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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 10:25:54 体裁作文


Harmfulness of Video Games

In spite of objections from public opinion, many students can't draw themselves away from video games. It seems that the more they are prohibited from playing the games, the more they are tempted to do so. Many students indulge themselves in playing these games.

Video games are harmful to both the individual and society in many ways. First, they endanger the young people's health. Sitting in front of the computer for hours on end is bad for the player's eyesight as well as his entire physique. Secondly, they distract the young people%attention from their work and study. Absorbed in the games, the player often forgets to go to work or class. Sometimes even if they are at work or in class, they are still thinking of the games they played or are going to play after work or after class. As a result, they quickly fall behind others in their work and study. Thirdly, they lead young people to moral degradation. Some young people are especially interested

in games that are filled with violence. If they play these games a long time, they may also settle disagreements through violence, which may give rise to higher crime rate.

Therefore, it is time we took effective measures to solve this problem. On the one hand, young people should be made fully aware of the danger of video games. On the other, illegal video game houses should be eliminated, and software producers should be encouraged to make more beneficial video games in the future.


Diablo, the Lord of Terror, has fallen to a brave hero beneath the church of Tristram. Now that hero is gone, replaced by a Dark Wanderer who roams the world of Sanctuary leaving death and destruction in his wake. As a hero of humanity, you must face the minions of Diablo’s evil brothers and stop the Dark Wanderer before he fulfills his terrible destiny.


1.experience five bold character classes

battle hell's minions as the Amazon, Sorceress,

necromancer, paladin, or barbarian, each with unique skills and abilities.

2.explore four expansive realms

storm a vast underworld of twisted dungeons and

uncharted wilderness as you journey across the immense world of Sanctuary.

3.battle with an ever-expanding arsenal

learn new skills, find powerful new weapons and armor, and enhance your gear with magic as your hero's power and legend grow.

4.master multiple levels of difficulty

take on the minions of Diablo in nightmare mode for greater chanllenge and greater rewards. Grow strong

enough and enter hell mode, where your foes become truly fearsome, but the rewards are epic!

5.defeat Diablo online with your friends.

take the fight online with up to seven of your friends via battle.net, Blizzard Entertainment's free online gaming service. Find games, trade, and compete in regional ladders during ongoing seasonal competitions.













1, menu: As soon as goes in the feeling menu to be extremely succinct, does not like 04 such insufficient human natures, certainly this is Demo does not have the deep place to see 2. Picture: Enters the game, the whole felt the field does extremely grandly, since the lawn is I has seen best which FIFA has done, moreover the whole felt does not like 04 such to blur, extremely fine before, compares makes any edition exceptionally to be all splendid 3. Player facial expression: The player felt careful very many, nearly each players all are specially m(来自:WwW.ZW2.CN 爱作文 网)anufacture, although is only Demo, but my Ti4200 or can feel leaves the player texture to be very smooth, after believed the official version can feel well 4. Operation feeling: According to constructs not the big change {it is said handle to have} But operation feeling and 03.04 completely different, really felt very many, also reasonable very many, FIFA always gave the person to feel quite false, was because very many movements or should occur the situation, you beforehand early all could know, or shot the after result also all to be able to imagine ahead of time, because formerly all unusual pattern, but this feeling and live very similar, very many was accidental or the stochastic even subconscious movement often lets your opinion not be able to think 5, shoots: FIFA05 shoots no longer to like 04 such originally to shoot very easily to enter, also leaning does not leave Pu like Euro2004 such, felt has the sense of reality very much, does not need to send the strength too for a long time, but projects the feeling has the strength very much, moreover randomness is very big, but all very much conforms to the actual situation Generally speaking, a little likes WC98 such, shoots to do is very real 6. Passes a ball: FIFA05

passes a ball I this time to think the straight biography does extremely well, it is well known, no matter is the real state or FIFA, the straight biography affects extremely in a big way in the competition, formerly FIFA straight biography always very stodgy, or gives a thought to the route not to attend to the person, this feeling although the strength does not need very in a big way, but the position feeling extremely is actually good, lets the person have the just right feeling Moreover under the bottom passes on felt is also good, does not like 03.04 such is not very easy is very difficult to say 7. Excellent: This 05 has finally joined the substantive excellence, is the left leg as soon as shakes, this may use Shift to use, most importantly this excellent no longer liked

formerly that with not to be impractical, but was along with the rhythm change, was extremely practical, in addition accelerated the key as soon as to appoint, frequently was allowed the high speed under bottom Moreover the different ball game star also has the oneself different excellent method, somewhat

played the family also excellently to use to come out 8. Other: This foul ball all

did not have 1.2.3 fixed spots, you were allowed freely to cut, the length, the personnel all chose by oneself, moreover opposite party could suddenly transform the speed to catch a ball and so on, the free kick also has own choice way, moreover shot to have each means, but also was allowed to

shake the goalkeeper and so on Simultaneously also may choose the weather, moreover this also joined has created a player item, finally may own edit the player {at present not to be able to use, but was allowed to see}, but also had this 05Demo to do very much well the sound, no matter were the sound which you dribbled, caught a ball the sound, threw oneself the ball sound very to be all clear, lets the person have the feeling which one kind kicked a ball Also must wait till the official version as for other us only then to be allowed completely to see

