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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 20:28:11 字数作文

篇一:一件感人的事(A Touching Event)

一件感人的事(A Touching Event)


Yesterday afternoon I went to the Yuexiu Park. It happened that I saw a touching event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. Among them was perhaps a happy family. They were taking photos when suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water. She was struggling and her parents cried out, "Help!Help !" It was obvious that they could not swim at all. From nearby a young man immediately rushed to the lake. Without taking off his clothes, he jumped into the water and quickly swam towards the girl l who was already tired out. At last he carried her to the lake side. She was saved!

How happy the parents were! Before they thought of thanking the Young man, he had disappeared!


昨天下午我去越秀公园玩,碰巧看到一件感人的事情。当时,有一些人雀 湖上划船,也许其中有一个幸福的家庭。他们正在拍照,忽然小女孩从船上落





篇二:一件感人的事(A Touching Event)

一件感人的事(A Touching Event)


Yesterday afternoon I went to the Yuexiu Park. It happened that I saw a touching event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. Among them was perhaps a happy family. They were taking photos when suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water. She was struggling and her parents cried out, "Help!Help !" It was obvious that they could not swim at all. From nearby a young man immediately rushed to the lake. Without taking off his clothes, he jumped into the water and quickly swam towards the girl l who was already tired out. At last he carried her to the lake side. She was saved!

How happy the parents were! Before they thought of thanking the Young man, he had disappeared!


昨天下午我去越秀公园玩,碰巧看到一件感人的事情。当时,有一些人雀 湖上划船,也许其中有一个幸福的家庭。他们正在拍照,忽然小女孩从船上落





篇三:A touching moment

A touching moment

In the past, I often envied those who had a good, close relationship with their father. However,at present, this feeling has disappeared.

My adolescence was almost spent in unpleasant quarrel between me and my father. He frowned upon my life style, and in turn, I held disdain toward his conservation. We couldn’t reach agreements on many issues, so quarrel became a way to decide who was winner. Sometimes,on account of excess of anger, my father couldn’t help giving me a lesson; Sometimes, I was driven by a sudden urge in an attempt to run away from home. Maybe generation gap was at work.

As for my father, I respected him with too much awe. From childhood, he was strict with me. He wanted me to be what he felt he couldn’t himself be. However, maybe I wasn’t so good that I always never lived up to his expectations. He taught me his own experience, but I always had my own ideas, and I was unwilling to take routines he planned for me. As for the decisions he made for me, I often scored. My father got angry because I didn’t know any better. But it was gratifying that he never forced me. Even so, in my heart, I still wanted to break the chain that fettered me.

It was an autumn, in 2006, when my family wasn’t quite affluent. There is one thing changing my opinion toward my father. At that time, my brother was still an infant, so the whole family turns attention to him. Room was made for his growth. Because of limited space, my father had to share the same bed with me. Although he often showed a countenance of sternness, on the occasion, he was like a child, expressing his idea with a naive smile. I hated squeezing with others, especially on the same bed. There was no doubt that I rejected his requirement directly. Surprisingly, he wasn’t angry. A little disappointment was presented on his face. At the thought

that he was my father, it may be a little excessive to refuse to sleep on the same bed with him, so I compromised. I handed him a thick quilt and left a thin one with me.

He lay down early and urged me to go to sleep as soon as possible, but I made response impatiently. He tossed and turned all night as if there was something on his mind. The next day, after I found his quilt on my body, I said to my mother half joking and half serious: “my father was good. He still knew that he should put quilt on my body”. Then, my mother replied: “Your father slept all night with a thin quilt, which was as light as paper”. Instantly,my tears flew down.

I understood why he couldn’t fall asleep. It was because he was worried that I would feel cold. If he had a sound sleep, he couldn’t cover his quilt on my body. He well knew that if he had given it to me before I fell asleep, I would have refused to it. He loved me in his own way. I felt ashamed of my rebellion. He was strict, but he could be yield to my caprice and devote his unconditional love to me.

