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Traffic In The City

With the development of economy ,traffic is becoming one of the greatest problems of a modern city.

One problem is pollution .The waste gases from the exhaust pipes are great enemies to the air. And there are so many cars and buses in the city that the harm they cause to the environment is considerable. Anot(来自:WWw.zW2.CN 爱作文网)her problem is crowdedness .City inhabitants are so familiar with traffic jams that they are part of their lives. Time wasted on traffic and people are made impatient by the awful traffic. Worse than that ,traffic accidents are real-life disasters of blood and death .Traffic has become one of the nightmares of people living in cities.

To build highways and bridges only works out part of the problem .Cars and buses should be improved to give less waste gases. Government should encourage citizens to take buses so that there is less traffic on road. People should obey traffic rules and try not to make trouble on road. City area should be expanded so that there is more space for wide roads. Maybe low-pollution high-efficiency means of traffic should be invented .Only after we pay enough attention to the problem will it be possible for us to solve it .




Seattle is located between an inlet of the Pacific Ocean to the west called Puget Sound and Lake Washington to the east. The city's chief harbor, Elliott Bay, is an inlet of the Sound. West beyond the Sound are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula; east beyond Lake Washington and the eastside suburbs are Lake Sammamish and the Cascade Range. Lake Washington's waters flow out through the Lake Washington Ship canal, a series of two man-made canals and Lake Union, to the Hiram C. Chittenden Locks at Salmon Bay, to Shilshole Bay, which is part of Puget Sound. The sea, rivers, forests, lakes, and fields were once rich enough to support one of the world's few sedentary hunter-gatherer societies. Areas lending themselves well to sailing, skiing, bicycling, camping, and hiking may be reached almost year-round.[



Writing:描写地方类作文 介绍地理位置的说明文,它的写作顺序建议如下: 地面气城著(地名)




1.地点状语+,+主句 /(历史) (分词结构做状语)

? Located in…, ×××is a city…with a history of…

? ...lies near\behind\in front of\by the side of...\between\among...

? With sp. on/to the east/west/north\ …borders … to the south\ west\east\south e.g. China, located/ lying in the east of Asia, is one of largest countries in the world, with/bordering Japan to the east and Russia on the north.

2.面积+人口 (with结构做定语)

…covers/takes up a total area of …with a population of ….

… is a city with a population of…

e.g. (1) Beijing, the capital of China, is a large city with a population of over 12,000,000.

(2) Our school, which takes up 63 thousand square kilometers, is very large in size.


? It is warm all the seasons (warm, dry, cold,sunny, rainy…)四季温暖。

? it's like spring all the year round. 四季如春。

? People in sp. can enjoy typical tropical cimate(典型的热带气候), which is so pleasan that every year, many tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful scenery, among which…is the most popular.

? The average temperature ranges between 23℃ and 39℃.

? 5.著名特殊之处

? The special character of ××× is attracting more and more tourists from all over the world.

e.g. Guangzhou is rich in traveling resources, such as the famous “eight scenery of YangCheng”.



b) ×××lies in the southwest of ...

c) It covers/has a total area of 7,686,850 square kilometers with a population of


d) It is warm (dry, cold,sunny,rainy...)

e) Because××× is famous for/ is well known for …, the tourists from all over the f) The special character of ××× is attracting more and more tourists from all over the world.

g) It has many world-famous places of interest, such as... and....


be located in…/be situated in…/lie in…

坐落于……脚下/顶部 …stands at the foot of/ on the top of…

stretches itself lazily along沿着…悠闲地伸展开来

eg:Rio, Brazil's second largest city, stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic ocean。 福建省位于中国的东南部。 学校的南边有一条铁路。 山顶有一座庙。 教学楼坐落于校园的后面。 上海建在中国东海岸一组岛屿上,在这,数条河流注入海洋。

Shanghai is built on a group of islands on the east coast of China at a point where

several rivers flow into the ocean.

? to the east/west/south/north of ,opposite ,around/ across, in front of ,behind

1.There is a man-made pond in front of___ the main building.

2.To the north of_ the main building, there is a meeting hall.

3.Opposite___ the meeting hall is the library.

4.There 5. Trees are planted __around the lawn.

