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篇一:the mid-autumn day

中秋节 The Mid-Autumn Day


The Mid-Autumn Day is on the August 15th of the lunar calendar.


The fifteenth of each month in the lunar calendar is the day of the full moon.


Mid-Autumn Day falls during the autumn equinox.


During this time, the days are especially bright and crisp and the sky is very clear, which makes it the perfect time to appreciate the moon’s beauty.


(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:the,mid-autumn,day)

The Chinese people, especially the poets, have a special emotion for the moon.


The affections they hold may surpass those of any other nations in the world, forming a special moon sentiment.

看到月亮会触发他们的心弦,牵动他们的情思,勾起他们的遐想。 The sight of the moon can affect their emotions, and arouse their hopes and dreams for the future.


The full moon on the Mid-Autumn Day reminds people of their families and triggers their longing for a family reunion.

分散在各地的孩子们都在这一夜回家团聚看望老人和亲友。 It is for sure a time for people to come home to see their parents and relatives.


And those who can not make it home would call to send a regards.


During this full moon holiday, sacrificial offerings and moon-gazing are essential customs.

中秋之夜,大家准备丰盛的瓜果和月饼,把最圆的水果当作供品祭拜月亮,其它的留给全家人,边赏月,边聊天,边品尝。 On the night of the Mid-Autumn Day, people have fruits and moon cakes, the most round food is offered to the

moon, while the rest is for the family to enjoy as they appreciate the moon’s beauty.


Originally the moon cake was used only for sacrificial offerings during the Moon Ceremony.


Later it gradually became a symbolic food of the Moon Festival.


It resembles the full moon on the night of the Mid-Autumn Day, representing reunion.


After the entire family offers a sacrificial slice to the moon, they cut the rest in slices on the number of

members of the family, including those family members who did not make it to the gathering.


The first slice of the moon cake must be given to the most elderly of the family.


Like the other Chinese holidays, the Mid-Autumn Day has its own stories.


Among them “Chang’E and the Moon” is the most well known.


There lived a beautiful goddess named Chang’E in a very beautiful but cold palace on the moon.


In the palace, a jade hare accompanies her.


And outside the palace, there was a sweet-scented osmanthus tree and a lumberjack called Wu Gang. 在中秋节晴朗的夜空里,如果你仔细观看,真的会隐约看到传说里的人和物呢。

If you look carefully at the moon on the mid autumn night, you might see the shadows of the figures in the story!

除了祭月、赏月外,中国各地还有许多自己的风俗和活动。 Besides sacrificial offerings and moon appreciation,

different parts of China have different customs and activities for this festival.


In the north, there is a toy called “the rabbit master” which is popular among children.


It is an adaptation of the jade hare on the moon.

南方有的地方,人们把柚子镂空,做成精致好看的柚子灯笼。 In the South, people hollow out the pomelo to make exquisite lanterns.


They light candles inside to make a favorite

mid-autumn season toy.

在广东、香港,人们会在中秋举行舞“火龙”的表演。 In Guangdong and Hong Kong, people attend

performances of mid-autumn dance “Fire Dragon”. 火龙的身上插满“长寿香”,在夜里大放光芒。

Incenses are lit and inserted along the fire dragon’s body to symbolize longevity, and to radiate brightness in the dark night.


篇二:The Mid-autumn Day

The Mid-autumn Day

"Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. This day was also considered a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. On that day we usually eat a big dinner and moon cakes. It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife, so he made moon cakes. It looks like the moon.

Te moon considered miss. Many people who live far away from hometown want to back to have a family reunion. It is said “the moon in you hometown is always the brightest and roundest”.

篇三:Mid-Autumn Day

Mid-Autumn Day

Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival in China. Almost everyone likes to eat mooncakes on that day. Most families have a dinner together to celebrate the festival.

A saying goes that "The moon in your hometown is almost always the brightest and roundest". Many people who live far away from home want to go back to have a family reunion. How happy it is to enjoy the moon cakes while watching the full moon with your family members.