My father is getting old, and I am growing mature. But in his eyes, I am a child that will never grow up, one that he can’t cease worrying about. I know that he is still full of expectations to me and loves me just the same. Even though we violently argue about what we find no consensus, my respect to him will never decrease.



古印度数学家阿耶波多Aryabhata最初研究正弦函数时,因该函数图酷似半张弓弦,命名其为ardha-jya【半弦】。 这是一个非常传神的定义。这个名称也可写成“jya-ardha”,有时还简写成jya或jiva。。Arayabhata的《Arayabhatiya》是第一本明确提出正弦函数的著作。 阿耶波多(Aryabhata)(476~550)相当于中国南北朝的祖冲之(429-500)那个年代。1976年,为纪念阿耶波多诞生1500周年,印度发射了以阿耶波多命名的第一颗人造卫星。 阿拉伯人继承和发扬了印度的数学成就 ,他们保留了“jiva”单词,却没有翻译出它的意思,由于阿拉伯语发音的原因,该词转写为jiba(请不要笑)。并且被读作jiba或jaib(因我不识阿拉伯语,不知其详),而恰好“jaib”在阿拉伯语中的意思是“胸部、海湾或曲线”。当欧洲人将阿拉伯人的作品翻译成拉丁文时,就用拉丁文中表示“胸部、海湾或曲线的单词“sinus”替代了阿拉伯语的“jaib”,sinus这个词在欧洲就被广泛采用,简写符号“sin”最初由冈特开始采用,冈特还发明了“tan”符号。

弦的简写sin是英国天文学教授冈特Edmund Gunter所率先使用的,他还率先将余弦写作cosinus,后者是对拉丁语comlementi sinus【正弦的补】的简写 。 与此相似,余切cotangent是正切tangent的补,符号为cot;余割cosecant是正割secant的补,符号位csc。之所以是补,因为他们每对之间角度和都是直角。

正切函数起源于古代的日影测量,其主要作用是天文计时。早先人们用日晷的投影和晷长之比来判定时间 ,而这个比值即为正切函数的雏形。人们将直立杆在地面的投影称之为umbra recta【直立杆之投影】,将垂直于墙面的水平杆在墙面的投影称为umbra versa【倒杆之投影】,这二者分别演变成后来的正切函数和余切函数 。

最早的正切和余切表建立于公元860年天文学家al-Battani(美索不达米亚人),他得出垂直日晷的影子与日晷高度之比。但未用cot这个符号。1583年,丹麦数学家Thomas Fincke,使用术语umbra recta(直影),来描述垂直日晷的水平投影的大小。1620年,Edmund Gunter首先使用cotangents这个词。

现代的正切函数是1573年丹麦数学家芬克Thomas Fincke命名的,他将这个函数称为tangens,后者是拉丁语动词tangere (‘to touch’)的现在分词形式,字面意思为【touching】。英语的tangent由该词演变而来。(如今英语有词语,tangible可触知的 ,intangible不可触知的)

正割函数在拉丁语中称为secans,该词为拉丁语动词secare的现在分词形式,字母意思为【cutting】。 先做一个半径为1的单位圆 O,然后以此圆心为原心建立直角坐标系,由单位圆与任意角θ的交点D向横坐标引垂线,交OA也就是横坐标于点C。同时,我们在横坐标右侧与单位圆交点A处作圆的切线,与θ角相交于B点。 我们看到图中 sinθ就是线段CD之长,也就是上文所说的ardha-jya【半只弓弦】。而角θ的正切值tanθ则为线段AB之长, 正切值secθ为线段OB之长。

注意到角θ的正弦值对应线段AB,而AB所在直线与这个圆正好紧紧的挨着,这形象的说明正切tangens【touching】一名的来历。 正割函数所对应的线段OB正像一把刀一样,将圆O




Lover 情人(不是:爱人)

Sporting house 妓院(不是:体育室) Dead president 美钞(不是:死了的总统)

