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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 04:27:17 体裁作文



1、 Introduction………………………………………………3

2、 Similarities about Grimm and Andersen’s fairy tales


3、 Difference about Grimm and Andersen’s fairy tales


3.1Difference between the sources and creative consciousness


3.2Difference about the way of expression…………………. ……………………………………………………………………4

3.3Different stories……………………………………………5

4、 Conclusion………………………………………………….5

Grimm and Andersen’s Fairy Tales


Fairy tale is a kind of children's literature, mainly uestrained imagination and unabashed exaggeration to shape the image and reality of the reaction, thus idea of children's education plays certain significance. Among them, the Grimm and Andersen’s fairy tale as two books in children's literature has a very important position in the design of the stories, both of which are easy to use vivid and bizarre twists and turns unfolded the way, and ultimately convey the real beauty in life of praise and praise.

Key words:

Grimm Andersen similarities difference

Grimm and Andersen’s Fairy Tales


Grimm is by the famous German linguist Jager Green and William Green two brothers through a large collection, carefully collated and careful processing, and finally came out in the early nineteenth century. It is used as a folk literature in the world has been widespread concern and attention. Brothers Grimm using simple and understandable way of expression and bold exaggerated imagination to render the story magical romance and interesting, and ultimately laid the World Classic Fairy position. Unlike Andersen's fairy tales such as the Brothers Grimm fairy tale folk collecting and collating it more a reflection of the author's personal feelings and creative intent. As Anderson and their own personal experiences rational thinking, so it's a fairy tale more literary and artistic, eventually won a large number of children not only readers, but also by many adult readers of close friends.

2、Similarities about Grimm and Andersen's fairy tales

Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen's classic fairy tales as two, they actually produce the background is the same, but the country in which the writer is different, because of the society's principal contradiction in the feudal ruling class and between the development of capitalism , this two fairy tales protagonist's identity is also more abundant, from the original princess and prince gradually to tailor, miller, blacksmiths and soldiers and other diversified evolution. In addition, the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale similarities more reflected in value terms, the story's plot revolves around the theme of The Sound of Music to expand, such as: Snow White's beautiful, intelligent, selfless and kind of mermaids seven Dwarfs warm and friendly, they are singing the praises of pure and beautiful side of human nature. These two works not only to bring purity and hope, but also play the significance of education, to convey the positive spirit of eternal value.

3、Difference about Grimm and Andersen’s fairy tale Whether it is to be classified as traditional Grimm fairy tale, or be incorporated into modern fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale, has always been listed as both classic children's books, and has been widely welcomed and loved. Fairy tales

depict the hero character and conveys a better quality of beauty in the invisible children between the leading numerous positive direction towards a healthy development and growth. Of course, since the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale has a different time, so the author in the creation of awareness, expression and story also there are many different aspects.

3.1 Differences between the sources and creative consciousness

Brothers Grimm in the historical background of German culture in a more serious stage of retro thinking, as folklorists two brothers, have also joined the gathering and integration of the queue of folk tales, and music is not he get to machine polish folklore and ancient myths. Finishing completed Grimm filled with exaggerated imagination and magic of color, although fairy tale has a strong interest, but because some of the stories has a long history, therefore, is not preserved legends reader specially designed for children . In addition, the fairy tale and the feudal ideology and religious superstition part is not conducive to children's reading and learning, no good physical and mental health, for example: "juniper tree" and stepmother to the boy's head cut off, and it's a bit bloody violence, as well as the story is exaggerated worship of God, we can see that there are limitations of the times the Brothers Grimm. And the creation of awareness of the Brothers Grimm, compared Anderson is playing mind actually want to create fairy tales for children, precisely because of this in mind, his fairy tales are mostly from the child's point of view, compared to the folk myth, Grimm is more about the story around children. Although Andersen fairy tale image of the hero is very usual shape, but they have a good moral character, and indomitable spirit, so that the reader can savor while interesting story while receiving sublime edification. Anderson in the creation of which is often to integrate themselves into the story, which makes the storyline and character closer to real life, more resonates with readers.

3.2 Differences about the way of expression

Traditional fairy tale creative ideas are by contrast, the last clearly expressed an unyielding praise and criticism on the evil greed. Grimm hero mostly pure and good, and then through a negative image to bring out their noble wonderful features, for example: in "Snow White" story, Snow White is very nice and kind, but her stepmother, it was a evil-hearted person, she always wanted to kill Snow White by this comparison, it is natural to express the theme of the story, that praise the good things and yearning pure world. Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm expression of this contrast highlights the very different ways, it is the theme inside the good and evil, beauty and ugliness to convey not through confrontation, but through the tragic story. Anderson by shaping the tragic story, let the reader feel the good things in front of the destruction, which can be more deeply comprehend the value of, for example: In the "The Little Match Girl", describing the poor little girl with matches heating, final frozen to death on Christmas Eve, such a tiny life is gone, let the reader be a huge shock the heart, it also raised unlimited thinking.

3.3 Different stories

Grimm's story has been the traditional fairy tale effect, with great imagination and romantic, for example: In the "devil's three golden hair", the description of the boy got the devil grandmother's help, got the devil's three blonde. In addition, more emphasis on the Brothers Grimm story of integrity, while ignoring the details of the description, showing out of character and heart activity was not very vivid. Andersen has a certain degree of innovation, the story while retaining the traditional fairy tale exaggerated and interesting at the same time, also focused on the pursuit of the details of the description, the character's inner world highlights the more fullness, for example: In the "Mermaid" in order to express the Little Mermaid's quiet, there is such a description: "She is a quirky, quiet child, very talkative, always quietly thinking things." Through this vivid description, the reader can children learn to think when thinking spark friction collision, I believe that readers can benefit.

4、Conclusion All in all, the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale accompanied generations of children grow up, to add to their joy as they bring enlightenment. Although there are some similarities and differences between the two points, the value of their existence can not be ignored . we hope that these two works can continue to survive, close to the lives of children.














余姚市舜水小学 袁月娟







1、 谈话:这节课外阅读指导课我们先来做个猜一猜的游戏。请你读读句子,猜猜这个句子


2、 PPT出示句子:




“寒冷的冬天现在要到来了,”小燕子说,“我要飞得很远,飞到温暖的国度里去。你愿意跟我一块儿去吗?你可以骑在我的背上!用腰带紧紧地把你自己系牢。这样我们就可以离开这丑恶的鼹鼠,从他黑暗的房子飞走——远远地、远远地飞过高山,飞到温暖的国度里去。” (拇指姑娘)








点击《卖火柴的小女孩》回答:这个故事主要讲了什么?读完后你有什么想说? 点击《皇帝的新装》回答:里面主要讲了哪些人物?他们给你留下了怎样的印象? 点击《海的女儿》回答:这个故事最让你感动的是什么?


谁?(转 载 于:wWW.zw2.Cn 爱作文网)为什么?

3、小结交流方法:刚才我们交流了四个故事的阅读收获,回忆一下我们交流了哪些内容?你觉得还可以从哪些方面来交流?(板书:说内容 说人物 谈感受摘词句)


师谈话:老师相信课外大家一定读了很多的安徒生童话,让我们和同桌小朋友来交流交流吧。 同桌交流





(1)说说《卖火柴的小女孩》最吸引你的是什么?(小女孩几次擦燃火柴看到的景象) 小女孩每次幻想看到了什么?(火炉、食物、圣诞树、奶奶)










2、 交流创编的内容


板书: 走进安徒生童话