According to a Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat and the earth was saved when a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of them. Then, Hou Yi was rewarded an elixir of immortality for his exploit by the heavenly queen mother. A few days later, when Hou Yi was hunting outside, Peng meng, one of Hou Yi’s solider, ran into the his house with the sword, bullying Chang-e who is Hou Yi’s wife, to surrender the elixir. Helplessness, Chang-e immediately swallowed it, then flew out of the window and became a celestial being. For missing his wife, Hou Yi stared at the moon in his yard with some mooncakes made by himself and hoped Chang-e would come back some day. This is a myth about the origin of Mid-Autumn festival.

The traditional of celebrating Mid-Autumn Day became popular throughout China in the early Tang Dynasty. People worship the moon on the lunar August 15th. On this day, under the bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the moon’s beauty.

Nowadays, the Mid-autumn day in china usually comes in September or October. In 2006, this festival was listed as one of China’s cultural heritages, and in 2008, it was classified as a statutory public holiday.

Mooncakes, as indispensable delicious food of the Mid-Autumn Day, are gifts that people send to families and friends during the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings. Generally, there are characters, like “longevity”, “good fortune” and “harmony”, on the traditional mooncakes.

篇四:Mid-Autumn Day

According to the Chinese lunar thcalendar, the 15 day of the eighth lunar month is the day for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the day usually falls on one of the days in the latter half of September. For this occasion people need to buy moon cakes in advance. And when that evening comes with a full moon rising, Chinese families begin to have a big dinner together. The family members enjoy many delicacies, including sweet or salty moon cakes as well as some special food like taros and young soya beans. For those who are absent from the family, moon cakes have already been sent to them days before. When the family enjoy all of these, they will look up at the full moon, chatting or missing their faraway relatives or friends. For them, the full moon symbolizes”

reunion.” Such feelings and scenes are fully expressed by a Chinese saying: the moon at home is exceptionally brighter.

篇五:Mid-autumn Day

The Crossing Bridge Rice Noodles (Guo Qiao Mi Xian) It is made of rice noodles mixed with various of vegetables and meat. Usually it will be held in a pot like Sha Guo.


Rice noodles, vegetables (fish tofu, meatballs, the quail’s eggs, sausages, crab sticks, muttons, porks, beef )


6 yuan with all the vegetables for single

10 yuan with all the vegetables and three kinds of meat for single 20 yuan with all the vegetables and meat for two people Origin:

This food comes from a legend that long long ago in a small town of Yun Nan Province , the couple was separated by a bridge. Every day, the husband studied hard for getting the chance to be an government officer,and the wife would do housework ,and take care of the children and the old across from the bridge. When it’s time to eat, the wife would cook the meal and cross the bridge to send the meal to her husband. To make the meal still hot ,she came up with an idea that puts the chicken oil on the porridge .In this way her husband could eat the still hot food every day, and when her husband passed the exam and became the officer ,this kind of food began to become popular among the villagers and that’s the origin of Guo Qiao Mi Xian.

The Mid-autumn Day

One of the traditional festivals on Aug.15th in lunar calendar.It is a day for family to come back to their hometown and enjoy the time of being together.Usually in this festival ,people will eat mooncakes and watch the full moon.The legend said that once upon a time there was nine suns in the earth.Those suns appeared together and scorched the earth with the heat.People lived quite a hard life at that time .Then a very strong archer called Hou Yi save the earth by shooting eight suns by the his arrow.He got a medicine that has the magic power for whoever eating the pill to

go to the world in the sky.On day his wife called Chang E ate the pill inadvertently and flew to the sky immediately.She came to live in the moon with a white rabbit.Every Mid-autumn Day the image of Chang E will appear on the moon and her husband HouYi can see her in the earth.Only in this day Chang E and Hou Yi could get together ,so Mid-autumn Day is the day for people ‘s reunion with their family.