Service station 加油站(不是:服务站) Rest room 厕所(不是:休息室) Busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是:公汽售票员) Dry goods <美>纺织品 <英>谷物(不是:干货)

Heart man 换心人(不是:有心人) Tea shop 茶馆;小吃店(不是:茶叶店) Senior citizen 老年人(不是:高级公民) Wash one’s hands 上厕所(不是:洗手) A busy body 爱管闲事的人(不是:忙人) A black sheep 害群之马(不是:一只黑羊)

Be taken in 受骗,上当(不是:被接纳) Pull sb’s leg 开玩笑(不是:拖后腿) African American 美国黑人(不是:非洲美国人)

Eat one’s words 收回前言,改正错话(不是:食言)

Mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是:发疯的医生)

Eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是:十一点) Personal remark 人身攻击(并非个人评论)

Sweet water 淡水(不是:糖水或者甜水) Confidence man 骗子(不是:信得过的人)

Criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是:犯罪的律师)

Dressing room 化妆室(不是:试衣间或者更衣室)

Horse sense 常识(不是:马的感觉)

Capital idea 好主意(不是:资本主义思想)

Familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是:熟悉的谈话)

Black tea红茶 (不是:黑茶) Green hand 新手 (不是:绿手) Have a fit 勃然大怒(不是:试穿) Black art 妖术(不是:黑色艺术) White coal (作动力来源用的)水 Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是:中国龙) Red tape 官僚习气(不是:红色带子) China policy 对华政策(不是:中华政策) White man 忠实可靠的人(不是:皮肤白色的人)

Black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是:陌生的黑人)

Eat ones words 收回前言(不是:食言) An apple of love 西红柿(不是:爱情之果)

Handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是:大字报)

Bring down the house 博得满堂喝彩(不是:推倒房子)

Blind date(由第三者安排的)男女初次见面(并非盲目的约会或者是瞎约会) Roadside business 汽车饭店;汽车旅馆;汽车影院(不是:路边店 ) American Dream 美国的生活方式,美国人的自由民主观念(不是:美国梦) Yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封,不是:黄色书籍) Blue stocking 女学者,女才子(不是:蓝色长筒袜)

American beauty 一种玫瑰,名叫美丽动人(不是:美国美女)

English disease 软骨病(不是:英国病)

Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是:印度的夏日)

Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是:希腊的礼物)

Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是:西班牙的运动员)

French chalk 滑石粉(不是:法国粉笔) In ones birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是:穿着生日礼服)

Make ones hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然,恐惧(不是:令人发指,气愤) Think a great deal of oneself 高看或者看重自己(不是:为自己想的很多) Pull up ones socks 鼓起勇气(不是:提上袜子)

Have the heart to do 用于否定句,忍心做(不是:有心做或者有意做)

What a shame 多可惜,真遗憾(不是:多可耻)

You don’t say 是吗?(不是:你别说) You can say that again 说的好(不是:你别说)

I haven’t slept better 我睡得很好(不是:我从未睡好过)


1. Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 【例句】

Believe it or not, I’m going to America tomorrow!

信不信由你,我明天就要去美国了。 2. Don't let me down! 别让我失望! 【例句】

Don't let me down. keep your promise. 别让我失望,请遵守你的诺言。 3. Easy come easy go! 来得容易去得也快! 【例句】

There is no time like the present! Easy come , easy go!

机不可失,时不再来!来时容易,去时快! 4. Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同! 【例句】

Great minds think alike, that's just whatI'm going to say.

英雄所见略同,这正是我所要说的。 5. Give me a hand! 帮我一个忙! 【例句】

Can you give me a hand? 你能帮我一个忙吗? 6. Make up your mind! 作个决定吧! 【例句】

Make up your mind, are you going or not ?

做个决定吧! 你是去还不去?

7. Nice talking to you! 很高兴和你聊天! 【例句】

I really have to go now. It was nice talking to you.

