作业帮 > 字数作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 06:28:57 字数作文





到了番禺梦幻D世界,我们就去玩,我们先去了哈比儿童王国,玩了旋转木马和梦幻转马和欢乐跳跳,柔和的音乐使人心旷神怡。我们还玩了过山车,呼叫声使我的喉咙都快哑了,那速度飞快都快要摔下来了。 我们还看了4D电影,带上4D眼镜一幅幅画面展现在我们眼前,突然一瞬间椅子背后不知是谁用力打了两下,然后天花板上落下几滴水,同伴们都说:这是什么电影,真




Home Alone:

1. 大体情况介绍

开头:I have had the experience of staying home alone. My parents went to Shanghai to see my grandparents 2 years ago. So I had to stay at home by myself.


I got up at 8 o’clock and I made a list of things I needed to do and made a timetable. Then I finished my homework carefully in the morning. I also do some cleani


ng in the afternoon. In the evening, I watched TV to relax myself. Before going to bed, I remembered to set the alarm so that I wouldn’t be late for school the next day.

3. 问题以及解决

问题1:I met a problem. I didn’t know how to cook. . And I just ate some snacks when I felt hungry, which made me have a stomachache. However, I solved it by myself. I searched on the Internet to learn to cook some simple meals. Although it wasn’t delicious, I was still happy to enjoy the food made by myself.


I met a problem. I couldn’t manage my time(control myself) very well. As a result, I turned on the computer and began to play computer games as soon as I arrived home without finishing my homework. And the next morning, I got up late because nobody could wake me up. I tried to solve it by myself. And I made a timetable and finished my homework first when I came back home. Before going to bed, I remembered to set the alarm so that I wouldn’t be late for school once more.

4. 学到的事情:

I learn/learnt/have learnt a lot from the experiences. I learn/learnt/have learnt that it is important for me to learn more life skills (to control myself) and I should be more independent.

5. 感受:

I felt happy/proud/terrible.

6. 观点

I think it’s important to learn more life skills (to control myself) and I should be more independent.



1. 运动经历:

My favorite sport is playing basketball. I started it at the age of nine when I watched a basketball match of NBA for the first time on TV. How wonderful the players were! From then on, I began to enjoy it.

At first, I couldn't play it well, but I tried harder and often practiced it with my friends. What’s more, I often had some matches after school twice a week. Now I became a member of the school basketball team and won many matches.

2. 日常锻炼:

As a grade nine student, I am so busy that I can only play it with my classmates every Saturday. (once a week). Sometimes, we divide into two teams and have a match.

3. 原因及优点

原因:Whenever I play it, I feel happy and confident especially when I am upset because of bad marks in exams. That’s why I like it very much. More important, I can make some new friends.


It can not only help me stay healthy but also bring me happiness and excitement.

4. 学到的事情

I learn a lot from it. I learn how important the teamwork is. More important, when I can’t do something very well, I should keep practicing it instead of giving up easily.

5. 观点:

All in all, I think everyone should choose one favourite sport, because it can not only help us stay healthy but also bring us happiness and excitement. (对整个做运动这件事情的看法)

All in all, I think playing basketball is a very good sport, because it can not only help us stay healthy but also bring us happiness and excitement. (对于打篮球的看法)

6. 建议:

If you want to choose a kind of sport to do, I think basketball is a very good choice. And I’d like to give you some advice about it. First, it’s necessary for you to buy a pair of comfortable sports shoes which may help you move fast and keep you from being hurt. What’s more, you can watch some matches of NBA to learn some basic skills. Last but not least, remember one thing: practice makes perfect. If you want to improve your skills, just keep practicing it more often. (对于打篮球这项运动的看法)


1. 博物馆以及自身去那里的大体介绍

I have been to many museums including the Science Museum, a museum about science and technology. It’s open from 10 am to 6 pm everyday and it is free to enter.

I went there last summer holiday with my classmates. As soon as I got there, I was amazed to see all kinds of wonderful science exhibitions

2. 做的事情以及看到的事物

On the first floor, I saw some machines in ancient China and learnt how they worked in the past. I even took some photos so that I could show them to my classmates. On the second floor, the exhibitions of physics and chemistry caught my eyes. The most interesting thing was that I could do some experiments by myself.

3. 最喜欢的地方

The room called “Go to the future” on the fourth floor is my favorite one, /impressed me most, where (because) I could see some new things and imagine the fantastic life in the future!

4. 感受

In a word, I felt so happy that I didn’t want to leave.

5. 观点及学到的事情(请随时关注问题时态)

All in all, I think the Science Museum is interesting for people of all ages and it is really a wonderful museum. I learn some skills of doing experiments as well as some knowledge about science.

6. 建议:

I want to give you some advice. First of all, you can take a camera which you can use to take some photos. What’s more, remember to obey the rules there. You can’t shout loudly in it and run too fast. You mustn’t touch the exhibitions if you see the sign “No touching.” Last but not least, it’s a good idea to take a notebook to write down something you learn there.

Travel: (注意详略得当)

1. 乐于帮助他人

I am glad to know you will come to Beijing this winter holiday. I’d like to tell you something about Beijing and give you some advice so that you can have a good trip.

2. 北京整体介绍:

Beijing, the capital of China, is not only an old city with many famous places but also a modern city with tall buildings.

3. 可去的地方以及能做的事情,能看到的事情,还有特色小吃(区分提建议和描述)

So there are many places you can visit and many interesting things you can do. If you are interested in Chinese culture, you can go to the Forbidden City on the first day. You can see many buildings of ancient China and take some photos. After that, why not go to “Quanjude” restaurant to taste Beijing Duck, a traditional food in Beijing. On the third day, you can go to Wangfujing Street to do some shopping and buy some gifts for your friends and parents.

All in all, I hope you will have a good time in Beijing.

4. 自身经历

I think it’s the best place I have ever been to. I went there with my friends two years ago. We not only drank some tea but also ate some traditional Beijing snacks. How delicious they were! And we watched Beijing Opera. We planned to watch for an hour, but it was so interesting that we stayed there three hours to enjoy the beauty of it. What’s more, we also saw a magic show. I learnt a lot about traditional Beijing culture there. (学到什么关注时态哦)

5. 提建议

On the second day, it’s a good idea to visit the Teahouse, a place standing for Beijing culture. And if you want to go there, remember to order the tickets on the Internet and the price of it is not very expensive. It is open from 9 to 5 o’clock everyday. You can’t speak loudly there, because it’s against the rules. Maybe you should take a camera to take some photos with the actors and you can show them to your friends.


1. 总说:

Everyone had (has) some problems including me.

2. 问题描述(已经解决的问题,所以用过去时描述):

My problem was that I couldn’t manage my time very well and sometimes I played cell phone when doing homework. As a result, I went to bed so late that I couldn’t listen to the teacher carefully in class, which made me get bad scores in exams. I felt so sad.

3. 解决过程及感受

I knew I needed to found some ways to solve it. I made a list of things I had to do and made a timetable every evening. What’s more, I gave my mobile phone to my parents. Now I finish homework quickly and my score is better. I feel(felt) proud of myself.

4. 学到了什么或者观点

From it, I learn/learnt/have learnt a lot. I think/ learn/learnt/have learnt it’s/it was important for me to have a plan before doing things. More important, when I face problems, I should find ways to solve it instead of giving up easily.


两河交汇点(外一首)——世界水日的作文 两条河交汇点,给自己许下愿望: 有情人终成眷属。伫足岸边





















两河交汇点(外一首)——世界水日的作文 两条河交汇点,给自己许下愿望: 有情人终成眷属。伫足岸边





