菜单:只要进去的感觉菜单非常简洁,不喜欢这样的不足04人的天性,当然这是演示不具有深厚的地方看到2。 图:进入游戏,整个现场没有感到极为隆重,因为草坪是我见过的最好的国际足联已经做了,而且整个感觉不喜欢04这样的模糊,在极其精细,比较特别,就使得任何版本是一切精彩3。 球员的面部表情:玩家感到谨慎很多,几乎每个球员都是特别制作,虽然只是演示,但我的Ti4200还是能感觉到离开球员质地很顺利,相信正式版本后,可以舒服4。 操作感受:据对建设不是大的变化{据说是处理已}但操作感和03.04完全不同,真的感到非常多,也合理很多,国际足联总是给这个人去感觉很假,是因为很多运动或应该发生的情况,你事先早都能知道,或拍摄后,结果也都能够想象未来的时候,因为以前所有的不寻常的格局,但这种感觉和生活很相似,很多是偶然事件或随机甚至下意识的动作往往让你的意见不能认为5,竹笋:FIFA05芽,不再像04这种原本很容易进入拍摄,也不会离开喜欢靠在Euro2004浦等,感到有非常现实的意义多,并不需要很长的时间发送的实力太强,但有关项目的感觉非常有实力,而且随意性很大,但都非常符合实际情况,一般来说,一点点喜欢WC98等,竹笋做的是非常真实的6。 传球:FIFA05传球我认为这个时候直传记也非常好,这是众所周知的,无论是真正的国家元首或国际足联,影响极直传记在竞争中大,前国际足联直传记总是很死板,或提供一些思想路线不参加的人,这种感觉虽然强度并不需要一个非常大的方式,但实际上是位置感到非常好,让人有恰到好处的感觉此外在底部是传递感觉还不错,不喜欢03.04等也不是很容易的,是很难说7。 优秀:这05终于加入了实质性的卓越,是左腿尽快握手,这可能会使用Shift使用,最重要的是这种良好不再喜欢以前是对不能不切实际,但随着节奏的变化一直以来,非常实用,除了加快重点尽快任命,经常被允许在高速下底而且不同的球类游戏明星也有自己不同的好方法,有些家庭也发挥出色使用出来8。 其他:这个犯规球都没有1.2.3固定点,你可以自由切换,长短,人员全部由自己选择的,而且对方会突然改变速度接球等,自由的踢也有自己的选择方式,而且让每个拍摄手段,而且被允许动摇门将等同时也可以选择天气,而且这也创造了一个球员加盟项目,终于可以自己编辑的球员在{目前并没有能够使用,但被允许见},但也有过这样05Demo必须做很多好声音,无论是声音,你运球,抓住一个球的声音,把自己的


Winning Eleven is a football (soccer) video game series made by Konami

Tokyo. It is the original Japanese version of Pro Evolution Soccer. Every year, the new version of the game is released first as Winning Eleven in Japan, and after a few months a slightly modified version is released worldwide, in two different packages: Winning Eleven International for the Americas, and Pro Evolution Soccer for the rest of the world. Additionally, in some countries a localized version is released, featuring local leagues and teams, instead of European ones. From 2007 and on, the franchise uses the name "Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer" for the American market.

Winning Eleven's popularity has grown over the years, and is currently one of the most popular football games world-wide, fiercely rivaling EA's FIFA Series. Winning Eleven 10 is the latest version of the game and was released in Japan on 27 April 2006.

The Winning Eleven series has been produced under the guidance of Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka at KCEJ.

The main single-player mode is the Master League mode, where the player is given control of a team of his/her selection. However, the players are all generic, fictional players with relatively poor statistics. These players have become cult figures to many people playing the Master League. The aim is to use these players and gain points by winning matches, using acquired points to purchase real players to join the team. Ultimately, one should end up with a team of skilled players. In Winning Eleven 8, players' growth and decline curves were added, where a player's statistics may improve or decline,

depending on training and age. This added a new depth to purchasing players, as one is less likely to purchase an aging star whose statistics are declining over an up-and-coming youngster whose statistics rise dramatically.

Since Winning Eleven 3, the game has been co-narrated by Japanese commentator Jon Kabira.

Starting with the Japanese release of Winning Eleven 8 LiveWare Evolution, an online multiplayer mode was introduced into the game. This allowed for

篇三:关于电子游戏的英语作文 180字

Nowaday, with the improvement of our living standard , more and more people can afford a computer .too many people usually play computer game. China is currently home to 55.5 million online game players, according to the latest stats. And this number has increasly, as a result . many people think we should ban play online games

I think we should be the view of dialectics. certain computer games can boost children's reasoning and problem-solving skills,

improving their grades at school in a matter of weeks.3.computer game can relax ourselves when we are very tired. sure on the contrary, the inventing of online games made many children lost in the games and give up their study and family.

I think videogame is a part of the culture, it is a very very impressive , representative and complex art form.