我现在该走了,跟你谈话很开心。 8. Please don't rush me! 请不要催促我! 【例句】

Abin: please don't rush me! 阿彬:请不要催促我! 9. That's always the case! 习以为常! 【例句】

That's not always the case. 但事实并非总是如此。 10. So far,so good. 目前为止,一切还好。 【例句】

The work is rather difficult, but so far so good.





1. I'll always have your back . 我会一直支持你。 = I stand behind you . 我支持你。= I got your back . 我挺你。 2. I know how you feel . 我明白你的感受。

3. keep an eye on each other 相互照应 4. You have to stay strong . 你要坚强。5. He didn't wanna tell on her. 他不想打她的小报告。 snitch 告密者,打小报告者

6. You're debasing yourself . 你在贬低自己。

7. You want to bet on it ? 你想打个赌?

8. keep her company 陪陪她

9. I'll pick you up tomorrow . 我明天来接你。

10. made your favorite dinner . 我做了你最爱吃的菜。

11. It has been a long time . 好久不见。【爱情篇】

1. Never,ever,ever. 永远永远不。

(转载于:www.smhaida.com 海 达 范 文网:touching是什么意思)

2. I take this seriously . 我很认真。 3. I'm with him . 我和他在一起。 (既可以指那个在一起又可以指那个在一起)

I'm with somebody else now . 我现在和别人在一起了。

4. You can't take him from me . 你不能把他从我身边带走。

5. She would never go out with me . 她是不会和我交往的。

6. got a tongue bath from sb 和谁谁舌吻。。额

7. I let him slip through my fingers . 我让他从我指间溜走。

8. move in together 搬到一起

9. He asked me to marry him . 他向我求婚。

10. You and I can never , ever ,ever be together . 你和我永远不可能在一起。 11. He is not picking up his phone . 他不接电话。

12. Their marriage is going downhill . 他们的婚姻在走下坡路。

13. You're so caring . It's touching . 你这么关心我,我好感动。

14. the girl is too good for you 你配不上那个女孩= you are not good enough for that girl

15. pop the lock on the closet and come out 承认自己是同性恋

16. I'm getting married . 我要结婚了。 17. You had an affair . 你出轨了。 18. I will always love you . 我会一直爱你。

19. I'll never leave you . 我再也不会离开你。

20. He doesn't hover . 他不缠人。 21. I dreamt of him . 我梦见他。 22. I dream about being with you forever . 我想永远和你在一起。

23. I am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him .我无条件地,不可挽回地爱上了他。 (嘿嘿)

24. Let's just give her some space . 给


25. I can take care of you . 我能照顾你。

25. I miss you so bad . 我真的好想你。 26. change my mind 改变心意

27. He is a bad kisser . 他吻技超烂。 28.You guys make a really cute couple . 你俩真是天造地设的一对。

29. I hope one day , I can love you the way that you love me .我希望有一天,能像你爱我一样爱你。

31. Are you seeing anyone ? 你在和谁交往?

32. Shakespeare said, "Journeys end in lovers meeting . "莎士比亚说过,旅程会因恋人的聚首而结束。

It was Shakespeare who also said, "Love is blind ." 莎士比亚也说过,爱情是盲目的。

33. unrequited love 单相思 fall in love alone

34. He cheated on you , but you stayed friends ?他背叛了你,你还和他做朋友?

35. head over heels 疯狂爱上某人,神魂颠倒

She was head over heels . 她是神魂颠倒了。

36. do his laundry 给他洗衣服

37. swear on my life 用我的生命发誓 38. — I would never cheat on you , not under any conditions .我永远不会背叛你,无论在任何情况下。— Neither would I . 我也不会。

