作业帮 > 英语作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 02:35:22 英语作文


Self-discipline makes a successful man Write a composition of no less than 150 words with details leading to a general statement on the given topic.

Please finish the task independently. Thank you for your cooperation!

字数要求: 150

In this developing country, though China becomes stronger and stronger, the social and economic pressures become much more seriously. So more and more people want to be a successful man, to earn enough money and get more happiness. But how can we become a successful man? There may be an answer to this question—self-discipline.

What is self-discipline? Self-discipline is when there is no one to supervise you, you must request yourself all by yourself, turn the passiveness into activeness, and consciously follow the laws: use the laws to restrain your behaviors.

Self-discipline is one of the most significant aspects of personal development. When you reading a book or doing something, and you feeling bore and lazy, self-discipline provides you second wind and keeps you moving on. When you are in a fret or no clue to solve the problems, self-discipline can cool you down. It is the self-discipline of a man that enables him to pursue success with superior diligence and sobriety.

That will say a sentence succeed to need very strong self-discipline ability. If you want to be a successful man, please take the self-discipline around you, and you will be able to more with less.

篇二:英语作文150字 经济发展与环境保护

Economic Development and Environmental Protection

Different people hold different views toward the relationship between economic development and environmental protection. From my point of view, now it is time to take the environment into consideration.

Nowadays, our economy has gotten a great achievement which was at the cost of our environment. For example, floods, droughts, landslides, and dust-storms have frequented our planet, the only habitat of human beings. If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home.

In my opinion, counter measures must be taken as quickly as possible. Firstly, laws must be established to punish those who are involved in illegally destructive conducts. Secondly, our government should help citizens realizing the great importance of protecting our environment. Only in this way can we save our only habitat and meanwhile guarantee our sustainable economic development.






写作部分两篇文章的字数要求是不一样的。大作文必须完成250字以上写作任务,而小作文150字以上。根据这一指令,从机械地写字速度来看,考生较为合理的时间分配为大作文40分钟,小作文20分钟。另外,大作文占写作总值的60%,小作文为40%,从这分值的权重来看,时间上2:1的分配也是相当合理的。 所以,要想成功完成大作文任务一定要把时间控制在40分钟左右,前后不超出5分钟。

那么如何充分利用这40分钟, 完成一篇基本令人满意的文章呢?

步骤一:审题(<3 分钟)

审题是有效完成任务的第一步,也是最关键的一步。从评分标准看,审题的正确与否与"Task Response"有着直接的联系。而在当前模板泛滥,文章千篇一律的大环境下,有效审题是突破六分的一条准绳。不少考生在审题时,要么蜻蜓点水、草草一读,要么只关注题目中词的同义转换。如此读题,都有可能对之后的文章撰写方向造成偏差。而有效的读题方法应为:





There are more workers to work from home and more students to study from home. This is because the computer technology is more and more easily

accessible and cheaper. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?(题目为考生回忆,与原题可能有少许出入)



备注:题中的accessible有不少考生不理解,对审题的准确性会造成一定影响。 细读题目,分析句子间的逻辑关系。

要把握题目中的句子间逻辑关系,关键是能读懂代词"this"; "it"的具体指代。 "this"是指第一句话。

"it"可理解为前两句所呈现的这一现象。为了使文章写作方向更为明确,这里可把it 概括为:the wider usage of computer technology in working or studying from home

再读题目,辨别关键词,区分主题词和限定词,推测考官的出题意图。 主题词:Computer technology in working or studying from home

限定词:positive or negative

不容忽视的词:easily accessible and cheaper


(topic) positive(benefits) Computer technology in working or studying from home

(causes) Negative


Easily accessible and cheaper

对题目做出如上分析,确保撰写的文章能包含以上的信息,审题这关绝对能过。 以上用时不超过3分钟。




Computer technology:on-line, PC, laptop, broadband

Working from home: Fashion designer; freelancer; translator; journalist; writer; music composer, artists

Studying from home: on-line course, the disable who are difficult to move; course in the foreign country

Cheaper: on-line IELTS course --several hundred RMB

Class IELTS course -- several thousand RMB

Easily accessible : in city-- at least one PC every house

Broadband: almost every house; school

Net bar: almost every neighborhood



Computer technology in home-study and home- work(topic)

Positive development (opinion)


Benefits of studying from home:

Cheaper--- IELTS course (on-line /class)

Freer--- white collar for further education in free time

Benefits of working from home:

Artists(music composer/fashion designer)---- more productive

Freelancer( translator/journalists)---- more working opportunity


Lack self-control /independence( line-addicts)

Conclusion: inevitable trend( with self-discipline)











很多雅思写作考题的提问方式都是“Do you agree or disagree?”或者“To what extent do you agree or disagree?”。很多刚刚接触雅思考试的学生甚至是老师认为对于这种提问方式无非就是yes或no两种答案,所以文章的观点也就只能是同意或者不同意了。其实,对于这类提问,也可以采用“折衷”的观点,即“partly agree,partly disagree”(部分同意,部分不同意)。但是前提是一定要在文章中从支持和反对的两方面都阐述一些理由,而且最好再提出一种“折衷”方案。例如,考题问“现在很多人用动物做试验,你同意吗?”,考生可以在文中分别讨论支持和反对动物试验的理由,最后提出动物试验既有好处也有坏处,这就是一种“折衷”观点。除此之外,作者还提出了是否能用动物来做试验主要是取决于试验是否能给人类生活带来显著的改善(比如帮助人类发明治疗Aids的药物),这就属于“折衷”方案。





“兴利除弊”应该是一种比较简单的折衷方案,在优缺点类文章中特别常用。即在分析完考题所涉及事物的优缺点之后,在结尾段提出“优缺点都有,我们要兴利除弊”这样的折衷方案。例如以下考题:The advantages brought by the spread of English as a “global language” will outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

在讨论完英语作为全球性语言的利与弊之后,结尾段可以这样提出折衷观点: To sum up, it is difficult to tell whether or not the advantages outweigh the

disadvantages regarding the spread of English as a global language. What we may have to consider is how to accept this trend as positive while at the same time staying away from its drawbacks.


很多考题需要考生讨论两种观点,通常会有“discuss both views and give your own opinion”这样的提问要求。很多情况下,文中说到的两种观点表面上看来是完全相反,但其实并不矛盾,可以用“平衡发展”的思路来提出观点。例如考题:Some people think that cultural traditions may be destroyed when they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists. Others believe it is the only way to save these traditions. Discuss on both sides and give your opinion. 在讨论完发展旅游的必要性和保护文化传统的重要性之后,结尾段可以这样提出折衷方案:

We should find the right balance between tourism development and cultural protection and I believe the government has a very important role to play here. In my own country, for example, many tourist cities have made effective

development plans to successfully attract large numbers of visitors while still preserving their distinct cultural traditions.


