作业帮 > 作文素材 > 教育资讯


来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 06:34:21 作文素材

篇一:英语作文 集体活动类的






二、 文章结构:


Today my classmates and I went to …to do…/ pay a visit to…


·Early in the morning …/ At 8 o’clock in the morning ….

·Arriving there, we found ….

·Having done…(分词作时间状语)

·Late in the afternoon we…/ At 4:00pm, we…

Para3: 结论(感言)


·First …, then / next / after that …at last

·Early in the morning /At 8 o’clock in the morning 时间顺序 ·Two hours later…/ In the middle of the day / at noon

·Late in the afternoon …

·Some were (doing)…. Others were (doing)…

劳动场面 ·Still others were (doing)

分组活动 ·The rest were (doing)…/

·The boys… the girls…


·On March 5th our class organized an activity to…

·During the winter vacation, the students in our community joined in the 点题 meaningful activity…

·Our class organized a day trip to…

·Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate and went there on foot. 出发 ·The next day, we set off early in the morning with high spirits and went

there by bus.

·Upon arrival, we began to work immediately. 到达 ·On arriving there, everybody immediately began to work.

? We were in high spirits.

活动?场面 ? Although the day was so hot that all of us were sweating, we still ...

? Tired as we were, nobody had a rest






? 活动

后的? 感言


? Time went by quickly. / Time flew! After we had completed the task, we… We were tired but happy. We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment.We are so proud of our great work and we have decided that we will carry out the activity every year. we will remember this activity for ever. This job will provide me the chance to take part in social activities, which enables me to eich my after-school life. We are fully convinced that only in this way, can we contribute to build up a more harmonious relationship between human beings and nature. This activity definitely eiches my after-school life and broadens my

horizon as well.


★ 社区服务/创建和谐社会话题

pay a visit to…参观/拜访 show sb. around…带领参观

give sb. a warm welcome欢迎 be in good order井然有序的 help with the…帮助 live in harmony生活和谐 social service社会服务 help each other互助帮助 do some cleaning清理环境 care for each other互相关心

put on / give performances演节take an active part in积极参目 与

…can be achieved by hard wok. 通sustainable development可持续过劳动获得 发展

devote oneself to sth /doing 投no pains, no gains. 不劳无获。 身于

★ 环境保护话题

protect the environment 保护环beautify the environment 美化环境 境

(be) environmentally friendly 环improve the environment 改善环境 保的

reduce pollution 减少污染 save water / electricity /energy节


be harmful to / to do harm to对…waste resource 浪费资源


benefit / to be beneficial to… live a low carbon life 低碳生活 对…有益

improve the qualities of life 提升生


cut down trees砍伐树木 take effective measures to do 采取


bring about disasters 造成灾难 form the good habit of doing… 养成


to make full use of 充分利用 rubbish classification垃圾分类

litter 乱丢垃圾 raise people’s environmental awareness提高环保意识


to work hard at … 在…方面努力 to hear from sb. 收到某人来信 to concentrate on… 专注于 to apologize to sb. for…因为…向


to be keen on … 热衷于 to explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释 to be good at / to do well in … 擅to be skilled in在…方面熟练 长

to be poor at / be weak in … 在…to have a talent for有…才能 方面差

to make progress in …在…方面取to be strict with sb. 对某人要求严得进步 格

to succeed /to be successful in… to praise sb for sth … 因为…表扬取得成功 某人

to be active in…在…方面积极 to blame sb for sth. 因为…责备某

to learn… by heart背下来 to give advice on … 就…提出建

to bear ... in mind牢记在心 to devote one’s time to … 在…上


to refer to the dictionary查字典 to work out a problem 解出一道题 encourage sb. To do sth 鼓励某人be grateful to sb for sth 因…而感做某事 激…

have sports进行体育活动 after-class activities课外活动 cherish珍惜 to get on well with sb. /sth. 与某人相处的好、某事进


patient 耐心的 to win the first prize in the competition 在比赛中


serious 严肃的 to have a wide range of knowledge有广博的知识 interaction 互 to have difficulty / trouble doing 做…有困难 cause inconvenience 造成不便

★ 业余生活

in one’s spare time在…空余时间places of interest 名胜古迹 里

to go for an outing / a picnic 去郊游to sign up 报名登记


to keep healthy / fit保持健康 to relax oneself放松身心 to strengthen/build up the body强健to have a chat with聊天 体魄

to take regular exercise 经常的健身 to spare no effort to do不遗余力 to be caught in a traffic jam 遇到堵to have proper diet 合理的饮食 车

to have a great effect on有很大的影to get into trouble 陷入困境 响

to keep in touch with保持联络 to do some good deeds 做好事 to have a good time / enjoy oneselfbe struck by sth 被……所打动/开心 吸引

the history/culture of Beijing 北京scientific achievements 科技成的历史/文化 果

To leave a deep impression on sb. 留to take photos 摄影


souvenirs 纪to appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏大自然的风景 念品

tour guide 导to prevent / stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事 游


I’m a student of 17, from… school.