6. Also behind the main building, __across___ the lawn, there is a tall laboratory building.


…has a population of…,

(a city) with a population of…

? eighty percent of the population … are …

? The population of …has grown to…

Eg:Beijing, the capital of China, is a large city with a population of over 12,000,000.



has/covers an area of…square kilometers

(a city) with an area of…square kilometers

take up,/the size of our city is …

Eg:Our school , which takes up 63 thousand square kilometers, is very large in size. 周边环境)1) stands,

2) surrounded by, 3) faces…

4)with…on its east/west/left/right

5))at the back of在……的后面

6)in front of在……的前面

7)in the north of在……的北部(内部)

8)on the south of在……的南方(接壤)

9)to the east of在……的东面(相离)

Eg:1. West of the city stands a tall building.

? 2. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river

on the east.


…has a long history (of …years)

with a long history (of …years)

… has witnessed too much coming and going in history

Eg:1. Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history.

? 2. Built in the16th century, the castle has witnessed too much coming and going

in history

它是一个具有悠久历史的现代化城市。It is a modern city with a long history. 这个城市有1000多年历史。 这座有1000多年历史的城市是我们的骄傲。

more than 1000 years from 1000 to 2006.这本书涉及了从1000年到2006年的1000多年的历史。


交通便利…has convenient transportation

(a city) with convenient transportation both on land and water

坐汽车、火车、飞机到…take a bus, a train or a plane to/go to …by bus/train/plane



…economy has been developing rapidly


…has been listed among the top ten strongest cities in economy several times

7.名胜古迹(places of interest/ historical spots)

The places around our city are rich in travelling/natural resources.

2)The city, known as…, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world.

3)The city is well-known / famous for its…/as…

5) … is a must-see for tourists, as…


Chengde City is not only one of the well-known 24 historical and cultural cities but also one of the 44 major scenic spots in China.


1. There is a variety of climate ( warm, dry, humid, cold, sunny, stomy, rainy…)

2. The average temperature of Hong Kong is about 220C . The rainy season is between May and July.

9.……发生了很大变化great changes have taken place…

特色鲜明的地方文化distinct local culture

海岸线总长……公里Its coastline has a total length of …kilometers. .这一地区是多种野花的家园。 曾经的“鱼米之乡”不复存在。 落基山脉中有熊生长。

The countryside in the north 北方的乡下适宜这些水果的生长。 milk and honey.这个地方有“鱼米之乡”的美誉。


1. In the past, there used to be…, but now…

2. With time passing by,/going on

As time went on/goes on

3.With the development of agriculture and industry,…

4. Green grass and trees can be seen everywhere now.

5. Those small and low houses have been replaced by tall buildings.

6. Great changes have taken place in my village in the past ten years.

7. What great changes we have!

8. The villagers are really satisfied with their lives now.

表示对比的短语/句子:while, but, however

on the contrary/in contrast,

on the one hand, on the other hand

used to do ( there used to be…)

no longer…--- not any longer


1 过去父母们主要通过写信彼此联系, 但是现在我们可以在家打长途电话。my parents contacted others mainly by sending letters, we call long distance at home.


We have to attend classes even at weekends



? change, improve, become, turn into

1.In a word, things have begun to since last year.

2.In short, have brought us comfort and convenience.

3.By 2008, Beijing will have become a beautiful, modern and international city.

4.The old houses in the central part of the city will be turned into new shopping centers.

10.something special 特色

1)(The place) is famous for…../ The special character of ( the place) is ….

2)You can go on the city tours to enjoy the sights, taste the local food, explore the lively nightlife and learn about its history and culture.

3) Wherever you go, there are plenty of activities to choose from


1.地理geography 2.古迹historical spot7.方言 dialect ___

9.城市的,城镇的_ urban10.当地的,地方的__ local


13.太平洋_Pacific Ocean 14.大西洋_Atlantic Ocean_

15.东南方的_southeastern_ 16.西北方的northwestern

1.城市规划urban planning 2.城镇人口urban population

3.追溯到 date back to 4.以??为背景 be set in

5.独有的特色 unique features


Antarctica,which is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all (the) year round,

is the coldest continent in the world.

Antarctica, the coldest continent in the world, is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all year round.

2.我的家乡位于中国广东,My hometown,neighboring Hong Kong,is located in Guangdong Province of China.

3. 广州,别名花城,地处珠江三角洲(the Peal River Delta)北部,临近港澳。

The city of Guangzhou, nicknamed as Flower City, is located in the north of the Peal River Delta, close to Hongkong and Macao


Guangzhou is the political, economic and cultural centre of Guangdong Province.


The climate differs sharply from one area to another.
