作业帮 > 体裁作文 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 10:17:48 体裁作文



1. Some people argue that the government should spend money on public

services and facilities, but not on the arts. Do you agree or disagree?


The role of arts in modern life is unique, providing people with entertainment and yielding various psychological rewards, such as relief from stress. Despite these benefits, the arts have been taken as luxury goods in many cases. It is suggested that public money of a city should be concentrated in projects like public facilities, which are more likely to bring immediate benefits to the public, rather than the arts. There are a number of facts indicating that this position is right.

Public facilities, widely accepted as one of the main precursors to a city’s development, should be one of the highest priorities. Those underdeveloped cities in particular, should direct sufficient funding toward public facilities. While municipal office buildings, courthouses and post offices are essential components of public services, libraries, hospitals, parks, playing fields, gymnasiums and swimming pools are available to the public for social, educational, athletic and cultural activities. By boosting spending on public facilities, cities are more capable to satisfy the needs of citizens and improve their standard of living.

In addition to social benefits, there are economic merits that public facilities can offer to communities. An integrated transport network (maritime, land and inland waterways transport and civil aviation), for example, promises the smooth and speedy movement of goods and people in a city. Industrial products, as well as agricultural produce of a city, can be delivered to other cities in exchange for steady income. Of equal importance are public Internet facilities. It is no exaggeration to say that entrepreneurs, either from home or abroad, will first examine the infrastructure of a city before deciding whether to pursue business opportunities there.

The arts, by comparison, although enabling people to see the world and the human condition differently and to see a truth one might ignore before, do not merit government spending. The first reason is that the arts – referring to music, film and literature altogether – are more likely to attract the investment of the private sector than public facilities. Business people continue to invest in the arts in the expectation of earning lump sum income and the arts in return, continue to flourish without the government spending. Meanwhile, the arts are a key component of a culture and naturally passed down from one generation to another. Unlike public facilities, they require no money to survive.

It is therefore clear that construction of public facilities should be given the

foremost consideration. The concern about the well-being of individual citizens and that of a city is more acute than the apprehension about the survival and prospects of the arts, something that business have a stake in与…利害攸关.

篇二:雅思写作素材 高频素材整理

雅思写作素材 高频素材整理

1. 犯罪

1). Crimes can be prevented. 可以防止犯罪

A: It is believed that with the rising level of education there will be a decrease in the rate of crimes, as educated adults have more choices to make a living, reducing the possibility of illegal activities. Besides, by raising severity of punishment, would-be criminals can be deterred and give up their plan of breaking laws.

B: In fact, there are some occasions when crimes are committed emotionally and impulsively, which means that such kind of offence can by no means be prevented in advance.

2). Causes of anti-social behavior 反社会行为的原因

Antisocial behavior refers to acts that cause physical or psychological harm on people or property. Some examples of antisocial behavior include lying and being cruel to others, stealing from others and physical assaulting others.

Another theory states that drug use, smoking, alcoholism and poor nutrition during pregnancy are antecedents of child antisocial behavior. This theory

hypothesizes that it is poor health that is the cause and effect of antisocial behavior.

Scientists who believe this also believe that parenting style, child characteristics and personality traits and quality of life at home and at school are all contributing

factors to antisocial behavior. Scientists therefore believe that antisocial values and behavior develop later in life.

Psychologists and sociologists believe that peer pressure may play a role in a child developing antisocial behavior: if a child's friends are likely to engage in antisocial behavior and later brag about it, then the child is far more likely to engage in such behaviors later in life. The child and his friends begin mutually

reinforcing such antisocial behavior and values. This also may go hand in hand with the belief that a poor or inattentive parenting style often influences such behavior and beliefs.

The other reason for the increase in the amount of such behavior is due to the rising jobless rate.

2. 教育

1). Major subjects Vs Minor subjects

A: It is quite understandable that some educators attach great importance to science subjects, as they believe that knowledge related to these subjects is the foundation of the world, from everyday basic calculation to sophisticated biology experiments.

B: In fact, so-called minor subjects provide students with an escape from their brain-consuming thinking and calculating. Interest in science and technology is not universal, which means that students who are gifted in art or sport should be given the chance to maximize their potentials.

2). Competition Vs Cooperation 竞争与合作

A: Learning to compete against others drives children to think independently and find solutions to various problems. Once they begin to have their own

thoughts, they are able to stand out by proposing creative ideas or debating with others.

B: It is common sense that there are many occasions when one person is not able to accomplish a challenging task on his/her own. In other words,

understanding the importance of cooperation from an early age is necessary, as children can find less difficult ways to tackle problems by teaming up with others.

3. 社会

1). Reasons for widening wealth gap

First of all, the widening wealth gap is related to economic transition. Since the economic structure of many countries has shifted from manufacturing to the

knowledge-based economy, high-educated manpower is demanded. Businessmen, professionals and managers who are high educated are then able to leverage their

knowledge and talent into their respective aspect to develop their own careers. As a result, they are able to have a foreseeable sparkling career future and become wealthy. Workers who are low skilled and low educated, on the other hand, have to face cut throat competition with their elite counterparts.

Businessmen, professionals and managers can accumulate their wealth easily when the financial market is in bloom. Low income earners, however, are unable to enjoy the economic fruit when the financial market prospers since they have little capital to invest. As a result, ironically, indeed the wealth gap between the rich and the poor is widened when the economy prospers.

