dad's friends go up and tousle your hair and call you a tiger, here is what a sincere smile looks like~

Cory:Come out, tooth boy. Why do I have to go?

Eric: Look, Cory, I'll go. What if dad and I started talking about golf? Talked about how someone broke his driver in the backyard and hit rocks with it.

Cory:You wouldn't.

Eric: I would.

Cory:You wouldn't.

Eric: I would.

Cory:OK, fine. I'm gonna go. But, wait, what if dad started joking around about how nervous he is that you are getting your driver's license next year? I'd have to calm him down by saying Eric has driven your car around the block 1000 times and nothing's ever happened.

Eric: You wouldn't.

Cory:I would.

Eric: You wouldn't.

Cory:I would.

Eric: You wouldn't.

Cory:What, you are new?

Eric: Look, I'm not going.

Cory:Well, I'm not, either.

Eric: Well, I guess the only fair way is let dad decide.


Eric: Fine.

Cory:May the best excuse win.


Dad:Hey~Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Start all over again. This time in English, please.

Cory:Dad, I have to talk to you about tomorrow. I'm not...

Eric:You are never gonna believe what happened, dad, see you don't think I can go...

Dad:Wow, wow, now try it again. One at a time. You first.

篇三:周 次


教务处 2007年1月







Gareth Pugh (Paris)

Ann Demeulemeester (Paris)

Ann Demeulemeester (Paris)

Ann Demeulemeester (Paris)

Ann Demeulemeester (Paris)

Gareth Pugh (Paris)

2012秋冬是女装的“黑暗”季,其中“预警战士”主题系列女装弥漫着令人惊叹的冷酷气息。Gareth Pugh、Ann Demeulemeester和Rick Owens三大品牌的秀场都弥漫着防护性气息。由各种皮革面料打造的裹身结构式款式和高领口款式都采用了阴暗而忧郁的色彩设计。各种款式的皮裤是趋势的重点款式,而锁子甲的设计也延续了该种趋势。


Balmain (Paris)

Balmain (Paris)

Balmain (Paris)

Balmain (Paris)

Lanvin (Paris)

Lanvin (Paris)



Louis Vuitton (Paris)

Miu Miu (Paris)

Miu Miu (Paris)

Miu Miu (Paris)

Louis Vuitton (Paris)

Rochas (Paris)

在米兰时装周上崭露头角的70年代复古风格风俗画印花在本季巴黎时装周上得到延续。Louis Vuitton、Miu Miu和Rochas三大品牌是该主题的领军品牌,它们推出的系列印花时装款式带有70年年代复古艺术美感。长及小腿中部的轮廓设计是重点,而印花套装是必备款式。


Paul and Joe (Paris)

Jean Paul Gaultier (Paris)

Jean Paul Gaultier (Paris)

Hermes (Paris)

Paul and Joe (Paris)

Sacai (Paris)

在伦敦时装周上非常盛行的中性风格“淘小子看世界”主题在本季巴黎时装周上凯旋而归。少女装款式和现代风格女装款式在很多品牌中都非常流行,从Paul & Joe到Hermes、Sacai和Jean Paul Gaultier。宽松且带有些许垂坠感的裤子是重点,其他重点款式还包括系扣式衬衫、男性化外套和男友式夹克衫。天鹅绒面料在该主题的时装中也有所出现,从而也成为2012秋冬的趋势之一。



吵架必备口语108条_普特英语听力.txt有谁会对着自己的裤裆傻笑。不敢跟他说话 却一遍一遍打开他的资料又关上。用了心旳感情,真旳能让人懂得很多事。╮如果有一天,我的签名不再频繁更新,那便证明我过的很好。吵架必备口语108条_普特英语听力普特英语听力 用户名: 密码: 验证码: 注册 网站地图 设为首页 听力 VOA BBC 视听 电影

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2009-09-17 来源:www.putclub.com 【大 中 小】 我要投稿 划词已开启

1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!

2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!

3. Nonsense! 鬼话!

4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!

5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!

6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!

7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?

8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?

9. I hate you! 我讨厌你 !

10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!

11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!

12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)

13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。

14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!

16. Leave me alone. 走开。

17. Get lost .滚开!

18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。

20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!

21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?

22. How dare you! 你敢!

23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。

27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用)

28. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。

29. Shut up! 闭嘴!

30. What do you want? 你想怎么样?

31. Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗?

32. What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊?

33. How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说?

34. Who says? 谁说的?

35. That’s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的!

36. Don’t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。

37. What did you say? 你说什么?

38. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

39. You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。

40. Drop dead. 去死吧!

41. I don't give a . 我才不管(理都不理)呢。

42. Don’t give me your ****. 别跟我胡扯。

43. Don’t give me your excuses/ No more excuses. 别找借口。

44. You’re a pain in the ass. 你这讨厌鬼。

45. You’re an asshole. 你这缺德鬼。

46. You bastard! 你这杂种!

47. Get over yourself. 别自以为是。

48. You’re nothing to me. 你对我什么都不是。

49. It’s not my fault. 不是我的错。

50. You look guilty. 你看上去心虚。

51. I can’t help it. 我没办法。

52. That’s your problem. 那是你的问题。

53. I don’t want to hear it. 我不想听!

54. Get off my back. 少跟我啰嗦。

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