39. In the world of love , cheating is not acceptable . 出轨去死。

40. You are a knockout. 你太迷人了。 41. We hardly know each other . 我们几乎不了解对方。

42. Can I offer you a lift home ? 我能送你回家么?

43. My palms are starting to sweat . 我的手心开始出汗了。

44. He is a one-woman-at-a-time kind of guy. 他用情专一

45. She push every guy away . 她拒绝每个男人。

46. Do you want some company ? 想要有人陪么?


1. He is in great shape . 他身材很好。 2. a man of good taste 有品位的男人 3. insanely good-looking 极帅无比 【学校篇】

1. straight-A student 全优生

2. no phones no texting 不准用手机 不准发短信

3. postpone the match 推迟比赛 4. Play big . 好好表现。

5. return the favor 还人情 open old wound 揭老伤疤 【职场篇】

1. I got off work early . 我下班早。 2.Is that a good living ? 你那份工作好么?

3. It was tough starting out . 开始很难。(指创业等等)

4. I subbing for her . 我顶替她。 5. His contract is up . 他的合同到期了。

6. Appreciate it . 感谢。

7. moonlight n. 月光 v. 兼职 I

moonlight as an adult-phone entertainer . 我兼职接听成人电话。

8. I am on the paper . 我是报社的 9. (对长辈说)I don't meant to be disrespectful , but .........我无意冒犯,但是。。。。

10. pay you the big bucks 付你很多薪水

11. Severe stress makes women age prematurely . 严重的压力让女人过早的衰老。

12. How do I reach you ? 我怎么和你联系?


1. How is going ? 怎么样?(打招呼时用)

2. Let's reschedule . 我们改时间。 3. Can I get a little help ? 能帮我个小忙么 ? 大忙可以说 Can you do me a favor?

4. This is kind of personal . 这有点私人。

5. How you holding up? (不知怎么翻译,一般用于去参加葬礼时候跟主人说的,大概意思是你没事吧)

6. We'll take the check . 我们买单。 7. I'm stuck . 我被困住了。

8. The door is jammed. 门卡住打不开了

9. I'm begging you . 求求你了。 10. I'm looking for sb . (打电话时) 我找谁谁

11. She is not answering her phone .= She's not picking up the phone. 12. unwrap the present 拆礼物 13. Don't be mean . 别那么刻薄。 14. It's the least we can do . 这是至少我们可以做的。

15. door handles 门把手 door knobs 门把(圆的那种) 16. Go ahead . 继续。

17. —What about battery life ? 电池电量如何?

—It's just less than half . 不到一半。 18. How much does the phone have left ? 手机还能维持多长时间?

19. You have conserve that battery . 你必须省着用电池。

20. Is the ringer set on a sound or vibrate ? 铃声是设置在响铃还是震动?

21. We are doing the best we can . 我们正在尽最大的努力。

22. I'm gonna throw up . 我要吐了。 23. We'll blow-dry it. 我们把它吹干。 24. Can I use the bathroom ? 我们用下厕所么?

25. What's that suppose to mean ? 你说那是什么意思?(有点生气地问) 26. We didn't mean anything . 我们没别的意思。

27. It's not worth it . 这不值当的。 28. I don't follow you . 我听不懂你说什么。

29. He's making fun of you . 他在取笑你。

30. You are up . 你醒了。

31. The clock is 3 minutes fast . 表快3分钟。

32. cell phone reception 手机信号 33. put it on their tab 记在他们账上 34. two adjoining rooms 两个相邻的房间

35. steaming tea 热气腾腾的茶 36 put seat belt on 系上安全带

37. We ran into each other . 我们遇上了。

38. now and forever 永永远远

39. We'll always find the way back to each other .

40. I hope you don't mind . 我希望你别介意。

41. neat freak 洁癖

42. We should get the bill . 我们该买单了。

43. I'm running out of time . 我就快没时间了。


1. He is kind of temperamental . 他有点喜怒无常。

2. You're so right . 你说的太对了。 3. You look pale . 你看起来脸色苍白。4. I am really kind of suffer-in-silent type . 我是沉默寡言型的。

5. your mood swings 你的情绪变化(你忽冷忽热)

6. You have impressive power of observation . 你的洞察力还挺强。 7. Clumsy me . 我真是笨手笨脚的 8. She is so sure of herself . 她很自信。【个人感受篇】

1. I feel sorry for you . 我为你感到遗憾。(当听到别人说不好的事情时用于安慰)