2). Advantages and disadvantages of multicultural community 多文化社区的优劣

A. Communication between different cultures stimulates emergence of new thoughts (可以考虑艺术的创作). Different kinds of food, clothes and holiday celebration add colors to life.

B. Due to the difference between cultures, residents of a mixed community are very likely to offend each other before they could realize it. Original inhabitants may feel annoyed as their traditional cultures are being eroded by foreign cultures, making it more possible for extreme protesting actions.

4. 科技

Old-fashioned ways will be replaced by high-tech products.

Web-based education 网络教育

The strength of technology has been beyond people’s imagination.Interactive activities 互动活动


Labor-saving 节省劳动力


Education is not restricted to learning basic knowledge and skills, but it also includes developing communicating skills.

Web-based education is vulnerable to various technical problems. Once the internet connection fails to work, it is impossible to continue with the courses.Be subject to

5. Uniforms 校服

The question of whether to require students to wear uniforms has long been a subject of heated debate. Students are often vehemently opposed to the idea on the grounds that their freedom of expression would be limited. Proponents say uniforms improve school safety, student behavior and social interaction.




Topic 1 外来人口对文化的益处和冲突(AD)

Topic 2 媒体信息一致的优缺点(DG)

Topic 3 商业和文化的接触对一个国家特征的丧失优缺点(DG)

Topic 4 旅游业对于文化保护的益处和弊端(DG)

Topic 5 接受当地文化或建立小型社区的好处(DG)

Topic 6 英语作文全球性语言的优缺点(AD)

Topic 7 进口蔬菜和水果的好处和坏处(DG)

Topic 1 外来人口对文化的益处和冲突(AD)


Commercial interest and economic value


Many local people are friendly and hospitable, hospitality,hostility


Which is helpful for promoting cultural communications?


A better understanding of other cultures and other people


Promote cultural integration, remove cultural barriers


Embrace different cultures and values


Reduce opportunities of jobs, increase competition


Promote cultural diversity


Lose respect to traditional values


Cultural goods/commodities/products


Degrade cultural diversity


Widening the gap between the richest and the poorest of the world


erosion of social solidarity

1(来自:www.Zw2.cn 爱 作文 网)4、传统观念/价值

Traditional/older/traditionally-held values/perceptions/cultures/beliefs


Cultural shock


Merge into the new local communities


Integrate into the new culture


Preservation/conservation of the natural and cultural resources


Local/host traditional customs


Erode the sacred of traditional culture


Promote export and attracting foreign capital


unaffordable=can't afford


economic globalisation


be conducted to food supply stress/food shortage


rely excessively on export


Topic8 支持或者反对太空探索(AD)



Result in the usable space to shrink


Sustainable development


Technological competitiveness

Topic9 登月(DG)



Space research triggers imagination of people.


Researchers confront unknown and challenge in new fields



Space research consumes resources and takes time


Space research distracts the government and people from more significant issues

Topic10 政府投资公共设施或是艺术的原因(AD)


Arts are an integral part of cultural life


Arts of government investment attract tourists for sightseeing and bring about tourism's


Topic 11 政府投资教育和医疗或是体育设施,歌剧院的好处(AD)


Government investments have far-reaching effect on prosperity


Government investments build high quality health-care services


Government investments help to break the cycle of poverty

Topic 12 国际援助的意义和弊端(DG)



International aid shows respect for life


International aid is kind of humanitarian aid.



Promote fraud and corruption


impede needy countries' participation in international trade

Topic 13 支持或是反对政府投资教育和医疗(DG)



Improve literacy rate or standard of literacy


Reduce the pressure of paying tuition fees



Less motivation of innovation and invention


Ease the government's financial burden


Increasing the number of people waiting for medical treatments

Topic 14 税收的作用和弊端(AD)



Taxes can be used to supply for public investment and services


Redistribution of income


Paying taxes have direct effects on consumption and employment



Excessive paying taxes dampen the enthusiasm of commercial investment

Topic 15 反对或支持学生自己支付学费的理由(AD)



Well-paid jobs


Knowledge-driven economic and social development


Technological innovation


Break out of the poverty

Topic 16 支持或反对政府调控房地产的原因(AD)



Over-commercializion of housing


Unaffordable to low-income families


Government intervention


Housing allowance



Monotonous urban landscape/cityscape

60、降低私人投资热情 Dampen the enthusiasm of individual housing investment


Housing allocation system


Topic 17 手机带来的好处和问题及正面和负面影响(LB)



Cell phone can be used to make calls, send text messages and surf the Internet


People locate trapped and injured people using signals from their mobile phones in event of

an emergency



Mobile phones increase the rates of suffering cancer


Talking on cell phone while driving may result in traffic accidents

Topic 18 现代科技让人休闲时间更多或更少的观点(LB)



People can work beyond normal working hours through the Internet and the computer


People continue education and receive training to keep pace with the fast development of




Computerisation and automation help people work more quickly and more effectively


the popularity of automobiles, air travel and rail reduce people's time of commuting

Topic 19 早期科技和最新科技分别得影响和弊端(AD)



Earlier technological development makes a transition from agriculture society to industrialize society


Earlier technological development promotes growth of cities and education become more

vocational/ professional and formal



Earlier technological development causes air pollution and consume natural resources.



Recent technological development increases productivity and the boundary between work

and play is blurred.

Topic 20 生活快节奏对人们产生的正负面影响(AD)


74、由于网络使人与人之间的相互交流减少以至于人们很难保持和改善与朋友亲人的关系。 People find it hard to maintain the relation with friends and family members because of
