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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 14:38:20 作文素材

篇一:英语作文 给时光老人的一封信

Dear Father Time,

I'm very glad to write to you. I think you must an interesting old man and you are as nice as my grandfather.Now, I have many words to talk to you.

Father Time, you must run as fast as LiuXiang.Unconsciously, I'm fourteen years old.And unconsciously, my parents are getting more old. When I was a little child, my parents gave all love to me . They wanted to give me the best things and let me grow up happily. But I was not a sensible child.I often let my parents sad.One day , I wanted to watch TV.But my mother didn't let me watch TV because I didn't finish my homework. I felt very a(转载于:www.Zw2.cN 爱 作 文 网)ngry with her and had a fight with her.I knew that my mother was sad and disappointed. I shouldn't fight with her and shout at her. Finally, I said sorry to her. I saw the smile come back on her face.Now, I understand my parents' love. I will love them forever.

Father Time, You taught me be brave . When I was a little girl, I was very timid.I never dared to take part in any adventure game.Although my mother always encourages me, but I still couldn't win over myself.So my classmates always call me a coward.A special experience,all of these were changed.One day, I went climbing with my father.We were get the top of the mountain.I wanted to give up because of my timid.At this time,my father took me by the hand and said,"Winning or losing is in your control. You should try your best to do everything and you will be proud of yourself when you beat yourself."My mind was made up, this time I must win over myself. When we reached the top of the mountain,I could hardly believe my eyes.What a beautiful scenery!Later, I will overcome more difficult, to better set out tomorrow.

Best wishes to you.










篇二:英语作文 给xx 的一封信

Dear manager,

My name is Li Mengran ,a college student. I would like to apply for a summer job which can let me gain useful experience. I hear that you need a Lab assistant. I want to say I like this job. I study in DeZhou university. My major is Chemical. In my course, experiment is very important. So as a Chemical student, we need do many experiments. And I study hard in college, I get many glorious champion. In college, I get a chance to enter a competition of Chemical experiment. I get Second Place Award. Through I work hard, I pass the CET 4. And now I plan CET 6. As a girl, I have a ability of strict. I think this ability is very important in experiment.

I hope I can catch this chance. In one hand, I can learn more knowledge, In another hand, I hope I can share responsibility for your job, let you relax. I promise if I get this job I will study hard and try my best do well .

Looking forward to your early reply.



3th May, 2012 Dear manager, My name is Li Mengran , a college student. ? [学习提示] 易混词汇: college, university, institute, school, academy 均含有“学院,大



I would like to apply for a summer job which can let me gain useful experience.

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: use, apply, employ, utilize, avail, exploit 均含“使用,应用”之意。


I hear that you need a Lab assistant.

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: hear, listen, overhear 均含“听”之意。

: 及物动词,指声音进入耳内,但不含有注意的意味,即,只要听觉正常,声音进入耳内,就能听见。但在祈使句中,hear可指有意识的行为。

: 及物动词,指有意识地倾听,强调行为的过程。

: 指偶然听到,无意中听到,也指偷听。

好评 报错


I want to say I like this job.

? [点评] I want to say: 表达不规范,太口语化,建议检查。

好评 报错

2.1 I study in DeZhou university.

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: learn, study 均含“学习”之意。 : 常指一般性的学习,尤指初级阶段的学习,表示摹仿实践的过程;着重成果时,作“学会”解。

: 着重指学习过程和高深的或周密的研究,尤指从书本上学习。

好评 报错

2.2 My major is Chemical.

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: drug, medicine, medication, remedy, cure, chemical 都有“药”



In my course, experiment is very important.

? [高分词汇] important是普通词汇,可以在某些语境中替换为高分词汇 crucial 或


crucial: extremely important/critical:

It is crucial that the report should be on time

essential: (something) very important/indispensable:

It is essential that you should take out a proper insurance.

It is essential for the applicant to wear a dark suit.

好评 报错 ? [推荐词汇] very在写作中使用的太多,在某些语境下可考虑换为extremely, exceedingly,

remarkably, intensely。 Improperly implemented, dials can be extremely difficult to manipulate. 如果设计不当,刻度盘将会非常难于操作。

Between 1890 and 1930 the woman suffrage movement became exceedingly militant.


The surface of Mars is remarkably diverse.


He was so informed and intensely forceful.


好评 报错

? [学习提示] 易混词汇

: trial, experiment, test, try 均有“试验”之意。


So as a Chemical student, we need do many experiments.

好评 报错


And I study hard in college, I get many glorious champion.

好评 报错

? [低频警示] i get many glorious champion 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语

好评 报错

? [低频警示] many glorious champion 在语料库中无此用法,疑似中式英语

好评 报错 ? [学习提示] 易混词汇: splendid, gorgeous, glorious, superb, magnificent 均含“华丽的,



In college, I get a chance to enter a competition of Chemical experiment.

? [学习提示] 易混词汇: competition, contest, match 均有“比赛,竞争”之意。


Dear Yu:

Is it surprising that I write the letter for you ? Not one time had I wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude for you face to face . But I’m so shy that I can’t do that .Thus , I decide to say thank you in this way .

Meeting you is the most fortunate thing in the world . Your emergence brightens my life deeply . You know ,I used to be such a shy ,a quiet girl . I was afraid of contacting with others so that I merely had pretty few friends . All days I stayed at home , and my life was dull . It was not until you volunteered to assist me that my life set out changing . You took me to wander the streets to observe the world which greatly broadened my eyes . You encouraged me to take part in kinds of activities that promoted my courage and confidence . You were always enthusiastic to introducing me to your friends when I was fear of expressing myself in public . The wonderful characters you own deserve me to learning .Your optimism and vigour impress me so much .

Now , I have become confident and outgoing . I can firmly confront the difficulties ,never shrink . My dear friend ,thanks for leading me to a new world , thanks for letting me feel shiny warmth and never making me lonely . Comparing to what you have dong for me , simple thanks seem to be minor , but it’s my sincere appreciation and gratefulness .

Blessing you happy forever .

Yours Qing
