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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 02:23:29 高中作文


The brief introduction of the Tiananmen Square

The Tiananmen Square lies at the cross-section between the central axis of Beijing. When it was first built in the 15th year of Yongle , it was called Chengtian Gate. It was twice destroyed in the Ming Dynasty, once by lightening, once by war. In 1651, or the 8th year of Emperor Shunzhi's reign in the Qing Dynasty, the Emperor named Fulin had it rebuilt on a large scale and changed its name to Tiananmen. Imposing and magnificent, it stands out among ancient city gates in China.

Tiananmen was the place for important ceremonies during the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, when imperial edicts were issued for coronation of emperors or the conferring of the title of empress. Tiananmen has witnessed many important events in China's modern history.

Tiananmen Square was formerly a courtyard in front of the main gate to the Forbidden City. At that time it measured about 110,000 square meters. Since the fall of the feudal system, and especially since the foundation of the People's Republic, it has been renovated and expanded many times. Now the square, at 880 meters long and 500 meters wide, measuring 440,000 square meters. To its east is the National

Museum; to its west, the Great Hall of the People. In the middle of it stands the Monument to People's Heroes, to the south of which is Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall. The national flag ceremony held in the square every day stirs strong patriotic feelings in the bosom of everyone who loves New China. Now, in this new age of reform and opening, the age-old Tiananmen, as a witness of the past and present of China's civilization, with its uivaled political significance, attracts tourists from all over the world.



lie 1、位于;平躺 (lie-lay-lain);2、说谎 (lie-lied-lied)

Japan lies to the east of China.


二、When it was first built in the 15th year of Yongle


三、 stand out 清晰地显出,引人注目;杰出,出色

Her work stands out from the rest as easily the best.


四、witness 目睹,见证

Let the witness be sworn in.


五、 as a witness of the past and present of China's civilization, with its uivaled political significance, attracts tourists from all over the world.






I am from Chongqing. It’s a beautiful city with green mountains and two big river.(我来自重庆,这是一座到处是青山和两江环绕的城市)


I think in ten years, the road will be wider and cleaner. (我想十年后,重庆的马路会更宽、更干净),There will be more tree in the mountains.(山上会有更多的树),The people in Chongqing will be much happier. (重庆人会更幸福)等等……



一般以There are a lot of thing you could do.(你有很多可以做的事情) 开头。然后以 I think you should (could)……来组织整篇文章。常见的建议有:(1)you should say sorry. (2) you should write a letter. (3) you could buy him a gift. (4) you should have a talk with him to communicate better. (5) you should find a part-time job.等等最后,别忘了在信的结尾写上 Good luck. 祝人家好运。


本单元最重要的是一定要用过去进行时,来表示当过去某事发生的时候,某某正在做某事。而同学们千万不要忘了过去进行时的格式 was (were) + doing,而且过去发生的短暂的动作一定要到一般过去时。 (注意以下句子划线处)

例如:When the accident happened, Sam was taking a shower, Nick was watching TV. Then they helped the injured people together. (当事故发生时,山姆正在洗澡,尼克正在看电视,然后他们一起去帮助伤者)






I got my report card. I did OK this time. My Chinese teacher said I could do better. My math teacher said I was clever. MY English teacher said I was hard-working.



本单元做重要的要点就是 假设if (真实性条件状语从句)。而这单元作文的考察要点,往往和1单元的一般将来时相结合。特别是命题为:你长大了、毕业了想当什么?如果你成了…,你将会……。(特别注意,主句将来时,从句一般现在时)


I want to be a pilot after leaving school. If I become a pilot, I will visit different places in the world and make different friends. It will open up my eyes to the outside world.(我毕业以后想当一名飞行员。如果我成了飞行员,我会参观不同的地方,交不同的朋友,开拓我的眼界) 等等。


本单元的重要语法是现在完成进行时,即 have(has) been doing, 表示从过去到现在做某事持续了多久。常常和 “since\ for”连用。一定注意: since 跟过去的时间点,for跟时间段。

与作文相关的考题,一般出现在写 hobby (兴趣爱好),或者解说一件一直在持续的事情(如比赛)等。例如:

I have been collecting stamps for 3years(since three years ago). I started the hobby when I was ten. (我开始集邮已经三年了,我是从9岁时开始这项兴趣的)


本单元主要是向别人委婉地提出要求或请求,主要运用would you mind (not)

doing…? 或者是could you please (not) do sth..? 一般来说,考作文的可能性不太大。不过不排除考察:你讨厌的行为是什么,当你遇到的时候,你会对别人说什么? 你可以这样写,结合5单元,例如:

I get annoyed when someone is smoking on bus. When this happens, I will say to him, “would you mind not smoking on the bus?”(当有人在公车上抽烟,我会很不高兴。当这种事情发生时,我




和7单元一样,本单元考作文的可能性也不大,主要语法还是以口语为主,以 提建议 ( Why don’t you do sth?/ Why not do sth? / How about…?/ What about…?) 等为主。这单元的作文可以和2单元的提建议相结合。


这单元的重点语法是 现在完成时 (have/has +过去分词), 表示已经做过或者没做过某事。作文中特别注意 have/has been to…的用法。例如:

I have been to Jiu zhaigou. I went there in 2003. I liked it very much. (我已去过九寨沟,我是2003年去的。我很喜欢那里)

I have studied English for 2 years. I began to study it two years ago. (我已学英语2年,我是2年前开始学习的)

中考英语倒计时:书面表达“先输入再输出” 初一英语词汇班熊敏课堂实拍专题 走进国庆短期班 初中英语时态班课堂实拍 初一四次课搞定词汇班课堂实拍专题 走进四次课搞定中考短语句型课堂 中考完型有什么规律(考什么)?怎么做? 初三开学英语测评之阅读试题和答案 初三开学英语测评之完型填空练习题和答案



Unit 1

Read the letter from Tom,,and write a reply


Dear Tom,

I am glad to receive your letter.I know you have some problems.You ask me how to study English well.If I were you,I would listen to the teacher carefhlly in class,,and I would ask my teacher for help at once if I had some questions.Also I would sthdy hard after class,do my homework carefully.I think if you can do that,you will learn English well.

You say that you are shy.Don’t be worried about that.If I were you,I’d try to talk with my parents as much as possible and hang out with friends on weekend.In class,it’ll be helpful to answer questions as many as possible.KEEP DOING LIKE THIS,YOU WON’T BE SHY ANY MORE.And I’ll try my best to help you.

Unit 2



I have changed a lot in the last few years.In the past,I used to be shy,but now I am tall and lively.My hobbies have also changed greatly.I used to be interested in playing basketball and football,but now I am gradually beginning to like computer science.And I hope to be a computer programmer when I grow up,because I will be able to make a lot of money and let my family live a happy life.

Unit 3


One possible version:

With the development of the modern society, great changes have happened to our natural environment. It’s being polluted day by day. It’s necessary for us to take some action to deal with

the problems .Here are some of my ideas to improve our environment.

First, we must stop factories sending dirty water into the rivers and stop people littering around rivers and lakes because clean water on the earth is running out, We must also try our best to save water, Ways should be found to recycle water. Second, taking subways or buses to work should be encouraged.The fewer people drive cars to work, the cleaner the air will be. Third, more trees should be planted to help hold water in the soil and make the air cleaner and fresher. Finally, endangered animals should be protected to make our world complete.

In a word, we must pay more attention to environmental protection because we have only one earth as our home

Unit 4



One possible version:

Welcome to our store! I’d like to introduce some products here to you.First, let me show you the brush. It was invented about 2000 years ago .It’s made from animals’ hair .It’s produced in Hengshui. And it’s used for writing and drawing.

Next, let’s have a look at the kites. They were invented about 2000 years ago, too. They are made of bamboo and silk. They’re produced in weifang, which is famous for kites. In your spare time, you can fly them for fun.

Unit 5



Thanks for your letter. Don’t worry about that. I don’t think you should give up playing basketball.Because playing basketball can keep you healthy. Health is the most important thing. But you shouldn’t play basketball all the time instead of studying. Because studying is important to you, too.So you should arrange your time on studying and playing basketball. You can make a

time table about them and obey it. How about my suggestion?Maybe you can find another good way to solve your problem. I hope you can do the things that you are interested in. Wish you luck!

Unit 6


1 昨晚大雨,回家路上遇见一位迷路的老人,你把她送回家,你全身淋透

2 你做完作业已经十一点半

3 今早起床感觉难受

4 请假一天去看病

Dear Mr.Zhang

I’m sorry to say I can’t go to school today. It was raining hard last night.On my way home, I met an old man. He lost his way. After I sent him home, I was wet all over. Last night I did my homework until 11:30. After I got up this morning, I feft very bad. I’ll go to see the doctor. I want to ask for one day’s leave.

Thank you.

Your student

Song wen

莲山课件 原文地址:http://zw.5ykj.com/yy/18923.htm