I studied in … primary school from 2000 to 2006, and I graduated from … middle school.

During my childhood, I used to …

My favorite subject is … and I am good at… too / as well.

Not only do I show interest in …, but also I have a gift for … Win the first prize in the competition

Break the record

I hope I can be admitted into a key university.

I’m a hard-working student.


漂亮的:beautiful 相貌好看的:good-looking

相貌平凡的:ordinary-looking 健康的:healthy 近视的:near-sighted


大鼻子的:with a big nose

身高1.8米:be 1.80 metres tall





善良的:kind 诚挚的:sincere

聪明的:clever /wise/bright/smart/intelligent



慷慨的:generous 耐心的: patient
















篇二:152关于举办首届“灵格杯”中小学生英语风采展示及英语作文大赛活动的通知 - 副本









三、参赛对象 全县中小学生。 四、活动内容及要求


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高台县影剧院。 七、赞助单位

高台县灵格英语培训中心。 八、奖项设置



(三)奖品及奖状由高台县灵格英语培训中心赞助提供。 九、活动要求




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联系人:郑文有 联系电话:0936-6677979





高台县教育体育局 2015年4月13日

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高三写作语言素材 (集体活动) 文章结构:


? Today my classmates and I went to …to do…/ pay a visit to…


? Early in the morning …/ At 8 o’clock in the morning ….

? Arriving there, we found ….

? Having done…(分词作时间状语)

? Late in the afternoon we…/ At 4:00pm, we…

Para3: 结论(feeling)

Today I felt tired, but … because…/ Tired as we were, we...


分组活动/劳动场面:Some were (doi


ng)…. Others were (doing)… Still others were

(doing).The rest were (doing)…/ boys… girls…

罗列顺序:First …, then / next / after that …

时间顺序:Early in the morning /At 8 o’clock in the morning

Two hours later…/ In the middle of the day / at noon

Late in the afternoon we…


一句话点题:On March 5th our class organized an activity to…

During the winter vacation, the students in our community joined in the

meaningful activity…

Our class organized a day trip to…


? Early in the morning we gathered at the school gate and went there on foot.

? The next day, we set off early in the morning with high spirits and went there by bus. ? All the students in our class got together in the morning and set out to the destination

by bike.


? Upon arrival, we began to work immediately.

? On arriving there, everybody immediately began to work.


? ? Some students dug holes, and some students carried young tree seedlings, while other students watered the planted young trees.

? Although the day was so hot that all of us were sweating, we still ...

? Tired as we were, nobody had a rest

? Time went by/ time flew!

? After we had completed the task, we…


? We were tired but happy.

? Tired as we were, we...

? We feel it's our duty to protect and beautify our environment.

? We are so proud of our great work and we have decided that we will carry out the

activity every year.

? Though cleaning up the rubbish was a tough task, our hearts were filled with joy and

we will remember this activity for ever.

? This job will provide me the chance to take part in social activities and community

services, which enables me to eich my after-school life.

? We are fully convinced that only in this way, can we contribute to build up a more

harmonious relationship between human beings and nature.

? We call on awareness on protecting our environment which is of great importance. ? This activity definitely eiches my after-school life experience and broaden my

horizons as well. 话题词汇


pay a visit to…参观/拜访 be in order有序的

go to … for an outing出游 peaceful和平的,

give sb. a warm welcome欢迎 live in harmony生活和谐,

help with the…帮助 help each ether互助,

social service社会服务 care for each other互相关心,

do some cleaning清理环境 have deep love for 热爱

have a picnic / rest 野餐、休息 be concerned with 关心

show sb. around…带领参观 build创建

put on / give performances演节目 cherish珍惜

have a good time / enjoy oneself开心 take an active part in积极参与

harmonious和谐的, no pains, no gains. 不劳无获。

friendly友好的, it is honorable to … …是光荣的。honest真诚的

sustainable development可持续发展

…can be achieved by hard wok. …可以通过劳动获得

If everyone does something for the society, our world will be more beautiful,

every one should … and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每个人应该…,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的量。

环境保护话题 be harmful to / to do harm to对…有害 protect the environment 保护环境 save water / electricity 节水,节电 be environmentally friendly 环保的 live a low carbon life 低碳生活

litter / to scatter garbage 乱丢垃圾 cause inconvenience 造成不便 reduce pollution 减少污染 save energy节省能源

beautify the environment 美化环境 cut down trees砍伐树木

do damage to 造成损害 save /waste resource浪费/节约资源 benefit / to be beneficial to… 对…有益 bring about the disorder 造成混乱 improve the qualities of life 提升生活质量

raise people’s environmental awareness提高人们的环保意识

waste is scattering here and there.到处撒满了废弃物

be fully aware of the danger充分意识到危险

take active and effective measures to control pollution采取积极有效的措施控制污染

fight against pollution与污染斗争

it is a shame to throw rubbish around. 乱扔垃圾是可耻的

form good habits to protect the surroundings养成良好的习惯来保护环境

take active measures to protect 采取积极措施保护...

