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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 22:25:20 字数作文



At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.

Words: 322

Many people think that the university and college are the place for students to learn knowledge for their future career to lead a better life. However, without compatible social skills or sports to exercise even to play, one cannot have a good and plentiful life. So, it is very important for a college to give financial support to the sports and social activities.

The first of all, students need social activities to practice or to get their social skills. In the modern society, one cannot live without connecting with others, which may occur in the ancient time when the transportation is so poor that the people have to live on their own. So, how to deal with the things and people around is quite important. What’ more, one cannot get a good chance of a good position without a significant social skills even he is capable or talent. For example, there are lots of “nerds” in the modern society, most of which have high IQ,

good certification or graduated from famous school like MIT, Stanford, etc, because they always stay in home and do not quite good at deal with others and hardly play sports. They cannot quite find a good role to play in the real life and always seems to be awkward like the guys in The Big Bang Theory.

Then, sport is also very important. Without sport, one may lost some interest of life and the joy of playing with others, and even their healthy life. Without sports, no one would have a healthy life which may be troublesome.

Finally, comparing with the classes and libraries, the sports and the social activities are the things they accompany you along your whole life. That makes your life meaningful and fulfilling.

Generally speaking, sports and social activities are so important that they need to be support. So, they at least should get equal financial support as the classes and libraries do.

篇二:TPO1 独立写作范文

TPO-1 Independent writing task

At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial support.





Some people claim that universities and colleges should not spend a great deal of money on sports and social activities, as their budgets should prioritize classes and libraries. However, as educational institutions, universities and colleges have an obligation to provide a wide range of knowledge to their students to help them develop academically and socially.

More and more businesses require people who are not only specialists in their fields, but also skilled in social interaction. In the rapidly changing environments of science and the economy, no task can be done by a single person. Given the need for collaboration, social skills and team spirit are necessary qualities for any successful person. Clearly, sports and social activities in universities and colleges provide students with the perfect settings to practice their social skills. By playing football on a team or joining in a protest, for instance, students can develop a sense of belonging and experience team spirit, both of which may prove very important in building a career.

Aside from fostering social skills and team spirit, sports and social activities can greatly improve students’ efficiency. Students need not play sports or participate in social activities at the expense of their academic study. Indeed, for some students, playing sports and joining in social activities are good stress reducers. Even the most enthusiastic people feel tired if they concentrate on one thing for too long. Frustrated and tired people can do nothing well if they do not recover from their bad situations. Students who have been frustrated in their academic work would be well-advised to play some sports or join in social activities.

Academic education will always be at the heart of a university. In universities, sports and social activities should by no means take the place of a focus on academic study. What I believe is that universities and colleges should spend adequate money on academics as well as sports and social activities. For

instance, in the United States, almost all famous universities have plenty of sports teams and social groups, and universities provide adequate financial support with these events. None of these universities have weakened their academic standards because of social movements or sports.

For these reasons, I maintain that universities and colleges should spend enough money on academic education and social movements to prepare students for their future development.

playing computer games can expand a child’s outlook. Some computer games that can be played on the Internet were devised by foreign companies. Playing these games gives children an excellent opportunity to communicate with “game friends” from all over the world, allowing them to learn about other countries and cultures.



Some people claim that universities and colleges are not supposed to spend much money on sports and social activities and their budgets should be focus on classes and libraries. But in fact, as educational institutions, universities and colleges do have the obligation to provide wide range of knowledge to their students, both academically and socially.

It’s not uncommon today that more and more business require talents who are specialists in both their fields and social lives because with the amazing race of development of science and economy, no task could be done by a single one. Therefore, social skills and team spirit are necessary qualities for a successful man. Clearly, sports and social activities in universities and colleges provide students with a perfect environment to practice their social skills. By playing football with a team or joining in a protest parade, students could feel the sense of belonging and share the team spirits, which are very important in their future career.

Aside from social skills and team spirit, sports and social activities could greatly improve study efficiency of students. Playing sports or joining in some social activities does not mean students would do this at the expense of their academic study. Quite the opposite, to some students, playing sports or joining in the social activities is a good stress reducer for their

tension of study. Even though the most enthusiastic people would feel tired if he concentrated on one thing for a very long time. Frustrated and tired people would do nothing well if they do not recover from the bad situation. As a result, students who have been frustrated by

academic study would be well-advised to play some sports or joining in some social activities in order to improve their study efficiency.

Meanwhile, academic education lied at the heart of the universities. The emphasis on sports and social activities in universities could, by no means, take place of the focus on academic study. What I insist is universities and colleges should spend enough money on both academy and sports or social activities. For instance, in the U.S, almost all famous universities have plenty of sports teams and social groups, and universities provide adequately financial support with these events. None of these universities weaken their academic education because of social movements or sports.

For those reasons, I would like to say that universities and colleges should spend enough money on academic education and social movements in order to prepare students for their future development.






The lecturer claims that the new policy, which allows people to work four days a week instead of five, will bring side effects to both the companies and the society. This does not agree with the reading passage, which suggests that such a policy would be beneficial.

To begin with, according to the lecture, a company that allows employees to have fewer working hours is likely to hire more people to ensure their normal productivity. As a result, expenses for training and medical insurance will inevitably rise. The reading passage, by contrast, suggests that employees who enjoy more leisure time will have fewer mistakes and work more efficiently, leading to the increase of profit for the enterprise.

The second point of difference is regarding impact on unemployment rate. The lecturer asserts that for the sake of saving money, the employers might raise their expectation on 4-day employees, rather than recruit more people. Consequently, the employees who work 4 days will be forced to finish what they did in 5 days previously, and therefore no additional jobs will be created.Finally, the lecturer argues that not only the quality of life will decline if an employee works shorter hours and receives less pay, but also they have less chance to be promoted to a supervisory position. However, the reading passage contends that more leisure hours can create opportunities to strengthen family ties and allow employees to develop private interests, ma


king them feel more satisfied about life.


The lecturer claims that the new policy, which allows people to work four days a week instead of five, will have negative effects for companies as well as society. This claim is not in agreement with that of the reading passage, which suggests that such a policy will be beneficial.

According to the lecture, a company that allows employees to have fewer working hours is likely to hire more people to ensure that it meets normal levels of productivity. If this occurs, expenses for training and medical insurance will inevitably rise. The reading passage, by contrast, suggests that employees who enjoy more leisure time make fewer mistakes and work more efficiently, leading to increased profits for the enterprise.

The second point of difference between the lecture and the reading passage concerns the impact of the policy on the unemployment rate. The lecturer asserts that for the sake of saving money,


employers might raise their expectations of 4-day employees rather than recruit more people.Consequently, employees who work 4 days will be forced to finish what they did in 5 dayspreviously, and no additional jobs will be created.

Finally, the lecturer argues that under the new policy, employees will experience not onlydecreased quality of life (as shorter working hours will translate into less pay), but also fewer

chances to be promoted to supervisory positions. However, the reading passage contends thatmore leisure hours can create opportunities to strengthen family ties and allow employees to

develop private interests, making them feel more satisfied with their lives.
