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他是一个非常坚强的人,他的传奇一生给了我强烈的震撼。 学会坚强,无论你我,挺起胸膛,直面困难,向困难挑战——这是《牛虻》给我的启示!











昨天,我带着崇敬的心读完了牛虻这本书,我没有意识到泪水早已浸润了我的眼眶,没有意识到它竟然给了我如此大的震撼.这是一个发人深省的故事,让人看到了对光明的执著追求,对爱的矢志不渝,对罪恶的批判,对痛苦的承受呐喊??让我久久不能忘记的是那首诗:无论我活着,还是我死去,我都是一只,快乐的牛虻??在苦难面前,依然坚守崇高的理想,与亲人虚伪困惑的爱做斗争,牛虻是一个值得尊敬的人 ,他始终没有忘记自己的使命.

《牛虻》讲述了主人公亚瑟出生成长于一个富有的家庭,是神学院院长蒙泰尼里的私生子,亚瑟在大学里参加了秘密组织意大利青年党,在忏悔时受骗被捕,出狱后被自己的同伴厌恶,又知道了自己的身世,双重打击下,离开了故里,赴身南美,13年后回来,伪装成牛虻,在一次运送军火中被捕,狱中与父蒙泰尼里相认, 蒙泰尼里选择了上帝,判了自己的儿子的死刑,自己也因为内心的愧疚去世??




篇三:牛虻 英语读后感 The Gadfly

The Real Warrior

The night, I finally finish the novel THE GADFLY. When I close the book, I seem to see the people named Gadfly again. When I look at him, I seem to see a boat on the raging sea, persistently towards the distance.

The Gadfly’s real name is Arthur Burton. He is a handsome youth of Italy during the Wars of Italian Independence, who was born in a wealth family losing parents in early age. Suffering from his half brother and sister-in-law, he chose to believe the padre Montanelli and told him everything without reservation. At the same time, the Gadfly has a childhood sweetheart named Gemma. He loves her deeply. So the G was still happy.

However, why I call him “the real warrior”? I will tell you immediately from the following two sides.

The Gadfly took part in the Italy Youth Party, which was considered as the rebel organization. Because of his oversight, he caused many members been sent to the prison. And Gemma, who was the member, too, knowing the truth, left him out. What the wor(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)se, the G actually found his real father was the padre Montanelli. So M cheated him for so many years… Just in several days, the Gadfly lost his two, only, spiritual pillars. It never rains but pours, the activities of the IYP were limited completely and his companions were executed one by one. He seemed to fall into the dark and dark…

Perhaps all of us could tolerate the common beats, but when your spiritual pillars were gone, your career which you fight for was failed, what else could we do? Or what else do we want to do still? We know, the Gadfly was hurt by his favorite two people, who were as important as his own life, even more. With the failure of his career, having no alternative, he went to South America for 13 years, for dark, tearing 13 years with hear insufferable torment. During that time, all of his families considered that he had dead and they forgot him inch by inch.

As a common person, if we were suffered from such difficulties , we have been defeated and even lose the rare hope of life. Then with the time, gradually we disappear in the time flood. However, he didn’t be defeated by the sufferings. When he came back to Italy again, he had become a really revolutionary, who did everything he could to fight for his devoted country, disregarding for personal safety. Facing the justice and personal emotion, having no hesitation, he chose the justice and chose to devote himself for the country! He is a real man and a warrior.

Exactly, I learned a lot from the Gadfly. There is no doubt growing up is hard. We just like a group of fallow deer chasing food. The one could gain what he wants who has the great courage and runs fastest. And the others are out. We should know frustration

is unavoidable, but we have to learn to face it and overcome it. If we do it indeed, we could say “I have grown up”. The Gadfly said, he came from death so he is not afraid of it. His love to the country and people, his hate to the enemies, his devotion to the life and his despising to the death and so many flashy qualities are for us to learn, using the whole life.

Compared with him, we , the 90s’ hopeful youth, in most time, we are the baby of our parents no matter that how old we are. So we could have happy and comfortable life, ignoring the society and the rain and the wind. The only one thing the parents ask us to do is to learn, but when we fail the little examination, we feel hopeless, just like we lose the whole world and life. At the same time , facing the failure, we often choose to escape and just ignore it. Then we tell ourselves that’s not your problem, just because the difficulty is too difficult and you have do your best. Just let it go, It’s nothing serious and others similar words. How weak we are!

Whether I’m alive

Or I die

I have been a gadfly

A happy fly.

The poem was written by Arthur Burton ,Gadfly. He wrote it to his lover of the lifetime, Gemma, to show his determination to fight for the free of people, the

independence of the country and the love to the Gemma. When I read this poem, the words touch my heart deeply, strongly and powerfully.

Everyone has own dream, and what we could do is just do everything well, tying our best. And remember the most important thing, NEVER GIVE UP AND BE A HAPPY GADFLY.