take good care of our forests关心我们的森林

plant more trees to improve the environment 多植来改善环境

the terrible pollution have done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings. 可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来了很大的危害


It’s our duty to save water.As we know , water is very important to man, we can’t live without water.(没有水我们就不能生存)The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it .(但是有些人却不关心或不在意。)They waste a lot of water in their daily life. (日常生活中他们浪费很多水。)Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.(他们排放污水到河流里。)They throw rubbish into rivers , too.(他们还乱扔垃圾到河流里)Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.(受到严重污染。) Something must be done to stop the pollution. Only in this way can we live happily.。) If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.( 如果我们不节约水,那么最后一滴水也许会是我们人类的眼泪)


Society produces a lot of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day. It has become a big headache in every city. How to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way of dealing with it.

Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment. What is more, it can recycle resources, which will do good to our environmental protection.

Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures and immediate actions. Different dustbins should be placed in

public places so that residents can leave their sorted rubbish in them.


·to get on well with sb. /sth. 与某人相处的好、某事进展顺利

·to work hard at … 在…方面努力 ·to concentrate on… 专注于

·to be keen on … 热衷于,非常喜爱

·to be good at / to do well in … 擅长

·to be poor at / be weak in … 在…方面差

·to make progress in …在…方面取得进步

·to fail /pass the examination (没有)通过考试

·to succeed / to be successful in… 取得成功

·to hear from sb. 收到某人来信

·to apologize to sb. for…因为…向某人道歉

·to explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释

·to be active in…在…方面积极

·to take an active part in … 积极参与

·to learn… by heart 记住,背下来

·to bear ... in mind牢记在心

·to work out a problem 解出一道题

·to win the first prize / get the first place in the competition 在比赛中得一等奖 ·to refer to the dictionary查字典

·to have a good command of English英文很好

·to have a wide range of knowledge有广泛的知识

·to have a talent for有…才能

·to be skilled in在…方面熟练

·to be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格

·to praise sb for sth … 因为…表扬某人

·to blame sb for sth. / to blame sth. on sb. 因为…责备某人

·to give advice on … 就…提出建议

·to devote one’s time to … 在…上花时间

·to turn a deaf ear to对… 充耳不闻

·to have difficulty / trouble doing 做…有困难

·to be prepared for / to do 准备好

·to set about doing / set out to do 开始着手做…


·go for an outing / a picnic 去郊游/野餐

·go sightseeing 观光

·to appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏大自然的风景

·to keep healthy / fit保持健康

·to relax oneself放松身心

·to strengthen/build up the body锻炼身体

·to meet the demand / need符合需要

·to break the ice打破沉默

·to take measures/action采取措施(行动)

·to develop / get into the habit of… 养成…习惯

·to raise the standard of living提升生活水平

·to have a deep understanding of有很深的了解

·to follow the fashion/trend跟随潮流

·to have a chat with聊天

·to have a great influence on有很大的影响

·to make a deep impression on予人很深的印象

·to make a fool of sb. 愚弄

·to make an excuse找借口

·to get into trouble 陷入困境

·to help sb out 帮某人摆脱困境

·to do some good deeds 做好事

·to offer help 提供帮助

·to insist on doing sth. 坚持要做某事

·to regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事

·to keep / prevent / stop sb from doing 阻止某人做某事

·to give one a lift给人搭便车

·to kill time消磨时间

·to keep in / to lose touch with保持/失去联络

·to be caught / to get stuck in a traffic jam遇到交通阻塞

·to take the place of取代

·to spare no effort to do / to make every effort to do不遗余力

·to take the pains to do不辞辛劳

·to live in harmony 生活和谐

·to take regular exercise 有规律的运动

·to have proper diet 合理的饮食

·to have a sleepless night 彻夜未眠


·to·catch sight of … 看见

·to see / hear sb do (doing) 看到 / 听到某人(正在)做…

·to take notice of … 注意到

·to take…into consideration / account考虑到

·to have a good understanding of … 对…很了解

·to consider / regard … to be … 认为

·to come to know…开始了解到

·to realize that … 意识到

·to be filled with joy充满喜悦

·be tired of 厌烦

·to be delighted / to take delight / to take a pleasure in doing… 以…为乐 ·to be worried / upset / concerned about…对…担忧

·to feel excited about…对…感到兴奋

·to feel surprised /shocked / astonished at …对…感到吃惊/震惊
